The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

If you can find me a prez candidate that will stick it to the slimeball corporations, you have my vote. Those ill conceived bastards run the country. I have nothing but disdain for those who try to skirt the rules for the sake of making a buck, That should be a CAPITAL offense.
and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
Yep, they are all potential winners.

Constituent: I wouldn't vote for you if you were the last person in the world.
Candidate X: So you're saying I have a chance?

a majority of americans do not think HRC is trustworthy. She is candidate X in your silly what-if.
bullshit! why is you cons make grandiose false declarative statements when your idea of a majority is not even close to the real thing.?

check the polling on whether people think HRC is trustworthy and honest. What I said is correct.

She will lose to whoever the GOP runs, even the DNC power brokers know that and are desperately trying to find a way to keep her from running. If I was her, I would hire a food taster.

your assumption that all minorities will vote dem is based on ignorance, not reality. The minorities that you so covet are mostly fed up with being lied to by dems and treated like slaves.

But you are free to believe whatever bullshit makes you feel good. The truth is the obama, clinton, reid, and pelosi have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman for the next 20 or 30 years.

You libs had your chance and you blew it on the black guy.

Are you asserting that say at least the next four Presidential elections will all no go for the Democrats? I ask because that's 16 years by itself, and already well below 20-30 years?

I think there is a good possibility that no dem will be president in the next 4 elections, yes thats what I am saying.

Who do you have in the wings waiting for HRC to keel over? No one. All you have is old tired white people, and you claim to be the party of diversity, thats bullshit,.

I do agree that the Democrats currently have a very small bench, but that sort of thing can change rapidly. I'm curious, if someone offered to make you a straight $200 bet that at least one of the next four elected Presidents will be a Democrat, would you take it?

You keep asking for bets so here is my offer to you. $5000 that a republican wins in 2016. After that we can talk about the next 4 elections because the betting odds on that woul depend on who they pick for VP next year.

I think a Kasich/Rubio ticket would lock it in for 16 years. but thats just my opinion.

You made that offer earlier. I'm not that interested in that bet for five reasons 1) I'm primarily interested in getting people to make bets when their probabilities are unreasonable to the point where asking them to bet helps reveal whether or not they are actually believing the claim in question. In that context, a 50/50 beton that question isn't terribly interesting, because a claim that the chance of either side winning anywhere between 40-60 is reasonable. 2) People online are generally hard enough to get to pay bets even in a smaller size, actually paying in that range without major safeguards would be difficult. 3) My fiance really doesn't like me to bet large quantities 4) Honestly, I'd have some difficulty covering a bet of that size by itself if any other unexpected financial issues come up. 5) I only assign a 55% chance of the Democrats winning the nomination. . All of that said, if you want to make that bet for a smaller quantity, I'd be happy to discuss that.

I will however point out that if you do want to really put down a lot of money on this, the obvious thing to do is to put down some of the money as no to Hillary winning the Presidency on Predictit. If you are correct, you should be able to actually more than double your money that way.
The question you both have to ask yourselves is would you be nervous about the bet until the results are in? Then you arent sure of anything. I was sure al gore then Kerry would beat gw. I was sure a black man would never win. And Romney was sure he would win

I stopped reading at solyndera. Stupid idiot.

Of course you would stop reading. It must be embarrassing to you to know that Obama gave taxpayer's money to his campaign bundlers.

Solyndra is not exactly one of Obama's successes, is it? In fact it is a great example of his incompetence and corruption.

The stupid idiots are the people that voted for Obama, who is a scumbag.
If you can find me a prez candidate that will stick it to the slimeball corporations, you have my vote. Those ill conceived bastards run the country. I have nothing but disdain for those who try to skirt the rules for the sake of making a buck, That should be a CAPITAL offense.

how about one who would also stick it to the slime ball unions, the slime ball big pharma companies, and the slime ball radical muslims?
If you can find me a prez candidate that will stick it to the slimeball corporations, you have my vote. Those ill conceived bastards run the country. I have nothing but disdain for those who try to skirt the rules for the sake of making a buck, That should be a CAPITAL offense.

