The Great RW myth about the Founders' meaning of 'Republic'.

Do you wish to deny that a Democracy can protect minority rights?

Seeing as it is the rule by the majority...

NYCarbineer, you are again talking way beyond your depth. You should not attempt adult stuff, it is too complicated for you.

Obviously it's not rule by majority or else Hillary would be the next prez. She's beating Trump by almost 2,000,000 votes now.

Trump: 62,238,425
Clinton: 64,156,255

2016 presidential election results

Of course it's the rule of the majority, Trump won 67% of the States, that's the majority that counts.

That's a majority of dirt, ground, geographical acres. That is meaningless to a democratic system of government.

You fucking idiot, the federal government is a representative form of government, NOT A DEMOCRATIC FORM. States elect those representatives per the Constitution, deal with it fool.

If NYcarbneer really knew anything about our American history, he would know the Founders already entertained the option of electing the president on the basis of a democratic majority vote, before considering the electoral college, and REJECTED it. Yet I'm vety certain he would not have the slightest clue as to why. These liberals really ought to open up an American history book sometime, I just can't believe how little they really know about our country.
The far right fooks want popular democracy on civil rights, like abortion or gay marraige, but the EVs on the presidency. :lol:. They are fooks because they cannot think straightly. Billy_boob is but one example. Shakles is another.

As the country polarizes more and more, the electoral college system becomes a distinct advantage for Republicans.
In two out of the last three GOP presidential wins, they've needed the electoral college (that disaster for democracy as Trump called it) to overcome their loss of the popular vote.

The Founders established the need for the electoral college over the popular vote, wvwb Jefferon is specifically quoted as being against the use of a democracy "popular vote" to determine the presidential outcome on a national level.

What do you suppose is the reasoning behind the Founders choice for the electoral college and choosing a Republic system of government over a simple democracy vote on national issues?

Despite NYCabineer's objection to how the presidential election was decided, and his efforts to TRY to find quotes of Jefferson to object to this system of government, its what our Forefathers (through their many debates) finally settled upon using in the Constitution as the best representation for the people.

It's the lack of understanding behind the electoral college and the reasoning behind using a Republic form of government appears more evident with each presidential election. Did they simply not teach the electoral college as part of our nation's history with these liberals?

A Republican form of government in no way requires an electoral college system to elect chief executives. That the dumbest thing you've ever said.

So you can't answer as to why our Founders had chosen to go with an electoral college, and a Republic form of government. What's purpose do you believe it serves trying to throw out quotes by Thomas Jefferson when you can't explain either? Not to mention this IS the form of government the Founders did choose for our nation, if you actually took time to study your American history. When you don't know enough to explain our system of government it serves no purpose in crying about it.

Why? For the same reasons they chose to count black people as 3/5's of a person and to deny them their freedom.

Please tell me you're joking and you are seriously not that ignorant.
See, your comment reveals you as ignorant, misguided, and poorly educated if you think 'communists' using 'communism' came to that decision in the legislature and the courts. Sux to be you. reb used your terms like that wrongly all the time and then cry when pointed out how stupid he was.
Again that was the most stupidest comment How could you not be communist if you thought it was a good idea for the cops to come on private land and arrest someone for a D.U. I.?
The cops can come on your land for good cause any time. Did you not know that?
Yeah if you're beating up a wife or kids..Not just driving a vehicle..I am still mad about that one
You are not the law is the point.
D.u.I laws don't apply to private property..
Take that up with the WV legislature and courts. The say it does, not you.
Bullshit You thought it was OK to give a guy a DUI on his own property
See, your comment reveals you as ignorant, misguided, and poorly educated if you think 'communists' using 'communism' came to that decision in the legislature and the courts. Sux to be you. reb used your terms like that wrongly all the time and then cry when pointed out how stupid he was.

Again that was the most stupidest comment

How could you not be communist if you thought it was a good idea for the cops to come on private land and arrest someone for a D.U. I.?


That would depend on what brought the police there in the first place.

ATV accident..

Sounds like an easy one to beat.
Not if the law says you cannot drink and drive anywhere in WV.
Seeing as it is the rule by the majority...

NYCarbineer, you are again talking way beyond your depth. You should not attempt adult stuff, it is too complicated for you.

Obviously it's not rule by majority or else Hillary would be the next prez. She's beating Trump by almost 2,000,000 votes now.

