The GOP Congressional Overreach will Soon Begin

a person's labor adds value to a product or service. increasing the cost of the labor requires either an increase in the cost of the good or service, or savings somewhere else.

Naturally increasing higher wages, be it from increased skills in the labor force, or productivity gains improve the economy, artificial ones do not.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.


Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

Businesses generally punish bad workers by firing them. So nothing's changed there. However, how Businesses treat their good productive workers has changed immensely. Pay raises just aren't happening as much. And when they do, their embarrassingly minuscule increases. The incentive to be a good productive worker has been just about eliminated.

So People need to quit bitching about 'Poor Service' at Walmart and so on. The workers are treated like shite. You're not gonna get 5-Star Service for 1-Star pay and costs. Americans are just too damn greedy. That's it in a nutshell.
a person's labor adds value to a product or service. increasing the cost of the labor requires either an increase in the cost of the good or service, or savings somewhere else.

Naturally increasing higher wages, be it from increased skills in the labor force, or productivity gains improve the economy, artificial ones do not.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.


Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.


Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

Businesses generally punish bad workers by firing them. So nothing's changed there. However, how Businesses treat their good productive workers has changed immensely. Pay raises just aren't happening as much. And when they do, their embarrassingly minuscule increases. So the incentive to be a good productive worker has been just about eliminated. That is all on Businesses.
That's because govco is taking all the wind out of their sails. Between the favorable treatment of international competition, h1b visas, illegal immigrants,... it's no wonder all but government workers are seeing their finances constricted. And both the democrats and the republicans just don't give a shit about the middle class. They have the middle class right where they want them... fighting each other over morality issues.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.


Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
At least be honest about the structural changes in the economy. It used to be that the economy had manufacturing jobs, especially in textiles, that created a product and allowed the less intelligent to find jobs that didn't require as much ability to earn more money than burger flipping. And not only the global economy and job flight, but there's the technical revolution. No one needs stuff like sales forms printed commercially. Secretary jobs disappeared.

That's not to argue that govt has some duty or role to provide liveable wages. But get off your fcking high horse about people not being as smart or wonderful as you are.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.


Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Dude for fuck sake, this "pull yourself up by your bootstraps/make wise choices" mentality is of course important, but nowadays it has become less and less relevant in terms of the economy. These are the facts that matter:

1) Since the recession, there has been a significant increase in low wage jobs and a significant decrease in decent wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS.

2) 10s of millions of people make less than 15/h. 16.5 million make less than 10.
We are not either, but your logic on this dictates that this is a viable solution to the issue. its your positions lack of reasonableness that is laid plain by this.

Inflation is CAUSED by making someone earn more than they are worth, can you not get that through your thick skull?

and as for the other stuff, boo fucking hoo. Poor life choices should not be funded out of my wallet.
There is no evidence inflation is affected by raising the wage. My god think about what you're saying. "More than they are worth". There is no objective measurement for what you are saying. You are talking about an abstract, subjective idea here when you say a worker's "worth". That means there is no way their "worth", whatever that even means, will negatively affect the economy.

The economy can only improve with higher wages be she of the boost to consumer spending. As long as the wage was gradually raised over a few years, the initial negative effect on the market would be insignificant.

a person's labor adds value to a product or service. increasing the cost of the labor requires either an increase in the cost of the good or service, or savings somewhere else.

Naturally increasing higher wages, be it from increased skills in the labor force, or productivity gains improve the economy, artificial ones do not.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.

I actually agree with you for the most part. The incentive to be a good productive worker has been steadily eroding for years. Pay increases are hard to come by these days. Corporations are despicably stingy, and one could even call them 'Evil,' The Workers see no point anymore. The incentives have been eliminated.

It's all about the Slave Labor now. American Businesses have finally gotten what they always wanted. They have now sufficiently driven wages down enough. They merely adopted China and others' Slave Labor practices. So now here we are. There's a whole lot of simmering frustration & anger out there. And one day the pot's gonna boil over.
I really think people who don't see this from our perspective simply lack the cognitive empathy. It doesn't affect them, therefore they don't see it as a problem.

I think too many of my Republican friends feel they're being 'Good Capitalists' by always defending the Corporations. I always criticize them for that. Sometimes you have to stand up for the Workers. Being a 'Good Capitalist' doesn't mean you have to be a Corporate Bootlicker.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.


Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.

Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Dude for fuck sake, this "pull yourself up by your bootstraps/make wise choices" mentality is of course important, but nowadays it has become less and less relevant in terms of the economy. These are the facts that matter:

1) Since the recession, there has been a significant increase in low wage jobs and a significant decrease in decent wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS.

