The GOP keeps slamming Biden over inflation, but it has no solutions to offer

You’re an idiot. Runaway inflation started under Carter. Reagan’s tax cuts actually made most people pay more taxes by removing almost all tax deductions. Nobody actually paid the published rates because there were so many defections. Buy a car- all the interest, taxes and fees were deductible. Have a credit card- all the interest was deductible. Take out a personal loan- all the interest was deductible. There were whole investments designed to lose money on paper to create tax deductions while still making profits of sorts.
The reason the republicans aren’t publicizing the solution to inflation is that it is for the Fed to steeply raise interest rates to cut the money supply and cool the economy.
We wouldn't HAVE to raise interest rates steeply if you liberals hadn't dumped TRILLIONS into an economy that was already short on supply but obviously was going to have pent up demand because of the nation coming out from under Covid lock downs! That was simply idiotic fiscal policy. College Freshman learn that in Macro Economics yet it seems to have taken all of you by surprise!
Bringing down inflation starts with making the country energy independent again. That means encouraging fossil fuel production here like it was encouraged under Trump. Prices are up because energy costs are up. That's something that was deliberately done by the far left. If you're REALLY serious about tackling inflation then that's where you need to start! Joe and the Democrats won't do that though because they're ALL IN in the "Green New Deal"!
Read about it
Educate yourself
Trump signed OPEC+ which decreased oil production

You understand that, right
Whatever reason or excuse you want to apply to why, it doesn’t matter

Are you denying that trump signed OPEC+
Read about it
Educate yourself
Trump signed OPEC+ which decreased oil production

You understand that, right
Whatever reason or excuse you want to apply to why, it doesn’t matter

Are you denying that trump signed OPEC+
Oh for God's sake! Are you really that clueless? Trump understood that there is a happy medium on the price of oil. When it goes too low then that is a problem. Trump responded to oil prices that were far too low. It's what you do when you understand economics. It's what you do when you have a clue. Compare THAT to what Joe Biden has done since he took office!
Read the Republican blue print for America, There will be things the hard right will like, But if your a senior you better read it ALL because its not so great for most of us.
After decades of Dems claiming Reps will cut Social Security, Dems cut Social Security with sky high inflation and their stupid shit policies. It's now predicted that Social Security recipients would need triple the expected COLA just to break even.
Oh for God's sake! Are you really that clueless? Trump understood that there is a happy medium on the price of oil. When it goes too low then that is a problem. Trump responded to oil prices that were far too low. It's what you do when you understand economics. It's what you do when you have a clue. Compare THAT to what Joe Biden has done since he took office!
So you don’t know about OPEC+
It was a 2 year agreement cutting production and you want to blame trumps deal on biden
Stop blaming Biden/Dems for inflation. It started w/the GOP. Reagan dropped the top income tax rate on the morbidly rich from 74% down to 27%, & cut corporate tax rates from 50% to functionally nothing.

Reagan, seriously? Inflation has been in the 2-3 percent range for a long time now and you want to blame 9.1% inflation on Reagan?
So you don’t know about OPEC+
It was a 2 year agreement cutting production and you want to blame trumps deal on biden
I know all about it, Winco. The point that I was making is that sometimes the price of oil gets so low that it's a bad thing for the industry. When that is happening the prudent thing to do is to lower production. There was an excess of oil because of Covid and people not consuming gas. So Trump worked with other oil producing countries to cut production.
The flip side of that however is knowing what's going to happen when you come out a Pandemic shutdown and demand explodes. Trump would have incentivized oil producers to up production...knowing that demand was going to be there. It's the kind of thing people who have run businesses grasp. Biden did the opposite. At the same time he was dumping Trillions in cash into the economy he was doing everything he could to knee cap the oil industry. That's a recipe for rampant inflation. Too much money chasing too few products. The kind of thing Freshmen in college learn in Econ 101.

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