Trump: 62,238,425
Clinton: 64,156,255

2016 presidential election results

Of course it's the rule of the majority, Trump won 67% of the States, that's the majority that counts.

That's a majority of dirt, ground, geographical acres. That is meaningless to a democratic system of government.

You fucking idiot, the federal government is a representative form of government, NOT A DEMOCRATIC FORM. States elect those representatives per the Constitution, deal with it fool.

If NYcarbneer really knew anything about our American history, he would know the Founders already entertained the option of electing the president on the basis of a democratic majority vote, before considering the electoral college, and REJECTED it. Yet I'm vety certain he would not have the slightest clue as to why. These liberals really ought to open up an American history book sometime, I just can't believe how little they really know about our country.

Or the Constitution itself.
And I see the brains of the RW operation has already trolled in before even reading it. Such is the intellect of the USMB right.
Considering your past posts can you blame them? Usually you try to take a ridiculous position and then attempt to prove it with nothing but opinion.
Pretty much.
Yep, that's how shackled tries to do it, and then he fails almost all the time. Not a pity, because he is slow like mudbrain, bodick, and squeeze dingle berry,. The Founders did not create a democracy: they created a constitutional republic.
You fucking idiot, the federal government is a representative form of government, NOT A DEMOCRATIC FORM. States elect those representatives per the Constitution, deal with it fool.
Nycarb is a commie idiot.

Nah, just an ignorant fool. What can you expect, look where he lives.

So you agree that our current government is undemocratic, and that a good example of that is our undemocratic way of electing a president.

Absofuckinglutely, the federal government was never intended to be democratic as I've said multiple times, the major decisions on representation are made by the creators of that government, the States. You don't like it, get 38 of those States to change it. They are the ones you have to convince the system is broken.

So why did you and/or your RWnut pals wail to high heaven when Obamacare was passed,

rammed down your throat as was repeatedly claimed, and passed over the People's majority opposition to it, so said the polls supposedly?

If you LOVE undemocratic government so much, why weren't you cheering that, instead of pissing and moaning about it being 'undemocratic'?


If the vast amount of the people across the country outside of Washington don't support Obamacare, as controversial and unpopular as it's been known to be during its fight for passage, with Nancy Pelosi having to say "we have to pass it so you can find out what's in it", a President that has to cross the country to try and convince the American voters ACA is actually "GOOD" for the people.... all that usually refers to state politicians not heeding the voice of their constituents. Rather, they were following the threats of those Democrat leaders who wanted it, OVER the concerns of the people. A republic form of government still has representatives from each state that speak FOR the will of its respected constituents they were elected to represent, not the interest of a speaker Pelosi in Washington.

So concludes this lesson of Republic.
See, your comment reveals you as ignorant, misguided, and poorly educated if you think 'communists' using 'communism' came to that decision in the legislature and the courts. Sux to be you. reb used your terms like that wrongly all the time and then cry when pointed out how stupid he was.

Again that was the most stupidest comment

How could you not be communist if you thought it was a good idea for the cops to come on private land and arrest someone for a D.U. I.?


That would depend on what brought the police there in the first place.

ATV accident..

Sounds like an easy one to beat.
Not if the law says you cannot drink and drive anywhere in WV.

WV DUI law are under traffic regulations and laws of the road, they would not apply to private property. Also if the police were not called specifically for the accident they would have no probable cause to enter private property without a warrant.
Americans, in a great majority, either want to keep it as is or improve it and make it better. About 40% flat out don't like it because they really don't know what it is. Shakled clearly does not.
Again that was the most stupidest comment

How could you not be communist if you thought it was a good idea for the cops to come on private land and arrest someone for a D.U. I.?


That would depend on what brought the police there in the first place.

ATV accident..

Sounds like an easy one to beat.
Not if the law says you cannot drink and drive anywhere in WV.

WV DUI law are under traffic regulations and laws of the road, they would not apply to private property. Also if the police were not called specifically for the accident they would have no probable cause to enter private property without a warrant.
Go read up on this. The courts said it was legal. Tough if you don't like it. If the police came on the land for any lawful reason and see you careening around on your land drunk as a skunk, they will arrest you.
That would depend on what brought the police there in the first place.

ATV accident..

