The GOP only pretends to care about government spending. They are trying to give themselves 8k per year raises.

Lol you’re such a pussy. I hate to break it to you but these millionaires in congress you’re too much of a wuss to criticize don’t give a flying fuck about you.
Yep, I'm sure they only care about you. You idiots say the economy is doing so well, but you don't want to give anyone a raise. Or is it you just don't want to give a raise to republicans? And quit talking like a fricken 8-year-old.
Yep, I'm sure they only care about you. You idiots say the economy is doing so well, but you don't want to give anyone a raise. Or is it you just don't want to give a raise to republicans? And quit talking like a fricken 8-year-old.
Lol obviously they don’t give a fuck about me. I don’t pretend they do like you do. You’re too much of a cultist pawn. I mean my god, you’re actually defending these MILLIONAIRES getting more money with the public’s tax revenue. Could you be any more pathetic?
lol you just knee jerk argue with anything I say because you’re absolutely desperate. But I get it, you also knee jerk defend republicans.

Let me spell out the obvious for you: those republicans publicly whine about needing cuts to government spending but also want to enrich themselves with government spending.

I hate to break it to you but they don’t give a flying fuck about tou.
also want to enrich themselves with government spending......I hate to break it to you but they don’t give a flying fuck about tou.

like your party is any different?....
Is anyone still actually under the impression they care about “fiscal responsibility”?

Oh and some of the programs they are trying to cut otherwise benefit the poor and middle class.

Lol god just stop you’re embarrassing yourself
We are being told the House GOP is great since taking power in January. It seems same old same old. We need victories. Real victories. The nation has old progressive socialist shrews like the women of the View dictating policy. Those women would sell out the nation and citizens if Chinese invaders showed up to save their own lives.
Is anyone still actually under the impression they care about “fiscal responsibility”?

Oh and some of the programs they are trying to cut otherwise benefit the poor and middle class.

They're already making a six-figure income, with full benefits (their healthcare premiums are mostly covered by the federal government). American Republicans, especially the Evangelical types, have a deep-seated hatred for the poor, believing people are poor due to a lack of faith in God or being lazy and making bad decisions in life. They have contempt for the poor and working class, loving and worshiping the rich and their money. Mammon is the god of the Republicans, especially the religious Republicans, who think they're disciples of Jesus Christ. Fake rebellious Christians.
Is anyone still actually under the impression they care about “fiscal responsibility”?

Oh and some of the programs they are trying to cut otherwise benefit the poor and middle class.

Wow first time a Cost of Living increase has been needed in 15 years…thanks xidenflation
Yep, I'm sure they only care about you. You idiots say the economy is doing so well, but you don't want to give anyone a raise. Or is it you just don't want to give a raise to republicans? And quit talking like a fricken 8-year-old.
Giving wealthy politicians a wage is no problem for people like you, but as soon as this worker:


..asks for a raise, you chastise her for being an ingrate.

" How dare she expect Walmart, a multibillion-dollar corporation that makes billions yearly, to pay her more!!!!!!! You working-class losers should just shut up and work, and stop complaining. Always whining about low wages and not having enough to pay your bills. Boohoo, get to work bucko. I'm only a temporary member of the working-class, I'm actually a rich guy currently in the process of becoming wealthy, so I defend the rich and powerful. I'm going to be one of those giants one day, you hear? I hate the working class (I hate myself),

I'm going to be a rich superstar mogul one day, you working-class peasants are pathetic, move out of my way, I'm a billionaire fetus growing in the womb of the working class until I'm born, rich and powerful. I hate you, employees/exploitees, because I'm a future employer/exploiter of you worker-losers. You damn workers."
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lol you just knee jerk argue with anything I say because you’re absolutely desperate. But I get it, you also knee jerk defend republicans.

Math is math Billy.....

Is my analysis wrong ? Do you disagree with the numbers ? Just wondering why you seem so bent out of shape over someone actually doing some math.
Let me spell out the obvious for you: those republicans publicly whine about needing cuts to government spending but also want to enrich themselves with government spending.

