The greater good trumps the desires of an individual

That should be the model of American politics.

That being said, I am all for any personal freedom that does not harm the greater good.
Wrong. Individualism is the way to go. If individuals take care of themselves, it will be for the greater good.
No its not. A community coming together for the common good is much better than individual people battling for their own self interests its why "democracies" fail and eventually fall and those that put the common good flourish until they are taken out by the Jew such as NS Germany.

Wrong, history shows that your socialist ideals always fail. How much greater good are the people of Russia and its former countries enjoying right now? How about Venezuela? China? North Korea?

Just like society is made up of individuals, individuals taking care of themselves makes for the greater good.

the greater good = in demspeak, taking everything from successful people and giving it to those who are too lazy to work.

Yes, exactly.
Human nature is the reason that centering government around the "greater good" will always fail.

For example, we provide entitlements to those who are erroneously named "less fortunate". We give food, and shelter to them and their family. What that does is make poverty a viable option for them. They have more babies, others decide to drop out and join them, and the people in poverty grows. It's human nature that people ask themselves why they should work when they can do nothing and still get money and enough to live on.

All we do when we provide for those who have nothing is to create more of them. This system will always fail.

Insisting that everyone take care of themselves isn't the perfect system but it's better by far than using the government to take care of people.
That should be the model of American politics.

That being said, I am all for any personal freedom that does not harm the greater good.
Wrong. Individualism is the way to go. If individuals take care of themselves, it will be for the greater good.
No its not. A community coming together for the common good is much better than individual people battling for their own self interests its why "democracies" fail and eventually fall and those that put the common good flourish until they are taken out by the Jew such as NS Germany.

Wrong, history shows that your socialist ideals always fail. How much greater good are the people of Russia and its former countries enjoying right now? How about Venezuela? China? North Korea?

Just like society is made up of individuals, individuals taking care of themselves makes for the greater good.
All communist not socialist. Socialism the RIGHT WAY aka National or Racial Socialism does work it worked just fine in NS Germany it was merely defeated by the Jew and its allies of the world jumping on the train.

One other basic idea that the White Man is hopelessly confused about is socialism or collectivism, and I use these words interchangeably. Since this idea has been so terribly abused and confused by the Jews, the Communists and the Kosher Konservatives to the point where they could mean anything, I am going to set forth the position and meaning that the Church of the Creator gives to the term socialism: to us socialism means Organized Society, period. It does not at all imply state ownership of the means of production, nor does it, in our definition, imply confiscation of private property. On the contrary.

Creator Library

No, they are not true communist, they are more closely related to socialist. But that doesn't matter the result will be the same. History shows it.
That should be the model of American politics.

That being said, I am all for any personal freedom that does not harm the greater good.
Wrong. Individualism is the way to go. If individuals take care of themselves, it will be for the greater good.
No its not. A community coming together for the common good is much better than individual people battling for their own self interests its why "democracies" fail and eventually fall and those that put the common good flourish until they are taken out by the Jew such as NS Germany.

Wrong, history shows that your socialist ideals always fail. How much greater good are the people of Russia and its former countries enjoying right now? How about Venezuela? China? North Korea?

Just like society is made up of individuals, individuals taking care of themselves makes for the greater good.
All communist not socialist. Socialism the RIGHT WAY aka National or Racial Socialism does work it worked just fine in NS Germany it was merely defeated by the Jew and its allies of the world jumping on the train.

One other basic idea that the White Man is hopelessly confused about is socialism or collectivism, and I use these words interchangeably. Since this idea has been so terribly abused and confused by the Jews, the Communists and the Kosher Konservatives to the point where they could mean anything, I am going to set forth the position and meaning that the Church of the Creator gives to the term socialism: to us socialism means Organized Society, period. It does not at all imply state ownership of the means of production, nor does it, in our definition, imply confiscation of private property. On the contrary.

Creator Library

No, they are not true communist, they are more closely related to socialist. But that doesn't matter the result will be the same. History shows it.
History shows us Democratic Socialist or Socialist countries that are homogeneous work just fine as is the case in Europe right now.
So much for Marxist junk, how about this? The Founding Fathers (can you still use that term?) determined that the role of the federal government was to "provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare". Notice they didn't say promote the common defense and provide for the general welfare.
That should be the model of American politics.

