The GOP Congressional Overreach will Soon Begin

Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.
That's not true. If you started a business would that be your only concern? Profit is paramount since you fail otherwise but maximizing profit is a short gain solution. You will be undercut or your product/service will suffer, and so will you.
What difference does that make if so many people make such shitty wages? Millions of people just take what they can get nowadays. They have NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs and businesses know this.
The feds shouldn't be allowing anything, period. That was the point. I know liberals that would happily pay their employees $2/hr. You live in Fantasyland.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.

If your labor is only worth $4 to $5 in value, why should you be paid $15?
Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.

I'm not even deciding worth. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. Due to inflation, the last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the 1960s. Rasing the wage is about the nature of how income has evolved economically in this country.

Worth is decided by value. If the government has to force you to pay someone more than they are worth, it leads to either products or services costing more than they are actually worth, or the product or service being discontinued due to non viability at the offered cost.

Economics 101 billybutt.
Um okay who decides value? Businesses pay miminum wage so often not because of value of the employer, but because it is the easiest way to maximize profit. They pay it because they know they can.

Here's an economics lesson for you: if people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money on the market. That helps the economy in general.

The market decides value. If a job requires a certain amount of skill, the market sets the wage on that skill.

An engineering firm offering minimum wage would never be able to hire engineers. A construction company, even a non union one, offering minimum wage for carpentry, electrical, or plumbing work would not have any workers capable of doing the job.

And as for your last point, by that logic we should set the minimum wage to $50 an hour, oh wait, then a cup of coffee would cost $35 each.

Your logic requires that inflation and the cost of production does not exist.
Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.
That's not true. If you started a business would that be your only concern? Profit is paramount since you fail otherwise but maximizing profit is a short gain solution. You will be undercut or your product/service will suffer, and so will you.
What difference does that make if so many people make such shitty wages? Millions of people just take what they can get nowadays. They have NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs and businesses know this.
Because the demand for labor is low. Because the administration has done all it can to stifle job creation and expansion.
What about this is unclear to you?
SO when Republicans get elected they need to go along with Democrats otherwise it's over reach.
When Democrats get elected they are carrying out hte will of the people because they have a mandate.
Very convenient.
The truth is the GOP is going to roll over the Democrats and show them how adults get things done.

Really? You are as clueless as some of the leaders in the GOP. I will admit that both sides overreach when given the chance. the Dems have done it and the Reps have done it. But don't you think that sooner or later one of the parties would learn? The GOP has the most to lose here. The number coming to the voting booth are not in their favor in the future.

In other words...white people are becoming a minority.
SO when Republicans get elected they need to go along with Democrats otherwise it's over reach.
When Democrats get elected they are carrying out hte will of the people because they have a mandate.
Very convenient.
The truth is the GOP is going to roll over the Democrats and show them how adults get things done.

Really? You are as clueless as some of the leaders in the GOP. I will admit that both sides overreach when given the chance. the Dems have done it and the Reps have done it. But don't you think that sooner or later one of the parties would learn? The GOP has the most to lose here. The number coming to the voting booth are not in their favor in the future.

In other words...white people are becoming a minority.
Yeah you beat that meme good and the last election proved you wrong.

The GOP has a responsibility to the voters who sent them to Washington to roll back Obama's agenda and produce some policies that will get people back to work in this country. That is their job. It isnt over reach to do your job.
SO when Republicans get elected they need to go along with Democrats otherwise it's over reach.
When Democrats get elected they are carrying out hte will of the people because they have a mandate.
Very convenient.
The truth is the GOP is going to roll over the Democrats and show them how adults get things done.

Really? You are as clueless as some of the leaders in the GOP. I will admit that both sides overreach when given the chance. the Dems have done it and the Reps have done it. But don't you think that sooner or later one of the parties would learn? The GOP has the most to lose here. The number coming to the voting booth are not in their favor in the future.

In other words...white people are becoming a minority.

and you're becoming more hysterical with your stupid every day since you party fell out favor with the people in the country. wow
The unadulterated, undisputed, unequivocal KING, of OVER REACH, is obama and his PEN.

And THAT is why the dems got SLAUGHTERED a week ago in the polls.

When will THEY learn that AMERICA has REJECTED their agenda? Well, it certainly appears that it will take some of the more severely brain washed and indoctrinated progtards here longer than others.