Sounds like an easy one to beat.
Not if the law says you cannot drink and drive anywhere in WV.

WV DUI law are under traffic regulations and laws of the road, they would not apply to private property. Also if the police were not called specifically for the accident they would have no probable cause to enter private property without a warrant.
Go read up on this. The courts said it was legal. Tough if you don't like it. If the police came on the land for any lawful reason and see you careening around on your land drunk as a skunk, they will arrest you.

Not the Supreme Court..
That would depend on what brought the police there in the first place.

ATV accident..

Sounds like an easy one to beat.
Not if the law says you cannot drink and drive anywhere in WV.

WV DUI law are under traffic regulations and laws of the road, they would not apply to private property. Also if the police were not called specifically for the accident they would have no probable cause to enter private property without a warrant.
Go read up on this. The courts said it was legal. Tough if you don't like it. If the police came on the land for any lawful reason and see you careening around on your land drunk as a skunk, they will arrest you.

BTW quit being a commie bastard..

Again why do you think this is OK ?

Unless you're another asshole who is jealous of someone who has some money and land..

Please explain it in your own words a dude works his butt off and buys land

Then he wants to drink a beer on his land..
Seeing as it is the rule by the majority...

NYCarbineer, you are again talking way beyond your depth. You should not attempt adult stuff, it is too complicated for you.

So the majority is incapable of passing a law that guarantees your right to own a gun, that is what you're saying.

Let's hear you prove that.

What the hell are you even talking about? Where did the gun issue appear? I understand you have to pull stuff right out of your ass, as your brain is just not smart enough to provide you with anything worthwhile.

USA is a republic, deal with it.

You say a democracy cannot protect minority rights. Gun ownership is potentially a minority right.

Tell us why a democracy cannot protect that right, by law.

A Democracy can that only own a gun and all other races can't, and it would be legal.

Slavery was legal in our REPUBLIC for 80 years or thereabouts.

Wasn't it you that stated in a reply that "that's ancient history" and therefore not relevant?

Make up your mind what it is that is relevant.
Americans, in a great majority, either want to keep it as is or improve it and make it better. About 40% flat out don't like it because they really don't know what it is. Shakled clearly does not.

A great majority of Americans have no clue what's in the law and can in no way make an educated decision one way or the other. What people like are the more popular aspects of the law such and preexisting conditions and grown children being able to stay on parents plans. They have no clue of the taxes and mandatory spending involved.
Americans, in a great majority, either want to keep it as is or improve it and make it better. About 40% flat out don't like it because they really don't know what it is. Shakled clearly does not.

Those are not the statistics during the time of ACA's fight to PASSAGE under a democrat led Congress, which I was referring to, .... was it?
That would depend on what brought the police there in the first place.

ATV accident..

Sounds like an easy one to beat.
Not if the law says you cannot drink and drive anywhere in WV.

WV DUI law are under traffic regulations and laws of the road, they would not apply to private property. Also if the police were not called specifically for the accident they would have no probable cause to enter private property without a warrant.
Go read up on this. The courts said it was legal. Tough if you don't like it. If the police came on the land for any lawful reason and see you careening around on your land drunk as a skunk, they will arrest you.

Police have no authority to enforce traffic laws on private property. They violated the 4th and 5th Amendments by entering the private property without a warrant or probable cause.
BTW quit being a commie bastard.. Again why do you think this is OK ? Unless you're another asshole who is jealous of someone who has some money and land.. Please explain it in your own words a dude works his butt off and buys land Then he wants to drink a beer on his land..
You sound stupidly as did reb on communism. You have no idea what you are talking about, do you, boo boo? We own far, far more than you could ever imagine. No one is jealous of you, boo boo, in the slightest. If the cops catching you drinking heavily on your land and deem you a threat, yes, you can be arrested. Why would you think not?
BTW quit being a commie bastard.. Again why do you think this is OK ? Unless you're another asshole who is jealous of someone who has some money and land.. Please explain it in your own words a dude works his butt off and buys land Then he wants to drink a beer on his land..
You sound stupidly as did reb on communism. You have no idea what you are talking about, do you, boo boo? We own far, far more than you could ever imagine. No one is jealous of you, boo boo, in the slightest. If the cops catching you drinking heavily on your land and deem you a threat, yes, you can be arrested. Why would you think not?

Translation - your jealous

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