The Great Compression

Richard Wolf points out how hiding money in foreign accounts to escape detection of possible criminality and/or tax fraud has deprived most countries "of huge desperately needed tax revenues that could have helped their economies grow while lowering their national debts."

Wolf seems to think the time is past for more Republican OR Democrat theatre and the time's arrived to address "the system that fosters deepening economic inequality inside most nations today."

The Hidden Money

Anyone who thinks taking money from productive people and sending it to Washington will help the economy is a moron. The more money kept out of the federal government's hands, the better.
bottom line: Liberal Democrats stole the American dream and flushed it down the toilet.

Neither party is innocent, that is the fact.

That halfwit nutballs try to put it all on the other dipshit gaggle is amusing. But not as amusing as their child-like excuses for BobbleHead1980 tripling the national debt building a fake economy and Dumbfuck2000 starting two off-budget wars and cutting taxes within a two year window.

What are you people on? I want some of that.

Right. Democrat social programs that consume over $3 trillion every year aren't responsible in any way.

Turds like you simply aren't worth arguing with.

And yet mental defectives like you continue to do it.

Here is why: you suspect, but cannot quite put your finger on how, you are fucking it up. In my thirty-five years of dealing with nutballs (the actual Republican Party withered to a close around 1978), that is the only feeling they have got right. Admittedly it is one more feeling than the other team has got right - still, it's... not good. Not good at all.

But I digress...

The more alert reader here remembers that nothing in my post excused fake liberals from blame - to the contrary, the other party was clearly assigned blame, yet the nutball somehow arrived at the conclusion it was there their mirror image got a bye from me.

My question: could there be a nutball party without denial, resentment and projection?
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All this bickering and pissing about political parties is going to get you nowhere, especially today with the "New Economy" that's severely rigged to benefit so few and those few have all our politicians in their pocket.

Study up on "The Great Compression," and what it would take to get BACK to this type of economy our fathers and grandfathers knew and enjoyed.

No damned forum allows for the space to go into an full explanation, however some good studies and "keywords" for internet searches and references to great books can be provided. For starters, get Hedrick Smith's book "Who Stole the American Dream?" and check out the link below. Throw off those stupid goddamned partisan glasses and open your mind to some accurate history, turn OFF those fucked up partisan talking heads on radio and TV and do your own thinking.

We can get it back.

Introducing This Blog -

Hedrick Smith: ?Who Stole the American Dream??

bottom line: Liberal Democrats stole the American dream and flushed it down the toilet.

Trendy playbook-speak you've been taught there. Truth is both parties played a major role. Then again, this topic is hard to bring down to an 8th grade level.
All this bickering and pissing about political parties is going to get you nowhere, especially today with the "New Economy" that's severely rigged to benefit so few and those few have all our politicians in their pocket.

Study up on "The Great Compression," and what it would take to get BACK to this type of economy our fathers and grandfathers knew and enjoyed.

No damned forum allows for the space to go into an full explanation, however some good studies and "keywords" for internet searches and references to great books can be provided. For starters, get Hedrick Smith's book "Who Stole the American Dream?" and check out the link below. Throw off those stupid goddamned partisan glasses and open your mind to some accurate history, turn OFF those fucked up partisan talking heads on radio and TV and do your own thinking.

We can get it back.

Introducing This Blog -

Hedrick Smith: ?Who Stole the American Dream??

bottom line: Liberal Democrats stole the American dream and flushed it down the toilet.

Trendy playbook-speak you've been taught there. Truth is both parties played a major role. Then again, this topic is hard to bring down to an 8th grade level.

No they didn't. Democrats created all the entitlements and social programs that are sucking up 80% of the budget. They also get credit for our crappy schools. How are the Republicans "equally responsible?"
Good to see people with literary connections getting to this. It used to be people like me thinking it and people like Barlett and Steele writing about it and the filthy god damned scum of the earth laughing that those of us who knew from day one that the "new economy" was debt-fueled canned heat looking for a time to blow up.

It was clear by 1984 Reagan will not be well reviewed when the bills come due and now some are coming due. It's time that filthy lowlife cocksucker and the halfwits who celebrated him got a window into what he did and what they cheered.

The only time emotion crept into my thinking (outside of family events) since the 1980s was the election of 2004 when the stupidest electorate in the civilized world re elected the scum of the earth.

My life will have been worth living if some of the filthy fucking scum who sold out blue collar America to corporations are disgraced while their supporters still live. That will make a lot of things worthwhile for me.

