The GOP wants a default!

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Hendrik Hertzberg: The Republican Insurrection : The New Yorker

The ransom demands kept changing. At first, it was the Affordable Care Act: in exchange for a few weeks of fiscal peace, repeal it; defund it; delay it; dismember it. Then the price ballooned, with some two dozen additional conservative fever dreams: plutocrat-friendly tax cuts, Medicare means-testing, a green light for environmental depredations, financial regulatory rollback, even the end of Internet neutrality. Then it was immediate “entitlement reform” (meaning cuts in social insurance) and “tax reform” (meaning lower rates for corporations and the rich). “We have to get something out of this,” one bewildered backbencher finally bleated, “and I don’t know what that even is.”

The GOP has decided that the destruction of the economy of this nation, and that of the world, will serve their interests.
Think of default as the less unattractive alternative to repudiation of the currency - the inevitable outcome of printing phony Obamabucks until they're worth less each than a single sheet of toilet tissue.

Or is it already too late?
Meanwhile Reid refuses deal to do a CR and debt ceiling increase and demands no sequester cuts.

deep down i doubt either side wants default but nobody seem to want to come to middle. For me their inablity for people to talk in congress and come to middle ground and compromise.

As a fellow brit monty python eric idle made out on his blog your congress is very dysfunctional.
Think of default as the less unattractive alternative to repudiation of the currency - the inevitable outcome of printing phony Obamabucks until they're worth less each than a single sheet of toilet tissue.

Or is it already too late?

I will happily sell you a 1000 sheet roll of toilet paper for $1000. Deal?
Think of default as the less unattractive alternative to repudiation of the currency - the inevitable outcome of printing phony Obamabucks until they're worth less each than a single sheet of toilet tissue.

Or is it already too late?

I will happily sell you a 1000 sheet roll of toilet paper for $1000. Deal?

deep down nobody should think a default is good idea. It would send your ecnomey into the tank and maybe world ecnomey including my country england which is hardly in good shape at all.
We need major reforms.

First, we need to ban all tax expenditures. They are costing us $1.4 trillion a year. We would be running a surplus without them and could lower everyone's tax rates.

Second, we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages and index them to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors. It is outrageous we are retiring at the same age they did.

Our economy would be running like gangbusters with just these two simple reforms.

You will never get the welfare queens in the GOP to buy off on the first, and you will never get the welfare queens in the Democratic Party to buy off on the second.
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The GOP wants a default!

If by that you mean REPUDIATE the debt and DEfund Obama Hellcare they I am on board.


what i don,t get about anyone thinking if america defaults that will somehow end healthcare. it won,t. it be in place. but ecnomey will be in awful place for your country that helps neither side and leaves next president whoever they maybe from either side with awful economey.

I just think in conservatives want rid of healthcare win back the sentate and then the white house. simple as that and you can do whatever you like. shutting down the goverment is hardly going to do that is it.
Think of default as the less unattractive alternative to repudiation of the currency - the inevitable outcome of printing phony Obamabucks until they're worth less each than a single sheet of toilet tissue.

Or is it already too late?

I will happily sell you a 1000 sheet roll of toilet paper for $1000. Deal?

Obviously there will need to be some competition in the toilet paper marketplace. SOOO
I will sell you a two thousand sheet roll of toilet paper for that same 1000 dollars.

Who knew the value of the dollar was gonna be based on shit paper. Isn't that what all the Fed haters already say. Our dollar ain't worth shit.
The GOP wants a default!

If by that you mean REPUDIATE the debt and DEfund Obama Hellcare they I am on board.


what i don,t get about anyone thinking if america defaults that will somehow end healthcare. it won,t. it be in place. but ecnomey will be in awful place for your country that helps neither side and leaves next president whoever they maybe from either side with awful economey.

I just think in conservatives want rid of healthcare win back the sentate and then the white house. simple as that and you can do whatever you like. shutting down the goverment is hardly going to do that is it.

Yo Deck, the Parasitic Faction constitutes a clear majority. They will never be beaten at the polls.

The gimmes have it.

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last I checked the Collins plan was for the excise tax on medical devices to be suspended for 2 years and income verification for Obamacare, which was nixed by Obama.

In return, funding the government for six months and an increase of the debt limit through January.