2) 10s of millions of people make less than 15/h. 16.5 million make less than 10.
What did you think socialism was about? High paid jobs? ROFL
There is no evidence inflation is affected by raising the wage. My god think about what you're saying. "More than they are worth". There is no objective measurement for what you are saying. You are talking about an abstract, subjective idea here when you say a worker's "worth". That means there is no way their "worth", whatever that even means, will negatively affect the economy.

The economy can only improve with higher wages be she of the boost to consumer spending. As long as the wage was gradually raised over a few years, the initial negative effect on the market would be insignificant.

a person's labor adds value to a product or service. increasing the cost of the labor requires either an increase in the cost of the good or service, or savings somewhere else.

Naturally increasing higher wages, be it from increased skills in the labor force, or productivity gains improve the economy, artificial ones do not.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.

I actually agree with you for the most part. The incentive to be a good productive worker has been steadily eroding for years. Pay increases are hard to come by these days. Corporations are despicably stingy, and one could even call them 'Evil,' The Workers see no point anymore. The incentives have been eliminated.

It's all about the Slave Labor now. American Businesses have finally gotten what they always wanted. They have now sufficiently driven wages down enough. They merely adopted China and others' Slave Labor practices. So now here we are. There's a whole lot of simmering frustration & anger out there. And one day the pot's gonna boil over.
I really think people who don't see this from our perspective simply lack the cognitive empathy. It doesn't affect them, therefore they don't see it as a problem.

I think too many of my Republican friends feel they're being 'Good Capitalists' by always defending the Corporations. I always criticize them for that. Sometimes you have to stand up for the Workers. Being a 'Good Capitalist' doesn't mean you have to be a Corporate Bootlicker.
Yes if a person is a shitty worker, fire them. If they do their job well, give them a wage they can live off of.

Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.
Since when are you marxists about paying people to work harder? I thought the point was everyone gets the same minimum no matter how hard they work.
There is no evidence inflation is affected by raising the wage. My god think about what you're saying. "More than they are worth". There is no objective measurement for what you are saying. You are talking about an abstract, subjective idea here when you say a worker's "worth". That means there is no way their "worth", whatever that even means, will negatively affect the economy.

The economy can only improve with higher wages be she of the boost to consumer spending. As long as the wage was gradually raised over a few years, the initial negative effect on the market would be insignificant.

a person's labor adds value to a product or service. increasing the cost of the labor requires either an increase in the cost of the good or service, or savings somewhere else.

Naturally increasing higher wages, be it from increased skills in the labor force, or productivity gains improve the economy, artificial ones do not.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.

I actually agree with you for the most part. The incentive to be a good productive worker has been steadily eroding for years. Pay increases are hard to come by these days. Corporations are despicably stingy, and one could even call them 'Evil,' The Workers see no point anymore. The incentives have been eliminated.

It's all about the Slave Labor now. American Businesses have finally gotten what they always wanted. They have now sufficiently driven wages down enough. They merely adopted China and others' Slave Labor practices. So now here we are. There's a whole lot of simmering frustration & anger out there. And one day the pot's gonna boil over.
I really think people who don't see this from our perspective simply lack the cognitive empathy. It doesn't affect them, therefore they don't see it as a problem.

I think too many of my Republican friends feel they're being 'Good Capitalists' by always defending the Corporations. I always criticize them for that. Sometimes you have to stand up for the Workers. Being a 'Good Capitalist' doesn't mean you have to be a Corporate Bootlicker.

So you would be in favor o government getting to dictate how a corporation pays its people? Not just by setting a bare minimum, but my setting pay grades and maximums? by defining pay ratios?

Because if you want to go past complaining about corporations and actually doing something, that's your only mechanism.

Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Dude for fuck sake, this "pull yourself up by your bootstraps/make wise choices" mentality is of course important, but nowadays it has become less and less relevant in terms of the economy. These are the facts that matter:

1) Since the recession, there has been a significant increase in low wage jobs and a significant decrease in decent wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS.

2) 10s of millions of people make less than 15/h. 16.5 million make less than 10.

Yes, Corporations have become despicably stingy. Pay Raises are very few & far between these days. That's why I have to laugh at the wingnuts who constantly bitch about 'Poor Service' at lowly sweat-shops like Walmart. I mean they truly believe they're gonna get 5-Star Service for 1-Star Pay. Such greedy delusions. There is no such thing as a happy Slave.
a person's labor adds value to a product or service. increasing the cost of the labor requires either an increase in the cost of the good or service, or savings somewhere else.

Naturally increasing higher wages, be it from increased skills in the labor force, or productivity gains improve the economy, artificial ones do not.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.

I actually agree with you for the most part. The incentive to be a good productive worker has been steadily eroding for years. Pay increases are hard to come by these days. Corporations are despicably stingy, and one could even call them 'Evil,' The Workers see no point anymore. The incentives have been eliminated.

