The Greatest Trick The Right Has Pulled Is Convincing The World Antifa Exists

So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

It's the brilliance of it all.. Think about it.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
No, no, not nuts at all. It's brilliant, and this is what our mixing up with the world has caused. Anytime our military is drawn into a conflict, our enemies begin studying our strengths, tactics, and movements. They do this for future purposes, otherwise if they can't succeed now, then they will hope to succeed in the future by studying everything about the things listed above.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

You are some sort of sick deranged freak if you don't know that Antifa is huge, organized, recruits off of campuses, and commits crimes and terrorizes across the nation. You sound like Baghdad Bob, denying the American invasion as the buildings crumbled around him.
If they are so huge and well organized, where is their national headquarters?
Where do they meet?
What is their hierarchical structure?
Who is head of the national movement?
How does one joint the movement?

The fact is there are dozens of groups that are Antifa (Anti-facist), The Black Panthers, The White Panthers, The International Concentration Camp Committees, The Communist Party, The Lincoln Birthday Committee, ect... Essentially any organization that believes in fighting fascism is Antifa. The Trump administration frequently uses the term to describe any group or individual that demonstrates opposition to its policies.

I never believed the day would arrive when so many Americans would support the rise of fascism in America when half million Americans gave their lives fighting.

So you are a Trump hater, and are a supporter of terrorist groups that oppose Trump ? First you had best make a solid case that Trump is a fascist before you side with the real fascist who are attempting to overthrow him.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
Wow, exactly what I was saying without reading or having knowledge of these specific things. It's just so easy to see, that even I can see it without reading the definitions.
Interesting stuff, and for the record I don't agree that Floyd although he was caught in the act of passing counterfeit money, and alledgedly may have had drugs in his system, somehow deserved the man's knee on his neck after being subdued or handcuffed for that long of a period of time.

Now I'm no expert, and I don't know how bad Floyd had fought the cops being that he was a huge guy in structure and in strength, so maybe after such a struggle, the cop had become negatively affected by the entire episode to the point of it causing irrational behavior upon his part. So it is my hopes that the second girl shown, will be comforted by her parents, and that they might re-evaluate their thoughts on the punishment somehow meeting with the actions of Floyd in the case. Otherwise Floyd didn't deserve to die over the issue, but fighting the cops is never a good idea. How long will it take for people to understand this fact ??? Don't fight with the cops, especially over something that most people get off with a light sentence over.

I mean don't poor people understand that they are living in a nation that has more options for them to get off in a situation, than any other nation in the world ??? Hey how about this poor people, don't turn to crime, and get down to the nearest welfare and unemployment offices, and take advantage of every program offered to the poor these days ? Crime is a choice, just like going and getting help is also a choice, so it just depends on who is the most influencing people in your lives or exactly how bad do people think that it is, wherefore they feel that they must turn to crime and drugs to get relief ??

Anyways, here is the video of Tucker Carlson
making some points about alot of the things that are going on lately in America..

During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.
This is retarded, even for Daily Kooks.

They going to try and tell us that there's no mafia or Colombian drug cartels next?

The greatest trick the left has pulled off is thinking antifa doesn't exist, and ignoring the violence it has wrought, especially in the media.

I can't imagine how bonkers the press would go if far right-wingers were doing what antifa is doing.
A few showed up to a Commievirus protest with firearms that had open breeches and no ammo as props, and the moonbats shit chickens.

But actual burning, looting, and killing people?.....meh....Just a conspiracy theory.
The greatest trick the left has pulled off is thinking antifa doesn't exist, and ignoring the violence it has wrought, especially in the media.

I can't imagine how bonkers the press would go if far right-wingers were doing what antifa is doing.
A few showed up to a Commievirus protest with firearms that had open breeches and no ammo as props, and the moonbats shit chickens.

But actual burning, looting, and killing people?.....meh....Just a conspiracy theory.
My worry is, but then again worry is a sin, but anyways my concern is about how ignorant this nation has been driven to be. It's right there for everyone to see, yet we are getting washed clean excuses as to what is taking place. No one today except for a minority of people are real unapologetic racist on the white side, and hopefully it's the same on every other side, but due to the indoctronation and lies, it is way off balance in the world we live in today.

The blacks are seemingly making an appeal to end what they call systemic racism, yet they can't control or do anything much with the problems they have on their side of the spectrum. Poor should never equate to criminal activity or drugs being the result of being poor. Poor is just a card that is played, where racism is added to it as an added excuse in order to almost justify a get out of jail free card in the event one is caught doing drugs, selling drugs, and committing crimes.