$8,000 per year is enriching ?

Especially if this their first COLI in 15 years ?

Really ?
I hate to break it to you but they don’t give a flying fuck about tou.

I know that Billy. But I don't begudge them 8K per year.

Here's something you might not know. The democrats in congress don't give a FF about me or you either.
Math is math Billy.....

Is my analysis wrong ? Do you disagree with the numbers ? Just wondering why you seem so bent out of shape over someone actually doing some math.

$8,000 per year is enriching ?

Especially if this their first COLI in 15 years ?

Really ?

I know that Billy. But I don't begudge them 8K per year.

Here's something you might not know. The democrats in congress don't give a FF about me or you either.
I obviously didn’t say your math was wrong. I’m sure that would be a convenient argument for you if I did, huh? I didn’t though. My point is obviously that your “math” is besides the point. This is a matter of MILLIONAIRES whining publicly about government spending, while in actuality increasing government spending to make themselves richer. It’s blantant, shameless hypocrisy. See if you were to actually admire a public official for eliminating government waste, you wouldn’t excuse a few extra million dollars of spending per year that directly benefited them and ONLY them. You would wonder why they wouldn’t try to make every dollar count as far as cutting it goes. Comparing that estimate to the overall deficit is obviously fallacious given the context of what we are talking about.

I’ll reword what I just said above again because you’re apparently too dense to understand stuff said the first time around: If you actually cared about cutting government spending, why would you excuse millions more that ONLY benefits congressmen? Dollars directly from tax payers?

.Are you really this fucking stupid?
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Comparing that estimate to the overall deficit is obviously fallacious given the context of what we are talking about.

How so....and just what is it we are talking about ?

I've provided numbers......can you ?
I’ll reword what I just said above again because you’re apparently too dense to understand stuff said the first time around:

This is what makes you such a joy to watch. You are an arrogant asswipe. You provide the confirmational bias that so many on the right need to think about the left as being simply ridiculous.

If you actually cared about cutting government spending, why would you excuse millions more that ONLY benefits congressmen?

Gee Billy. Great critical thinking.

I've already talked in other threads about how we drive good people away from politics because of the way (you in particular) treat them. Why would anyone do that ?

Now, for the dollars we are talking about, I really have no issue with tacking 8K onto their salaries. Especially if it means we might attract better people that Nancy Pelosi, AOC or that crazy from Colorado (Bobert ?). So, again, you demonstrate your shallow, no critical thinking skills (are those really considered skills when you suck at them ?)

If we attract better people, then WE BENEFIT !!! I get that this flys a mile over your head. So it doesn't benefit only congressmen.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

This is what makes you such a joy to watch. You are an arrogant asswipe. You provide the confirmational bias that so many on the right need to think about the left as being simply ridiculous.

Gee Billy. Great critical thinking.

I've already talked in other threads about how we drive good people away from politics because of the way (you in particular) treat them. Why would anyone do that ?

Now, for the dollars we are talking about, I really have no issue with tacking 8K onto their salaries. Especially if it means we might attract better people that Nancy Pelosi, AOC or that crazy from Colorado (Bobert ?). So, again, you demonstrate your shallow, no critical thinking skills (are those really considered skills when you suck at them ?)

If we attract better people, then WE BENEFIT !!! I get that this flys a mile over your head. So it doesn't benefit only congressmen.

Lol it must bother you just a tad how you make shit up on the spot. Attract better people. You literally came up with that just now lol. You just looked for new reasons to dispute my points. That’s all it is.
Is anyone still actually under the impression they care about “fiscal responsibility”?

Oh and some of the programs they are trying to cut otherwise benefit the poor and middle class.

Hmmm. My understanding of the 27th Amendment is that Congress cannot give themselves a pay raise unless it takes effect after the next election. So I don't understand how they can give themselves a raise effective in 2024.

Nevertheless, a 2.4% raise in 15 years is not asking too much. Their last raise was in 2009.

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