The GOP "promised" Iraqi oil would pay for rebuilding. But who REALLY paid?



[ame=]Rove claims Bush administration never said Iraqi oil would help pay for war - YouTube[/ame]

Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer

White House Press Secretary MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the reconstruction costs remain a very -- an issue for the future. And Iraq, unlike Afghanistan, is a rather wealthy country. Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for their own reconstruction.

Audit Finds U.S. Hid Actual Cost of Iraq Projects

Security Costs Slow Iraq Reconstruction

The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

They don't even talk about the tens of thousands maimed that will cost trillions more going forward.

Is it any wonder Obama's budget is ballooning when Republicans handed him expensive mess. Remember, those OH SO patriotic Bush and the Republicans HID the cost of the wars from the American People. Now they say it's Obama's.

US and Allied Wounded | Costs of War

This may not cost even as much as the other two Republican catastrophe's they passed through reconciliation when they had majorities in both houses and the presidency. Democrats were powerless to stop them.

And now, they blame it all on Obama. We'll have to outline the other two disasters the way we did this one.
Why doesn't Obama just change his slogan from "Forward" to "Backward"?

BTW cudos to Rove for putting that bitch Brokaw in his place.

The Experts Speak on Iraq | The Nation
Obama's legacy (if there is such a thing) is not, nor will it ever be, based upon it's own merit.

It is constructed of reference points and is a case study in perspectives and respectives.

Comparisons and cause-effect incidents.

He has no uses and he's full of excuses.

In short, he comes up short.

Fuck that poodle clown.
Rove claims Bush administration never said Iraqi oil would help pay for war - YouTube

Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer

White House Press Secretary MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the reconstruction costs remain a very -- an issue for the future. And Iraq, unlike Afghanistan, is a rather wealthy country. Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for their own reconstruction.

Audit Finds U.S. Hid Actual Cost of Iraq Projects

Security Costs Slow Iraq Reconstruction

The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

They don't even talk about the tens of thousands maimed that will cost trillions more going forward.

Is it any wonder Obama's budget is ballooning when Republicans handed him expensive mess. Remember, those OH SO patriotic Bush and the Republicans HID the cost of the wars from the American People. Now they say it's Obama's.

US and Allied Wounded | Costs of War

This may not cost even as much as the other two Republican catastrophe's they passed through reconciliation when they had majorities in both houses and the presidency. Democrats were powerless to stop them.

And now, they blame it all on Obama. We'll have to outline the other two disasters the way we did this one.

According to the leftist mantra -- Iraq was one of those "blood for oil" places wasn't it? Where the only US interest was in STEALING the oil for ourselves? So Deany, where's my oil? We didn't need no stinkin" contract. We were just gonna TAKE it.

Actually -- I've got a serious problem with BOTH sides of the Iraq shout-fest.. It was bad policy for 24 years. Not just under Bush..
Rove claims Bush administration never said Iraqi oil would help pay for war - YouTube

Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer

White House Press Secretary MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the reconstruction costs remain a very -- an issue for the future. And Iraq, unlike Afghanistan, is a rather wealthy country. Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for their own reconstruction.

Audit Finds U.S. Hid Actual Cost of Iraq Projects

Security Costs Slow Iraq Reconstruction

The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

They don't even talk about the tens of thousands maimed that will cost trillions more going forward.

Is it any wonder Obama's budget is ballooning when Republicans handed him expensive mess. Remember, those OH SO patriotic Bush and the Republicans HID the cost of the wars from the American People. Now they say it's Obama's.

US and Allied Wounded | Costs of War

This may not cost even as much as the other two Republican catastrophe's they passed through reconciliation when they had majorities in both houses and the presidency. Democrats were powerless to stop them.

And now, they blame it all on Obama. We'll have to outline the other two disasters the way we did this one.

A press secretary saying that Iraq has enough money to maybe pay some of the reconstruction costs at some point in the future is the same as Republicans promising that Iraq will pay.

Makes sense to me.
We bombed Iraq and took away the keys to their economy for nearly 15 yrs prior to the war..

I expect there's a bill for that. How soon we forget Mad Albright telling us to forget the 200,000 Iraqi kids we killed under Clinton's embargoes and bombings..

And we expected to be greeted as saviours -- AND AWARDED great sums of money?
Rove claims Bush administration never said Iraqi oil would help pay for war - YouTube

Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer

White House Press Secretary MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the reconstruction costs remain a very -- an issue for the future. And Iraq, unlike Afghanistan, is a rather wealthy country. Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for their own reconstruction.

Audit Finds U.S. Hid Actual Cost of Iraq Projects

Security Costs Slow Iraq Reconstruction

The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

They don't even talk about the tens of thousands maimed that will cost trillions more going forward.

Is it any wonder Obama's budget is ballooning when Republicans handed him expensive mess. Remember, those OH SO patriotic Bush and the Republicans HID the cost of the wars from the American People. Now they say it's Obama's.

