The GOP Congressional Overreach will Soon Begin

Compassion and Republican are antonyms.
Handouts to buy votes using money taken by force through wage garnishment, isn't compassion dumb ass.

It may well be that voting for those who promise to use the public trough to pay for votes - without regard for their competence - could transform our democracy into an ineptocracy. Perhaps it already has:

a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely or unwilling to sustain themselves or contribute are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
During a recession back around 1980 I worked for a company with approximately 50 employees. Sales were down so there was no point in hammering out the same quantity of product.

The owner figured out existing sales would keep things going if he laid off five people. He put it to the employees to vote on which five were to go. They hassled among themselves for several hours and finally came back with an idea:

How about everyone, boss included, taking a pay cut so nobody would get laid off? And that's what they did. Each week five people formerly working at assembling stuff were set to cleaning up the grounds, painting inside and out, even doing a little landscaping. Everybody hurt a little but nobody got snuffed.

Point is that it was the decision of the troops.

Now imagine that this board had to "lay off" twenty participants to stay in business. Would you volunteer to leave? Would you point fingers? Would anybody suggest that everyone agree to post maybe 5% less so everybody could stay?

Let the finger pointing begin!

Yup, they didn't learn, did they. They still want to reward the 1% rather than support the middle class. The old and failed RR trickle down theory will once again doom them in 2016.

REALLY? :eusa_doh:
This is a speculative opinion piece.
Those newly elected have not taken office yet and this columnist believes he already has it figured out.
And where is the "reward"?
Now, here's the fail in your premise. There has never been and never will be a shut down of the federal government.
Point one. 80% of the federal budget is mandatory spending.
Point two....In the case of these so called shut downs a few things happen than have little if any impact( as we saw a couple years ago) on the American people. The clocks kept running. The economy did not grind to a halt. The sun kept rising and setting on it's regular schedule and the sky did not fall.
Of course one very pissed off Obama actually had the fucking temerity to go on national tv and LIED to the American people when he said if Social Security checks may not go out and that the military personnel may not get paid.
Then he insults the Veterans by having people kicked out of memorial areas in DC. Ordered certain parks closed. And deliberately cancelled tours of the White House knowing full well there would be lots of kids who would and did miss out on their one chance to take the tour.
PIss off a democrat and tell them they cannot have something and they react be making it hurt the most people possible.
The petulance of the left is monumental.
During a recession back around 1980 I worked for a company with approximately 50 employees. Sales were down so there was no point in hammering out the same quantity of product.

The owner figured out existing sales would keep things going if he laid off five people. He put it to the employees to vote on which five were to go. They hassled among themselves for several hours and finally came back with an idea:

How about everyone, boss included, taking a pay cut so nobody would get laid off? And that's what they did. Each week five people formerly working at assembling stuff were set to cleaning up the grounds, painting inside and out, even doing a little landscaping. Everybody hurt a little but nobody got snuffed.

Point is that it was the decision of the troops.

Now imagine that this board had to "lay off" twenty participants to stay in business. Would you volunteer to leave? Would you point fingers? Would anybody suggest that everyone agree to post maybe 5% less so everybody could stay?

Let the finger pointing begin!
Incredibly, labor collectives are dead set against ANY notion of this.
It comes as no surprise labor unions are advancing the way of dinosaurs
I would say that, if they carry on the planned strategy, they will have proven to voters that they are incapable of governing by 2016. Refusing to consider a minimum wage increase, while at the same time seeking tax breaks for the Super Rich is not going to sit well with the average voter.
Wages differ all over the country, only a dope thinks a national minimum wage is a good idea. We've seen the results of your type of political hyperventilating and you learned nothing. Libs=stuck on stupid.
So 7.25 is too high huh? We should allow states to pay 2.00/hour so long as republicans are in power?
Straw man argument.
Increasing the min wage invariably results in the loss of min wage jobs.
They haven't even been sworn in yet...
Yep...And the OP is already looking for a rock under which to crawl because he believes the sky is about to fall.

No no is the GOP that cries the Sky is Falling! Remember:

"Death Panels!"
"Black People!"....wait, they ARE afraid of them.

Yes, the GOP loves to scare voters into oblivion!
I would say that, if they carry on the planned strategy, they will have proven to voters that they are incapable of governing by 2016. Refusing to consider a minimum wage increase, while at the same time seeking tax breaks for the Super Rich is not going to sit well with the average voter.
Wages differ all over the country, only a dope thinks a national minimum wage is a good idea. We've seen the results of your type of political hyperventilating and you learned nothing. Libs=stuck on stupid.
So 7.25 is too high huh? We should allow states to pay 2.00/hour so long as republicans are in power?
Straw man argument.
Increasing the min wage invariably results in the loss of min wage jobs.
According the CBO, the job loss would be miminal if raised to 10.10. The resulting wage increase would boost consumer spending and eventually create jobs.
Compassion and Republican are antonyms.
Handouts to buy votes using money taken by force through wage garnishment, isn't compassion dumb ass.

It may well be that voting for those who promise to use the public trough to pay for votes - without regard for their competence - could transform our democracy into an ineptocracy. Perhaps it already has:

a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely or unwilling to sustain themselves or contribute are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
That shoes fits this two party system of ours.
They haven't even been sworn in yet...
Yep...And the OP is already looking for a rock under which to crawl because he believes the sky is about to fall.

