The Greatest Movie of All Time

IMDB's Top movies

1. The Godfather - I never even forced myself to watch it. Seems like the start of the Sopranos; but great?
2. Shawshank Redemption - This movie makes me want to puke. Way over-rated.
3. Schindler's List - Artsy Fartsy. I never wanted to see it that badly.
4. Raging Bull - Perhaps the booster to Scorsese's career, but top four? HA. I never seen it either.
5. Casablanca - I never seen this; but from what I've heard and seen; this might be a worthy top tenner.
6. One Flew Over The KooKoo's Nest - I never hear anyone talking about how great this movie is. No doubt Jack Nicholson did a fine performance though.
7. Gone With The Wind - Perhaps worthy of a ceremonial top ten, but who really wants to sit through 4 1/2 hours of this crap anymore?
8. Citizen Kane - I have seen this. Orson Welles was brilliant. And this movie is deserving of the ceremonial top ten if not an actual top ten. I wouldn't be in a hurry to watch the movie again. But again, Orson Welles was a great actor to be sure.
9. The Wizard Of Oz - A deserving ceremonial top ten; and a unique, innovative score and certainly has had a top ten impact on society; but....
10. Titanic - Bla...Who wants to watch that?
11. Lawrence of Arabia...Probably a 'classic'
12. Sunset Blvd - What?
13. The Godfather Part II - Seriously?
14. Psycho - Truly a great movie! Yet, Hollywood gave it zero Oscars back in the day.
15. Vertigo - Vertiwho?
16. On The Waterfront - Why the establishment has such a Marlon Brando fetish, I'll never know.
17. Forrest Gump - Got admit, it was a fun movie when it came out. Please don't ever let me watch this for the 100th time though!
18. The Sound Of Music - Meh...Is this the token musical top 18 pick? If so, at least go with Phantom Of The Opera.
19. West Side Story - Aye. Go with Grease if anything, geez.
20. Star Wars - Yup.
21. ET - Good in its day. Does anyone really want to rewatch this?
22. 2001 A Space Odyssey - Nah.
23. The Silence Of The Lambs - A fun watch, but top 25? Give me a break.
24. Chinatown - Don't know a thing about it.
25.The Bridge on the River Kwai - Definitely a classic.
26. Singin' In Rain - Seriously, who votes for this sh**
27. It's a Wonderful Life - Never seen it, not even at Christmas time.
28. 12 Angry Men - What?
29. Chicago - Seriously, is this list voted on by gay men?
30. Shakespear In Love - No.
31. Amadeus - Aye
32. Apocalypse Now - I'd have to see it. I've heard enough to at least believe it's maybe good.
33. Ghandi - Feel Goodery. This sh** can't be a top 50 movie
34. Lord Of The Rings - Would be good if they didn't show the f'ing ring over and over and bothered to keep it under two hours.
35. Gladiator - I have it and still haven't forced myself to watch it. People say it's good.
36. From Here To Eternity - So some movie from 1941 that nobody has ever heard of is in the top 40? Good job, IMDB. How posh of you.
37. Saving Private Ryan - Definitely well done. 169 minutes is too long though. I'm a firm believer in keeping a movie under 2 hours and 2 hours, 20 min absolute max.
38. Unforgiven - Awesome movie. Probably a top twenty movie.
39 Raiders Of The Lost Ark - Worthy pick.
40. Rocky - Mmm. It had its cultural impact; but who the f thinks it's so great, nowadays?
41. Some Like It Hot - Movie full of fun subtlties. Top 50? Come the f on. This is those drag queens at IMDB again.
42. The Best Years Of Our Lives - What?
43. A Streetcar Named Desire - I barely liked the two minutes I saw on The Simpsons; and that was the highlights.
44. Dr. Strangelove - Could be a fun watch. Doubt it's top fifty.
45. THe Philadelphia Story - More Sex and The City selections from IMDB.
46. To Kill A Mocking Bird - A good book; but come on. This movie is something you'd click over if you saw it on television. It's like a glorified Andy Griffith Show.
47. My Fair Lady - Aye.
48. Ben-Hur - Definitely good.
49. Doctor Zhivago - Meh.
50. Jaws - Seriously? It was ground breaking special effects; that's it.

It keeps going, but I'll stop at 50.

Where's Animal House? Only the funniest movie of all-time. Where's Back To The Future? That movie had it all. Where's Donnie Darko? Solid indie movie with a great soundtrack. Breakfast Club? Hoosiers or the Natural or even Slap Shot? These truly great movies aren't posh enough for the uppity IMDB f*****s at IMDB. But even so, they totally missed one posh movie - Mrs. Robinson. Great art in every scene and an amazing, provocative watch. How about some of the really good animated movies?
IMDB's Top movies