This bullcrap has got to be seen for what it is, and smart people have got to step up to show exactly what it is, and begin the true journey of change in America. Can't do it without God, and people of all races understand this fact, but they have sadly lost their ways in a sea of lies and confusion now.
The people telling us Antifa doesn't exist are the same people that tell us the Nazis were Christians and anyone who supports Trump is a White Supremacist.
Just as there is no organization called White Supremacy there is no organization call Antifa because Antifa is short for anti-fascist of which there are many divergent groups that claim to be Antifa. For example the Black Panther Party and the White Panther Party, the American Communist Party and the International concentration camp committees.

Based on their activity levels and how they can be is so many places at the same time, I'd say there is some organization. I don't doubt that most of the criminal activity is just opportunists. However, agitators under stressful times with a history of violence against those who disagree with them is troublesome. They have attacked unarmed people of all races, men or women, even the elderly.
It might be a bit encouraging to think that thousands of protests in over 165 US cities and dozens of cities around world are being orchestrated by some super secret far left organization rather many small local, region, and national groups but that is exactly what is happening. If all the protests were being controlled by a single group, there would have been many thousands of paid organizers and national leadership and there is no evidence to support these assumptions.

A far simpler and more likely explanation is many millions of angry, frustrated people in the US and around the world have no job to keep them busy, nothing to do, and no money so they take to the streets. The George Floyd protests has become an outlet for all the hatred and frustration against not just the police but the government, and society in general. The problem with race and the police has been festering for years and all it needed was spark to set it off.
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The people telling us Antifa doesn't exist are the same people that tell us the Nazis were Christians and anyone who supports Trump is a White Supremacist.
Just as there is no organization called White Supremacy there is no organization call Antifa because Antifa is short for anti-fascist of which there are many divergent groups that claim to be Antifa. For example the Black Panther Party and the White Panther Party, the American Communist Party and the International concentration camp committees.

Based on their activity levels and how they can be is so many places at the same time, I'd say there is some organization. I don't doubt that most of the criminal activity is just opportunists. However, agitators under stressful times with a history of violence against those who disagree with them is troublesome. They have attacked unarmed people of all races, men or women, even the elderly.
It might be bit encouraging to think that thousands of protests in over 165 US cities and dozens of cities around world are being orchestrated by some super secret far left organization rather many small local, region, and national groups but that is exactly what is happening. If all the protests were being controlled by a single group, there would have been many thousands of paid organizers and national leadership and there is no evidence to support these assumptions.

A far simpler and more likely explanation is many millions of angry, frustrated people in the US and around the world have no job to keep them busy, nothing to do, and no money so they take to the streets. The George Floyd protests has become an outlet for all the hatred and frustration against not just the police but the government, and society in general. The problem with race and the police has been festering for years and all it needed was spark to set it off.
Agree, and it's the left that has been exploiting racism and unrest for political purposes.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
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The greatest trick the left has pulled off is thinking antifa doesn't exist, and ignoring the violence it has wrought, especially in the media.

I can't imagine how bonkers the press would go if far right-wingers were doing what antifa is doing.
A few showed up to a Commievirus protest with firearms that had open breeches and no ammo as props, and the moonbats shit chickens.

But actual burning, looting, and killing people?.....meh....Just a conspiracy theory.
My worry is, but then again worry is a sin, but anyways my concern is about how ignorant this nation has been driven to be. It's right there for everyone to see, yet we are getting washed clean excuses as to what is taking place. No one today except for a minority of people are real unapologetic racist on the white side, and hopefully it's the same on every other side, but due to the indoctronation and lies, it is way off balance in the world we live in today.

The blacks are seemingly making an appeal to end what they call systemic racism, yet they can't control or do anything much with the problems they have on their side of the spectrum. Poor should never equate to criminal activity or drugs being the result of being poor. Poor is just a card that is played, where racism is added to it as an added excuse in order to almost justify a get out of jail free card in the event one is caught doing drugs, selling drugs, and committing crimes.

This bullcrap has got to be seen for what it is, and smart people have got to step up to show exactly what it is, and begin the true journey of change in America. Can't do it without God, and people of all races understand this fact, but they have sadly lost their ways in a sea of lies and confusion now.
I don't think you understand racism today. There’s the obvious everyday racism, where people are called names, abused and harassed. Then, there’s the kind of racism that is more subtle but far more insidious. This is the kind of racism that makes it harder for people to get jobs, housing, or participate in many everyday activities.

It all begins at a very early age with a child standing on the playground being ignore by other kids because he's different. His parental guidance leads to failure in school because his parent have no faith that he can succeed in a white man's world. Failure in school, gangs, drugs, and finally the police set him on a downhill road that started many years ago. Telling a 30 year old Black of Hispanic high school dropout, with a criminal record, and on drugs that he needs to go back to school and get good job is likely to be taken as insult. It all begins with the child and until we fix that, nothing is going to change.
I don't think you understand racism today. There’s the obvious everyday racism, where people are called names, abused and harassed. Then, there’s the kind of racism that is more subtle but far more insidious. This is the kind of racism that makes it harder for people to get jobs, housing, or participate in many everyday activities.

