The GOP is the laughing stock of the world

Everyone I know Democrat or Republican agree that Obama had a shot at greatness but he pissed it away. Hillary is circling the drain. The dems are looking to replace her before it's too late. Can't wait to vote!
They probably know you're nuts. And he's far from done. The New BS GOP mindless dam of obstruction may break yet. The best social reform and fixing Booosh's messes is enough to make him Very Good already...

I told you it was YOU on the left/democrats who are the laughing stock. keep projecting though if it helps your nasty egos

Barack Hussein Obama, The Muslim President
By Obie Usategui -- Bio and Archives July 27, 2015

You know what? Not a day goes by where I am not appalled with what we have come to be as a nation—the once mighty superpower we once were—to be no more; now the laughing stock of many around the world, especially our adversaries.

As a matter of fact, I am utterly repulsed and unreservedly nauseated with all the headline news, op-eds, editorials, soundbites and tabloids of banner stories which continue to proliferate our airwaves, radio broadcasts and telecasts with serial threads of our nation’s undeterred road to Armageddon; to mankind’s inevitable demise under the ill-advised leadership of a black Muslim XXX by the name of Barack Hussein Obama. And…don’t anyone out there dare call the damn race card on me, as I am sick and tired of defending all of you white apologists who elected this egomaniac to the office of the president, not once but twice - shame on you all and damn you, too.

For a moment there I really thought I had seen it all, from Obama’s overt swap of five high-ranking Islamic Taliban fundamentalists for an alleged U.S. Army pot-head deserter, to the repulsive trade of three Cuban spies earlier convicted for espionage and conspiracy to commit murder acting as agents of a foreign government, unsuspectedly traded by the Obama administration for one U.S. contractor and an unknown Cuban working as American intelligence agent.

From Obama’s despicable photo-op on a golf cart at Martha’s Vineyard approximately eight minutes after pronouncing a highly manicured tele-prompted mourning speech over the death of just- beheaded American James Foley; to the administration’s heinous abandonment of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, and three other American heroes, defenselessly left to be brutally burned and murdered at the hands of radical Islamic animals while attacking the American diplomatic compound at Benghazi, Libya, on September 11th, 2012. I thought I had seen it all. All the while as our feeble-minded president perversely refuses to coin the terms ‘terrorists’ and ‘terrorism’, to describe this cadre of ruthless assassins.

ALL of it here:
Barack Hussein Obama The Muslim President

The above is from the Canada Free Press, a wing nut daily

From RationalWiki
"For a Canadian site, they seem to have an odd fetish for American nationalism. They peddle all the wingnuts' usual pseudosciences, such as creationism, global warming denial, and abstinence and abortion-related nonsense. Two of their environment "reporters" are lobbyist Steve Milloy and general crank Alan Caruba, a promoter of Robert W. Felix's brand of insanity as well his own. They also promote birtherism. CFP has also scrubbed a number of columns that apparently went too far even for them. After Tim Ball, one of their favorite sources for commentary on global warming, was sued for libel by two climatologists, they removed the offending material and took down a number of other columns he wrote. Judi McLeod, one of the founding editors, co-authored a brilliantly deranged column implicating a United Nations-backed global warming conspiracy, Harry Reid, and the mob as the perpetrators of 9/11, which was later scrubbed.[2]"

You right wingers are getting more and more obscure with your nut-daily regimen. The fact I have to google search this rag for 30 minutes to find out about it leaves me---impressed!

However, I gained another resource site to check you source creditability. So, I thank you
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.
I don't mind when idiots laugh. Makes tolerating them just a bit easier.
Only a fool thinks the world gives a shit about our inner politics squabbles
Breitbart is another New BS GOP joke. We have thousands of respectable scientific websites saying the facts.

You guys are behaving like an ugly mob majority. You viciously attack anyone who disagrees. That's not science. That's cult-like fanaticism.
What one Russian ice breaker did is not science. 2014 being the hottest year ever is. Etc etc etc etc. Breitbart lies like a rug.

Pot calling the kettle black.
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.
You mean your world Ted. Where all the bullshit is dried and stored. GFY.
Forgive me for not submitting to the great collective. Forgive me for standing up to tyranny. Forgive me for being an American.

Stand up to tyranny... Seriously. Lied to start a war, made a mess of it... Cost Hundreds of thousands of live and trillions of dollars.

Created a power vacmum which ISIS grew into. Lets make it clear, the day of 911 Al Queda and Muslim Extremeism was on its knees, they were weak in many countries. US(NeoCon) action in the Middle East only strentghened extreme Islam.

A simple reading of Northern Irealnd or Algiers conflict would have told you this would happen. Must wonder how Bush got a Degree in History.
I will point out that 11 pages in and none of the RWers have actually tried to state they made US more popular.

Why, because ye even know that GOP foriegn policy was and is a disaster.

The GOP has done more to expand Islamic extremism that any terrorist through there naive actions in the region.

not the "lied to start w war" thingy again!!

lol libs love showing off their failures

you've had 12 years leftard; to prove somebody lied

when does the war crimes trial start?
11 pages in and all we're doing is laughing at you because that's all you deserve leftard! ;)
good one obtuse moron
now explain Islamic barbarity 5 thousand miles away from the Middle East; in Nigeria, in the phillipines, in chechnya
It is incredible how the left just assumes their views are the popular view, and when not they whine like little girls.

Here's what Russia said about the US: Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Read more at Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

Feel the love???

These Muslims seem to be making fun of the President:

Here is another article, a bit dated, but nothing has changed much:

Obama is a laughing stock: Column

Both of them must be having a big laugh over the way things are going for Obama now. When I wrote last week on our bumbling Syria diplomacy, it seemed that things couldn't possibly go further downhill. Boy, was I wrong.

Last week, it seemed our only ally was France. But now the French are having second thoughts. Obama's efforts to get support at the G20 conference came to nothing. Even the pope is undercutting him.

If you don’t think we are the laughing stock of the world look at this parade in Germany.


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good one obtuse moron
now explain Islamic barbarity 5 thousand miles away from the Middle East; in Nigeria, in the phillipines, in chechnya

Here let me help you... Press reply before you answer... That is how the thread thing works...

As for the Islamic extremism spreading - thank yourselves for that...

While you think the main people fighting Islamic extremism is American, It is not and there were people who were fighting it before it became on US radar and have taken bigger casualties and bigger gains (before US showed up).

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