The Great Trump Recession: A Self-fulfilling Prophecy?

Four Phases of the Business Cycle
  1. Expansion: The economy grows a healthy 2 to 3 percent. Stocks enter a bull market.
  2. Peak: The economy grows more than 3 percent. Inflation sends prices up. There are asset bubbles. The stock market is in a state of "irrational exuberance." Talking heads announce we are in a "new normal." Authors publish books with titles such as "Dow 30,000."
  3. Contraction: Economic growth slows but isn't negative. Stocks enter a bear market.
  4. Trough: The economy contracts, which signals a recession. Economic experts predict it will continue for years.
Where Are We in the Current Business Cycle?
who are these so-called economic experts? Paul Krugman and the other half a dozen socialist economist that said the stock market will crash right when Trump takes office?
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage

Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Sor
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage

Well sure, except ...

"Fed chair Jerome Powell: No recession expected 'at all' in U.S."

Powell: Fed is not 'at all' expecting a recession, saying economy continues to 'perform well'

by declining to pursue impeachment, future generations will judge all who decided, for whatever reason, to put politics above duty.
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage

It seems pretty 'normal' for economic DISASTERS to occur during the tenure of a GOP POTUS so, just go ask Hoover & G. W. how that works.

Maybe Trump will get a taste of the magic too?
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Would it hurt more than the billions of dollars he gave to the rich in that stupid tax cut?
With the State and Local Tax Limitations and limits on mortgage deductions, he hit the top 1/5th well, and overall the taxcut was roughly revenue nuetral.

As for the long prayed for recession? Yeah, that's not going to bail the Left out.

As for Tariff driven consumer price inflation? Yeah, that's not happening either.

In fact, tariffs are becoming quite the hot fashion statement:

What's Hot In Women's Fashion?

Trump Wins Again!

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