The great challenge facing humanity


VIP Member
Oct 26, 2014
I confess at once that I am a materialist and do not believe in the supernatural. But in the USSR there was a song with the words "we were born to make a fairy tale come true." As is known, many things that were in legends and myths in antiquity, today have become a reality: flying across the sky, watching videos at a distance of thousands of kilometers, smart phones, flights to space, atomic weapons. I think that the eternal dream of mankind about immortality, reflected in Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), should also be translated into reality. Every person after death (including those who have already died before) should be able to get into the Underworld. Just now for this technology is not yet developed. When will the technologies appear, with the help of which it will be possible to teleport the soul of each person at the moment of death into eternity? Perhaps in 500 years, perhaps in 1000 years, perhaps in several millennia. One thing can be said: the solution of such a problem is likely to be subject to artificial intellect.

Thus, the tasks facing humanity at the moment are as follows: 1) to avoid initiating a nuclear war for the total self-destruction of humanity, 2) building artificial intelligence, 3) determining with the help of artificial intelligence the possibility of building the Afterlife and populating it with all the living, living and future living beings in our Universe (and, maybe, not only from our Universe). Thus, we will fulfill our moral duty to everybody that dead and those who still have to die in our (and not only in our) Universe.
I confess at once that I am a materialist and do not believe in the supernatural. But in the USSR there was a song with the words "we were born to make a fairy tale come true." As is known, many things that were in legends and myths in antiquity, today have become a reality: flying across the sky, watching videos at a distance of thousands of kilometers, smart phones, flights to space, atomic weapons. I think that the eternal dream of mankind about immortality, reflected in Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), should also be translated into reality. Every person after death (including those who have already died before) should be able to get into the Underworld. Just now for this technology is not yet developed. When will the technologies appear, with the help of which it will be possible to teleport the soul of each person at the moment of death into eternity? Perhaps in 500 years, perhaps in 1000 years, perhaps in several millennia. One thing can be said: the solution of such a problem is likely to be subject to artificial intellect.

Thus, the tasks facing humanity at the moment are as follows: 1) to avoid initiating a nuclear war for the total self-destruction of humanity, 2) building artificial intelligence, 3) determining with the help of artificial intelligence the possibility of building the Afterlife and populating it with all the living, living and future living beings in our Universe (and, maybe, not only from our Universe). Thus, we will fulfill our moral duty to everybody that dead and those who still have to die in our (and not only in our) Universe.

Only Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible and Fundamentalist Christianity can save the world!
The Law of God is better as these ones written by Freemasons, NGOs, Merkel, Soros, Devil, corrupted carrier politicians etc.

The realization of the Lord God (or Gods) according to the Scriptures is an engineering challenge for future generations and, most likely, for artificial intelligence. Now it seems quite certain that with time artificial intelligence will take over the baton of research activities and scientific and technical progress in general among people, will develop independently and continue the process of endlessly obtaining knowledge about worlds, started by a rational man. It is possible that in the distant future, artificial intelligence can develop not only in our Universe and not only in our four space-time dimensions.
The question arises of the place of man in the world, where artificial intelligence reigns supreme. In apocalyptic science fiction works, the question is asked: will artificial intelligence allow people to exist at the same time as themselves? Such a question needs to be solved even before the emergence of the so-called “strong artificial intelligence”, most likely this issue will require solving problems in the field of game theory, when a more intelligent subject does not impede and even contributes to the existence of more intellectually backward creatures. That is, it is required to solve the problem of avoiding a zero-sum game of humanity with artificial intelligence. In fact, today people themselves do not interfere and even contribute to the survival in the zoos of their distant relatives in the mind - the higher monkeys. The author proposes to go further: set before artificial intelligence the task of creating the Lord God, the Afterlife for the further existence of people after their biological death, just as we are now building zoos for the comfortable existence of our younger brothers (though we did not solve the problem of their immortality) until they solved the problem of their own biological immortality).
Let us try to give a primitive hypothesis of the beginning of the XXI century about what the Underworld will look like (in another space-time reality). From the point of view of knowledge of the physics of the distant future, everything could be different, just as modern helicopters look quite different from the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, and Rutherford’s planetary atom model has nothing to do with Democritus’s ideas about atoms, although , and the other is essentially not mistaken in their predictions.
After all, what is each person, soul, person from the point of view of modern physical views? A complexly organized system of atoms and molecules, in a sense, a complex cybernetic structure, at the lower level of the hierarchy of which atoms or elementary particles can be considered as elements. In the distant future, it is possible that the technology of transferring (or rather, mapping) any personality with the preservation of the structure of its brain (nervous system or the whole organism) from a point in time will be invented (it is necessary to preserve the existing cause-and-effect relationships so as not to damage the tissue of time "of our Universe), corresponding to the death of a person in this four-dimensional Universe (meaning 3 Euclidean spatial measurements + time), to some parallel Universe (the possibility of its existence, its topological and physical properties You still need to find and substantiate, you may have to construct it, perhaps in other space-time dimensions).
However, there are questions. At the present stage of development of theoretical physics, such an idea seems impracticable due to the existing fundamental objections to the theory:

