The Greatest Trick The Right Has Pulled Is Convincing The World Antifa Exists

During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

my father was antifa. fought in the battle of the bulge.
The people telling us Antifa doesn't exist are the same people that tell us the Nazis were Christians and anyone who supports Trump is a White Supremacist.
Just as there is no organization called White Supremacy there is no organization call Antifa because Antifa is short for anti-fascist of which there are many divergent groups that claim to be Antifa. For example the Black Panther Party and the White Panther Party, the American Communist Party and the International concentration camp committees.

Based on their activity levels and how they can be is so many places at the same time, I'd say there is some organization. I don't doubt that most of the criminal activity is just opportunists. However, agitators under stressful times with a history of violence against those who disagree with them is troublesome. They have attacked unarmed people of all races, men or women, even the elderly.
The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

And not one of them agitated gay marriage or abortion. Not one of them thought America was a colonial ogre. They all celebrated Columbus day and many flew confederate flags in their units. Not a one wouldn't have thought you were crazy for suggesting female combat soldiers. Every one of them believed America was the greatest nation on earth and they didnt complain in the slightest when their units knelt in prayer or their kids back home prayed in schools. Not a one of them would have contemplated storming their cities, burning them down and vandalizing monuments all over DC. Not a single one thought police were the problem and felons the answer. Not one would have bragged that his daughter was shacked up or had an illegitimate child or was an athiest.

So dont lie to us you POS and pretend you have any sympathy for American WWII soldiers. You would have called them Nazis and right wingers.
THIS was the first flag raised over Okinawa by American troops. What do you have to say about these men who just endured one of the bloodiest two months in American history and had done it for the United States because they loved their country. If you had told an American soldier in WWII his country was a slave nation and needed to be rebuilt, that Columbus was a murder or Washington a white nationalist or that it was Naziilike to want to defend your borders he would have broken your nose. The man right there would have beaten you to a bloody pulp when you sided with Iran or China against your own country.
Would you have dared call him a "deplorable" simply for being American? Would you be brave enough to set gangs of looters loose around his family?

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" LMAO China apparently has a word for a person who’s is excessively virtue signaling to gain validation for themselves. These types of people have the lowest self esteem "

" Last week, ANTIFA threatened to kill me. I have been hesitant about making a Twitter thread on what happened at the Salt Lake City, Utah riots Saturday, May 30th for fear of retaliation. My name is Tayler Hansen, here is my story... "

So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

Sounds like your Google doesn't work...

I've been following (and trolling) their websites and Farcebook pages since the Ferguson riots...
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

Andrew Ngo disagrees.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.
Over the last few decades have the dwindling number of WW II vets been devoted followers of Antifa? Have elderly white males in general been supportive of Colin Kaepernick and transgender activists?
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.
Jesus Christ you people have gone full on loony bin, shit house rat crazy.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

my father was antifa. fought in the battle of the bulge.
Just like the Democrats of yesterday, they both were a different group of people back then. Can we say the words "title highjack" ??
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
Independent actions by individuals.

There is no organization.
Wow, what a set up... Taking notes out there everybody ??? Just make sure that there are no ties straight back to Soros uh I mean the leadership of your groups, and this by claiming individuals are just spontaneously doing all this (remember the excuse for Benghazi), and you can avoid federal prosecutions of that leadership.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

Isn’t this Antifa?
No, that's some stupid conservative meme, probably brought to you by a Russian think tank via a troll farm.

You know, some of that Russian influence that doesn't exist.
Haha, go with that...any embarrassed retard would.
Here’s another one of the filthy whore..getting her ass beat
You're the best Russian agent here.

Amusing for the party openly controlled by the Communist Chinese to call other people "Russian."

Hey stupid fuck, read the Mueller Report. There was no collusion, you pathological hack.
The whole Chinese thing is a red herring cooked up by the tRumplings to distract you from the Russian connection that actually exists. They depend on you being poorly informed and having no critical thinking skills to speak of to make it work.

Congratulations, you've been had.
Not the facts on the ground, so you've been had.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

Isn’t this Antifa?
No, that's some stupid conservative meme, probably brought to you by a Russian think tank via a troll farm.

You know, some of that Russian influence that doesn't exist.

View attachment 347053

The only Russian think tank is the one pulling the strings of the mayors, governors, and other influential figures, supporting ANTIFA because ANTIFA is most likely composed of their own children. That's why the police were told to stand down. So their little darlings didn't get arrested.

Now progressives wish to deny ANTIFA exists, defund the police, and replace them with "social workers".

I find it more likely that the "social workers" will be assigned to watch the police and be drawn from those "non-existent ANTIFA" ranks.



Ok, let's try this:

Who is the leader of antifa?

Where are their headquarters?

Mission statement?

Regional headquarters?

Lieutenants, sub commanders, regional commanders?

How is the organization structured?

Assets? Accounts? Leases? Charters?


Prove they exist.

That's just it, otherwise in order to do what these groups are doing, they have to be set up in these ways. Social media has become a two edged sword in America, and Obama's "fundemental transformation" talk, was counting on technology to do all that he was doing for his so called army of soldiers he was building underneath the noses of the Americans, otherwise where as such American's just want a peaceful free America where the dream can be obtained by all those who apply themselves. Wonder how all those Obama phones have been used over time ?? This nations citizen's had best wake up to what's going on around them.
“They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.” ibid


‘Antifa’ is the ultimate rightwing strawman fallacy.
Well then the federal government needs to create re-education camps for debriefing and re-educating purposes, and arrest everyone of them that shows up in their signature attire with weapons in hand, and immediately send them there.

They'll be late for supper that evening, but ohhh well.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.



Honestly, CNN, Dailykos, NY Times, Colbert, Kimmel - all the leftist hate sources are reading the same script out of Beijing. What's the difference? The Democrat Media Complex echoes Communist Chinese state run media.
And if not tied to the Chinese, then they are still just as bad on their own. Domestic terrorist groups they have become. Instead of counting on the wheels of justice to turn, they are creating their own form of justice in this country, and that is unexceptable. What we are seeing is a coming out of various groups who have been planning the overtaking of this nation (once it was weakened down enough), for quite a long while now.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
Independent actions by individuals.

There is no organization.
Then you would have no objection to having anyone that runs (or posts to) those sites investigated by the FBI, right???
Why? I mean, go ahead but you're wasting resources on nonsense when the real criminals are easy to spot.
Yup, they're the ones burning buildings, throwing bottles, and destroying things.
One of the ones, but they are all made up of groups with leaders. It is just the way they all have planned to do these things in order to make it appear that they have no organized leadership. If you all were going to do such a thing in your own country, then of course you would do it in these ways in order to avoid leadership detection. Many have learned by the active anti-terrorism campaigns that have been conducted abroad, otherwise upon how the enemies are escaping leadership detection.

Why this nation has desolved into what it has become, should be a top priority study for the nation in order to fix it.

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