The Great Trump Recession: A Self-fulfilling Prophecy?

Every single day a new crises, never a moment when you can relax & say OK, every thing has leveled out.
The Democrats wanted and got a recession after they rode the 9/11 truther conspiracy theory wave into control of congress in 2007.
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage

What’s the big Dem solution to a possible recession? Passing obscene spending bills like free health care for illegals? Raising taxes to 90% on the rich?

Let’s hear it.
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump.

And never mind about the millions of people who would be hurt if Democrats help bring about a recession, right? An amazing admission of just how blindly partisan you are.

In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.

What??!!!! When Obama was jacking up the debt, you guys never made this argument. I can remember dozens of exchanges with liberals here over the debt, and not once could I get any of you to admit that debt is not a good thing.
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage

Trump isn't the enemy. The Federal Reserve is the culprit to all that is bad. And politicians on both sides of the fake two-party system are trustees in it.

The fact that so many people are more concerned with Trump than the Fed is indicative of two things. 1 - They don't understand monetary policy. And/or 2 - they don't really care about the real problem and the real culprit. But they will. In time.

And it's like talking to the wall, really a waste of time. I think people really need to experience the pain of the biggest bubble in history. It's the only way they're gonna wake up and act right about the problem. Well, unless they're prepared. Sit back and have a laugh in that case.
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump.

And never mind about the millions of people who would be hurt if Democrats help bring about a recession, right? An amazing admission of just how blindly partisan you are.

In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.

What??!!!! When Obama was jacking up the debt, you guys never made this argument. I can remember dozens of exchanges with liberals here over the debt, and not once could I get any of you to admit that debt is not a good thing.

President Obama had no choice but to increase debt because of what Bush left him with - a recession and two wars to pay for. Also, Bush had CUT taxes - which was unprecedented during wartime. President Obama left Trump with a good, growing and stable economy. Trump's trillion dollar tax cut to the rich during a good economy made absolutely no sense. Republicans used to care about debt - but now they don't seem to give a shit. When Democrats regain power - Republicans will once again start raging about the debt.

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When Democrats regain power - Republicans will once again start raging about the debt.

Remember when, under President Obama, Republicans (also Trump) decried the low Fed rates as "currency debasement"?

They urged the Fed back then to raise the rate, in face of a deeply depressed economy. Now, in a terrific, humming economy ((c) Trump), they find it is treasonous sabotage that the Fed doesn't cut the rate 100 basis points.

Someone once coined the term "addiction to hypocrisy" to describe Republicans. I actually find it's far worse - along the lines of habitual, shameless mendacity and complete loss of contact with reality.
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Is that the entirety of Lakhota's argument?

Whatever... your concern for "minorities" is touching. Really, it is. When, during six years of partial or complete control of Congress during the Obama administration Republicans thwarted every attempt at helping the economy along - during times of sky-high minority unemployment - you've been lambasting Republicans for their all-out sabotage, right?

Lakhota's argument is, since after the longest growth cycle in U.S. history a recession is overdue and likely coming, may it come at a convenient time to sweep the malignant rot out of the White House...
In fact, she specifically said "Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy" but I wouldn't expect some EuroTrash like you to tell the truth ... ever.
Trump said trade wars are good - and easy to win. Trump is a fool - because our trade deficits are actually growing. Google it...
The economy is showing signs of weakness. President Obama's great economy will soon end.

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