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Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
If Western Europe doesn't reverse its course of cultural suicide, the time may come to leave NATO and form an alliance between the USA, Brazil, and Russia. We could straighten out the mess in the Middle East by launching another Crusade and putting the Pahlavi regime back in charge in Iran, getting rid of ISIS and helping Assad regain power, and then we make Kurdistan the 51st state of the USA. Also, we could straighten things out in Central and South America by curing Cuba and Venezuela of their god-forsaken Communism and putting good capitalist leaders in charge there and wall off any countries that won't cooperate and become prosperous.

Donald Trump

Vladimir Putin

Jair Bolsonaro


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You are fucking Nuts. If not, this should be in Satire.
WTF dude.
I believe the op could have made a point, I'm not sure what it could have been. The US, Russia and Brazil? The Shah, ISIS and Assad? Perhaps a bit more info could be of help.
Two actions are a priority. One, the USA and Russia launch a long overdue crusade in the middle east. They smash ISIS, install a West-friendly government everywhere, and make Kurdistan the 51st state to help supply us with oil. While this is happening, the USA and Brazil invade Venezuela and Cuba and install pro-West capitalist governments there. We then wall off any remaining shithole countries until we can fix them. The USA gets to annex Kurdistan, Brazil gets to annex Venezuela, and Russia gets to annex the Ukraine.

Let the European Union commit suicide. I wish we could stop it, except we can't. We could possibly some day annex the UK and Canada as allies if they change their thinking. The rest of Europe appears to be lost.

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