The government's solution to Islam


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
we used to hear a lot of complaints about Muslim countries.
not only do their policies disagree with American Conservatism, but it also contradicts everything the left-wing claim they're for.
the order has been given, and all criticism of Islam has ended.
I knew a guy who came here from Iran when he was 5 years old.
The United States of America was nice enough to let his family come here to escape the Ayatollah.
I never heard him say one thing about religion the whole 15 years I knew him.
We were attending church before 9/11.
After 9/11 he said America deserved it for it's middle eastern policy.
He attended Christian church with us and said good things about the pastor.
One day when the collection basket came around, I was the only person who caught on to the fact he wouldn't be caught dead giving a coin to the Christian church.
after 9/11 , Muslims started showing up at the church to monitor what was being said.
the pastor would ask them to stand up and give them free Bibles.
Here I am, in my own country, being monitored at a church by radicals.
my feeling is, their asses should have never been here.
You say to me, 'You're just a racist conservative who is prejudice and thinks Islam is going to start causing problems in America'
but here's the catch, the left-wing KNOWS they're GOING TO cause problems here too.
Our government will not discriminate, AKA recognize differences between people.
The government feels the people of Islam are just like you.
Except for the fact, our founders fought and died for liberty, as opposed to the Islamic countries where every leader is just as bad as the last one.
With our government,
A) banning people from Muslim countries is out of the question.
B) securing the border is out of the question.
So what's the plan?
The plan is more Big Brother intrusion for EVERYBODY.
If there are 15 Islamic shootings in America in a year, clearly the problem is not the people, clearly the problem is gun ownership.
...gonna need to listen to a lot more phone calls too.
The plan is more Big Brother government, and invite the most successful Muslims into the inner circle, and somehow, the whole thing will work itself out.
the plan is crackpot crazy, it's not going to work.
I think Americans need to join the 2% who want every politician removed and total reform of the government,
because the other 98% is a sure loss.
A nut graph and concise well written paragraphs are your friends. Well not your friends per se; but they should be.
The government will take what the people allow it to take. Right now, sheeple allow a lot to be taken.
we used to hear a lot of complaints about Muslim countries.
not only do their policies disagree with American Conservatism, but it also contradicts everything the left-wing claim they're for.
the order has been given, and all criticism of Islam has ended.
I knew a guy who came here from Iran when he was 5 years old.
The United States of America was nice enough to let his family come here to escape the Ayatollah.
I never heard him say one thing about religion the whole 15 years I knew him.
We were attending church before 9/11.
After 9/11 he said America deserved it for it's middle eastern policy.
He attended Christian church with us and said good things about the pastor.
One day when the collection basket came around, I was the only person who caught on to the fact he wouldn't be caught dead giving a coin to the Christian church.
after 9/11 , Muslims started showing up at the church to monitor what was being said.
the pastor would ask them to stand up and give them free Bibles.
Here I am, in my own country, being monitored at a church by radicals.
my feeling is, their asses should have never been here.
You say to me, 'You're just a racist conservative who is prejudice and thinks Islam is going to start causing problems in America'
but here's the catch, the left-wing KNOWS they're GOING TO cause problems here too.
Our government will not discriminate, AKA recognize differences between people.
The government feels the people of Islam are just like you.
Except for the fact, our founders fought and died for liberty, as opposed to the Islamic countries where every leader is just as bad as the last one.
With our government,
A) banning people from Muslim countries is out of the question.
B) securing the border is out of the question.
So what's the plan?
The plan is more Big Brother intrusion for EVERYBODY.
If there are 15 Islamic shootings in America in a year, clearly the problem is not the people, clearly the problem is gun ownership.
...gonna need to listen to a lot more phone calls too.
The plan is more Big Brother government, and invite the most successful Muslims into the inner circle, and somehow, the whole thing will work itself out.
the plan is crackpot crazy, it's not going to work.
I think Americans need to join the 2% who want every politician removed and total reform of the government,
because the other 98% is a sure loss.

"Freedom of Religion" is our Government via CONSTITUTION.

It does NOT mean freedom to force our Religion onto others.... common misconception.

Radical Islam is exactly the same as Radical Christianity. They are simply not evolved as us and are doing the very things we use to do in our past.

Everyone knows the very same darkness is in our Bible. We hide behind, "yea but we don't do it anymore". And we get back to 3rd world Countries that haven't progressed yet.
we used to hear a lot of complaints about Muslim countries.
not only do their policies disagree with American Conservatism, but it also contradicts everything the left-wing claim they're for.
the order has been given, and all criticism of Islam has ended.
I knew a guy who came here from Iran when he was 5 years old.
The United States of America was nice enough to let his family come here to escape the Ayatollah.
I never heard him say one thing about religion the whole 15 years I knew him.
We were attending church before 9/11.
After 9/11 he said America deserved it for it's middle eastern policy.
He attended Christian church with us and said good things about the pastor.
One day when the collection basket came around, I was the only person who caught on to the fact he wouldn't be caught dead giving a coin to the Christian church.
after 9/11 , Muslims started showing up at the church to monitor what was being said.
the pastor would ask them to stand up and give them free Bibles.
Here I am, in my own country, being monitored at a church by radicals.
my feeling is, their asses should have never been here.
You say to me, 'You're just a racist conservative who is prejudice and thinks Islam is going to start causing problems in America'
but here's the catch, the left-wing KNOWS they're GOING TO cause problems here too.
Our government will not discriminate, AKA recognize differences between people.
The government feels the people of Islam are just like you.
Except for the fact, our founders fought and died for liberty, as opposed to the Islamic countries where every leader is just as bad as the last one.
With our government,
A) banning people from Muslim countries is out of the question.
B) securing the border is out of the question.
So what's the plan?
The plan is more Big Brother intrusion for EVERYBODY.
If there are 15 Islamic shootings in America in a year, clearly the problem is not the people, clearly the problem is gun ownership.
...gonna need to listen to a lot more phone calls too.
The plan is more Big Brother government, and invite the most successful Muslims into the inner circle, and somehow, the whole thing will work itself out.
the plan is crackpot crazy, it's not going to work.
I think Americans need to join the 2% who want every politician removed and total reform of the government,
because the other 98% is a sure loss.
Obviously you're unaware of how idiotic, ignorant, and ridiculous this is.
Except for the fact, our founders fought and died for liberty,

Let me burst out laughing now... there was 3.9 million people in US America right after the war of independence... 750,000 where African Americans.

Your ass is as much immigrant as the Muslim guy when compared to the founders..

That whole story of I knew a friend once..... It is complete crap... We get a few a week...

I knew a Republican who was an asshole therefore all Republicans are assholes...
No they are not, just you.
Except for the fact, our founders fought and died for liberty,

Let me burst out laughing now... there was 3.9 million people in US America right after the war of independence... 750,000 where African Americans.

Your ass is as much immigrant as the Muslim guy when compared to the founders..

That whole story of I knew a friend once..... It is complete crap... We get a few a week...

I knew a Republican who was an asshole therefore all Republicans are assholes...
No they are not, just you.
Just because America made a mistake allowing in jews, dagos, micks, and pollacks, doesn't mean they have to make the same mistake with muslims and other assorted third worlders.
"Radical Islam is exactly the same as Radical Christianity."

yeah, except for that whole thing about killing anyone who is slightly different than you, then , killing each other when there's no one different around.
...and demanding war on anyone living on land you touched once.

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