US and Allied Wounded | Costs of War

This may not cost even as much as the other two Republican catastrophe's they passed through reconciliation when they had majorities in both houses and the presidency. Democrats were powerless to stop them.

And now, they blame it all on Obama. We'll have to outline the other two disasters the way we did this one.

A press secretary saying that Iraq has enough money to maybe pay some of the reconstruction costs at some point in the future is the same as Republicans promising that Iraq will pay.

Makes sense to me.

THE "press secretary". Speaking for the White House. Getting out the word of the Bush Administration. Seems you don't understand how that works. It's, uh, how do I put this? Oh, "THEIR JOB". Hope that cleared a few things up.
We bombed Iraq and took away the keys to their economy for nearly 15 yrs prior to the war..

I expect there's a bill for that. How soon we forget Mad Albright telling us to forget the 200,000 Iraqi kids we killed under Clinton's embargoes and bombings..

And we expected to be greeted as saviours -- AND AWARDED great sums of money?

You mean Bush Sr.

Can't really blame him. It was Saddam who attacked Kuwait.

But it was Bush Jr. who attacked Iraq.

Try to figure out the difference.
The GOP "promised" Iraqi oil would pay for rebuilding.'

Out of the 10s of thousands comments made by people on the subject, you are taking this one remark and calling it a 'GOP promise'?

Liberal Lie, much?

"The GOP "promised" Iraqi oil would pay for rebuilding. But who REALLY paid?"

OP 'headline' is false.
OP didn't watch the vid 'proof' he provided.
OP FAILS, again.

Lakhota's link also fails, again.

What Mr H and QW posted! :clap2:

We bombed Iraq and took away the keys to their economy for nearly 15 yrs prior to the war..

I expect there's a bill for that. How soon we forget Mad Albright telling us to forget the 200,000 Iraqi kids we killed under Clinton's embargoes and bombings..

And we expected to be greeted as saviours -- AND AWARDED great sums of money?

You mean Bush Sr.

Can't really blame him. It was Saddam who attacked Kuwait.

But it was Bush Jr. who attacked Iraq.

Try to figure out the difference.

You first... :cuckoo:

Just another example of the historic stupidity of that war.

It takes a back seat to the horrific damage done to our soldiers and their families, used as pawns to push a fucked up agenda, but important nonetheless.


Just another example of the historic stupidity of that war.

It takes a back seat to the horrific damage done to our soldiers and their families, used as pawns to push a fucked up agenda, but important nonetheless.


So sayeth Congress and the UN!

good grief ....
Dean-o, Bush has been gone a long time now... you can stop kicking his ass. Really.

If you want to focus on something, focus on Obama vs. Romney.
Rove claims Bush administration never said Iraqi oil would help pay for war - YouTube

Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer

White House Press Secretary MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the reconstruction costs remain a very -- an issue for the future. And Iraq, unlike Afghanistan, is a rather wealthy country. Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for their own reconstruction.

Audit Finds U.S. Hid Actual Cost of Iraq Projects

Security Costs Slow Iraq Reconstruction

The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

They don't even talk about the tens of thousands maimed that will cost trillions more going forward.

Is it any wonder Obama's budget is ballooning when Republicans handed him expensive mess. Remember, those OH SO patriotic Bush and the Republicans HID the cost of the wars from the American People. Now they say it's Obama's.

US and Allied Wounded | Costs of War

This may not cost even as much as the other two Republican catastrophe's they passed through reconciliation when they had majorities in both houses and the presidency. Democrats were powerless to stop them.

And now, they blame it all on Obama. We'll have to outline the other two disasters the way we did this one.

The problem here is the Democrat Controlled congress wanted to impose ridiculous EPA standards on American oil companies if they were doing the drilling in Iraq. China doesn't have any environmental standards worth the Chinese won the rights to drill in Iraq.

Democrats have been doing everything they can to piss the Iraqis off so we have pretty much worn out our welcome. It's like they're intentionally trying to make the Iraq situation worse so they can use it as a political tool against the GOP and Booooooooooosh.

Just another example of the historic stupidity of that war.

It takes a back seat to the horrific damage done to our soldiers and their families, used as pawns to push a fucked up agenda, but important nonetheless.


So sayeth Congress and the UN!

good grief ....

Evidently (can't tell for sure) you're in support of that war. You know, the one that has left thousands of our troops dead, many more thousands physically maimed, many more thousands mentally/emotionally maimed, young American military families destroyed, daily suicides of soldiers who can't cope with the pain. All for what? A phony "democracy" living under the shadow of Iran, the country so empowered by the death of Saddam.

Hey, congratulations on that. I'm sure our military families are just as fucking thrilled as you are. Now, tell us how you care about the troops.

Dean-o, Bush has been gone a long time now... you can stop kicking his ass. Really.

If you want to focus on something, focus on Obama vs. Romney.

He can't... Obama's Campaign this year is "It's still Boooooooooooooosh's Fault".



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