The GOP wants a default!

Yo Deck, the Parasitic Faction constitutes a clear majority. They will never be beaten at the polls.

The gimmes have it.


you can,t say that. conservatives won back the sentate back in 2010 less then two years after losing general election. all i am saying is year long time in polictics but both sides should stop thinking about election next year and instead working together to try to help people in their own country. compromise should not be a dirty word. a give and take hurts no one.


In order to beat the Parasitic faction the Republicans had to transform themselves into "compassionate conservatives" who promised not to threaten the welfare/warfare state. Otherwise they would have never been elected.

So Taxpayers and Producers must either accept slavery or........... do the unthinkable.


i am not sure they were promising to not tough welfare. i think we all agree that in both uk and your country you have to tackle welfare costs. ]

i think deep down both sides in meanwhile need to work together to find middle between cuts and bringing down the debt while also trying to improve things like schools

I think conservatives and liberals can disagree without so much hate and personal insults heading each other way
last I checked the Collins plan was for the excise tax on medical devices to be suspended for 2 years and income verification for Obamacare, which was nixed by Obama.

In return, funding the government for six months and an increase of the debt limit through January.

Reid said that was a no go and then decided that instead of the clean CR he kept saying he wanted, he wants an abrogation of the sequester spending limits ......

i think colins plan might have worked but again the whole promblem is that in january next year whole country be going through this again. but i agree that at least she was attempting to do something to avoid default which deserves some praise.

thx for the sane response;)

Look, its all politics, if Reids request for suspension of the sequester spending limits is a bargaining tool hey, fine, they should discuss it, but I would have to say no to that.

I would however counter offer something else in return though, like dropping the verification process, but keeping the excise tax suspension and adding 2 months, till March for further talks etc. while funding and raising the debt ceiling.

No one gets all they want, nor should they....

One of best posts i read all day on here by yourself. Well thought through and reasoned. shame someone in congress not reading it.

it is all politics and no one get what they all want. I think that if raise debt celling to march while then dropping verfication process and then keeping the tax suspension they can from both sides comes to middle on this.

Boehner and obama have said they wanted grand bragain for years on finding mix of spending cuts and funding to places that really need it. they can still do it and not lead the country to default. I know both dealing with either tea party on bohner sides and liberal progressives on obama side but they can come to a compromise and not lead to default due to not doing middle ground thing for the country.
The Koch Bros are like Dr Frankenstein. They helped to create the Tea Party monster, and now it's broken free to wreck havoc on the country side as idiots and complete fools with the full confidence of their uninformed opinions declare that default is not such a bad thing, and it's not really a default anyway since we have the money to afford so service the debt. See how easy and uncomplicated that is?

Yes, it's all very simple. It's silly people who work in the banking industry and international finance with their fancy degrees and PhDs who are making a big deal out of something that the regular folks just know intuitively is much ado about nothin'.

And what's all this nonsense about the historical confidence being shaken in America and our willingness to pay our bills on time as as we've done for longer than any person alive can remember being the case. It's just scare tactics, don't ya know? And the risk that the rest of the world might react in alarm and pull their money out of our country and/or demand far higher interest rates on T-Bills which will cost all of us taxpayers billions (if not hundreds of billions) of dollars in higher interest rates. Who cares? Who cares because the tea party types are concerned about debt. You see, they're SO concerned about America's debt that they're going to massively add to that debt without us getting anything in return since that's what paying higher interest rates will mean.

Yes, it's clear. Those financial elites don't know squat. It's the conservative HS graduates (and a few drop outs, no doubt) who know how to run a country from sitting around their kitchen tables all that needs to be known about high finance.

We just need to listen to them, and everything will be fine.

And if it isn't?

Then they'll blame it on Obama.

See how that works?
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you can,t say that. conservatives won back the sentate back in 2010 less then two years after losing general election. all i am saying is year long time in polictics but both sides should stop thinking about election next year and instead working together to try to help people in their own country. compromise should not be a dirty word. a give and take hurts no one.


In order to beat the Parasitic faction the Republicans had to transform themselves into "compassionate conservatives" who promised not to threaten the welfare/warfare state. Otherwise they would have never been elected.

So Taxpayers and Producers must either accept slavery or........... do the unthinkable.


i am not sure they were promising to not tough welfare. i think we all agree that in both uk and your country you have to tackle welfare costs. ]

i think deep down both sides in meanwhile need to work together to find middle between cuts and bringing down the debt while also trying to improve things like schools

I think conservatives and liberals can disagree without so much hate and personal insults heading each other way

Many Republicans , like McCain want power for power's sake. I would not be surprised if he becomes a democrat. They are not going to threaten the welfare state in any way shape or form.

And now you see why we have chosen not to allow the government not to disarm us.

last I checked the Collins plan was for the excise tax on medical devices to be suspended for 2 years and income verification for Obamacare, which was nixed by Obama.

In return, funding the government for six months and an increase of the debt limit through January.

Reid said that was a no go and then decided that instead of the clean CR he kept saying he wanted, he wants an abrogation of the sequester spending limits ......

i think colins plan might have worked but again the whole promblem is that in january next year whole country be going through this again. but i agree that at least she was attempting to do something to avoid default which deserves some praise.

thx for the sane response;)

Look, its all politics, if Reids request for suspension of the sequester spending limits is a bargaining tool hey, fine, they should discuss it, but I would have to say no to that.

I would however counter offer something else in return though, like dropping the verification process, but keeping the excise tax suspension and adding 2 months, till March for further talks etc. while funding and raising the debt ceiling.

