The GOP keeps slamming Biden over inflation, but it has no solutions to offer

Then don't read them, Karen.

Problem solved. You're welcome.
Hey stupid. I was responding in like kind to your asshole commentary. So, maybe follow your own advise. Hey! You could even leave the board. Nobody would mind.

Or, if you selfishly insist, you can stay. You’re worthless and boring but at least …. No. That’s pretty much it.
Hey stupid. I was responding in like kind to your asshole commentary. So, maybe follow your own advise. Hey! You could even leave the board. Nobody would mind.

Or, if you selfishly insist, you can stay. You’re worthless and boring but at least …. No. That’s pretty much it.

Wanna know what I think of you?

I don't. Sorry.
Here is some breaking news for you when one party controls the Presidency and both chambers of Congress they take full credit for anything good that happens and get full blame for everything bad that happens. Don't like it tough shit get over it it's the same when Republicans have full control as well.

Wanna know what I think of you?

I don't. Sorry.
Good. So shut the fuck up then.

Problem solved, you dopey bitch. 👍

Meanwhile, the silly thread topic is how Brandon is getting slammed over the horrendous inflation problem in his term. He’s the one at the helm. He has no solution but contributes to it with his brainlessness. And the dopey OP complains about the lack of solutions from the Party not in power?

Fucking stupid OP and a retarded thread. Worthy only of mockery. And you offer nothing of value here. Thus, your silly boring posts.

Sucks to be you. 😂🤣
More bitching about Republicans needing to solve problems Democrats caused. Typical. News flash for the usual suspects here. Dems have the House, Senate, and White House until the red wave in November. How about YOU DEMS come up with some solutions that even your own party members won’t reject?
Stop blaming Biden/Dems for inflation. It started w/the GOP. Reagan dropped the top income tax rate on the morbidly rich from 74% down to 27%, & cut corporate tax rates from 50% to functionally nothing.

You can't seriously be saying those things have caused inflation over the past 19 months. If you are, you aren't to be take seriously at all.
YEP......Demtards control everything right now. And its all the Republicans fault!!!!

LMAO damn you people are fucking stupid.
No it isn’t. The left has solutions, plans and an agenda. The Republican have “We’re with Trump”. Trump has no policies and no agenda. He rolls out of bed every morning and tries to have the opposition arrested. That’s his only agenda.
Solutions for what?

Border problem, what's their solution?
What plan do you have?

If we ARE truly a Nation, then why does Congress ALWAYS fight the sitting POTUS?
Both Sides.

This ^^^^ is why I despise ALL Politicians.

We are NOT fucked as a Nation because of the POTUS, we are FUCKED as a Nation because of Congress.
Why did the people in charge create it?
What plan do you have?

If we ARE truly a Nation, then why does Congress ALWAYS fight the sitting POTUS?
Both Sides.

This ^^^^ is why I despise ALL Politicians.

We are NOT fucked as a Nation because of the POTUS, we are FUCKED as a Nation because of Congress.
Our President is an old, white, corrupt, criminal, seditious, treadonous, self-enriching, racist, dementia-ravaged, incompetent, Constitition / Law / oath of offìce-violating geezer who needs cue cards to tell him when to walk, sit, and speak...

We. Are fucked because of Biden AND Democrats running Congress.
Inflation is currently complex and the GOP likes simple. Mencken: “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”

Supply is still very tight, particularly in the labor market where labor is very unreliable. Tight labor manifests itself in service sector, manufacturing sector, and transportation.

But yea… democrats.
Stop blaming Biden/Dems for inflation. It started w/the GOP. Reagan dropped the top income tax rate on the morbidly rich from 74% down to 27%, & cut corporate tax rates from 50% to functionally nothing.

Bringing down inflation starts with making the country energy independent again. That means encouraging fossil fuel production here like it was encouraged under Trump. Prices are up because energy costs are up. That's something that was deliberately done by the far left. If you're REALLY serious about tackling inflation then that's where you need to start! Joe and the Democrats won't do that though because they're ALL IN in the "Green New Deal"!

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