That being said, I am all for any personal freedom that does not harm the greater good.
Wrong. Individualism is the way to go. If individuals take care of themselves, it will be for the greater good.
No its not. A community coming together for the common good is much better than individual people battling for their own self interests its why "democracies" fail and eventually fall and those that put the common good flourish until they are taken out by the Jew such as NS Germany.

Wrong, history shows that your socialist ideals always fail. How much greater good are the people of Russia and its former countries enjoying right now? How about Venezuela? China? North Korea?

Just like society is made up of individuals, individuals taking care of themselves makes for the greater good.
All communist not socialist. Socialism the RIGHT WAY aka National or Racial Socialism does work it worked just fine in NS Germany it was merely defeated by the Jew and its allies of the world jumping on the train.

One other basic idea that the White Man is hopelessly confused about is socialism or collectivism, and I use these words interchangeably. Since this idea has been so terribly abused and confused by the Jews, the Communists and the Kosher Konservatives to the point where they could mean anything, I am going to set forth the position and meaning that the Church of the Creator gives to the term socialism: to us socialism means Organized Society, period. It does not at all imply state ownership of the means of production, nor does it, in our definition, imply confiscation of private property. On the contrary.

Creator Library

No, they are not true communist, they are more closely related to socialist. But that doesn't matter the result will be the same. History shows it.
History shows us Democratic Socialist or Socialist countries that are homogeneous work just fine as is the case in Europe right now.

which European socialist homogeneous country is working "just fine" ? I suggest a little research on your part before answering, because the answer is none of them.
That should be the model of American politics.

That being said, I am all for any personal freedom that does not harm the greater good.
No its not. A community coming together for the common good is much better than individual people battling for their own self interests its why "democracies" fail and eventually fall and those that put the common good flourish until they are taken out by the Jew such as NS Germany.

Wrong, history shows that your socialist ideals always fail. How much greater good are the people of Russia and its former countries enjoying right now? How about Venezuela? China? North Korea?

Just like society is made up of individuals, individuals taking care of themselves makes for the greater good.
All communist not socialist. Socialism the RIGHT WAY aka National or Racial Socialism does work it worked just fine in NS Germany it was merely defeated by the Jew and its allies of the world jumping on the train.

One other basic idea that the White Man is hopelessly confused about is socialism or collectivism, and I use these words interchangeably. Since this idea has been so terribly abused and confused by the Jews, the Communists and the Kosher Konservatives to the point where they could mean anything, I am going to set forth the position and meaning that the Church of the Creator gives to the term socialism: to us socialism means Organized Society, period. It does not at all imply state ownership of the means of production, nor does it, in our definition, imply confiscation of private property. On the contrary.

Creator Library

No, they are not true communist, they are more closely related to socialist. But that doesn't matter the result will be the same. History shows it.
History shows us Democratic Socialist or Socialist countries that are homogeneous work just fine as is the case in Europe right now.

which European socialist homogeneous country is working "just fine" ? I suggest a little research on your part before answering, because the answer is none of them.
WERE working fine then with Democratic Socialism. Socialism in any way only works in a homogeneous society not one that allows its self to be over run by invaders.
"The greater good" is a shallow platitude and completely subjective term.

For example, lowering standards for people to make things "easier" for them might help them in the short term, but quite possibly not in the long term.

"The greater good" could include keeping standards & expectations high so that people will realize their potential, contribute more to society and retain their fundamental dignity.
Wrong, history shows that your socialist ideals always fail. How much greater good are the people of Russia and its former countries enjoying right now? How about Venezuela? China? North Korea?

Just like society is made up of individuals, individuals taking care of themselves makes for the greater good.
All communist not socialist. Socialism the RIGHT WAY aka National or Racial Socialism does work it worked just fine in NS Germany it was merely defeated by the Jew and its allies of the world jumping on the train.

One other basic idea that the White Man is hopelessly confused about is socialism or collectivism, and I use these words interchangeably. Since this idea has been so terribly abused and confused by the Jews, the Communists and the Kosher Konservatives to the point where they could mean anything, I am going to set forth the position and meaning that the Church of the Creator gives to the term socialism: to us socialism means Organized Society, period. It does not at all imply state ownership of the means of production, nor does it, in our definition, imply confiscation of private property. On the contrary.