It's all about the Slave Labor now. American Businesses have finally gotten what they always wanted. They have now sufficiently driven wages down enough. They merely adopted China and others' Slave Labor practices. So now here we are. There's a whole lot of simmering frustration & anger out there. And one day the pot's gonna boil over.
I really think people who don't see this from our perspective simply lack the cognitive empathy. It doesn't affect them, therefore they don't see it as a problem.

I think too many of my Republican friends feel they're being 'Good Capitalists' by always defending the Corporations. I always criticize them for that. Sometimes you have to stand up for the Workers. Being a 'Good Capitalist' doesn't mean you have to be a Corporate Bootlicker.
Yes if a person is a shitty worker, fire them. If they do their job well, give them a wage they can live off of.

Again, Unions are currently designed to stop that at any costs.
a person's labor adds value to a product or service. increasing the cost of the labor requires either an increase in the cost of the good or service, or savings somewhere else.

Naturally increasing higher wages, be it from increased skills in the labor force, or productivity gains improve the economy, artificial ones do not.
Look I agree a person's labor adds to the value of product and services but I fail to see why that justifies keeping wages as they are now. If a person is a shitty worker they get fired like always. As long as a person is doing their job well, they deserve a wage they can live off of.

I actually agree with you for the most part. The incentive to be a good productive worker has been steadily eroding for years. Pay increases are hard to come by these days. Corporations are despicably stingy, and one could even call them 'Evil,' The Workers see no point anymore. The incentives have been eliminated.

It's all about the Slave Labor now. American Businesses have finally gotten what they always wanted. They have now sufficiently driven wages down enough. They merely adopted China and others' Slave Labor practices. So now here we are. There's a whole lot of simmering frustration & anger out there. And one day the pot's gonna boil over.
I really think people who don't see this from our perspective simply lack the cognitive empathy. It doesn't affect them, therefore they don't see it as a problem.

I think too many of my Republican friends feel they're being 'Good Capitalists' by always defending the Corporations. I always criticize them for that. Sometimes you have to stand up for the Workers. Being a 'Good Capitalist' doesn't mean you have to be a Corporate Bootlicker.
Yes if a person is a shitty worker, fire them. If they do their job well, give them a wage they can live off of.
Oh is that how marxism works, everyone gets the same shitty pay and if they don't like it they get to go home and collect welfare. ROFL

Unions have been preventing shitty workers from being fired for decades, its their main purpose.

No one deserves anything when it comes to employment wages, you have to earn it, and what your earn has to add enough value to the product or service to make it viable.

Again with the entitlement mentality.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.

Nice non-response to my questions.

A minimum wage worker at $7 an hour suddenly gets all motivated at $10 an hour??? Really???
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.

Nice non-response to my questions.

A minimum wage worker at $7 an hour suddenly gets all motivated at $10 an hour??? Really???
Yeah especially if he gets that extra 3 bucks because his boss was forced to. ROFL
Some of these lefties and lefties-in-'libertarian'-clothing have clearly never seen how things work (or not) in Communist (or something close to it) countries.
If a worker is working as many hours a week they are allowed and are doing their job well, why wouldn't they deserve a liveable wage?

because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.

Nice non-response to my questions.

A minimum wage worker at $7 an hour suddenly gets all motivated at $10 an hour??? Really???

Pay raises can be vital to a Worker's performance and productivity. And Corporations have become despicably stingy. So yes, at $10 an hour you will likely have a more motivated productive worker.
because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.

Nice non-response to my questions.

A minimum wage worker at $7 an hour suddenly gets all motivated at $10 an hour??? Really???

Pay raises can be vital to a Worker's performance and productivity. And Corporations have become despicably stingy. So yes, at $10 an hour you will likely have a more motivated productive worker.

Or you replace the $7 an hour worker with one worth $10 an hour.
because what they are doing does not add enough value to the product or service provided to justify it. and of all the terms "livable wage" is the fuzziest of them all.
How does it not justify it? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're talking about borderline slavery here dude.

And no, it is far from fuzzy. It based off tangible ideas like inflation, cost of living rates, and prices of goods and services.

so we force a person to work at McDonalds? We force them to screw up their life in such a way that a low paying job is the only thing available?

If a person is paid more than the value they add to something, one of two things has to happen, either the price of that something goes up, negating any increase they get in wages, or the company has to cut something to make the something still viable. The outside option is the something isn't done anymore, and everyone loses their job.
Oh and people who are paid decently work harder than people who are paid shitty.

Nice non-response to my questions.

A minimum wage worker at $7 an hour suddenly gets all motivated at $10 an hour??? Really???

Pay raises can be vital to a Worker's performance and productivity. And Corporations have become despicably stingy. So yes, at $10 an hour you will likely have a more motivated productive worker.
Depends on the worker no? In my experience people who are given something for no effort, usually don't appreciate the thing.

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