The GOP hates Obama so much, they are trying to endanger his children?

Well, that's it for tonight.

I loved spanking these white wingers. I'm optimistic they can learn if we are just patient. Keep telling them the truth and at some point, it will have to sink in. It's a dirty business, but someone has to do it.


yea you spanked everyone your last name Mitty?...
I'm still waiting for a link to any Republican at USMB referring to the obamas as "uppity".

As far as what "they" did to the Palin kids, How about the left's insistence that Trig was Bristol's son, not Sara's. Then there were lefty shill Letterman's rape comments, "One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game," Letterman said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter (14 year old Willow) was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."

Read more: David Letterman Slammed For Sex Jokes About Palin's Teen Daughter | Fox News
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More false outrage simply to divert people away from the stagnant economy and other major problems we face.

What stagnant economy?

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

14,578.54 52.38(0.36%) Mar 28

Dow hit another record.

So it's a good idea to allow a portion of Social Security to go into the stock market, right?


And it's interesting why you guys, who claim to be so liberatarian, want to shovel tax payer money into private interests..

why is it NONE of you on the right are concerned that the media expposed our first family to danger?????
why is it OK with you right wingers that the children of our president have been exposed to dnager by the media?

What's dnager? Is that the Venereal disease that has rotted your brain?

You're kidding right?

Oh're not.

Lets put up a reminder.

[ame=]Gabrielle Giffords, Sarah Palin connection - Photo of cross-hairs target not cool, warned Giffords - YouTube[/ame]
why is it OK with you right wingers that the children of our president have been exposed to dnager by the media?

What's dnager? Is that the Venereal disease that has rotted your brain?

You're kidding right?

Oh're not.

Lets put up a reminder.

[ame=]Gabrielle Giffords, Sarah Palin connection - Photo of cross-hairs target not cool, warned Giffords - YouTube[/ame]

Targets on a map have been used for years, but only when the GOP uses the metaphor does it mean something nefarious.



  • $target_maps.jpg
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why is it OK with you right wingers that the children of our president have been exposed to dnager by the media?

its not ok to fuck with anyone's kids.....its not their fault who their parents are or become....if later when they are old enough and they decide to stick their noses into the fray.....then they become fair game.....i dont think it was a good idea to send these girls out of the Country by themselves,especially in Mexico.....the President has made a few enemies in the last 4 years.....
why is it OK with you right wingers that the children of our president have been exposed to dnager by the media?

its not ok to fuck with anyone's kids.....its not their fault who their parents are or become....if later when they are old enough and they decide to stick their noses into the fray.....then they become fair game.....i dont think it was a good idea to send these girls out of the Country by themselves,especially in Mexico.....the President has made a few enemies in the last 4 years.....

Well, it wouldn't be your call, now would it? The girls will be well-protected, you can bet on that.
why is it OK with you right wingers that the children of our president have been exposed to dnager by the media?

its not ok to fuck with anyone's kids.....its not their fault who their parents are or become....if later when they are old enough and they decide to stick their noses into the fray.....then they become fair game.....i dont think it was a good idea to send these girls out of the Country by themselves,especially in Mexico.....the President has made a few enemies in the last 4 years.....

Well, it wouldn't be your call, now would it? The girls will be well-protected, you can bet on that.

yea im sure they will.....but maybe an International Terrorist who has lost a kid in a drone attack will just try and take out the whole place where they are staying.....or where ever they go..... and im sure the Cartel down there would help as well as a few corrupt Mexican officials...yea i know a conspiracy theory....
Republicans are always trying to find something comparable in their behaviour. Only a tiny few can never say, "Oh, that was wrong".

But when it comes to Obama, the racial component sends them over the top.

Being a hypocrite doesn't depend on your race.

The only reason the right mentions it at all is because he's constantly screwing us while he's partying his ass off.

Did you know that when he was a Senator Obama is on video saying "once you become president the vacations and free time are history"?
Of course they weren't "preteen" like nearly 12 year old Sasha. Malia will be 15 on July 4th. She is not "preteen".

Which of course begs the question what are a 12 and 15 year old doing going on Spring Break? I always thought that was reserved for the college crowd.
Now this also leads to the question who is paying for this trip?
We already know that the taxpayers are paying for at least the transportation and security aspect of the trip. So much for the budget cuts!
Of course they weren't "preteen" like nearly 12 year old Sasha. Malia will be 15 on July 4th. She is not "preteen".

Which of course begs the question what are a 12 and 15 year old doing going on Spring Break? I always thought that was reserved for the college crowd.
Now this also leads to the question who is paying for this trip?
We already know that the taxpayers are paying for at least the transportation and security aspect of the trip. So much for the budget cuts!

Yea, no other presidents did this stuff...:eek:
Sasha and Malia Obama are quietly vacationing at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas, Breitbart News has learned.
A source tipped Breitbart News off to the First Daughters’ spring vacation, which was not publicly announced or reported.

Exclusive: Sasha, Malia Obama Vacation at Bahamas' 'Atlantis' Resort

Breitbart Ignores Obama Daughters? Security By Publishing Vacation Location | The New Civil Rights Movement

So Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle — the same hack who “reported” for The Daily Caller the now shot-to-hell bogus story about Democratic Senator Bob Menendez supposedly having sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic — just published at Breitbart (because, Obama,) an “article” revealing the exact location of Sasha and Malia, President Obama’s daughters, because, Obama.


The right wing has attacked the presidents children for the school they go to, for having security. Even the NRA has attacked them publicly.

And now they publish these children's where-a-bouts just so they could put them in danger? What is it the right wing wants to happen to these two little girls?

Just when you think the right has gotten as despicable and they can be, they go a little lower.

GOP calls Obama Uppity

and other Republicans think Obama and his wife are "uppity".




Do any right wingers know a white politician who is "uppity"???? Where have they used "uppity" when describing a white politician?

You are an asshole. I notice you failed to quote this from your first link:

Social media, including Twitter and Facebook, have also carried reports of the First Daughters' presence at Atlantis. One person who is at the resort wrote: “Rumor confirmed: friends saw the first daughters with a gaggle of friends being escorted to the held elevator.”

Via Twitter, another person wrote: “Obama daughters at the same restaurant as the bahamas.”

I guess all those Twitters, social medias and Facebook people are rightwing, eh weanie? :cuckoo:

As for your uppity comment? Just how deep is the retard in you?

adjective Informal.
1. affecting an attitude of inflated self-esteem; haughty; snobbish.
2. rebelliously self-assertive; not inclined to be tractable or deferential.

Uppity | Define Uppity at

Self-important; arrogant.
uppish - arrogant - presumptuous - conceited - haughty

uppity - Google Search

Uppity means snobbish, arrogant, elitist, which is what Obama is. Weanie says "no, no! It is because he is black -- no other president has been called uppity!" You moron. One needs look no further than his actions and poses to see what a snoot he is. But please do continue blaming it on the color of his skin. Why do you hate people of color, weanie? :lol: You're such a tool.



Other politicians who are uppity: Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Newt Gingrich. Uppity snooty snoots the lot of them.

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