Creator Library

No, they are not true communist, they are more closely related to socialist. But that doesn't matter the result will be the same. History shows it.
History shows us Democratic Socialist or Socialist countries that are homogeneous work just fine as is the case in Europe right now.

which European socialist homogeneous country is working "just fine" ? I suggest a little research on your part before answering, because the answer is none of them.
WERE working fine then with Democratic Socialism. Socialism in any way only works in a homogeneous society not one that allows its self to be over run by invaders.

so, lets see, you are saying that European socialism failed because of immigration? Those countries were going broke before they let in the muslim hoards. I have been to Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France. They all suck, they are all taxing their people to death and providing shitty government services. Socialism does not work never has, never will.
All communist not socialist. Socialism the RIGHT WAY aka National or Racial Socialism does work it worked just fine in NS Germany it was merely defeated by the Jew and its allies of the world jumping on the train.

One other basic idea that the White Man is hopelessly confused about is socialism or collectivism, and I use these words interchangeably. Since this idea has been so terribly abused and confused by the Jews, the Communists and the Kosher Konservatives to the point where they could mean anything, I am going to set forth the position and meaning that the Church of the Creator gives to the term socialism: to us socialism means Organized Society, period. It does not at all imply state ownership of the means of production, nor does it, in our definition, imply confiscation of private property. On the contrary.

Creator Library

No, they are not true communist, they are more closely related to socialist. But that doesn't matter the result will be the same. History shows it.
History shows us Democratic Socialist or Socialist countries that are homogeneous work just fine as is the case in Europe right now.

which European socialist homogeneous country is working "just fine" ? I suggest a little research on your part before answering, because the answer is none of them.
WERE working fine then with Democratic Socialism. Socialism in any way only works in a homogeneous society not one that allows its self to be over run by invaders.

so, lets see, you are saying that European socialism failed because of immigration? Those countries were going broke before they let in the muslim hoards. I have been to Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France. They all suck, they are all taxing their people to death and providing shitty government services. Socialism does not work never has, never will.
Worked in NS Germany. Funny how you say they are providing shitty services yet those countries are the happiest countries year in and year out.
That should be the model of American politics.

That being said, I am all for any personal freedom that does not harm the greater good.
Wrong. Individualism is the way to go. If individuals take care of themselves, it will be for the greater good.
No its not. A community coming together for the common good is much better than individual people battling for their own self interests its why "democracies" fail and eventually fall and those that put the common good flourish until they are taken out by the Jew such as NS Germany.

Wrong, history shows that your socialist ideals always fail. How much greater good are the people of Russia and its former countries enjoying right now? How about Venezuela? China? North Korea?

Just like society is made up of individuals, individuals taking care of themselves makes for the greater good.
All communist not socialist. Socialism the RIGHT WAY aka National or Racial Socialism does work it worked just fine in NS Germany it was merely defeated by the Jew and its allies of the world jumping on the train.

One other basic idea that the White Man is hopelessly confused about is socialism or collectivism, and I use these words interchangeably. Since this idea has been so terribly abused and confused by the Jews, the Communists and the Kosher Konservatives to the point where they could mean anything, I am going to set forth the position and meaning that the Church of the Creator gives to the term socialism: to us socialism means Organized Society, period. It does not at all imply state ownership of the means of production, nor does it, in our definition, imply confiscation of private property. On the contrary.

Creator Library

No, they are not true communist, they are more closely related to socialist. But that doesn't matter the result will be the same. History shows it.
History shows us Democratic Socialist or Socialist countries that are homogeneous work just fine as is the case in Europe right now.

That is only true depending on how you define "fine". They are not doing better than we are and they are not going to stay fine for long.
'The greater good trumps the desires of an individual'

...and in America the MINORITY can impose its will on the majority...
'The greater good trumps the desires of an individual' ...and in America the MINORITY can impose its will on the majority...
How so?

Where to start....

Obamacare was supported by a MINORITY of the Americans citizens, but it was Obama's legacy, his and his Liberals' desire.

When Congress began getting ready to pass Obamacare the American people lit up and 'melted' the phone lines in DC demanding it not be passed. The opposition to the legislation was overwhelmingly the majority. Congress did not vote on it...Obama PROMISED at least 48 hours for Americans to be able to read the legislation before a vote was cast.