1) The law of conservation of energy, which corresponds to the symmetry of time, makes impossible the possibility of hitting at past times. Also, according to quantum mechanics, there are difficulties in scanning matter at the micro level, even at the present time, not to mention the past.

2) Identification of a teleport / display person. Is it possible to guarantee that if we keep the “cybernetic” structure of the brain (the nervous system or the whole organism) of the personality, if it is displayed in a certain sense, will it be the same person? In other words, if we copy a person (imagine yourself in his place), as we do with the files, will it be the same "me"?

Maybe over time (and people have plenty of time), will there be ways to get around these difficulties? After all, people once believed in a flat Earth, and now their knowledge has expanded and much impossible has become possible, although, of course, the above considerations about the method of building the Underworld after a few hundred years will look very naive. For example, the question of identity when transferring the soul to the Afterlife correlates with the fact that we ourselves become copies of ourselves over time in this Universe, because those atoms and molecules of which we are composed are gradually replaced by other atoms and molecules in the process of metabolism that accompanies our livelihoods. One way or another, but the question of the physical method of creating the Underworld and the method of transferring personalities there after death will remain open for a long time. But there are chances that these issues will be resolved positively, since humanity has enough time to live on Earth while the Sun functions stably (unless, of course, there is any cataclysm, such as a nuclear war or a space catastrophe).
I confess at once that I am a materialist and do not believe in the supernatural. But in the USSR there was a song with the words "we were born to make a fairy tale come true." As is known, many things that were in legends and myths in antiquity, today have become a reality: flying across the sky, watching videos at a distance of thousands of kilometers, smart phones, flights to space, atomic weapons. I think that the eternal dream of mankind about immortality, reflected in Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), should also be translated into reality. Every person after death (including those who have already died before) should be able to get into the Underworld. Just now for this technology is not yet developed. When will the technologies appear, with the help of which it will be possible to teleport the soul of each person at the moment of death into eternity? Perhaps in 500 years, perhaps in 1000 years, perhaps in several millennia. One thing can be said: the solution of such a problem is likely to be subject to artificial intellect.

Thus, the tasks facing humanity at the moment are as follows: 1) to avoid initiating a nuclear war for the total self-destruction of humanity, 2) building artificial intelligence, 3) determining with the help of artificial intelligence the possibility of building the Afterlife and populating it with all the living, living and future living beings in our Universe (and, maybe, not only from our Universe). Thus, we will fulfill our moral duty to everybody that dead and those who still have to die in our (and not only in our) Universe.

Only Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible and Fundamentalist Christianity can save the world!
The Law of God is better as these ones written by Freemasons, NGOs, Merkel, Soros, Devil, corrupted carrier politicians etc.


If the Lord wanted a theocracy now, we would have one.

Once again you are ignoring Christ. What is your aversion to Him?
Transferring human consciousness to machines is not possible, and never will be possible. The most that could possibly be achieved would be making a copy of human consciousness to a machine. But the original would still exist.

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