The Grassley Memo.

“FBI Once Planned to Pay Former British Spy Who Authored Controversial Trump Dossier”

The above is only some of the results of the Senate investigation which has been grudgingly "unclassified" by the corrupted F.B.I.

Not only did Hillary Clinton pay for the Russians to sell them lies (Collusion), but she enlisted the F.B.I. to get Fisa Warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign.

We missed a true Banana Republic by the sagacity of a few Blue Collar voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania---the Deplorables of those States.


FBI Director Chris Wray Declassifies Large Portions of Grassley Memo…

The F.B.I. has, at last, allowed the Citizens to see what it was up to under Jim Comey. And it is not pretty.

Every American must read the Grassley/Graham Memo---Unmasked and set free.
Great find. Worth the read.

Also wow... so according to this some undisclosed amount of the information contained in the Steel dossier actually came straight from Clinton supporters. That's pretty messed.
This memo was the subject on Hannity tonight. Libs are having labor pains, bigly.
It is a BIGLY breakthrough on the BarackObama/Loretta Lynch/JamesComey Corruption/Sedition.

It amounts to proof that Hillary Clinton (or her operatives, cause she is not that smart--just that corrupt) used Russian
to BUY a DOJ/FBI investigation into whether there was Trump collusion with the Russians.


And it shows (hopefully) that Christopher Wray has realized his duty to the American people to expose the Corruption at the Obama DOJ/FBI rather than try to protect these institutions because he was a part of them when they were Clean.

It is a BIGLY breakthrough on the BarackObama/Loretta Lynch/JamesComey Corruption/Sedition.

It amounts to proof that Hillary Clinton (or her operatives, cause she is not that smart--just that corrupt) used Russian
to BUY a DOJ/FBI investigation into whether there was Trump collusion with the Russians.

I'm not sure any of this is gonna be solved by "Referrals" to the FBI/DOJ.. That's seems a little biased to referring cases where the FBI COLLUDED with and EMPLOYED the perps -- don't it?

I think I'll wait for the OIG to issue their reports next month and put this all together for the American Public. At THAT POINT --- there will be a DEMAND to clean the FBI before any referrals or Indie Counsels are made..
It is a BIGLY breakthrough on the BarackObama/Loretta Lynch/JamesComey Corruption/Sedition.

It amounts to proof that Hillary Clinton (or her operatives, cause she is not that smart--just that corrupt) used Russian
to BUY a DOJ/FBI investigation into whether there was Trump collusion with the Russians.

I'm not sure any of this is gonna be solved by "Referrals" to the FBI/DOJ.. That's seems a little biased to referring cases where the FBI COLLUDED with and EMPLOYED the perps -- don't it?

I think I'll wait for the OIG to issue their reports next month and put this all together for the American Public. At THAT POINT --- there will be a DEMAND to clean the FBI before any referrals or Indie Counsels are made..

We are all going to have to wait for the OIG Report...and hope he was not corrupted by the Obama Swamp of which he has been a part of for so long.

But, his territory only goes to the corruption in the DOJ/FBI---not the corruption in the State Department---which is exposed in the Grassley Memo.

Are there no honest Democrats left in this whole country beside Doug Shoen and Alan Dershowitz?

It is a BIGLY breakthrough on the BarackObama/Loretta Lynch/JamesComey Corruption/Sedition.

It amounts to proof that Hillary Clinton (or her operatives, cause she is not that smart--just that corrupt) used Russian
to BUY a DOJ/FBI investigation into whether there was Trump collusion with the Russians.

I'm not sure any of this is gonna be solved by "Referrals" to the FBI/DOJ.. That's seems a little biased to referring cases where the FBI COLLUDED with and EMPLOYED the perps -- don't it?

I think I'll wait for the OIG to issue their reports next month and put this all together for the American Public. At THAT POINT --- there will be a DEMAND to clean the FBI before any referrals or Indie Counsels are made..

We are all going to have to wait for the OIG Report...and hope he was not corrupted by the Obama Swamp of which he has been a part of for so long.

But, his territory only goes to the corruption in the DOJ/FBI---not the corruption in the State Department---which is exposed in the Grassley Memo.

Are there no honest Democrats left in this whole country beside Doug Shoen and Alan Dershowitz?


There's THREE potential areas in the Obama Admin for coordination that we know of.. The 2 you mentioned -- the FBI and State Dept. (notably Susan Rice).. But the 3rd is DirNatIntel Clapper. Don't forget the lying Crapper. The guy who wrapped the stinking POS dossier up into an "Intel Report" on Russian Collusion and tried to market it to the media and the public as an OFFICIAL intel document approved by "16 Intel Agencies".. The latter part of which was also fabricated. That "Intel Report" contained most 20 year old junk about Russian espionage methods that every person receiving a clearance has been briefed with for 25 or 30 years.

THAT'S how I knew it was a fraud from the get-go.. Along with the Golden Shower garbage and shoddy sourcing thru the freaking Russian Intel groups...
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Great find. Worth the read.

