The GOP Congressional Overreach will Soon Begin

So 7.25 is too high huh? We should allow states to pay 2.00/hour so long as republicans are in power?
The feds shouldn't be allowing anything, period. That was the point. I know liberals that would happily pay their employees $2/hr. You live in Fantasyland.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.
Man oh man, the elections haven't even been a week and they are already being accused of, overreaching. Believe the NYslimes at your own peril

Jim you are a good little tool for the Democrat party


Poll: Americans Want Republicans to Set The Agenda, Not Obama
Matt Vespa|Nov 11, 2014

  • 121SHARES

As Katie notedlast week, President Obama gave little indication that he’s going to alter course regarding his agenda that sunk his party in the 2014 midterms.
"To everyone who voted I want you to know I hear you, to the two thirds of Americans chose not to participate, I hear you too,” said Obama in a less than subtle dig at Republicans by telling the they have no mandate.
As Dan wroteearlier this week, there was low voter turnout during this cycle–and it’s being used by liberals to diminish the impact of this Republican wave; a wave that led to Democrats losing the Senate, failing to retake the House, and losing governorships in deep blue states.
Right now, the GOP has not controlled this many state legislatures since 1920. Nearly 50 percentof the population lives in states where the GOP controls the state legislature and the executive.
So, how do folks feel about this new Red America? According to Gallup, 53 percent want the GOP Congress to have more influence than Obama:
Man oh man, the elections haven't even been a week and they are already being accused of, overreaching. Believe the NYslimes at your own peril

Jim you are a good little tool for the Democrat party


Poll: Americans Want Republicans to Set The Agenda, Not Obama
Matt Vespa|Nov 11, 2014

  • 121SHARES

As Katie notedlast week, President Obama gave little indication that he’s going to alter course regarding his agenda that sunk his party in the 2014 midterms.
"To everyone who voted I want you to know I hear you, to the two thirds of Americans chose not to participate, I hear you too,” said Obama in a less than subtle dig at Republicans by telling the they have no mandate.
As Dan wroteearlier this week, there was low voter turnout during this cycle–and it’s being used by liberals to diminish the impact of this Republican wave; a wave that led to Democrats losing the Senate, failing to retake the House, and losing governorships in deep blue states.
Right now, the GOP has not controlled this many state legislatures since 1920. Nearly 50 percentof the population lives in states where the GOP controls the state legislature and the executive.
So, how do folks feel about this new Red America? According to Gallup, 53 percent want the GOP Congress to have more influence than Obama:

Following the midterm election that some have termed a Republican wave, the majority of Americans want the Republicans in Congress -- rather than President Barack Obama -- to have more influence over the direction the country takes in the coming year. This is a switch from early 2012 when a slim plurality, 46%, wanted Obama to prevail in steering the nation.
Republicans' 17-percentage-point edge over Obama on this measure exceeds what they earned after the 2010 midterm, when Americans favored Republicans by an eight-point margin (49% to 41%). It also eclipses the nine-point advantage Republicans had over Bill Clinton following the 1994 midterm in which Republicans captured the majority of both houses.

The midterm election provided a clear signal as to which party voters want to control Congress. That message is echoed in the results of the latest Gallup poll showing Americans expressly asking for the Republicans -- rather than Obama -- to guide the direction the country takes in the next year. But, after four years of partisan gridlock, most Americans are not optimistic that the election's outcome will improve things.
ALL of it here:
Poll Americans Want Republicans to Set The Agenda Not Obama - Matt Vespa

According to Gallup, 53 percent want the GOP Congress to have more influence than Obama:

Let's wait and take this poll after the GOP shuts down the federal government...again.

another person with the inability to properly use the quote function.

So 7.25 is too high huh? We should allow states to pay 2.00/hour so long as republicans are in power?
The feds shouldn't be allowing anything, period. That was the point. I know liberals that would happily pay their employees $2/hr. You live in Fantasyland.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.

If your labor is only worth $4 to $5 in value, why should you be paid $15?

Yup, they didn't learn, did they. They still want to reward the 1% rather than support the middle class. The old and failed RR trickle down theory will once again doom them in 2016.

REALLY? :eusa_doh:
Well the truth is anyone not in the 1% who vote republican are complete morons.

