The GOP Congressional Overreach will Soon Begin

How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.

Nice non-response to my questions.

A minimum wage worker at $7 an hour suddenly gets all motivated at $10 an hour??? Really???

Pay raises can be vital to a Worker's performance and productivity. And Corporations have become despicably stingy. So yes, at $10 an hour you will likely have a more motivated productive worker.
Depends on the worker no? In my experience people who are given something for no effort, usually don't appreciate the thing.

Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. Corporations are disgustingly stingy at this point. They're not handing our pay raises very often. And when they do, they're embarrassingly minuscule increases. It's pretty sad. They've removed the incentive aspect. Better-compensated workers are better workers for the most part.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.

Nice non-response to my questions.

A minimum wage worker at $7 an hour suddenly gets all motivated at $10 an hour??? Really???
I have you two separate responses.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.
No it won't. You are omitting the fact that businesses are competitive. You pay a guy $4/hr and he can't eat so he leaves and works for your competitor for a decent wage.

If the job requires any skill at all the tightwad will have a massive turnover and training problem with lots of unhappy customers. People want a good price but will quickly flee from the lower priced product or service once they realize it's crap.

Businesses don't "compete," they collude.
because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.

Nice non-response to my questions.

A minimum wage worker at $7 an hour suddenly gets all motivated at $10 an hour??? Really???
I have you two separate responses.

Is that even English?
ole Jimmy must be sitting back patting himself on the back

He got shit stirred up for the Democrat party and it's only been ONE WEEK. We can't have any PEACE from this party. constant turmoil, smears, ugly nasty BS
Businesses don't "compete," they collude.
I'm close to being in business for three decades. How about you? I'm guessing ZERO.

Relevance to the point? ZERO

I was raised by small businesspeople: fed, clothed, and sheltered by the labor my father took a small business loan out every winter to see to it that those who did so much for MY family could do the same for their own. It's a little something called reciprocity, something that died with my father's generation. You would never understand my admiration for my father, and never comprehend the disgust I hold for people like you.
What do you think a fair & decent wage is? Just curious.
What the market will bear. A rising economy moves the bar up.
That hasn't been proven to be the case. Wages have been steadily decreasing for years. So decide on a number. What do you think an average American can survive on? I'm just curious.
I'm curious why you need somebody else to explain what everybody else needs to life on? What living conditions would you allow them to have?

The job market sucks, just go online and take a look instead of progressive op-ed sites.
Businesses don't "compete," they collude.
I'm close to being in business for three decades. How about you? I'm guessing ZERO.
Relevance to the point? ZERO

I was raised by small businesspeople: fed, clothed, and sheltered by the labor my father took a small business loan out every winter to see to it that those who did so much for MY family could do the same for their own. It's a little something called reciprocity, something that died with my father's generation. You would never understand my admiration for my father, and never comprehend the disgust I hold for people like you.
The relevance was 100%. The fact that you speak about shit you know nothing about is the problem. Being a dependent doesn't qualify nor do your wild emotions mean anything to me.
Businesses don't "compete," they collude.
I'm close to being in business for three decades. How about you? I'm guessing ZERO.
Relevance to the point? ZERO

I was raised by small businesspeople: fed, clothed, and sheltered by the labor my father took a small business loan out every winter to see to it that those who did so much for MY family could do the same for their own. It's a little something called reciprocity, something that died with my father's generation. You would never understand my admiration for my father, and never comprehend the disgust I hold for people like you.
The relevance was 100%. The fact that you speak about shit you know nothing about is the problem. Being a dependent doesn't qualify nor do your wild emotions mean anything to me.

I did their books, ass wipe. My mom is still living handsomely from the proceeds. You have ZERO relevance to anything I have experienced. My emotions have nothing to do with what I've contributed to the conversation, although my take on your contribution, based on first hand experience, is that you're talking out your ass.
SO when Republicans get elected they need to go along with Democrats otherwise it's over reach.
When Democrats get elected they are carrying out hte will of the people because they have a mandate.
Very convenient.
The truth is the GOP is going to roll over the Democrats and show them how adults get things done.

Really? You are as clueless as some of the leaders in the GOP. I will admit that both sides overreach when given the chance. the Dems have done it and the Reps have done it. But don't you think that sooner or later one of the parties would learn? The GOP has the most to lose here. The number coming to the voting booth are not in their favor in the future.

In other words...white people are becoming a minority.

Democrats have become a threat to this country like no time before in our history. The GOP was sent to cut spending and instead increased spending. Which is more of an overreach?

They need to DEFUND Obama and all these government Agencies who now thinks they are a government themselves and can write laws and regulations on their own
Call your Representatives folks

Yeah, that will get it done! :banana2:
It depends. If the gop can paint Obama's veto as a refusal to compromise, it'll hurt Hill. Whackadoodle stuff, like privatizing medicare or Soc Sec, which the gop rountinely gets politically smacked for falling into, will not accomplish that. However, we have an opportunity to fix corp taxes and some aspects of Obamacare. The fact that Boehner apparently lacks the stones to pass immigration reform is ... disappointing, and I expect Obama will hit the gop over the head with it.
Dont they understand that its higher taxes, massive wealth distribution by civil servants, and social "justice" programs that the middle class needs...
It depends. If the gop can paint Obama's veto as a refusal to compromise, it'll hurt Hill. Whackadoodle stuff, like privatizing medicare or Soc Sec, which the gop rountinely gets politically smacked for falling into, will not accomplish that. However, we have an opportunity to fix corp taxes and some aspects of Obamacare. The fact that Boehner apparently lacks the stones to pass immigration reform is ... disappointing, and I expect Obama will hit the gop over the head with it.

The stones?

No, the stupidity.

Anyone who passes immigration reform is an idiot. Instead, pass a law that no government agency can provide any means of support for illegals in any shape or form. No medical treatment, no driver's licenses. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Then go after anyone who knowingly hires an illegal. All job applicants must be screened through a government database. All illegals that have children in the states will have to file for a visa and their children will no longer be considered citizens.

That is true immigration reform.
Businesses don't "compete," they collude.
I'm close to being in business for three decades. How about you? I'm guessing ZERO.
Relevance to the point? ZERO

I was raised by small businesspeople: fed, clothed, and sheltered by the labor my father took a small business loan out every winter to see to it that those who did so much for MY family could do the same for their own. It's a little something called reciprocity, something that died with my father's generation. You would never understand my admiration for my father, and never comprehend the disgust I hold for people like you.
The relevance was 100%. The fact that you speak about shit you know nothing about is the problem. Being a dependent doesn't qualify nor do your wild emotions mean anything to me.

I did their books, ass wipe. My mom is still living handsomely from the proceeds. You have ZERO relevance to anything I have experienced. My emotions have nothing to do with what I've contributed to the conversation, although my take on your contribution, based on first hand experience, is that you're talking out your ass.
Poor Barb. Letting her ass do the talking.

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