No one gets all they want, nor should they....

The Koch Bros are like Dr Frankenstein. They helped to create the Tea Party monster, and now it's broken free to wreck havoc on the country side as idiots and complete fools with the full confidence of their uninformed opinion declare that default is not such a bad thing, and it's not really a default anyway since we have the money to afford so service the debt. See how easy and uncomplicated that is?

Yes, it's all very simple. It's silly people who work in the bank industry and international finance with their fancy degrees and PhDs who are making a big deal out of something that the regular folks just know intuitively is much ado about nothin'.

And what's all this nonsense about the historical confidence being shaken in America and our willingness to pay our bills on time as as we've done for longer than any person alive can remember being the case. It's just scare tactics, don't ya know? And the risk that the rest of the world might react in alarm and pull their money out of our country and/or demand far higher interest rates on T-Bills which will cost all of us taxpayers billions (if not hundreds of billions) of dollars in higher interest rates. Who cares? Who cares because the tea party types are concerned about debt. You see, they're SO concerned about America's debt that they're going to massively add to that debt without us getting anything in return since that's what paying higher interest rates will mean.

Yes, it's clear. Those financial elites don't know squat. It's the conservative HS graduates (and a few drop outs, no doubt) who know how to run a country from sitting around their kitchen tables all that needs to be known about high finance.

We just need to listen to them, and everything will be fine.

And if it isn't?

Then they'll blame it on Obama.

See how that works?

i agree on one thing which is house gop tactics in regard to shutdown made no sense. thought they wanted to defund healthcare, then delay for a year and then they just wanted middle ground on debt limit. why not just let goverment keep running first place and have allowed time for them and obama to come to a grand bargin middle ground on spending cuts and funding thing that really need it.

i don,t think obama though have shown ablity though to deal with more moderate gop either. he lacks clinton ablity to charm and work though you are not so extreme . In his five years as president not done hard to bulid relationship with gop or his own side really.
last I checked the Collins plan was for the excise tax on medical devices to be suspended for 2 years and income verification for Obamacare, which was nixed by Obama.

In return, funding the government for six months and an increase of the debt limit through January.

Reid said that was a no go and then decided that instead of the clean CR he kept saying he wanted, he wants an abrogation of the sequester spending limits ......

Funding the government and increasing the debt limit are NOT things that the GOP has to give. Damn it. Think!

The "abrogation" you speak of is political posturing. Reid will accept a clean CR and clean debt limit increase. In return for NOTHING! Get it.
last I checked the Collins plan was for the excise tax on medical devices to be suspended for 2 years and income verification for Obamacare, which was nixed by Obama.

In return, funding the government for six months and an increase of the debt limit through January.

Reid said that was a no go and then decided that instead of the clean CR he kept saying he wanted, he wants an abrogation of the sequester spending limits ......

Funding the government and increasing the debt limit are NOT things that the GOP has to give. Damn it. Think!

The "abrogation" you speak of is political posturing. Reid will accept a clean CR and clean debt limit increase. In return for NOTHING! Get it.

yets just hope both sides get their head together and have a deal to avoid default
last I checked the Collins plan was for the excise tax on medical devices to be suspended for 2 years and income verification for Obamacare, which was nixed by Obama.

In return, funding the government for six months and an increase of the debt limit through January.

Reid said that was a no go and then decided that instead of the clean CR he kept saying he wanted, he wants an abrogation of the sequester spending limits ......

Funding the government and increasing the debt limit are NOT things that the GOP has to give. Damn it. Think!

The "abrogation" you speak of is political posturing. Reid will accept a clean CR and clean debt limit increase. In return for NOTHING! Get it.

No I don't think they "get it" at all. Matter of fact, they wouldn't get it till a radical group of Democrats threatened to shut down the government and default unless ALL assault weapons were banned and other radical gun control measures implemented.

Dems say it wouldn't matter if the polls showed them at 15% approval. They would be standing for the principle of what they were sent to Washington to do by their constituents.

Sound familiar?

Then the Dems can then agree to leave the government open and not default and would do that for just the assault weapon ban.

Then the Rethugs would get it.
last I checked the Collins plan was for the excise tax on medical devices to be suspended for 2 years and income verification for Obamacare, which was nixed by Obama.

In return, funding the government for six months and an increase of the debt limit through January.

Reid said that was a no go and then decided that instead of the clean CR he kept saying he wanted, he wants an abrogation of the sequester spending limits ......

Funding the government and increasing the debt limit are NOT things that the GOP has to give. Damn it. Think!

The "abrogation" you speak of is political posturing. Reid will accept a clean CR and clean debt limit increase. In return for NOTHING! Get it.[

No I don't think they "get it" at all. Matter of fact, they wouldn't get it till a radical group of Democrats threatened to shut down the government and default unless ALL assault weapons were banned and other radical gun control measures implemented.

Dems say it wouldn't matter if the polls showed them at 15% approval. They would be standing for the principle of what they were sent to Washington to do by their constituents.

Sound familiar?

Then the Dems can then agree to leave the government open and not default and would do that for just the assault weapon ban.

Then the Rethugs would get it.

You make good point house gop tactics have made little sense. I don,t understand the point of shutting down goverment to get rid of law that going nowhere any time soon. it made no sense.

If they want get rid of it win back sentate and then the white house. then you can do what you want.

But they not helped their brand by shutting down the goverment. obama hardly smelling of roses either but he not had great year with the syria stuff, nsa, irs stuff.

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