The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?

I know more about this than you EVER will, dumbass.

Corporations are not people, and money is not speech.

Even a retarded ten year old can figure that out.
I know more about this than you EVER will, dumbass.

Corporations are not people, and money is not speech.

Even a retarded ten year old can figure that out.
Companies make rules that their employees have to follow. A condition of being employed there.
If your company makes a rule that you have to wear a mask...then you follow the rule. Or find another place to be employed.
You don't get a say.

What is it that you are unable to grasp here?
There's an abundance of evidence that masks prevented the spread of Covid.

There's even laypersons' evidence in the fact that any attempt to cover sneezing and coughing has prevented the spread of disease for as long as we've known the germ theory! LOL

I'm so sorry to be the only Canadian on this board with an interest in popping your bubbles.

fkn goofballs.
Why do independent clinical studies with randomized control groups contradict your claim?
Mask mandates are nothing but another attack on America and Americans by democrats.

Mask do the opposite of what Democrats say. People touch contaminated surfaces then touch their Mask.

If Mask were good for Americans, democrats would do all they could to ban them.

The democrat machine jumped on the pandemic and used it for the retaking of power and to groom the American people out of the free life we have historically enjoyed..... and into an authoritarian existence... the mask was a symbol of that.... a kind of brown shirt if you will....
When my wife got Covid, she was wearing an N-95 style mask. She was testing kids at a school and came down with it 3 days later.

Just curious....were they all vaccinated with the poison jab?
There's an abundance of evidence that masks prevented the spread of Covid.

There's even laypersons' evidence in the fact that any attempt to cover sneezing and coughing has prevented the spread of disease for as long as we've known the germ theory! LOL

I'm so sorry to be the only Canadian on this board with an interest in popping your bubbles.

fkn goofballs.


Still believes they just wanted to shut the country down for two weeks to flatten the curve!
Stop throwing around words you have no idea of the meaning of. You use them so much they no longer have any meaning to those of us who understand what the real definition of the word is.

Yes..they work. End of story.

Companies make rules that their employees have to follow. A condition of being employed there.
If your company makes a rule that you have to wear a mask...then you follow the rule. Or find another place to be employed.
You don't get a say.

What is it that you are unable to grasp here?
Way to move the goalposts, lying leftard.

You said RIGHTS, now you're talking about rules.

Do you not know the difference, leftard political ignoramus?
Mask mandates are nothing but another attack on America and Americans by democrats.

Mask do the opposite of what Democrats say. People touch contaminated surfaces then touch their Mask.

If Mask were good for Americans, democrats would do all they could to ban them.
The mask was the religious symbol for the left during 2020 - 2021, and they would call out / melt down if an individual was not wearing one. Many claim that the mask were effective in fighting the virus, yet independent clinical studies prove otherwise .. even the basics of wearing mask were commonly violated: wearing a mask multiple times, removing mask to eat, not washing hands, touching contaminated surfaces (e.g. credit card machine), etc.
Masks did nothing?

And, if they were only 20% effective, that is the percentage of of infections prevented by COVID.

MAny Asian countries have been wearing masks in public for years now. They were common among Asians in the Bay Area in the 1990's, long before COVID. In high population density areas they are probably still a good idea.
Masks are useless if you don't follow the basic protocols for wearing them ... and since these protocols were not effectively communicated to the public ... they didn't have the desired impact. Independent, clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of masks and it's what many already knew.
Masks are useless if you don't follow the basic protocols for wearing them ... and since these protocols were not effectively communicated to the public ... they didn't have the desired impact. Independent, clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of masks and it's what many already knew.
Ta-da! Now, how hard is this to understand?

The CDC was entirely DERELICT in its duty to educate the American public.

They said ZERO about the proper use of masks.

Even a LITTLE guidance would have been helpful. A 90 nm mask does you no good whatsoever if you have a 5 mm gap between the mask and your face.

Yet we see Joe Average, well meaning and concerned as he may be, get on the bus and yank a mask out of the container and slap it on his face, and then smile like everything's all right now.

COVID was a piss poor performance by the US government and it ought to scare the shit out of anyone who's contemplating the next war.

Cause we're going to LOSE with leadership like that.

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