You mean like the Clintons that have been making big bucks off selling government influence? Isn't that "skirting the rules to make a buck"? Should that be a CAPITAL offense?

You know that your Boy Obama bailed out Wall Street corporations in addition to failing auto corporations, don't you? He has also given over $15 billion to environmental wacko corporations like Solyndra, who was run by his campaign bundlers. Did you make a mistake in voting for Obama?

By the way, corporations provide millions of jobs for Americans, pay about a trillion dollars in federal taxes and almost as much in State and local, provide needed goods and services and are big contributors to the community.

You are confused with your hatred of them. You may want to go see a psychiatrists.

The scumbags that are providing the most influence in government nowadays are the filthy greedy unions. They contribute about a billion dollars to the Democrats every election cycle. They own Obama's ass. If the Hildabeast collects her $2.5 billion that she says she will need then she will get a bunch of it from the filthy greedy unions. That is where you should be channeling your disdain.
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Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
Yep, they are all potential winners.

Constituent: I wouldn't vote for you if you were the last person in the world.
Candidate X: So you're saying I have a chance?

a majority of americans do not think HRC is trustworthy. She is candidate X in your silly what-if.

Hmmmm....they do not think she is trustworthy but they overwhelmingly prefer her to the best the GOP has to offer

What does that tell you?

Not really. The Dems have an ice cream store selling vanilla only. The Republicans are selling many flavors. The Dem store says that 100% of their customers eat vanilla ice cream whereas the Rep store has 10% eating chocolate, 15% strawberry, 12% butter brickle, etc. The truth is, the Rep are selling 100% as well. It's easy for Hillary to be called the "front runner" when she is the only candidate with a chance on the Dem side. Once the Rep side goes thru the primaries and comes down to a single candidate, then you can start comparing who the American people like best. It's kind of foolish and misleading at this point.
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
Yep, they are all potential winners.

Constituent: I wouldn't vote for you if you were the last person in the world.
Candidate X: So you're saying I have a chance?

a majority of americans do not think HRC is trustworthy. She is candidate X in your silly what-if.

Hmmmm....they do not think she is trustworthy but they overwhelmingly prefer her to the best the GOP has to offer

What does that tell you?

Not really. The Dems have an ice cream store selling vanilla only. The Republicans are selling many flavors. The Dem store says that 100% of their customers eat vanilla ice cream whereas the Rep store has 10% eating chocolate, 15% strawberry, 12% butter brickle, etc. The truth is, the Rep are selling 100% as well. It's easy for Hillary to be called the "front runner" when she is the only candidate with a chance on the Dem side. Once the Rep side goes thru the primaries and comes down to a single candidate, then you can start comparing who the American people like best. It's kind of foolish and misleading at this point.

true. but its all they have, they know that hillary is a terrible candidate, but they are stuck with her unless she comes down with some illness. If I was her, I would hire a food taster.
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
Yep, they are all potential winners.

Constituent: I wouldn't vote for you if you were the last person in the world.
Candidate X: So you're saying I have a chance?

a majority of americans do not think HRC is trustworthy. She is candidate X in your silly what-if.
bullshit! why is you cons make grandiose false declarative statements when your idea of a majority is not even close to the real thing.?
Yet you're too dumb to refute what's been said with evidence of your own. :0)

The Republican Party is a regional party that has no chance at winning the WH in 2016. Virtually non-existent in the Northeast.

Now, are you just going to sit there and whine about it, or do you have evidence that refutes it?.
nothing to refute I am AND was agreeing with you? !wtf!
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
Yep, they are all potential winners.

Constituent: I wouldn't vote for you if you were the last person in the world.
Candidate X: So you're saying I have a chance?

a majority of americans do not think HRC is trustworthy. She is candidate X in your silly what-if.
bullshit! why is you cons make grandiose false declarative statements when your idea of a majority is not even close to the real thing.?

check the polling on whether people think HRC is trustworthy and honest. What I said is correct.

She will lose to whoever the GOP runs, even the DNC power brokers know that and are desperately trying to find a way to keep her from running. If I was her, I would hire a food taster.
I do agree that the Democrats currently have a very small bench, but that sort of thing can change rapidly. I'm curious, if someone offered to make you a straight $200 bet that at least one of the next four elected Presidents will be a Democrat, would you take it?

