The Great Wall Of Trump

I have so enjoyed watching you liberals you democrats fling yourself at it only to splat you thick skulls. And of course you liberals have made various choices on who WE should run. As some of you brighter sh#t for brains can tell, nobody is listening.

You cheer on RINO'S like Jeb or Mitt only to see them meet their fate at the wall. The wall of Trump. American citizens are the bricks in the wall NOT terrorists NOT illegals. That is what your wall is built out of. In short construction wise your wall is built out of sh#t.

Our "mortar" is some very basic ideas. 1, America and Americans come first. 2, We are keeping ALL the rights we fought for. 3, American security comes before what others think or feel. 4, Political parties are not "Supreme Leaders", they are EMPLOYEES.

As far as some of you liberals personal choices, well yo do have a right to them but you do not have a right to expect others to pay for them. And forced diversity based on color or faith? That sh#t ain't selling. Diversity in a world that competes is based on brains.

Florida is just going to be one more class in you re-education about America and Americans. Marco "foam boy" Rubio is set to come in fourth.
1, Trump
2, Cruz
3, Kasich
4, Rubio

And that should end him for politics for a very long time to come. Cruz will be the next target and his worst day will come in Ohio.
1, Trump {squeaker}
2, Kasich
3, Cruz
It will not finish him but Carly backing Cruz in California certainly will. Her numbers were beyond dismal in that state and passing that to Cruz? Deadly.

Despite every lie, every slight you liberals have pulled on Trump the Trump wall has grown and gotten stronger. The Trump wall made up of America's simply do not care. That is as honest as it gets. We don't care if you democrats starve to death in the streets nor do we care if you leave the country. While we hope you are telling the truth about that one we know you are lying.

Your party has beat down the American public now for damn near eight years. You have a turn coming. And this crap you will take the Senate AND House? Hillary is your Nixon and Holder your Mitchell and you ain't taking dick.

Americans want more then the House and the Senate. America wants revenge.


One thing that I have always found fascinating about a Trump Supporter. Donald Trump knows how important the Latino vote is for the Republican nominee to winning the White House, but apparently his supporters don't. Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing, citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right! The debate platform in 2012 was loaded with anti-immigration talk and deportation also.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush, he captured 44% of this block, Romney lost by only getting 27%.

This year the Republican nominee needs 46% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at an historic 80% with Latino's. Even Republican Latino voters stated months ago they wouldn't support a Trump nominee. Latino voters represent 17% of the population or 23 million voters are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

So a question for you Trump supporters: What candidate goes into a race to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that is trying to win an election, or rather a candidate that is trying to drive it into someone else's lap?

Maybe a lot of you should consider what that phone call was about between Donald Trump & Bill Clinton, just prior to Trump announcing his candidacy.


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assuming this "wall" will be concrete 20 feet high, I can't wait to see how deep the trench is for the footing, then theres buiding the forms, then there's the steel to reinforce a 20 foot wall and the trench it sits in, then theres building the roads to get the cement trucks to the forms to pour the wall, then theres removing the forms, and hauling them off. then .............

then the drug cartel backs up 5 or 10 Ryder trucks full of diesel and fertilizer at various points of interest and blows the wall to hell ...

not to much thought went in to this 'wall' so just keep adding "then" to the process, and you may or may not get the solution Donnie promised.

my bet is on may not.
assuming this "wall" will be concrete 20 feet high, I can't wait to see how deep the trench is for the footing, then theres buiding the forms, then there's the steel to reinforce a 20 foot wall and the trench it sits in, then theres building the roads to get the cement trucks to the forms to pour the wall, then theres removing the forms, and hauling them off. then .............

then the drug cartel backs up 5 or 10 Ryder trucks full of diesel and fertilizer at various points of interest and blows the wall to hell ...

not to much thought went in to this 'wall' so just keep adding "then" to the process, and you may or may not get the solution Donnie promised.

my bet is on may not.
We can use the A-10 to protect the wall. They will run out of rental trucks before we run out of ammo.
I have so enjoyed watching you liberals you democrats fling yourself at it only to splat you thick skulls. And of course you liberals have made various choices on who WE should run. As some of you brighter sh#t for brains can tell, nobody is listening.