Damn well said Jukes! You ever heard of a motherfucker by the name of Al Dunlap? He was like THE man when it came to what is called "wedge economics" - an extreme example but many fellow CEO's aped his methods.

What Obama meant by "share the wealth" (and I think Obama's a nutless pawn too) was to roll back to the days of "The Great Compression," when corporations understood the value of paying well and taking care of their employees - for those employees with spending power kept the ball rolling in the American economy. Had nothing to do with raising taxes and spreading our hard earned money.

As you know, when the "New Economy" hit, the winner take all Darwinian philosophy of economics - taught in MBA classes in the 80's and 90's - trained students in the "New Economic" philosophy - fuck the workers, take care of Wall Street and yourself. Now we're reaping that foul seed.

Anyway, on Al Dunlap:

Al Dunlap - Top 10 Worst Bosses - TIME

The Great depression is your ideal? seriously? Yeah, those workers in 1937 were getting a great deal!

When you sober up, you might see that no one here was talking about The Gread Depression. Again, you're way out of your league.
bottom line: Liberal Democrats stole the American dream and flushed it down the toilet.

Trendy playbook-speak you've been taught there. Truth is both parties played a major role. Then again, this topic is hard to bring down to an 8th grade level.

No they didn't. Democrats created all the entitlements and social programs that are sucking up 80% of the budget. They also get credit for our crappy schools. How are the Republicans "equally responsible?"

Many led the march in congress with their Democratic bedfellows in writing the corporate laws in the favor of the elite 30-plus years ago, caving to lobbyist pressure. Check the number of lobbyists per politician in the 1960's to today. Your entitlements and social programs you continually whine about are but a mere drop in the bucket compared to corporate welfare.
Neither party is innocent, that is the fact.

That halfwit nutballs try to put it all on the other dipshit gaggle is amusing. But not as amusing as their child-like excuses for BobbleHead1980 tripling the national debt building a fake economy and Dumbfuck2000 starting two off-budget wars and cutting taxes within a two year window.

What are you people on? I want some of that.

Right. Democrat social programs that consume over $3 trillion every year aren't responsible in any way.

Turds like you simply aren't worth arguing with.

And yet mental defectives like you continue to do it.

Here is why: you suspect, but cannot quite put your finger on how, you are fucking it up. In my thirty-five years of dealing with nutballs (the actual Republican Party withered to a close around 1978), that is the only feeling they have got right. Admittedly it is one more feeling than the other team has got right - still, it's... not good. Not good at all.

I'm not "fucking it up." I consistently vote against all the morons and poltroons you favor.

But I digress...

The more alert reader here remembers that nothing in my post excused fake liberals from blame - to the contrary, the other party was clearly assigned blame, yet the nutball somehow arrived at the conclusion it was there their mirror image got a bye from me.

My question: could there be a nutball party without denial, resentment and projection?

When one party is 90% responsible and the other is 10% responsible, and you call them equally responsible, then you are excusing most of the blame from where it belongs.
Damn well said Jukes! You ever heard of a motherfucker by the name of Al Dunlap? He was like THE man when it came to what is called "wedge economics" - an extreme example but many fellow CEO's aped his methods.

What Obama meant by "share the wealth" (and I think Obama's a nutless pawn too) was to roll back to the days of "The Great Compression," when corporations understood the value of paying well and taking care of their employees - for those employees with spending power kept the ball rolling in the American economy. Had nothing to do with raising taxes and spreading our hard earned money.

As you know, when the "New Economy" hit, the winner take all Darwinian philosophy of economics - taught in MBA classes in the 80's and 90's - trained students in the "New Economic" philosophy - fuck the workers, take care of Wall Street and yourself. Now we're reaping that foul seed.

Anyway, on Al Dunlap:

Al Dunlap - Top 10 Worst Bosses - TIME

The Great depression is your ideal? seriously? Yeah, those workers in 1937 were getting a great deal!

When you sober up, you might see that no one here was talking about The Gread Depression. Again, you're way out of your league.

Then why did you refer to the Great Depression as the gool ol days?

What Obama meant by "share the wealth" (and I think Obama's a nutless pawn too) was to roll back to the days of "The Great Compression," when corporations understood the value of paying well and taking care of their employees - for those employees with spending power kept the ball rolling in the American economy. Had nothing to do with raising taxes and spreading our hard earned money.
Right. Democrat social programs that consume over $3 trillion every year aren't responsible in any way.

