The Great Red Wave


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
On election night...the totals were coming in leaning so heavily for republicans that the filth just stopped counting ballots. The filth was about to get such a pasting and they just couldn't allow it from the peon mortals in fly over country!

For the first time in US history they stopped counting on election night. The filth needed time to cheat. They never expected 80% of the country to vote red.

Some made up an excuse of a burst pipe somewhere within 8 miles of the counting facility...While others simply said they were "too tired" to count any more.

They started trucking in ballots & filling them out themselves right there in the counting room. They needed to kick out the observers to do it...and even defied a court order to let observers back in. They intentionally "lost" the envelopes that mail-in ballots came in...then mixed up mail-in ballots with all other ballots so they could never be separated.

While the corrupt media continued to shout the lie "THERE IS NO EVIDENCE...EVIDENCE...EVIDENCE...".

Boxes of ballots are still being delivered to the counting rooms as of yesterday.

The red wave was so YUUUUGE that the filth could cheat enough to not get caught. Even people in other countries see it.

I'm looking forward to see what the supreme court does with this :muahaha:

But one thing is for certain...TRUMP is still president!
The filth still lost many seats in the house & repubs kept the senate.

They had so many ballots to forge that they couldn't be bothered to fill in anything but the president. No time to fill in down-ballot democrats.
On election night...the totals were coming in leaning so heavily for republicans that the filth just stopped counting ballots. The filth was about to get such a pasting and they just couldn't allow it from the peon mortals in fly over country!

For the first time in US history they stopped counting on election night. The filth needed time to cheat. They never expected 80% of the country to vote red.

Some made up an excuse of a burst pipe somewhere within 8 miles of the counting facility...While others simply said they were "too tired" to count any more.

They started trucking in ballots & filling them out themselves right there in the counting room. They needed to kick out the observers to do it...and even defied a court order to let observers back in. They intentionally "lost" the envelopes that mail-in ballots came in...then mixed up mail-in ballots with all other ballots so they could never be separated.

While the corrupt media continued to shout the lie "THERE IS NO EVIDENCE...EVIDENCE...EVIDENCE...".

Boxes of ballots are still being delivered to the counting rooms as of yesterday.

The red wave was so YUUUUGE that the filth could cheat enough to not get caught. Even people in other countries see it.

I'm looking forward to see what the supreme court does with this :muahaha:

But one thing is for certain...TRUMP is still president!

You were warned about the 'mirages" both blue and red. People told you they were coming. And you lined up just like the partisan hacks you are. :) I knew on election night that it wasn't going to be decided before the end of the week..and it wasn't.
Those "boxes" of ballots could (and do) contain people who voted for Trump. Do you think if their ballot was postmarked before Tuesday that it shouldn't count?

Yes, Trump is still President. I don't think the SC will even pick this up as it is a purvue of the state to conduct its elections.
Yeah, the delusions of the left have no bounds. They think they can call the game, declare themselves the winners & start gloating about a victory that never happened.
They are driving the country to armed conflict. The elitists don't care because they think they won't get caught up.
Like I said, the delusions of these racist/fascists are limitless.
Do you think if their ballot was postmarked before Tuesday that it shouldn't count?

There are atleast 2 postal employees (probably more by now) who said they (and all others) were ORDERED to backdate the postmark on the 4th & 5th to the 2nd and 3rd (which is illegal) on all ballots. They have signed sworn affidavits & given legal testimony. .

Maybe don lemon didn't inform you of that.
A big issue will be what elected republicans back TRUMP. Nothing will piss off TRUMP supporters more then having people like Graham start kissing up to Biden while promising he'll get to the bottom of what happened so that it can never happen again. Sorry but if TRUMP doesn't get justice, his supporters sure as he!! aren't going back to a party that's not willing to fight as hard as democrats.

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