You cheer on RINO'S like Jeb or Mitt only to see them meet their fate at the wall. The wall of Trump. American citizens are the bricks in the wall NOT terrorists NOT illegals. That is what your wall is built out of. In short construction wise your wall is built out of sh#t.

Our "mortar" is some very basic ideas. 1, America and Americans come first. 2, We are keeping ALL the rights we fought for. 3, American security comes before what others think or feel. 4, Political parties are not "Supreme Leaders", they are EMPLOYEES.

As far as some of you liberals personal choices, well yo do have a right to them but you do not have a right to expect others to pay for them. And forced diversity based on color or faith? That sh#t ain't selling. Diversity in a world that competes is based on brains.

Florida is just going to be one more class in you re-education about America and Americans. Marco "foam boy" Rubio is set to come in fourth.
1, Trump
2, Cruz
3, Kasich
4, Rubio

And that should end him for politics for a very long time to come. Cruz will be the next target and his worst day will come in Ohio.
1, Trump {squeaker}
2, Kasich
3, Cruz
It will not finish him but Carly backing Cruz in California certainly will. Her numbers were beyond dismal in that state and passing that to Cruz? Deadly.

Despite every lie, every slight you liberals have pulled on Trump the Trump wall has grown and gotten stronger. The Trump wall made up of America's simply do not care. That is as honest as it gets. We don't care if you democrats starve to death in the streets nor do we care if you leave the country. While we hope you are telling the truth about that one we know you are lying.

Your party has beat down the American public now for damn near eight years. You have a turn coming. And this crap you will take the Senate AND House? Hillary is your Nixon and Holder your Mitchell and you ain't taking dick.

Americans want more then the House and the Senate. America wants revenge.


One thing that I have always found fascinating about a Trump Supporter. Donald Trump knows how important the Latino vote is for the Republican nominee to winning the White House, but apparently his supporters don't. Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing, citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right! The debate platform in 2012 was loaded with anti-immigration talk and deportation also.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush, he captured 44% of this block, Romney lost by only getting 27%.

This year the Republican nominee needs 46% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at an historic 80% with Latino's. Even Republican Latino voters stated months ago they wouldn't support a Trump nominee. Latino voters represent 17% of the population or 23 million voters are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

So a question for you Trump supporters: What candidate goes into a race to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that is trying to win an election, or rather a candidate that is trying to drive it into someone else's lap?

Maybe a lot of you should consider what that phone call was about between Donald Trump & Bill Clinton, just prior to Trump announcing his candidacy.

You have been supporting EVERY female loser Carly and Hillary since day one. Get your dumb ass back in the kitchen. REAL women want a REAL woman as first female president and Carly and Clinton ain't that.
assuming this "wall" will be concrete 20 feet high, I can't wait to see how deep the trench is for the footing, then theres buiding the forms, then there's the steel to reinforce a 20 foot wall and the trench it sits in, then theres building the roads to get the cement trucks to the forms to pour the wall, then theres removing the forms, and hauling them off. then .............

then the drug cartel backs up 5 or 10 Ryder trucks full of diesel and fertilizer at various points of interest and blows the wall to hell ...

not to much thought went in to this 'wall' so just keep adding "then" to the process, and you may or may not get the solution Donnie promised.

my bet is on may not.
We can use the A-10 to protect the wall. They will run out of rental trucks before we run out of ammo.

assuming this "wall" will be concrete 20 feet high, I can't wait to see how deep the trench is for the footing, then theres buiding the forms, then there's the steel to reinforce a 20 foot wall and the trench it sits in, then theres building the roads to get the cement trucks to the forms to pour the wall, then theres removing the forms, and hauling them off. then .............

then the drug cartel backs up 5 or 10 Ryder trucks full of diesel and fertilizer at various points of interest and blows the wall to hell ...

not to much thought went in to this 'wall' so just keep adding "then" to the process, and you may or may not get the solution Donnie promised.

my bet is on may not.

There won't be any wall idiot. Donald Trump is a plant to insure that Hillary Clinton wins this election.

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assuming this "wall" will be concrete 20 feet high, I can't wait to see how deep the trench is for the footing, then theres buiding the forms, then there's the steel to reinforce a 20 foot wall and the trench it sits in, then theres building the roads to get the cement trucks to the forms to pour the wall, then theres removing the forms, and hauling them off. then .............

then the drug cartel backs up 5 or 10 Ryder trucks full of diesel and fertilizer at various points of interest and blows the wall to hell ...

not to much thought went in to this 'wall' so just keep adding "then" to the process, and you may or may not get the solution Donnie promised.

my bet is on may not.
We can use the A-10 to protect the wall. They will run out of rental trucks before we run out of ammo.