No no is the GOP that cries the Sky is Falling! Remember:

"Death Panels!"
"Black People!"....wait, they ARE afraid of them.

Yes, the GOP loves to scare voters into oblivion!
^ Dumb ass thinks there are no government death panels deciding who lives or dies, in the bill that includes "death panels" who will decide what procedures are covered and what procedures are not covered in government approved health care procedures.

^ Dumb ass thinks Ebola is a myth.

^ Dumb ass thinks the deficit is a myth.

^ Dumb ass racist POS liar thinks republicans are afraid of "Black People!"
Paying our Workers less and treating them worse, isn't a logical or moral way forward. It hurts all of us in the end.

Straw Man. Who is advocating paying workers less?

Far too many seem to be all for it. When you refuse to stand up and help, you're supporting it. You're part of the problem, not the solution. A better-compensated worker is a better worker for the most part. Treating our Workers better will benefit us all in the end.

There's neither a fact nor a lick of truth in your entire statement. Workers are paid based on the market for their skills and their PRODUCTIVITY, not because it makes the employer feel good - and again you repeat your empty Straw Man argument. So who is advocating for lower pay?
It may well be that better treatment (whatever that means) will benefit us all but it isn't your decision nor is it the business of our federal gov't.
Finally, my failure to advocate for what YOU want does not make me part of any problem (whatever your problem may be).

If you're not willing help, you are part of the problem. Pay the People a decent wage. Treat our fellow Americans better. We'll be a better Nation for it.

Give it up. They don't really care. As long as "They Got Theirs."

Yeah unfortunately, that does seem to be the sentiment of many Americans. It's very sad. There are no 'Happy Slaves.' American Workers have gotten the short-end of the stick for the last several decades. It's time to reverse that trend.
They haven't even been sworn in yet...

Republicans are terribly predictable in their strategic errors.

I would say that, if they carry on the planned strategy, they will have proven to voters that they are incapable of governing by 2016. Refusing to consider a minimum wage increase, while at the same time seeking tax breaks for the Super Rich is not going to sit well with the average voter.

Rather than reach across the aisle and try to work with Obama for two years, it sound like they will be sending up extreme bills that have no chance of being approved. The members of the GOP that will need to be reelected in Blue states may be revolting, rather than losing their seats in 2016.

Message to the GOP: "Prove that you can Govern and then MAYBE you can win the White House."
None of what you leftists want is good governance. The last election should have shown you that.
Paying our Workers less and treating them worse, isn't a logical or moral way forward. It hurts all of us in the end.

Straw Man. Who is advocating paying workers less?

Far too many seem to be all for it. When you refuse to stand up and help, you're supporting it. You're part of the problem, not the solution. A better-compensated worker is a better worker for the most part. Treating our Workers better will benefit us all in the end.

There's neither a fact nor a lick of truth in your entire statement. Workers are paid based on the market for their skills and their PRODUCTIVITY, not because it makes the employer feel good - and again you repeat your empty Straw Man argument. So who is advocating for lower pay?
It may well be that better treatment (whatever that means) will benefit us all but it isn't your decision nor is it the business of our federal gov't.
Finally, my failure to advocate for what YOU want does not make me part of any problem (whatever your problem may be).

If you're not willing help, you are part of the problem. Pay the People a decent wage. Treat our fellow Americans better. We'll be a better Nation for it.

I pay my people - as most businesses do - what the market dictates. Those whose skills or knowledge or dependability or productivity justify more get more. I'm not in biz to create jobs nor to make others lives better. That's their responsibility. I'm in it to provide a product people will buy and once the federal, state and local tax peeps get done with my profits...
So you are still dodging my question: who is advocating for lower pay?

Well, i won't say you personally are advocating lower pay. But i will say overall, Slave Labor has been the goal for most Corporations for many years. They've always wanted to adopt the Slave Labor practices of China, and others. So they are advocating lower wages. And sadly, they've achieved their goal for the most part. Wages continue to decline in our Country. And with this current President expected to open the Border floodgates, wages will continue to slide.
Straw Man. Who is advocating paying workers less?

Far too many seem to be all for it. When you refuse to stand up and help, you're supporting it. You're part of the problem, not the solution. A better-compensated worker is a better worker for the most part. Treating our Workers better will benefit us all in the end.

There's neither a fact nor a lick of truth in your entire statement. Workers are paid based on the market for their skills and their PRODUCTIVITY, not because it makes the employer feel good - and again you repeat your empty Straw Man argument. So who is advocating for lower pay?
It may well be that better treatment (whatever that means) will benefit us all but it isn't your decision nor is it the business of our federal gov't.
Finally, my failure to advocate for what YOU want does not make me part of any problem (whatever your problem may be).

If you're not willing help, you are part of the problem. Pay the People a decent wage. Treat our fellow Americans better. We'll be a better Nation for it.

Give it up. They don't really care. As long as "They Got Theirs."

Damn you leftists are stupid! I need you to stiffen your backbone, step up to the plate, and buy my businesses from me when I'm done with them. Sitting on your ass waiting for a handout or whining 'cause you got none doesn't do ANYBODY a bit of good.
BTW, once you do YOU can quit whining and overpay YOUR people to your heart's content. See how that works?

Well, i guess that's kinda what the argument is about. What do you consider 'over-paying?' Try to put a number on it.

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