Turds like you simply aren't worth arguing with.

And yet mental defectives like you continue to do it.

Here is why: you suspect, but cannot quite put your finger on how, you are fucking it up. In my thirty-five years of dealing with nutballs (the actual Republican Party withered to a close around 1978), that is the only feeling they have got right. Admittedly it is one more feeling than the other team has got right - still, it's... not good. Not good at all.

I'm not "fucking it up." I consistently vote against all the morons and poltroons you favor.

But I digress...

The more alert reader here remembers that nothing in my post excused fake liberals from blame - to the contrary, the other party was clearly assigned blame, yet the nutball somehow arrived at the conclusion it was there their mirror image got a bye from me.

My question: could there be a nutball party without denial, resentment and projection?

When one party is 90% responsible and the other is 10% responsible, and you call them equally responsible, then you are excusing most of the blame from where it belongs.

Sure, you're fucking it up.

And who do I favor, chief? What the nutball element fails to understand is that attacking fake-liberals is like kicking a dog; it is pathetic, the dog is hurt and it changes nothing.

Nutballs are the party of real men and women smart enough to know they are second class citizens. Alienated folks like me ready to rock and roll go where the action is. You nutballs are the big show, sport.
Richard Wolf points out how hiding money in foreign accounts to escape detection of possible criminality and/or tax fraud has deprived most countries "of huge desperately needed tax revenues that could have helped their economies grow while lowering their national debts."

Wolf seems to think the time is past for more Republican OR Democrat theatre and the time's arrived to address "the system that fosters deepening economic inequality inside most nations today."

The Hidden Money

Anyone who thinks taking money from productive people and sending it to Washington will help the economy is a moron. The more money kept out of the federal government's hands, the better.
How are you defining "productive?'

"A massive data dump by the Washington-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), working in conjunction with dozens of news organizations around the globe, has exposed the secret files of over 120,000 dummy offshore companies that have been used for years to hide the wealth — much of it ill-gotten, all of it tax-dodged — of the world’s rich and mega-rich."

Parasites bribing federal and state governments for favorable tax and trade policies extract wealth from the society that enabled private fortunes to exist in the first place.

No government?
No money.

Audit the Rich! » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
All this bickering and pissing about political parties is going to get you nowhere, especially today with the "New Economy" that's severely rigged to benefit so few and those few have all our politicians in their pocket.

Study up on "The Great Compression," and what it would take to get BACK to this type of economy our fathers and grandfathers knew and enjoyed.

No damned forum allows for the space to go into an full explanation, however some good studies and "keywords" for internet searches and references to great books can be provided. For starters, get Hedrick Smith's book "Who Stole the American Dream?" and check out the link below. Throw off those stupid goddamned partisan glasses and open your mind to some accurate history, turn OFF those fucked up partisan talking heads on radio and TV and do your own thinking.

We can get it back.

Introducing This Blog -

Hedrick Smith: ?Who Stole the American Dream??

Are you kidding me? Hedrick Smith was a Brit born aristocrat elitist. His idea of the American Dream isn't true. Americans want the freedom to get rich without government interference. Smith's dream of the satisfied underclass is the old socialist class envy junk we have been hearing for a hundred years.
All this bickering and pissing about political parties is going to get you nowhere, especially today with the "New Economy" that's severely rigged to benefit so few and those few have all our politicians in their pocket.

Study up on "The Great Compression," and what it would take to get BACK to this type of economy our fathers and grandfathers knew and enjoyed.

No damned forum allows for the space to go into an full explanation, however some good studies and "keywords" for internet searches and references to great books can be provided. For starters, get Hedrick Smith's book "Who Stole the American Dream?" and check out the link below. Throw off those stupid goddamned partisan glasses and open your mind to some accurate history, turn OFF those fucked up partisan talking heads on radio and TV and do your own thinking.

We can get it back.

Introducing This Blog -

Hedrick Smith: ?Who Stole the American Dream??

Are you kidding me? Hedrick Smith was a Brit born aristocrat elitist. His idea of the American Dream isn't true. Americans want the freedom to get rich without government interference. Smith's dream of the satisfied underclass is the old socialist class envy junk we have been hearing for a hundred years.

At 63 I can still remember the American Dream. The statement in red is among the filthiest god damned lies ever put in writing. That is a fact.

