The Great Trump Recession: A Self-fulfilling Prophecy?

The lefty loons would love a recession because the Dem's in the clown car ain't gonna beat Trump.

There won't be a recession and Trump will win in 2020.

The lefty loons will have four more years to moan, groan and complain while the country does great.

You can't cure stupid whiny asses.
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Would it hurt more than the billions of dollars he gave to the rich in that stupid tax cut?

Why do you people keep repeating the same lies over and over. The "rich" got a cut as did the vast majority of the non-rich. How exactly did giving a tax cut to those who pay the highest percentage to begin with hurt those who also got a tax cut?

You've been told lots of times so this will be my last. The vast majority of the tax cut went to the rich who don't need it without a corresponding cut in programs. Since we still need to take in the same amount of money, the less than rich will have to make up the difference. How many trillion more has the debt risen because of that giveaway to the rich?

The only problem with your premise is that tax revenue has increased since the tax cuts. I agree thay we need to cut spending, no doubt about that, but cutting taxes has done exactly what it was intended to do....stimulated the economy organically as opposed to inorganically. Raising taxes(inorganic) increases tax revenue in the short term. Lowering taxes encourages more spending, which raises tax revenue.(organic)
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage
Beyond pathetic that you wish for a recession.
Trump is clearly worried about a recession prior to the 2020 election - so let's help make it come true. It will come sooner or later - so let's make it in the early fall of 2020.

You would sacrifice the economic wellbeing of millions solely to satisfy your blood lust against one man.

Says a lot about you, and nothing good.
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Would it hurt more than the billions of dollars he gave to the rich in that stupid tax cut?

Tax cuts don't give anything. They allow someone to keep more of what they already earned.
Anyone still have questions on whether the democrats are rooting for America?

Recessions are what come at the end of a business cycle. So, we just need to help time it to hurt Trump the most. We sure as hell wouldn't want it to happen after Trump won re-election. Makes sense to me.

Sure, if you're a sociopath. Better it never happen at all.
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Would it hurt more than the billions of dollars he gave to the rich in that stupid tax cut?
He’s not going anywhere.. then his son takes over in 2024
Trump is clearly worried about a recession prior to the 2020 election - so let's help make it come true. It will come sooner or later - so let's make it in the early fall of 2020.

This is, of course, the Democrat strategery and playbook for 2020- to punish the people by sinking the economy and hope that the starving masses will vote out Sanity in desperation.

It shows how pathetic liberalism is, what losers the libs are, when they would have millions of deplorables starving in the streets just so they can seize political power
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage
To being talking about a recession you need to have negative growth.
You need 3 months of negative growth to qualify as a recession and we haven't even had one month of it.
As a matter of fact....the worst month in Trump's first term would be considered a massive success during the Obama Administration......but you Dummycraps are like parrots repeating the media's Russia Russia Russia, Racist Racist Racist, Recession Recession Recession hoaxes.
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Would it hurt more than the billions of dollars he gave to the rich in that stupid tax cut?
Everyone got a tax cut. Lol, you're a dumbass.
Anyone still have questions on whether the democrats are rooting for America?

Recessions are what come at the end of a business cycle. So, we just need to help time it to hurt Trump the most. We sure as hell wouldn't want it to happen after Trump won re-election. Makes sense to me.
Well with you admitting that you want harm done to America. I' sure the voters will go out and vote for ya.
The biggest counterfeiting operation this rock has ever seen does have it's bad days.....

It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage
Troll thread. Nothing here folks. Just another crying lib.
Unfortunately, the average Democrat is ignorant enough to believe whatever CNN. MSNBC, et al tells them. They could literally have more money in their bank accounts and retirement plans but if they are told enough by the left wing media that they are struggling under Trump, they will start to believe it. It is mind boggling.
The Great Trump Recession is coming.

Not if he can delay it long enough to be the next President's problem. I mean, since you're more worried about having a political hit point than people's wellbeing.
CNN and MSNBC reporting more troubling signs for the economy.
Yes, we know.
You must repeat what the central CPU tells all NPC's in the hopes of creating a reality on a false narrative.

You are such an obedient shill.

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