The GOP is the laughing stock of the world

11 pages in and all we're doing is laughing at you because that's all you deserve leftard! ;)

And still unrefuted...

All I have got is insults because that seems to be the only type of debating style ye have.

i'm here to help you continue making a fool of yourself

don't worry

Let help you.

You actually have to say I am wrong and show some evidence to back up your claim.

Global Public Opinion in the Bush Years 2001-2008 Pew Research Center

I alreay have shown you wrong

typical leftard; cries and whines like he thinks he can make the rules

wants a do-0ver
11 pages in and all we're doing is laughing at you because that's all you deserve leftard! ;)

And still unrefuted...

All I have got is insults because that seems to be the only type of debating style ye have.

i'm here to help you continue making a fool of yourself

don't worry

Let help you.

You actually have to say I am wrong and show some evidence to back up your claim.

Global Public Opinion in the Bush Years 2001-2008 Pew Research Center

What the hell was your point of the graph? That US favor ability had turned before Obama came into power? If so then you did well. BTW, got a source for the info?
It is incredible how the left just assumes their views are the popular view, and when not they whine like little girls.

Here's what Russia said about the US: Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Read more at Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

Feel the love???

These Muslims seem to be making fun of the President:

Here is another article, a bit dated, but nothing has changed much:

Obama is a laughing stock: Column

Both of them must be having a big laugh over the way things are going for Obama now. When I wrote last week on our bumbling Syria diplomacy, it seemed that things couldn't possibly go further downhill. Boy, was I wrong.

Last week, it seemed our only ally was France. But now the French are having second thoughts. Obama's efforts to get support at the G20 conference came to nothing. Even the pope is undercutting him.

If you don’t think we are the laughing stock of the world look at this parade in Germany.



I would start worrying when he says your a great guy and a fantastic country.

This is another example of why we are laughing at you:
You expect your enemies to give you compliments. Are you deranged.

Obama put Putin back in his place enough without making him desparate. The Ukraine will not be solved by US troops on the ground or air strikes from above. That is what the rebels want, Putin will puff his chest and put in troops too, I thinkthis might been what Vietnam looked like. You idiots can't see what Putin wants and what he is trying to do to get it.
Obama and EU just played chess against the Russians and won:
Putin manages to stabilize ruble but Russian economy still staggers - LA Times

Please stop being idiots falling for Putin's propaganda.
hundreds of thousands are dying in places they WERENT when bush was in office; while this loser Obama sycophant pretends Obama has been anything but inept
just like a brainwashed tool to make excuses for and declare phony victories for an inept clown
Garry Kasparov connects Ukraine massacre to Obama’s ...
Feb 19, 2014 · Garry Kasparov connects Ukraine massacre to Obama’s incompetence. Posted at 8:00 am on February 19, 2014 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments. Share on ...

Read your posts before you post. Garry Kasparov critizied Obama for not invading Syria.

A call which the International community said he called right, Syria was a mess and no place for US.
Netanyahu Says Obama Got Syria Right - Bloomberg View
You can keep posting articles until the cows come home but they are not debating...

Are you struggling to understand what a discussion is?

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