Ah, yeah. Your day of PUSSY leadership is drawing to a close. You are going to have gun fire to protect the country or you will have gun fire IN the country. THOSE are the choices.
assuming this "wall" will be concrete 20 feet high, I can't wait to see how deep the trench is for the footing, then theres buiding the forms, then there's the steel to reinforce a 20 foot wall and the trench it sits in, then theres building the roads to get the cement trucks to the forms to pour the wall, then theres removing the forms, and hauling them off. then .............

then the drug cartel backs up 5 or 10 Ryder trucks full of diesel and fertilizer at various points of interest and blows the wall to hell ...

not to much thought went in to this 'wall' so just keep adding "then" to the process, and you may or may not get the solution Donnie promised.

my bet is on may not.

There won't be any wall idiot. Donald Trump is a plant to insure that Hillary Clinton wins this election.

No, No And No. The wall possible very true.
assuming this "wall" will be concrete 20 feet high, I can't wait to see how deep the trench is for the footing, then theres buiding the forms, then there's the steel to reinforce a 20 foot wall and the trench it sits in, then theres building the roads to get the cement trucks to the forms to pour the wall, then theres removing the forms, and hauling them off. then .............

then the drug cartel backs up 5 or 10 Ryder trucks full of diesel and fertilizer at various points of interest and blows the wall to hell ...

not to much thought went in to this 'wall' so just keep adding "then" to the process, and you may or may not get the solution Donnie promised.

my bet is on may not.

There won't be any wall idiot. Donald Trump is a plant to insure that Hillary Clinton wins this election.
Go mop a floor or do the dishes.
assuming this "wall" will be concrete 20 feet high, I can't wait to see how deep the trench is for the footing, then theres buiding the forms, then there's the steel to reinforce a 20 foot wall and the trench it sits in, then theres building the roads to get the cement trucks to the forms to pour the wall, then theres removing the forms, and hauling them off. then .............

then the drug cartel backs up 5 or 10 Ryder trucks full of diesel and fertilizer at various points of interest and blows the wall to hell ...

not to much thought went in to this 'wall' so just keep adding "then" to the process, and you may or may not get the solution Donnie promised.

my bet is on may not.

There won't be any wall idiot. Donald Trump is a plant to insure that Hillary Clinton wins this election.

No, No And No. The wall possible very true.

1200 miles of private land in Texas alone ... tribal land in New Mexico and Arizona... good thing Trump is experienced at eminent domain, the courts will have him tied up for years if not decades.

G'luck! :eusa_whistle:


If I owned that land, I'd much rather own 2500 acres of "wall front" property, than river front property. Any business man would. (es)

assuming Trump gets past the land owners there's the issue of getting it built ... ok, pick a ravine or canyon,

LMAO .... border wall, uh huh, sure.
You do mean corporations! Right!

I've figured out how to get mexico to pay for the wall. Turn it into a commercial enterprise.

Embed slot machines in the side facing mexico and bill it as the longest casino on earth.

Make a progressive jackpot one greencard and we'll pay down the debt while we're at it.....
We give "overseas" aid to Mexico. Just deduct one million per every illegal caught trying to cross. Mexico will guard the border to keep the money.

That's certainly doable also and more realistic, naturally.

If their government isn't going to do shit about it, start pulling the sugar. Should have been done a long time ago, really...
Time to quit paying the people who stick us in the back and take care of Americans.
You do mean corporations! Right!

I've figured out how to get mexico to pay for the wall. Turn it into a commercial enterprise.

Embed slot machines in the side facing mexico and bill it as the longest casino on earth.

Make a progressive jackpot one greencard and we'll pay down the debt while we're at it.....
We give "overseas" aid to Mexico. Just deduct one million per every illegal caught trying to cross. Mexico will guard the border to keep the money.

That's certainly doable also and more realistic, naturally.

If their government isn't going to do shit about it, start pulling the sugar. Should have been done a long time ago, really...
Time to quit paying the people who stick us in the back and take care of Americans.


them too, far as I'm concerned.

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