Having learned their lesson from the phone calls, Democrats / Obama broke their word - in the wee hours of the morning, before any American knew the betrayal was being perpetrated, the DNC-controlled Congress held their vote, forcing the minority-supported piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it. By the time Americans had woken up the deal was done. Barak Obama's promise that all Americans would get to read it before a vote was taken was replaced by Field Marshall Pelosi telling the American people had no RIGHT to know what was in the bill until it had been signed into law.


Immigration: The vast majority of the American people want our borders secured, our national security strengthened; however a minority of people / politicians support open borders...for everyone, the good and potential enemies / terrorists.

Someone speaks out on some issue, even if it is a majority supported idea, if a number (minority) of people claim they are offended at something, use the term 'racist' like a weapon to get what they want causing the merchant or person(s) to appease / give in to them despite their being in the minority...

There are a lot of examples.
'The greater good trumps the desires of an individual' ...and in America the MINORITY can impose its will on the majority...
How so?

Where to start....

Obamacare was supported by a MINORITY of the Americans citizens, but it was Obama's legacy, his and his Liberals' desire.

When Congress began getting ready to pass Obamacare the American people lit up and 'melted' the phone lines in DC demanding it not be passed. The opposition to the legislation was overwhelmingly the majority. Congress did not vote on it...Obama PROMISED at least 48 hours for Americans to be able to read the legislation before a vote was cast.

Having learned their lesson from the phone calls, Democrats / Obama broke their word - in the wee hours of the morning, before any American knew the betrayal was being perpetrated, the DNC-controlled Congress held their vote, forcing the minority-supported piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it. By the time Americans had woken up the deal was done. Barak Obama's promise that all Americans would get to read it before a vote was taken was replaced by Field Marshall Pelosi telling the American people had no RIGHT to know what was in the bill until it had been signed into law.


Immigration: The vast majority of the American people want our borders secured, our national security strengthened; however a minority of people / politicians support open borders...for everyone, the good and potential enemies / terrorists.

Someone speaks out on some issue, even if it is a majority supported idea, if a number (minority) of people claim they are offended at something, use the term 'racist' like a weapon to get what they want causing the merchant or person(s) to appease / give in to them despite their being in the minority...

There are a lot of examples.

Hmm.... I not so sure it's as clear as all that. But does it matter that much? If, for example, we had concrete data that 51% of registered voters were in favor of ACA, would you be willing to accept it?
Hmm.... I not so sure it's as clear as all that. But does it matter that much? If, for example, we had concrete data that 51% of registered voters were in favor of ACA, would you be willing to accept it?
Absolutely because then it WOULD be the 'will of the people'...but it WASN'T.

It was unwanted, minority-supported, government-expanding, horse shit written intentionally so complex that no one could understand it (as Gruber pointed out), based on pure lies (like the Lie of the Year), and violated one of the many promises Obama made to the American people, that they could read it 1st. Instead, it was rammed into law while the American people slept and while a self-appointed Socialist 'Queen' declared to the people they had no RIGHT to know what was in their 'edict' until it had been signed into law.

That's not democracy.
That's not representative govt.
That was the antithesis of what this country was built to be, what we're all about.

And an yo momma always said (at least mine did), if you have to hide in the dark, keep something secret to do something, than it most probably wrong, and YOU KNOW it's wrong while you're doin' it.
No, they are not true communist, they are more closely related to socialist. But that doesn't matter the result will be the same. History shows it.
History shows us Democratic Socialist or Socialist countries that are homogeneous work just fine as is the case in Europe right now.

which European socialist homogeneous country is working "just fine" ? I suggest a little research on your part before answering, because the answer is none of them.
WERE working fine then with Democratic Socialism. Socialism in any way only works in a homogeneous society not one that allows its self to be over run by invaders.

so, lets see, you are saying that European socialism failed because of immigration? Those countries were going broke before they let in the muslim hoards. I have been to Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France. They all suck, they are all taxing their people to death and providing shitty government services. Socialism does not work never has, never will.
Worked in NS Germany. Funny how you say they are providing shitty services yet those countries are the happiest countries year in and year out.
Their citizens are brainwashed, no doubt

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