In any case, we know that some progs are PAID to come and post their GARBAGE. It's how they make their living... and then paying their mommy $20 a week to live in her basement out of the dribble of money they get from some George Soros activist front for posting progtard propaganda on sites like this.
SO when Republicans get elected they need to go along with Democrats otherwise it's over reach.
When Democrats get elected they are carrying out hte will of the people because they have a mandate.
Very convenient.
The truth is the GOP is going to roll over the Democrats and show them how adults get things done.

Really? You are as clueless as some of the leaders in the GOP. I will admit that both sides overreach when given the chance. the Dems have done it and the Reps have done it. But don't you think that sooner or later one of the parties would learn? The GOP has the most to lose here. The number coming to the voting booth are not in their favor in the future.

In other words...white people are becoming a minority.

Democrats have become a threat to this country like no time before in our history. The GOP was sent to cut spending and instead increased spending. Which is more of an overreach?
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.

If your labor is only worth $4 to $5 in value, why should you be paid $15?
Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.

I'm not even deciding worth. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. Due to inflation, the last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the 1960s. Rasing the wage is about the nature of how income has evolved economically in this country.

Worth is decided by value. If the government has to force you to pay someone more than they are worth, it leads to either products or services costing more than they are actually worth, or the product or service being discontinued due to non viability at the offered cost.

Economics 101 billybutt.
Um okay who decides value? Businesses pay miminum wage so often not because of value of the employer, but because it is the easiest way to maximize profit. They pay it because they know they can.

Here's an economics lesson for you: if people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money on the market. That helps the economy in general.

The market decides value. If a job requires a certain amount of skill, the market sets the wage on that skill.

An engineering firm offering minimum wage would never be able to hire engineers. A construction company, even a non union one, offering minimum wage for carpentry, electrical, or plumbing work would not have any workers capable of doing the job.

And as for your last point, by that logic we should set the minimum wage to $50 an hour, oh wait, then a cup of coffee would cost $35 each.

Your logic requires that inflation and the cost of production does not exist.
The market decides value. What are you talking about? Where is this metric of yours revered by economists exactly?

Yes skilled people do get paid more and they should, but that hardly says much about the economy in general. Engineers and construction workers are paid well in part because of how profitable those businesses are.

If, due to inflation, people can't make a comfortable living under 15/h, that is what matters. 10s of millions of people make less than that. The average fast food worker is 29. People can't afford to go to school to learn new skills. That keeps them where they are. Skilled workers are becoming less and less prevalent in today's economy. To suggest laziness is the main reason for this is profound ignorance. What about all these children in families of working parents who lack proper nutrition and healthcare? Where's their choice in having a better life? If people are willing to work full time, shouldn't they be given a wage they can provide with?

You people are so dense. No one is suggesting we raise the wage to $50 an hour. You people reason like children over this issue. Obviously it shouldn't be higher than 15/h.
SO when Republicans get elected they need to go along with Democrats otherwise it's over reach.
When Democrats get elected they are carrying out hte will of the people because they have a mandate.
Very convenient.
The truth is the GOP is going to roll over the Democrats and show them how adults get things done.

Really? You are as clueless as some of the leaders in the GOP. I will admit that both sides overreach when given the chance. the Dems have done it and the Reps have done it. But don't you think that sooner or later one of the parties would learn? The GOP has the most to lose here. The number coming to the voting booth are not in their favor in the future.

In other words...white people are becoming a minority.

Democrats have become a threat to this country like no time before in our history. The GOP was sent to cut spending and instead increased spending. Which is more of an overreach?

They need to DEFUND Obama and all these government Agencies who now thinks they are a government themselves and can write laws and regulations on their own
Call your Representatives folks
What difference does that make if so many people make such shitty wages? Millions of people just take what they can get nowadays. They have NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs and businesses know this.

BS. People have and do get paid what the market will bear. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?
SO when Republicans get elected they need to go along with Democrats otherwise it's over reach.
When Democrats get elected they are carrying out hte will of the people because they have a mandate.
Very convenient.
The truth is the GOP is going to roll over the Democrats and show them how adults get things done.

Really? You are as clueless as some of the leaders in the GOP. I will admit that both sides overreach when given the chance. the Dems have done it and the Reps have done it. But don't you think that sooner or later one of the parties would learn? The GOP has the most to lose here. The number coming to the voting booth are not in their favor in the future.

In other words...white people are becoming a minority.

Democrats have become a threat to this country like no time before in our history. The GOP was sent to cut spending and instead increased spending. Which is more of an overreach?
Republicans' idea of stimulating the economy is cutting taxes for the wealthy and deregulation, which in reality, does very little to stimuluate growth in the lower classes. How do we know? Well job growth under Bush wouldn't have been so shitty and given how well the investment class is doing nowadays, we should be doing great but we aren't.

