The GOP Should Have Locked Trump In His Room. The G-7 Was A Disaster

Whatever screwed up mess you establishment Democrats and Republicans have got into regarding trade, don't blame it on Libertarians. You guys have been imposing tariffs, taxes and job-killing regulations for generations. I say no tariffs, no meddling in free people engaging in voluntary transactions. Farmers being cut off from customers, or getting government handouts, are not on our table.

Wallow in it.
Whatever screwed up mess you establishment Democrats and Republicans have got into regarding trade, don't blame it on Libertarians. You guys have been imposing tariffs, taxes and job-killing regulations for generations. I say no tariffs, no meddling in free people engaging in voluntary transactions. Farmers being cut off from customers, or getting government handouts, are not on our table.

Wallow in it.
Are you for open borders............Are you for a legal guest worker plan for farmers................or should our immigration laws and guest workers and visa's be uniform under the uniformity clause of the United States.

Should the 10th be reinstated..............should the Senate have been chosen by a popular vote.....or been selected by the State Legislatures as was the Framers intentions. .........Do you agree that the Senate shall negotiate Treaties to be signed under the Constitution and and not a Foreign Court.......under the Federalist papers their tenure was long as some times negotiations with other countries could take a long time..................just a few questions for you.
Those allies have been tariff'ing the crap out of our goods. Time to reciprocate. Everyone drop their tariff's and protectionism subsidies or we all do it.
Those allies have been tariff'ing the crap out of our goods. Time to reciprocate. Everyone drop their tariff's and protectionism subsidies or we all do it.
Europe wants the one way street to continue.........Trump is saying the flow should be a 2 way street whether you drive on the left side of the street or the right.
On the contrary, he called out the hypocrisy of these nations. He propose, "zero tariffs, barriers or subsidies" and none of them agreed. So they are full of it. They want to apply tariffs to YOU, not to their own businesses.

Why didn't they jump at the opportunity to have real free trade? Lying socialists, probably screwing their citizens the same way I've been screwed in neo communist Canada.
Can someone explain why Canada can tariff us be we can’t tariff Canada?
------------------------------- USA can do anything it likes . If you have heard TRUMP speeches especially the last couple of day TRUMP blames previous leaders , presumably Presidents for the bad trade policies of the USA WTree .
Whatever screwed up mess you establishment Democrats and Republicans have got into regarding trade, don't blame it on Libertarians. You guys have been imposing tariffs, taxes and job-killing regulations for generations. I say no tariffs, no meddling in free people engaging in voluntary transactions. Farmers being cut off from customers, or getting government handouts, are not on our table.

Wallow in it.
Are you for open borders............Are you for a legal guest worker plan for farmers................or should our immigration laws and guest workers and visa's be uniform under the uniformity clause of the United States.

Should the 10th be reinstated..............should the Senate have been chosen by a popular vote.....or been selected by the State Legislatures as was the Framers intentions. .........Do you agree that the Senate shall negotiate Treaties to be signed under the Constitution and and not a Foreign Court.......under the Federalist papers their tenure was long as some times negotiations with other countries could take a long time..................just a few questions for you.

I'm for no taxation and no redistribution of wealth. This renders boarders irrelevant with regard to migrant labor.

If we're going to have a central government (I would have most certainly been an anti-federalist back in the 18th century), I think there was good reason to for Senators to be selected by the state legislatures, thought not without it's flaws, as is the case with any central government. I assume you're referring the the 17th and not the 10th amendment.

Yes, I agree the Senate can sign treaties. I believe they should not meddle in free trade between men, be that across states or across national borders. Trade facilitates peace.
and i can beleive that USA Trade Policy is designed to build up inferior countries , mexico being one of the inferior . USA pays high tariffs and its like FREE MONEY to inferior countries and is meant to build up those inferior countries WTree .
And we ALL get to see the Anti American scum whining and pitching a hissy fit. Don't worry snowflakes. Your welfare checks will still arrive as expected.
Merkel's a fine looking woman. Stylish, too.

Every one of these sissy countries will fall in line.

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