It all begins at a very early age with a child standing on the playground being ignore by other kids because he's different. His parental guidance leads to failure in school because his parent have no faith that he can succeed in a white man's world. Failure in school, gangs, drugs, and finally the police set him on a downhill road that started many years ago. Telling a 30 year old Black of Hispanic high school dropout, with a criminal record, and on drugs that he needs to go back to school and get good job is likely to be taken as insult. It all begins with the child and until we fix that, nothing is going to change.

So, in your opinion, ANTIFA does not exist AND you have no solutions for the racism you say exists everywhere.

Got it!
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.
I don't think you understand racism today. There’s the obvious everyday racism, where people are called names, abused and harassed. Then, there’s the kind of racism that is more subtle but far more insidious. This is the kind of racism that makes it harder for people to get jobs, housing, or participate in many everyday activities.

It all begins at a very early age with a child standing on the playground being ignore by other kids because he's different. His parental guidance leads to failure in school because his parent have no faith that he can succeed in a white man's world. Failure in school, gangs, drugs, and finally the police set him on a downhill road that started many years ago. Telling a 30 year old Black of Hispanic high school dropout, with a criminal record, and on drugs that he needs to go back to school and get good job is likely to be taken as insult. It all begins with the child and until we fix that, nothing is going to change.

So, in your opinion, ANTIFA does not exist AND you have no solutions for the racism you say exists everywhere.

Got it!
Antifa only exist as a movement involving a number of groups, no national leadership and no organization structure.
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OP is either ignorant or lying.

ANTIFA is a registered organization in Germany and has existed for nearly 100 years.

It first appeared in the 1920's in Italy opposing the rise of fascism and Mussolini then in Germany and Hitler. It appeared briefly in the US in the 1930s as an anti-Nazi movement. Later it had a come back when the German Wall came down in response to the rise of Neo-Nazism. It seems to rise and fall with the perception or the reality of a rise in government authoritarianism.
The people telling us Antifa doesn't exist are the same people that tell us the Nazis were Christians and anyone who supports Trump is a White Supremacist.
Just as there is no organization called White Supremacy there is no organization call Antifa because Antifa is short for anti-fascist of which there are many divergent groups that claim to be Antifa. For example the Black Panther Party and the White Panther Party, the American Communist Party and the International concentration camp committees.

Based on their activity levels and how they can be is so many places at the same time, I'd say there is some organization. I don't doubt that most of the criminal activity is just opportunists. However, agitators under stressful times with a history of violence against those who disagree with them is troublesome. They have attacked unarmed people of all races, men or women, even the elderly.
It might be a bit encouraging to think that thousands of protests in over 165 US cities and dozens of cities around world are being orchestrated by some super secret far left organization rather many small local, region, and national groups but that is exactly what is happening. If all the protests were being controlled by a single group, there would have been many thousands of paid organizers and national leadership and there is no evidence to support these assumptions.

A far simpler and more likely explanation is many millions of angry, frustrated people in the US and around the world have no job to keep them busy, nothing to do, and no money so they take to the streets. The George Floyd protests has become an outlet for all the hatred and frustration against not just the police but the government, and society in general. The problem with race and the police has been festering for years and all it needed was spark to set it off.
Try a little bit harder, and go way back to understand what is going on as a result of what we are seeing today. The leftist started a revolution in the 60's that was born out of protesting the vietnam war. It also included the black struggle that quickly incorporated a desire by both groups to merge in order to strengthen in numbers, and to support each other in their movement against the government whom both groups had, and still have a beef with. The thing that gets lost however, is the cultural, and characteristics found in the groups for whom are demanding change, but their actions and character's fall short of being able to demand anything from their radical positions in which they take in life. I mean when the country looks at the cultures, and actions of the individuals found within these groups, it cringes that it is being demanded by them to do anything. They are like you're kidding me right ??

Listen, we are heading down a very dangerous road when we are being bullied in this country by age old groups who keep a movement against the new generations going, and are doing it for either political reasons or controlling power reasons that have no connection to the old movements except for their surface material used... They (the new activist groups), have learned from the old movements that "hey" if you can make people feel guilty enough, then they will just lay down and give up everything they have in some sort of unequal power swap that is used against them due to their guilt in which is cast upon them even if they are innocent in the situations.

This bullcrap has got to end, and normalcy returned in this country, where as the individual will be judged on their individual character, and not upon their color and/or anything else.

The merit system must be restored, and the bad guy's and girls must be pushed back until they learn the right way in life again or this place is toast.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

....well, it was nice hearing from the Antifa board members..... NEXT...

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