The Grand Jury Will Indict Trump ........Not The DA


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
So am I.

If we did not know a president was actually being investigated for high crimes and could be prosecuted would it be easier more relaxing?

After all anyone who commits crimes should be prosecuted no matter what. Isn't this correct?
Just so we understand each other. The table is so overloaded it may take awhile to decide how many will move forward. Yet Trump cannot be satisfied
thus he adds more almost daily ........

Members of the grand jury have no fear of political repercussions, viz. any of their decisions.

Suppose that you're one of them, and have found out that the prosecutor has been lying you your face and hiding exculpatory evidence?

Don't lie.
I would assume that line of BS came from the Trump Crime Syndicate..........
Retard author of this thread’s brain dead OP is assuming in his thread headline that the NY County Grand Jury “will” indict.

It’s possible. But it’s also possible that they may not even get a chance. There won’t be an indictment this week apparently.

I wonder if something is brewing at 1 Hogan Place. Lol.

Hillary Clinton ran a fraud collecting hundreds of millions of dollars which did not go where she claimed it would. No
Hillary Clinton criminally invested with a crooked stock broker when her rapist husband was Governor of Arkansas.
She was never prosecuted, not that you care.
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick and got away with it. Lie through your teeth. It's a fact.
Clinton paid off Paula Jones to keep quiet after exposing his "thumb-sized" penis to her and was not prosecuted for any of his
sick actions and hush money.
Congress pays millions in hush money for sexual philanderings and you could care less.
Biden admitted on television to bribing Ukraine to stop investigating his son's influence peddling. He boasted, "Well sonofabitch, they dropped it." You like it when your Leftists get away with murder. You're proud of them because you're like them.
The Jab is killing thousands of fools who trusted Fauci who said "You won't get Covid if you get the jab."
He got jabbed and caught it anyway. So did Biden.
You and your kind are destroying this once great nation and you think of yourself as heroic, like Karl Marx.
You're sick, really sick.
Mental Illness.jpg

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