I would not be so quick to blame Republicans when most of the jobs are part time because of the new Health Care Bill.
The Companies that hire the middle class will still keep doing part time jobs until the bill goes into full effect in 2017.
This is a big mistake to put this on hold for so long.
Companies need stability which they don't have right now, in order for them to hire full time workers.
75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy Obamacare Concerns
So 7.25 is too high huh? We should allow states to pay 2.00/hour so long as republicans are in power?
The feds shouldn't be allowing anything, period. That was the point. I know liberals that would happily pay their employees $2/hr. You live in Fantasyland.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.

If your labor is only worth $4 to $5 in value, why should you be paid $15?
Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.

I'm not even deciding worth. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. Due to inflation, the last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the 1960s. Rasing the wage is about the nature of how income has evolved economically in this country.
SO when Republicans get elected they need to go along with Democrats otherwise it's over reach.
When Democrats get elected they are carrying out hte will of the people because they have a mandate.
Very convenient.
The truth is the GOP is going to roll over the Democrats and show them how adults get things done.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.
No it won't. You are omitting the fact that businesses are competitive. You pay a guy $4/hr and he can't eat so he leaves and works for your competitor for a decent wage.

If the job requires any skill at all the tightwad will have a massive turnover and training problem with lots of unhappy customers. People want a good price but will quickly flee from the lower priced product or service once they realize it's crap.
[QUOTE="Billy000, post: 10152730, member: 33739". Rasing the wage is about the nature of how income has evolved economically in this country.[/QUOTE]
I wanted to quote this alone to show what fuzziness and muddle heads liberals are. This means exactly nothing. Income does not evolve. Income does not evolve economically or any other way. It is a total crap sentence thrown out by someone in high school who cannot think coherently, thus cannot write coherently.
Here's some OVERreach for you all: But funny the NYslimes or the OP doesn't seem to think so. It's ok with them that Democrats goes around calling all you people in the country STUPID

Obamacare Architect Regrets Calling Americans “Stupid”…Only Because He Got Caught…

Sure you do…
Via Daily Caller:
Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said Tuesday that he regrets saying that aspects of Obamacare needed to be concealed from the public due to the “stupidity of the American voter.”
“Do you stand by the comments in that video?,” MSNBC host Ronan Farrow asked Gruber, referring to a video of Gruber explaining how a lack of transparency helped Obamacare pass into law. (RELATED: Gruber: Lack of Transparency Was Key Because ‘Stupidity of the American Voter’ Would Have Killed Obamacare).
“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”
Keep Reading

all of it here:
Obamacare Architect Regrets Calling Americans 8220 Stupid 8221 8230 Only Because He Got Caught 8230 Weasel Zippers
So 7.25 is too high huh? We should allow states to pay 2.00/hour so long as republicans are in power?
The feds shouldn't be allowing anything, period. That was the point. I know liberals that would happily pay their employees $2/hr. You live in Fantasyland.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.

If your labor is only worth $4 to $5 in value, why should you be paid $15?
Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.

I'm not even deciding worth. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. Due to inflation, the last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the 1960s. Rasing the wage is about the nature of how income has evolved economically in this country.

Worth is decided by value. If the government has to force you to pay someone more than they are worth, it leads to either products or services costing more than they are actually worth, or the product or service being discontinued due to non viability at the offered cost.

Economics 101 billybutt.
Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.
That's not true. If you started a business would that be your only concern? Profit is paramount since you fail otherwise but maximizing profit is a short gain solution. You will be undercut or your product/service will suffer, and so will you.

Yup, they didn't learn, did they. They still want to reward the 1% rather than support the middle class. The old and failed RR trickle down theory will once again doom them in 2016.

REALLY? :eusa_doh:
Well the truth is anyone not in the 1% who vote republican are complete morons.

I would not be so quick to blame Republicans when most of the jobs are part time because of the new Health Care Bill.
The Companies that hire the middle class will still keep doing part time jobs until the bill goes into full effect in 2017.
This is a big mistake to put this on hold for so long.
Companies need stability which they don't have right now, in order for them to hire full time workers.
75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy Obamacare Concerns
The effect ObamaCare has on businesses is based on anxiety, not actual numbers. It is worth noting, I'll give you that, but what matters is exactly what will come for business cost.
SO when Republicans get elected they need to go along with Democrats otherwise it's over reach.
When Democrats get elected they are carrying out hte will of the people because they have a mandate.
Very convenient.
The truth is the GOP is going to roll over the Democrats and show them how adults get things done.

But of course, that's their standard games after they lose an election. Obama and Democrats can call Republicans, hostage takers, Terrorist, etc. but Republicans win and they are automatically REQUIRED to play nice with that HOSTIL party filled with nasty ass people

Yup, they didn't learn, did they. They still want to reward the 1% rather than support the middle class. The old and failed RR trickle down theory will once again doom them in 2016.