1. The Godfather - I never even forced myself to watch it. Seems like the start of the Sopranos; but great?
2. Shawshank Redemption - This movie makes me want to puke. Way over-rated.
3. Schindler's List - Artsy Fartsy. I never wanted to see it that badly.
4. Raging Bull - Perhaps the booster to Scorsese's career, but top four? HA. I never seen it either.
5. Casablanca - I never seen this; but from what I've heard and seen; this might be a worthy top tenner.
6. One Flew Over The KooKoo's Nest - I never hear anyone talking about how great this movie is. No doubt Jack Nicholson did a fine performance though.
7. Gone With The Wind - Perhaps worthy of a ceremonial top ten, but who really wants to sit through 4 1/2 hours of this crap anymore?
8. Citizen Kane - I have seen this. Orson Welles was brilliant. And this movie is deserving of the ceremonial top ten if not an actual top ten. I wouldn't be in a hurry to watch the movie again. But again, Orson Welles was a great actor to be sure.
9. The Wizard Of Oz - A deserving ceremonial top ten; and a unique, innovative score and certainly has had a top ten impact on society; but....
10. Titanic - Bla...Who wants to watch that?
11. Lawrence of Arabia...Probably a 'classic'
12. Sunset Blvd - What?
13. The Godfather Part II - Seriously?
14. Psycho - Truly a great movie! Yet, Hollywood gave it zero Oscars back in the day.
15. Vertigo - Vertiwho?
16. On The Waterfront - Why the establishment has such a Marlon Brando fetish, I'll never know.
17. Forrest Gump - Got admit, it was a fun movie when it came out. Please don't ever let me watch this for the 100th time though!
18. The Sound Of Music - Meh...Is this the token musical top 18 pick? If so, at least go with Phantom Of The Opera.
19. West Side Story - Aye. Go with Grease if anything, geez.
20. Star Wars - Yup.
21. ET - Good in its day. Does anyone really want to rewatch this?
22. 2001 A Space Odyssey - Nah.
23. The Silence Of The Lambs - A fun watch, but top 25? Give me a break.
24. Chinatown - Don't know a thing about it.
25.The Bridge on the River Kwai - Definitely a classic.
26. Singin' In Rain - Seriously, who votes for this sh**
27. It's a Wonderful Life - Never seen it, not even at Christmas time.
28. 12 Angry Men - What?
29. Chicago - Seriously, is this list voted on by gay men?
30. Shakespear In Love - No.
31. Amadeus - Aye
32. Apocalypse Now - I'd have to see it. I've heard enough to at least believe it's maybe good.
33. Ghandi - Feel Goodery. This sh** can't be a top 50 movie
34. Lord Of The Rings - Would be good if they didn't show the f'ing ring over and over and bothered to keep it under two hours.
35. Gladiator - I have it and still haven't forced myself to watch it. People say it's good.
36. From Here To Eternity - So some movie from 1941 that nobody has ever heard of is in the top 40? Good job, IMDB. How posh of you.
37. Saving Private Ryan - Definitely well done. 169 minutes is too long though. I'm a firm believer in keeping a movie under 2 hours and 2 hours, 20 min absolute max.
38. Unforgiven - Awesome movie. Probably a top twenty movie.
39 Raiders Of The Lost Ark - Worthy pick.
40. Rocky - Mmm. It had its cultural impact; but who the f thinks it's so great, nowadays?
41. Some Like It Hot - Movie full of fun subtlties. Top 50? Come the f on. This is those drag queens at IMDB again.
42. The Best Years Of Our Lives - What?
43. A Streetcar Named Desire - I barely liked the two minutes I saw on The Simpsons; and that was the highlights.
44. Dr. Strangelove - Could be a fun watch. Doubt it's top fifty.
45. THe Philadelphia Story - More Sex and The City selections from IMDB.
46. To Kill A Mocking Bird - A good book; but come on. This movie is something you'd click over if you saw it on television. It's like a glorified Andy Griffith Show.
47. My Fair Lady - Aye.
48. Ben-Hur - Definitely good.
49. Doctor Zhivago - Meh.
50. Jaws - Seriously? It was ground breaking special effects; that's it.

It keeps going, but I'll stop at 50.

Where's Animal House? Only the funniest movie of all-time. Where's Back To The Future? That movie had it all. Where's Donnie Darko? Solid indie movie with a great soundtrack. Breakfast Club? Hoosiers or the Natural or even Slap Shot? These truly great movies aren't posh enough for the uppity IMDB f*****s at IMDB. But even so, they totally missed one posh movie - Mrs. Robinson. Great art in every scene and an amazing, provocative watch. How about some of the really good animated movies?
I kind of like "The Len Bias Story".
I'm watching The Hot Chick with the wifey and the guffaws just won't stop. I cannot remember a funnier movie I have seen. :laugh:

Jessica Spencer is the hottest, most popular girl in high school. Jessica, her best friend April, and a couple of other hot girls Lulu and Keecia visit the mall to hang out and do some shopping. They enter a new age store, where they check out a pair of ancient earrings. Unbeknownst to Jessica, these are magical ones set in ancient Abyssinia. A princess known as Princess Nawa is disgusted by the groom of her arranged marriage and switches bodies with a slave girl by means of an enchanted set of earrings. Since the earrings are not for sale, Jessica steals them. But the next morning she gets a big dose of reality when she wakes up in the body of a 30-something lowlife male, Clive, a career criminal. Clive finds himself in Jessica's body. Now it's up to Jessica (in Clive's body) to find a way to get her body back, while Clive (in Jessica's body) takes advantage of his new body to set in motion a crime spree to put the blame on Jessica!
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I can honestly, the whole heart tell you all the Lone Ranger is a really really really f****** bad movie this movie is crap I mean it is f****** horrible

tapatalk post
Hmm, if I had to name one and only one 'greatest movie of all time' I'd have to say either version of H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine."

Illustrates quite well I think the sheer folly of believing anything happening right now is of the utmost importance when compared to the entire span of humanity and beyond. Enviromental science focuses on the Big Picture. Politics and Religion seem cursed by tunnel-vision only focusing on the now. But when you think far into the future, much of what we do today is absolutely meaningless, whereas things of actual importance like protecting our enviroment are pushed off the main stage and into obscure corners of conscious awareness.
My favorite movies of all time are;
Shakespeare in Love
The Piano
Remains of the Day
Apollo 13
Rocky horror picture show
Immortal Beloved
Romeo and Juliet
Kinky Boots
The Rose
The Wizard of Oz
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  1. Baseketball
  2. Orgazmo
  3. Pulp Fiction
  4. Payback
  5. Deuce Bigalo
  6. The Hangover
  7. The Cable Guy
  8. Kill Bill Vol.1
  9. Kill Bill Vol.2
  10. From Dusk 'till Dawn

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