So, readers less committed to fantasy, lies and delusion still might want to take a look at Smith's work. If you need to read an American version written in the 1990s at the peak of the debt-fueled canned-heat economy cocksuckers like Reagan and Clinton and their corporate support networks shepherded to metastasis, read Barlett & Steele's "Who stole the Dream", a brutal indictment of voodoo economics AND fake-liberal fascist horseshit.

Spoiler alert on the evolution of the American Dream:

1. In the 1930s thanks to the excesses of financial speculators the American Dream was enough money for a roof and regular meals.

2. From the 1950s-1970s the war weary American Dream was a union job, a faithful spouse and a couple of kids who could expect to live better than the parents who survived a Depression and a World War by the age of 25.

3. It wasn't until the 1980s that religious nuts worked with financial industry people to redefine the American Dream in terms of God-approved arm's length avarice; the whole thing anticipated those "dummies" books, it was a sort of "Avarice for Halfwits" authored by Don Regan and Jerry Falwell, that explained why 99% of nutballs are doomed to marginal lives but that is how God wants it so those who are very, very good will be blessed with wealth.

But #3 is just the nutball version. There are plenty of Americans whose American Dream continues to be a decent paying job, a family and opportunity for their children. Unfortunately, these people are not represented by a major political party today.
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All this bickering and pissing about political parties is going to get you nowhere, especially today with the "New Economy" that's severely rigged to benefit so few and those few have all our politicians in their pocket.

Study up on "The Great Compression," and what it would take to get BACK to this type of economy our fathers and grandfathers knew and enjoyed.

During the Great Compression, tax & regulatory & labor & trade policy was designed to build the largest middle class in world history. These policies made it harder for the capitalist to ship middle class manufacturing jobs to communist China. The government wasn't run by corporations and their lobbyists; rather, it was run on behalf of the middle class. This is when the Federal Reserve was charged with ensuring full employment rather than fighting inflation, i.e., they primed the pump during downturns rather than imposing austerity.

It also meant that if you were born poor, you had a greater likelihood of rising up into the middle class. Because of strong unions and a dizzying array of targeted government programs, the father could support a family on just his wages, allowing the mother to stay home and raise the kids. Health care and Education were kept affordable for the masses, so Americans could rise up the ladder and contribute to the world's strongest economy.

Then, in 1973, high oil prices initiated stagflation, and the great postwar boom ended. This is when the Republicans began their final push to put a corporate-friendly leader in the White House. Enter Reagan, who convinced the world that we did not need all the policies that protected and strengthened the middle class. He said that if we channel all those resources to the wealthy, they would grow the economy and the jobs and benefits would trickle down.

So we listened to Reagan.

But a funny thing happened. While Reagan was championing the "trickle down" theory, he was using the Cold War as a context to finish building the global market system. He was using the Soviet threat to pull resource-rich parts of the developing world under the our protective wing. As a result, the capitalist now had access to ultra cheap labor in the global south and communist China. So, instead of good jobs trickling down, manufacturing was shipped to the dirt-cheap labor markets of freedom-hating nations. The capitalists made out like gang busters.

Something did trickle down to the middle class: credit. This is when we all started receiving 3 credit offers a week. You understand why this happend, right? To make up for deindustrialization and the loss of solid middle class manufacturing jobs, Reagan financialized the economy, that is, he lead us from an "empire of production" to an "empire of consumption". The "hard hat" factory worker (with high wages a great benefits) was replace by the indebted credit-card consumer. We traded factories for Shopping Malls. We replaced the solid jobs of the postwar years for a sea of low-wage, no benefit retails jobs. We went from the GM job model (where a worker could support his family and send his kids to college) to the Walmart job model (where a worker made under 25K and his family went deeper and deeper into debt just to say afloat. And we installed monopolies over the worker's health insurance so his rates could be raised and his coverage decreased so that wealthy investors could realize higher returns).

Don't take my word for it: study what happened to household debt starting in 1980.

The great compression of incomes upon which the middle class was built died in 1980.

Reagan's promise that the jobs would trickle down died with globalization - furthered by Clinton and his Reaganite adviser, Richard Rubin.

Now, when our capitalists get a tax break, they don't necessarily have to create American jobs. Why would they? Nike investors get higher returns when their sneaks are made in Taiwanese sweatshops by workers who make pennies a day. The American capitalist has hijacked the American government so that he can partner with freedom-hating nations in order to get ultra cheap labor. The capitalist takes a portion of his profits and invests it into rightwing media for the purpose of fooling idiots into believing that corporations are victims rather than owners of government.