Reid said that was a no go and then decided that instead of the clean CR he kept saying he wanted, he wants an abrogation of the sequester spending limits ......
If by that you mean REPUDIATE the debt and DEfund Obama Hellcare they I am on board.


what i don,t get about anyone thinking if america defaults that will somehow end healthcare. it won,t. it be in place. but ecnomey will be in awful place for your country that helps neither side and leaves next president whoever they maybe from either side with awful economey.

I just think in conservatives want rid of healthcare win back the sentate and then the white house. simple as that and you can do whatever you like. shutting down the goverment is hardly going to do that is it.

Yo Deck, the Parasitic Faction constitutes a clear majority. They will never be beaten at the polls.

The gimmes have it.


you can,t say that. conservatives won back the sentate back in 2010 less then two years after losing general election. all i am saying is year long time in polictics but both sides should stop thinking about election next year and instead working together to try to help people in their own country. compromise should not be a dirty word. a give and take hurts no one.
last I checked the Collins plan was for the excise tax on medical devices to be suspended for 2 years and income verification for Obamacare, which was nixed by Obama.

In return, funding the government for six months and an increase of the debt limit through January.

Reid said that was a no go and then decided that instead of the clean CR he kept saying he wanted, he wants an abrogation of the sequester spending limits ......

i think colins plan might have worked but again the whole promblem is that in january next year whole country be going through this again. but i agree that at least she was attempting to do something to avoid default which deserves some praise.
We need major reforms.

First, we need to ban all tax expenditures. They are costing us $1.4 trillion a year. We would be running a surplus without them and could lower everyone's tax rates.

Second, we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages and index them to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors. It is outrageous we are retiring at the same age they did.

Our economy would be running like gangbusters with just these two simple reforms.

You will never get the welfare queens in the GOP to buy off on the first, and you will never get the welfare queens in the Democratic Party to buy off on the second.

I assume you mean major tax reform.......*shrugs* if I recall that was part of the deal they made Jan. ...someones not following thru...and I agree, close loopholes, knock down deductions and lower rates.
We need major reforms.

First, we need to ban all tax expenditures. They are costing us $1.4 trillion a year. We would be running a surplus without them and could lower everyone's tax rates.

Second, we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages and index them to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors. It is outrageous we are retiring at the same age they did.

Our economy would be running like gangbusters with just these two simple reforms.

You will never get the welfare queens in the GOP to buy off on the first, and you will never get the welfare queens in the Democratic Party to buy off on the second.

I assume you mean major tax reform.......*shrugs* if I recall that was part of the deal they made Jan. ...someones not following thru...and I agree, close loopholes, knock down deductions and lower rates.

america need to solve its debt but at same time not make cuts that hurt poor to much. it tough balence and not easy to work out. debt need to be bought down but in a calm way
what i don,t get about anyone thinking if america defaults that will somehow end healthcare. it won,t. it be in place. but ecnomey will be in awful place for your country that helps neither side and leaves next president whoever they maybe from either side with awful economey.

I just think in conservatives want rid of healthcare win back the sentate and then the white house. simple as that and you can do whatever you like. shutting down the goverment is hardly going to do that is it.

Yo Deck, the Parasitic Faction constitutes a clear majority. They will never be beaten at the polls.

The gimmes have it.


you can,t say that. conservatives won back the sentate back in 2010 less then two years after losing general election. all i am saying is year long time in polictics but both sides should stop thinking about election next year and instead working together to try to help people in their own country. compromise should not be a dirty word. a give and take hurts no one.


In order to beat the Parasitic faction the Republicans had to transform themselves into "compassionate conservatives" who promised not to threaten the welfare/warfare state. Otherwise they would have never been elected.

So Taxpayers and Producers must either accept slavery or........... do the unthinkable.

last I checked the Collins plan was for the excise tax on medical devices to be suspended for 2 years and income verification for Obamacare, which was nixed by Obama.

In return, funding the government for six months and an increase of the debt limit through January.

Reid said that was a no go and then decided that instead of the clean CR he kept saying he wanted, he wants an abrogation of the sequester spending limits ......

i think colins plan might have worked but again the whole promblem is that in january next year whole country be going through this again. but i agree that at least she was attempting to do something to avoid default which deserves some praise.

thx for the sane response;)

Look, its all politics, if Reids request for suspension of the sequester spending limits is a bargaining tool hey, fine, they should discuss it, but I would have to say no to that.

I would however counter offer something else in return though, like dropping the verification process, but keeping the excise tax suspension and adding 2 months, till March for further talks etc. while funding and raising the debt ceiling.

No one gets all they want, nor should they....

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