The Great Rethink: If Canada wants to stay a trading nation it needs to up its game


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Notice he touches on technology innovation that we lack. Stating something I stated 15 years ago, but, as I put it, Canadas own security apparatuses decimate our talent, it's not just being poached. Its being poached because people leave on their own volition, knowing the game is rigged for the kakistocracy. He overstated the technology market here also, focusing on real estate. Anyone with half a brain knows how overvalued our real estate is in T.O.

Notice the author suggests Canada apply some of it's own protectionism by denying companies like Microsoft from opening up here, lol. Typical Canadians not only keep you in this shytehole, but, they not want to try and deny other nations from coming here and hiring our best? Good luck with that. The Toronto Police, OPP and RCMP have hurt these companies for decades, if they decide to stay in the U.S all it will do is drive even MORE Canadians out of the country. There certainly isn't any logical reason why they are here other than a few benefits and marketing.

Canada doesn't like liberty or innovation, preferring a centralized system of abuses for the creepiest among us. I'd tell these low performing patsies that you made your bed, now watch the world pass us by at an alarming rate. Hey, at least you will make off like bandits. As for our future, sold it down the river for your own unqualified reward.

Maybe some of the lowlifes in Canada should have listened to some of us nearly two decades ago. The covert kakistocracy is strong and part of the creepy activities that decimate intellect and ambition. Our economy is horse and buggy. It would be laughed at if it wasn't so damaging to our future, and it was only a matter of time before the world figured us out. Even Europe with CETA free trade agreement isn't interested in our racket. They export to us, but import little.

The Great Rethink: If Canada wants to stay a trading nation it needs to up its game

At home and abroad, there is a building consensus that Canada’s trade prospects are languishing

That suggests Canadian leaders will have to reconsider their approach to attracting international investors, now that Canada’s major selling point has been neutralized.

Somewhat counterintuitively, Ciuriak thinks Canada could benefit by becoming more discerning. He said not all foreign investment in Canada is beneficial, and the governments should apply new, more restrictive tests to foreign technology companies opening research offices in Canada.
I'm sure all three Canadians here are really interested in your viewpoint. The rest of us, not so much.

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