You want to grow the economy? Stimuluate the middle class. That is the key to fixing our economic woes. Republicans either know this and they don't care of they are too stupid to know it. Which is it?
Try to grasp this concept: Obama wants a higher minimum-wage. He wants to pay college and H.S. students $15/hour to flip burgers. Well, he doesn't want to pay it. He wants to force businesses to pay it. :deal:

Then he opens our borders, promising amnesty and the folks flood in looking for work. Businesses fire their college and H.S. student workers and replace them with illegals who are only here because Obama has a pen. They pay them $6 and have to worry about Obama using the IRS to take away their businesses. Now they have no choice but to either go fully automated, hire illegals, or sell their businesses.

Talking about overreach.:muahaha:
What difference does that make if so many people make such shitty wages? Millions of people just take what they can get nowadays. They have NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs and businesses know this.

BS. People have and do get paid what the market will bear. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?
Why are you so convinced the market can't bear it if the investment class is doing better now more than ever?
Try to grasp this concept: Obama wants a higher minimum-wage. He wants to pay college and H.S. students $15/hour to flip burgers. Well, he doesn't want to pay it. He wants to force businesses to pay it. :deal:

Then he opens our borders, promising amnesty and the folks flood in looking for work. Businesses fire their college and H.S. student workers and replace them with illegals who are only here because Obama has a pen. They pay them $6 and have to worry about Obama using the IRS to take away their businesses. Now they have no choice but to either go fully automated, hire illegals, or sell their businesses.

Talking about overreach.:muahaha:
You're profoundly ignorant. The average fast food worker is 29 years old.
Yes skilled people do get paid more and they should, but that hardly says much about the economy in general. Engineers and construction workers are paid well in part because of how profitable those businesses are.

So you DO understand supply and demand. Demand for those with skills is greater and they are paid accordingly. Those without skills are paid less. As gov't dictates a federal minimum for the least skilled, is it not logical they will also want to dictate a maximum for the most skilled? Do we really need federal involvement in our wage scale when states can do the job.
The feds shouldn't be allowing anything, period. That was the point. I know liberals that would happily pay their employees $2/hr. You live in Fantasyland.
But without a minimum wage, what is to stop ANY employer from paying their employees 2.00 an hour. I know you'll say "well the skilled, experienced workers won't get 2.00/h", but what if the employer's idea of "more" is 4 or 5? What the fuck is stopping employers from doing that? I don't give a shit if an employer is liberal or conservative. That is what will happen.

If your labor is only worth $4 to $5 in value, why should you be paid $15?
Who exactly decides worth? Businesses? Business' only concern is maximizing profit.

I'm not even deciding worth. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. Due to inflation, the last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the 1960s. Rasing the wage is about the nature of how income has evolved economically in this country.

Worth is decided by value. If the government has to force you to pay someone more than they are worth, it leads to either products or services costing more than they are actually worth, or the product or service being discontinued due to non viability at the offered cost.

Economics 101 billybutt.
Um okay who decides value? Businesses pay miminum wage so often not because of value of the employer, but because it is the easiest way to maximize profit. They pay it because they know they can.

Here's an economics lesson for you: if people have bigger paychecks, they spend more money on the market. That helps the economy in general.
The market decides the value of labor - not a 'who.' It is a function of scarcity and availability which is why you don't see wages keeping pace with productivity - that same productivity has led to a abundance of labor.
Yes skilled people do get paid more and they should, but that hardly says much about the economy in general. Engineers and construction workers are paid well in part because of how profitable those businesses are.

So you DO understand supply and demand. Demand for those with skills is greater and they are paid accordingly. Those without skills are paid less. As gov't dictates a federal minimum for the least skilled, is it not logical they will also want to dictate a maximum for the most skilled? Do we really need federal involvement in our wage scale when states can do the job.
Except that NO ONE is proposing a maximum now are they? That is what matters.
What difference does that make if so many people make such shitty wages? Millions of people just take what they can get nowadays. They have NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs and businesses know this.

BS. People have and do get paid what the market will bear. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?

Why are you so convinced the market can't bear it if the investment class is doing better now more than ever?

Who said the market can't bear it? The market for labor will always find it's balance. Do you not see what is happening to the oil market? There will always be lower pay for the unskilled and the skilled will always get more ... as they should. The market will simply ratchet up all wages (and prices) and the bottom will be right back where it started, albeit with inflated dollars, making $15/hr and paying $5 for a loaf of bread.

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