Also wow... so according to this some undisclosed amount of the information contained in the Steel dossier actually came straight from Clinton supporters. That's pretty messed.
That's pretty treasonable.
Great find. Worth the read.

Also wow... so according to this some undisclosed amount of the information contained in the Steel dossier actually came straight from Clinton supporters. That's pretty messed.

yes some of it is still classified watch for much more to come
We've seriously gotta do some work in the FBI, they've apparently forgotten their purpose and their responsibilities.

This isn't their god damn playground to dick around and slack off, they need to do a /better/ job than the fucking idiot at McDonald's who's too damn lazy to put in "no onions" on an order...
We've seriously gotta do some work in the FBI, they've apparently forgotten their purpose and their responsibilities.

This isn't their god damn playground to dick around and slack off, they need to do a /better/ job than the fucking idiot at McDonald's who's too damn lazy to put in "no onions" on an order...

among other things the memo points that the fbi mislead and lied the fisa court
We've seriously gotta do some work in the FBI, they've apparently forgotten their purpose and their responsibilities.

This isn't their god damn playground to dick around and slack off, they need to do a /better/ job than the fucking idiot at McDonald's who's too damn lazy to put in "no onions" on an order...

among other things the memo points that the fbi mislead and lied the fisa court

We don't know that yet.
We need the court transcripts because it could be worse.
The FISC judge/s could be complicit in this.
The judge/s could have asked orally and agreed to just an asterisk for some cya.
Time will tell.
We've seriously gotta do some work in the FBI, they've apparently forgotten their purpose and their responsibilities.

This isn't their god damn playground to dick around and slack off, they need to do a /better/ job than the fucking idiot at McDonald's who's too damn lazy to put in "no onions" on an order...

among other things the memo points that the fbi mislead and lied the fisa court

We don't know that yet.
We need the court transcripts because it could be worse.
The FISC judge/s could be complicit in this.
The judge/s could have asked orally and agreed to just an asterisk for some cya.
Time will tell.

they are working on getting that released

however some on the intel committee have seen the fisa applications

and say that is the case
We've seriously gotta do some work in the FBI, they've apparently forgotten their purpose and their responsibilities.

This isn't their god damn playground to dick around and slack off, they need to do a /better/ job than the fucking idiot at McDonald's who's too damn lazy to put in "no onions" on an order...

Just now on TV saw FBI texts from Stock-Slut stating:

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."
The last text is from Page to Strzok, and comes on June 23, 2017, when she wrote, "Please don't ever text me again."
We've seriously gotta do some work in the FBI, they've apparently forgotten their purpose and their responsibilities.

This isn't their god damn playground to dick around and slack off, they need to do a /better/ job than the fucking idiot at McDonald's who's too damn lazy to put in "no onions" on an order...

Just now on TV saw FBI texts from Stock-Slut stating:

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."
The last text is from Page to Strzok, and comes on June 23, 2017, when she wrote, "Please don't ever text me again."
Someone in the Mueller investigation tipped off Lisa Page that her texts had been collected by the IGs office. She made a very hasty exit from the Mueller witch hunt a few days later.
All this is the tip of the iceberg that's going to sink the SS FBI/DOJ.
Already there have been numerous 'walk-ins', working for the FBI/DOJ, who have come knocking on Session's door.
We've seriously gotta do some work in the FBI, they've apparently forgotten their purpose and their responsibilities.

This isn't their god damn playground to dick around and slack off, they need to do a /better/ job than the fucking idiot at McDonald's who's too damn lazy to put in "no onions" on an order...

Just now on TV saw FBI texts from Stock-Slut stating:

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."
The last text is from Page to Strzok, and comes on June 23, 2017, when she wrote, "Please don't ever text me again."
Someone in the Mueller investigation tipped off Lisa Page that her texts had been collected by the IGs office. She made a very hasty exit from the Mueller witch hunt a few days later.
All this is the tip of the iceberg that's going to sink the SS FBI/DOJ.
Already there have been numerous 'walk-ins', working for the FBI/DOJ, who have come knocking on Session's door.

The rank/file FBI could just stage a coup and have current leadership deported somewhere. I'll bet they are MAD enough to do that. And it would be great to promote about 100 hard working District people into upper management..
We've seriously gotta do some work in the FBI, they've apparently forgotten their purpose and their responsibilities.

This isn't their god damn playground to dick around and slack off, they need to do a /better/ job than the fucking idiot at McDonald's who's too damn lazy to put in "no onions" on an order...

among other things the memo points that the fbi mislead and lied the fisa court

We don't know that yet.
We need the court transcripts because it could be worse.
The FISC judge/s could be complicit in this.
The judge/s could have asked orally and agreed to just an asterisk for some cya.
Time will tell.

they are working on getting that released

however some on the intel committee have seen the fisa applications

and say that is the case

What we do know for sure is that the information in the Steele Dossier that was used to get the FISA was not vetted. I haven't anybody question that; couldn't say it that is illegal but I'd but serious money it ain't supposed to happen. We're talking about spying on American citizens here, who the FBI is saying the person probably is working for a foreign agent. Anybody want to tell me this wasn't entirely politically motivated to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign?

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