The Grammy Awards Shows Us What Democrats Have Become

Maybe you should watch the CMA awards instead, a bunch of no talent conservatives recording the same basic song about alcohol, pick-up trucks, drunken fornication and God.
CMA's have more class. Kanye is a thug as usual.
Who gives a shit? Quit watching TV and preserve your few remaining brain cells. Popular music of all genres is so retarded that I cannot understand why anyone listens to it.
I think I made it clear I didn't watch it. I have better things to do.
Most of what passes for music these days isn't any good anyway.
Oh contraire mon frere, I enjoy the Battling Cellos....

What entertains a people is a direct reflection of their society.

We've gone from Lucy & Ricky in separate beds to close-ups of people vomiting & defecating.

And we're told by some people that it's no big deal; obviously these people are enabling it.

We're in decay, gang, I don't know what turns this around.

Ricky was a drunk and Lucy divorced him,,,some reflection....
True. What we were watching was a lie. The current celebrities don't have the option of keeping much from the public's prying eyes.

What entertains a people is a direct reflection of their society.

We've gone from Lucy & Ricky in separate beds to close-ups of people vomiting & defecating.

And we're told by some people that it's no big deal; obviously these people are enabling it.

We're in decay, gang, I don't know what turns this around.

Ricky was a drunk and Lucy divorced him,,,some reflection....
True. What we were watching was a lie. The current celebrities don't have the option of keeping much from the public's prying eyes.
I know,,,,,It was time when perceived conceptions were artificial and socially devious...
What's interesting is that you blame everything in the entertainment world and in Hollywood on democrats. There are lots of conservatives in Hollywood and in the entertainment business. The conservative hero Clint Eastwood for example. I was in a night club in Hollywood back in the late 70's. He was well known there for coming in stoned and getting drunk on top of that (I was with friends visiting LA and staying with the bartendar and her hubbie). A real boozer-druggie and womanizer, etc. He was no different than any other emotionally bankrupt Hollywood celebrity, any pop or country music celebrity. Hollywoood is not a bastion of Democrats.
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So far the ratings aren't out yet. Are they embarrassed?

I didn't see the show. It was the mid season premiere of the Walking Dead.

What entertains a people is a direct reflection of their society.

We've gone from Lucy & Ricky in separate beds to close-ups of people vomiting & defecating.

And we're told by some people that it's no big deal; obviously these people are enabling it.

We're in decay, gang, I don't know what turns this around.

Ricky was a drunk and Lucy divorced him,,,some reflection....
...which is evidently some kind of admission that you feel that people literally shitting & barfing on television for entertainment represents no social decay whatsoever.

Is that what your deflection is saying?


You're not popular unless you're putting your hands up or acting like Kanye West who went on a rant about Beck winning an award instead of Beyonce'. Is this the way Democrat voters think they should act?

I didn't watch it, but I kept seeing updates on the net. From what I could see, it was a zoo. Madonna literally showed her ass, Kanye tried to steal another award, every black performer there wanted to protest Ferguson, and Obama stuck his nose in yet another event. Sorry if the ratings for this one couldn't come close to matching the 49 that the Super Bowl got last week.

I really hope this isn't what this country is becoming, because what was seen at the Grammys was a reminder of just how out of touch with reality the left is these days.



Just fucking wow!
White Communists/Progressives. They're insane debaucherous morons. They're they reason our Nation is in rapid decline. They're the source of most of the serious problems in this country. The Grammys and other stupid Communist award shows are opportunities to see just how deranged White Communists are. It is what it is.
These award shows are transparent and phony.

Just a bunch of White Communist/Progressive wankers prancing around handing each other awards. My prediction for the Oscars is, the wankers will snub 'American Sniper' and give it to any other film besides it. White Communists/Progressives absolutely despise White Christians, the Military, and America. Buncha kooks. 'American Sniper' has virtually no chance to win.
Lol. The Grammies isn't about talent. It's about what's popular amongst the teenagers. :D I mean really, Happy? Pharell Williams? Okay. His music is "happy" but the talent is mediocre at best. I'm being generous. :D

Hey, it's a catchy tune and a happy tune, but he is a very talented person? I don't think so. Now Annie Lennox, OTOH, Wow! Impressive natural ability and talent up the wa-hoo. :lol: The reason why she stole the show and all the musicians were impressed.
These award shows are transparent and phony.

Just a bunch of White Communist/Progressive wankers prancing around handing each other awards. My prediction for the Oscars is, the wankers will snub 'American Sniper' and give it to any other film besides it. White Communists/Progressives absolutely despise White Christians, the Military, and America. Buncha kooks. 'American Sniper' has virtually no chance to win.
Maybe next year, but then again, Alfred Hitchcock never won an Oscar...
People still complain about Madonna's antics? What is this? The 90's?
More like the 1980's....

Madonna is STILL making music. She has longevity on her side. :D
I preferred he when she had hairy armpits and legs....

What? Lol. When was THAT? I don't ever remember seeing Madonna with hairy legs or armpits. Perhaps you should reread your post too. :lol:
Lol. The Grammies isn't about talent. It's about what's popular amongst the teenagers. :D I mean really, Happy? Pharell Williams? Okay. His music is "happy" but the talent is mediocre at best. I'm being generous. :D

Hey, it's a catchy tune and a happy tune, but he is a very talented person? I don't think so. Now Annie Lennox, OTOH, Wow! Impressive natural ability and talent up the wa-hoo. :lol: The reason why she stole the show and all the musicians were impressed.

Didn't Beck win album of the year? I'm betting most teenagers don't even know who Beck is, let alone that he had a new album out.
Lol. The Grammies isn't about talent. It's about what's popular amongst the teenagers. :D I mean really, Happy? Pharell Williams? Okay. His music is "happy" but the talent is mediocre at best. I'm being generous. :D

Hey, it's a catchy tune and a happy tune, but he is a very talented person? I don't think so. Now Annie Lennox, OTOH, Wow! Impressive natural ability and talent up the wa-hoo. :lol: The reason why she stole the show and all the musicians were impressed.

Didn't Beck win album of the year? I'm betting most teenagers don't even know who Beck is, let alone that he had a new album out.

I don't know because I didn't get to see the whole show. I am more referring to the "talent" like Pherell Williams, Beyonce, etc. They are fun and have some catchy songs which are okay. I just don't consider them to be extremely naturally talented people. Smart perhaps with good business sense. :D

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