The result of this hoax is a world where the benefits of economic growth goes into fewer and fewer hands. Meanwhile the dying middle class goes further and further into debt in order to make up for the jobs and money that isn't trickling down.

The great compression is over. We now have a 3rd world caste structure with an ultra wealthy elite lording over the restless hordes (many of whom are being fooled by men like Rush Limbaugh about where the real concentration of power lies)
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All this bickering and pissing about political parties is going to get you nowhere, especially today with the "New Economy" that's severely rigged to benefit so few and those few have all our politicians in their pocket.

Study up on "The Great Compression," and what it would take to get BACK to this type of economy our fathers and grandfathers knew and enjoyed.

During the Great Compression, tax & regulatory & labor & trade policy was designed to build the largest middle class in world history. These policies made it harder for the capitalist to ship middle class manufacturing jobs to communist China. The government wasn't run by corporations and their lobbyists; rather, it was run on behalf of the middle class. This is when the Federal Reserve was charged with ensuring full employment rather than fighting inflation, i.e., they primed the pump during downturns rather than imposing austerity.

It also meant that if you were born poor, you had a greater likelihood of rising up into the middle class. Because of strong unions and a dizzying array of targeted government programs, the father could support a family on just his wages, allowing the mother to stay home and raise the kids. Health care and Education were kept affordable for the masses, so Americans could rise up the ladder and contribute to the world's strongest economy.

Then, in 1973, high oil prices initiated stagflation, and the great postwar boom ended. This is when the Republicans began their final push to put a corporate-friendly leader in the White House. Enter Reagan, who convinced the world that we did not need all the policies that protected and strengthened the middle class. He said that if we channel all those resources to the wealthy, they would grow the economy and the jobs and benefits would trickle down.

So we listened to Reagan.

But a funny thing happened. While Reagan was championing the "trickle down" theory, he was using the Cold War as a context to finish building the global market system. He was using the Soviet threat to pull resource-rich parts of the developing world under the our protective wing. As a result, the capitalist now had access to ultra cheap labor in the global south and communist China. So, instead of good jobs trickling down, manufacturing was shipped to the dirt-cheap labor markets of freedom-hating nations. The capitalists made out like gang busters.

Something did trickle down to the middle class: credit. This is when we all started receiving 3 credit offers a week. You understand why this happend, right? To make up for deindustrialization and the loss of solid middle class manufacturing jobs, Reagan financialized the economy, that is, he lead us from an "empire of production" to an "empire of consumption". The "hard hat" factory worker (with high wages a great benefits) was replace by the indebted credit-card consumer. We traded factories for Shopping Malls. We replaced the solid jobs of the postwar years for a sea of low-wage, no benefit retails jobs. We went from the GM job model (where a worker could support his family and send his kids to college) to the Walmart job model (where a worker made under 25K and his family went deeper and deeper into debt just to say afloat. And we installed monopolies over the worker's health insurance so his rates could be raised and his coverage decreased so that wealthy investors could realize higher returns).

Don't take my word for it: study what happened to household debt starting in 1980.

The great compression of incomes upon which the middle class was built died in 1980.

Reagan's promise that the jobs would trickle down died with globalization - furthered by Clinton and his Reaganite adviser, Richard Rubin.

Now, when our capitalists get a tax break, they don't necessarily have to create American jobs. Why would they? Nike investors get higher returns when their sneaks are made in Taiwanese sweatshops by workers who make pennies a day. The American capitalist has hijacked the American government so that he can partner with freedom-hating nations in order to get ultra cheap labor. The capitalist takes a portion of his profits and invests it into rightwing media for the purpose of fooling idiots into believing that corporations are victims rather than owners of government.

The result of this hoax is a world where the benefits of economic growth goes into fewer and fewer hands. Meanwhile the dying middle class goes further and further into debt in order to make up for the jobs and money that isn't trickling down.

The great compression is over. We now have a 3rd world caste structure with an ultra wealthy elite lording over the restless hordes (many of whom are being fooled by men like Rush Limbaugh about where the real concentration of power lies)

Excellent summary. Years ahead of LSE, MIT and decades ahead of Chicago acknowledging what was obvious by 1984-85. That these bastions of economic pap were so easy to buy is no more surprising that how easy nutballs and fake-liberal human potential fantasists were to sell on pie-in-the-sky that came with the false sense of security borrowed money seems always to give to halfwits.

Since 1960 no western nation has been as poorly led as the United States. Since 1980 no important nation on earth has seen as much scum rise to the top of the cesspools of naked, raw power.

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