You keep asking for bets so here is my offer to you. $5000 that a republican wins in 2016. After that we can talk about the next 4 elections because the betting odds on that woul depend on who they pick for VP next year.

I think a Kasich/Rubio ticket would lock it in for 16 years. but thats just my opinion.
I'll take that bet in a heartbeat.

But I know that you don't really want to bet .. which is why you made it $5000. :0)

Ok, I don't want you to miss a car payment, so make it easy on yourself $5.00.
I'm betting I've made a lot more money than you have. .. as in, a LOT more. :0)

we can compare portfolios if you want, but I assure you that mine exceeds yours by a very significant amount. in 2008 when everyone was selling, I bought, and it has paid off big time.
so you profited from misery conservative !
Just SAW GRAHAM'S declaration speech if he represents diversity ..then the word has no meaning

Now, now.......he's gay. Which candidate from the progressive party of diversity is gay?
that 's the point in the progressive party sexuality is irrelevant.
for the regressive party he and al the other "minorities" ARE THERE JUST TO further the myth of conservative acceptance ..
You keep asking for bets so here is my offer to you. $5000 that a republican wins in 2016. After that we can talk about the next 4 elections because the betting odds on that woul depend on who they pick for VP next year.

I think a Kasich/Rubio ticket would lock it in for 16 years. but thats just my opinion.
I'll take that bet in a heartbeat.

But I know that you don't really want to bet .. which is why you made it $5000. :0)

Ok, I don't want you to miss a car payment, so make it easy on yourself $5.00.
I'm betting I've made a lot more money than you have. .. as in, a LOT more. :0)

we can compare portfolios if you want, but I assure you that mine exceeds yours by a very significant amount. in 2008 when everyone was selling, I bought, and it has paid off big time.
so you profited from misery conservative !

This seems extremely unfair. Buying when a market is low is a perfectly normal and useful thing. Moreover, it is necessary for markets to function: First, if no one buys then then prices will drop even further and the people who are selling because they need to sell won't get the money they need. Second, if no one starts buying when the prices are low, the prices don't recover. Don't blame or criticize people for engaging in basic financial transactions.
Does this mean you estimate around a 1% chance of the Republicans winning?
I was being kind .

Ok. So some probability under 1%. Question then, would you be willing to make a bet where if the Democrats win the election you get $5 and if not, you pay $50? That's a 1-10 ratio which is already much better than the 1-100.

Ok. Now seriously proposing that bet then. Still interested?
Does this mean you estimate around a 1% chance of the Republicans winning?
I was being kind .

Ok. So some probability under 1%. Question then, would you be willing to make a bet where if the Democrats win the election you get $5 and if not, you pay $50? That's a 1-10 ratio which is already much better than the 1-100.

Ok. Now seriously proposing that bet then. Still interested?
don't do financial transaction over the internet....
Does this mean you estimate around a 1% chance of the Republicans winning?
I was being kind .

Ok. So some probability under 1%. Question then, would you be willing to make a bet where if the Democrats win the election you get $5 and if not, you pay $50? That's a 1-10 ratio which is already much better than the 1-100.

Ok. Now seriously proposing that bet then. Still interested?
don't do financial transaction over the internet....

Too bad. Bets are an excellent way of seeing how serious they are about claimed probabilities, and it is very easy to resolve them through Paypal which takes about 5 minutes to set up.
I was being kind .

Ok. So some probability under 1%. Question then, would you be willing to make a bet where if the Democrats win the election you get $5 and if not, you pay $50? That's a 1-10 ratio which is already much better than the 1-100.

Ok. Now seriously proposing that bet then. Still interested?
don't do financial transaction over the internet....

Too bad. Bets are an excellent way of seeing how serious they are about claimed probabilities, and it is very easy to resolve them through Paypal which takes about 5 minutes to set up.
why do I get the impression you think you are going to make a pile?
I'm fairly sure you'll bet against Hillary no matter what your politics are.

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