REALLY? :eusa_doh:

Obama is setting the stage for the demise of Democrats by refusing to be pragmatic. His Obamacare law is, by the full admission of the authors, based on fraud. He continues to infringe on constitutional rights granted by our forefathers, he still intends on invading our privacy through the internet, and his lack of decorum at meetings of world leaders by chewing gum is appalling. I know chewing gum at funerals and taking selfies is cool to some, but he never has learned that they are a breech in protocol to many world leaders. They feel they're dealing with some asshole that never grew up. Leave the GD gum at home.

Obama won't be impeached because he assures that Democrats will lose the Whitehouse in 2016.

Yup, they didn't learn, did they. They still want to reward the 1% rather than support the middle class. The old and failed RR trickle down theory will once again doom them in 2016.

REALLY? :eusa_doh:
Well the truth is anyone not in the 1% who vote republican are complete morons.

I would not be so quick to blame Republicans when most of the jobs are part time because of the new Health Care Bill.
The Companies that hire the middle class will still keep doing part time jobs until the bill goes into full effect in 2017.
This is a big mistake to put this on hold for so long.
Companies need stability which they don't have right now, in order for them to hire full time workers.
75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy Obamacare Concerns
The effect ObamaCare has on businesses is based on anxiety, not actual numbers. It is worth noting, I'll give you that, but what matters is exactly what will come for business cost.
That's a cinch. Costs will increase to the point that businesses will dump workers on the exchanges and just pay the penalty.
Remind me how Obamacare was supposed to deliver universal coveragte.
So 7.25 is too high huh? We should allow states to pay 2.00/hour so long as republicans are in power?
The feds shouldn't be allowing anything, period. That was the point. I know liberals that would happily pay their employees $2/hr. You live in Fantasyland.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.

If your labor is only worth $4 to $5 in value, why should you be paid $15?
Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.

I'm not even deciding worth. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. Due to inflation, the last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the 1960s. Rasing the wage is about the nature of how income has evolved economically in this country.

Worth is decided by value. If the government has to force you to pay someone more than they are worth, it leads to either products or services costing more than they are actually worth, or the product or service being discontinued due to non viability at the offered cost.

Economics 101 billybutt.
Um okay who decides value? Businesses pay miminum wage so often not because of value of the employer, but because it is the easiest way to maximize profit. They pay it because they know they can.

Here's an economics lesson for you: if people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money on the market. That helps the economy in general.

Yup, they didn't learn, did they. They still want to reward the 1% rather than support the middle class. The old and failed RR trickle down theory will once again doom them in 2016.

REALLY? :eusa_doh:

Obama is setting the stage for the demise of Democrats by refusing to be pragmatic. His Obamacare law is, by the full admission of the authors, based on fraud. He continues to infringe on constitutional rights granted by our forefathers, he still intends on invading our privacy through the internet, and his lack of decorum at meetings of world leaders by chewing gum is appalling. I know chewing gum at funerals and taking selfies is cool to some, but he never has learned that they are a breech in protocol to many world leaders. They feel they're dealing with some asshole that never grew up. Leave the GD gum at home.

Obama won't be impeached because he assures that Democrats will lose the Whitehouse in 2016.

I hope you're right. the Democrat party need to die out of our lives and government. It hasn't been a week and we get crap like this thread from the Slimes and Democrats
The feds shouldn't be allowing anything, period. That was the point. I know liberals that would happily pay their employees $2/hr. You live in Fantasyland.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.

If your labor is only worth $4 to $5 in value, why should you be paid $15?
Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.

I'm not even deciding worth. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. Due to inflation, the last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the 1960s. Rasing the wage is about the nature of how income has evolved economically in this country.

Worth is decided by value. If the government has to force you to pay someone more than they are worth, it leads to either products or services costing more than they are actually worth, or the product or service being discontinued due to non viability at the offered cost.

Economics 101 billybutt.
Um okay who decides value? Businesses pay miminum wage so often not because of value of the employer, but because it is the easiest way to maximize profit. They pay it because they know they can.

Here's an economics lesson for you: if people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money on the market. That helps the economy in general.
hey Billy. It's funny watching you try to give an "economics lesson." Hell you couldnt spell economics without a spellchecker.
Businesses pay what they need to get the employee skill they require. Otherwise everyone in America would be working for min wage.

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