The Greatest Trick The Right Has Pulled Is Convincing The World Antifa Exists

During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

To associate American WW2 veterans with Liberal Terrorism is a disgrace.

In reality, Antifa has plenty of names past and present. Occupy Wall Street, Coffee Party, Symbionese Liberation Army, Students for a Democrat Society.

But they are all communist, all socialist.

Bolshevik is their true name...
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

To associate American WW2 veterans with Liberal Terrorism is a disgrace.

In reality, Antifa has plenty of names past and present. Occupy Wall Street, Coffee Party, Symbionese Liberation Army, Students for a Democrat Society.

But they are all communist, all socialist.

Bolshevik is their true name...
antifa is just anti-fascism, thats all.

During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

To associate American WW2 veterans with Liberal Terrorism is a disgrace.

In reality, Antifa has plenty of names past and present. Occupy Wall Street, Coffee Party, Symbionese Liberation Army, Students for a Democrat Society.

But they are all communist, all socialist.

Bolshevik is their true name...
antifa is just anti-fascism, thats all.

Considering the fact that the Fascist movement died on the shores of Lake Como in 1945, I think its something more than that.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.

I do not give a rats behind that they are not highly organized. Like ISIS they have, as I showed you, more than 200 groups around the nation.

For whatever reason, you believe that they should be defended. Why? They are 100% anti-America. Why are you defending them?

Antifa Torches One Police Car in Santa Monica – Takes Control of Second Car – Police Chased Away (VIDEO)





ANTIFA in the USA are a bunch of beta cuck faggots living at home and getting paid to throw bricks and beat up people with like 15-1 advantage. Total cowards. If they were courageous, they would show their faces. But they are cowards and they are breaking the law.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

my father was antifa. fought in the battle of the bulge.

If he fought on the American side in the Ardennes, I'm sure he kept his allegiance to Liberal Terrorism a secret.

Ya mean when FDR was President and Unions were on the rise?

Liberalism was kinda popular during WWII...which explains why we won it!
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

my father was antifa. fought in the battle of the bulge.

If he fought on the American side in the Ardennes, I'm sure he kept his allegiance to Liberal Terrorism a secret.

Ya mean when FDR was President and Unions were on the rise?

Liberalism was kinda popular during WWII...which explains why we won it!

Actually WW2 was won by conservatives like George S Patton and Douglas MacArthur who didn't take any shit from the libs.
The people telling us Antifa doesn't exist are the same people that tell us the Nazis were Christians and anyone who supports Trump is a White Supremacist.
Just as there is no organization called White Supremacy there is no organization call Antifa because Antifa is short for anti-fascist of which there are many divergent groups that claim to be Antifa. For example the Black Panther Party and the White Panther Party, the American Communist Party and the International concentration camp committees.

Based on their activity levels and how they can be is so many places at the same time, I'd say there is some organization. I don't doubt that most of the criminal activity is just opportunists. However, agitators under stressful times with a history of violence against those who disagree with them is troublesome. They have attacked unarmed people of all races, men or women, even the elderly.
It might be a bit encouraging to think that thousands of protests in over 165 US cities and dozens of cities around world are being orchestrated by some super secret far left organization rather many small local, region, and national groups but that is exactly what is happening. If all the protests were being controlled by a single group, there would have been many thousands of paid organizers and national leadership and there is no evidence to support these assumptions.

A far simpler and more likely explanation is many millions of angry, frustrated people in the US and around the world have no job to keep them busy, nothing to do, and no money so they take to the streets. The George Floyd protests has become an outlet for all the hatred and frustration against not just the police but the government, and society in general. The problem with race and the police has been festering for years and all it needed was spark to set it off.
Try a little bit harder, and go way back to understand what is going on as a result of what we are seeing today. The leftist started a revolution in the 60's that was born out of protesting the vietnam war. It also included the black struggle that quickly incorporated a desire by both groups to merge in order to strengthen in numbers, and to support each other in their movement against the government whom both groups had, and still have a beef with. The thing that gets lost however, is the cultural, and characteristics found in the groups for whom are demanding change, but their actions and character's fall short of being able to demand anything from their radical positions in which they take in life. I mean when the country looks at the cultures, and actions of the individuals found within these groups, it cringes that it is being demanded by them to do anything. They are like you're kidding me right ??

Listen, we are heading down a very dangerous road when we are being bullied in this country by age old groups who keep a movement against the new generations going, and are doing it for either political reasons or controlling power reasons that have no connection to the old movements except for their surface material used... They (the new activist groups), have learned from the old movements that "hey" if you can make people feel guilty enough, then they will just lay down and give up everything they have in some sort of unequal power swap that is used against them due to their guilt in which is cast upon them even if they are innocent in the situations.

This bullcrap has got to end, and normalcy returned in this country, where as the individual will be judged on their individual character, and not upon their color and/or anything else.

The merit system must be restored, and the bad guy's and girls must be pushed back until they learn the right way in life again or this place is toast.
I agree with many of your statements but I take issue with your idea that bullying as you call the protests, are a danger to the country. Quite the contrary, protests have been the vehicle of the most significant social change throughout our history. In fact, this nation grew out of protests that were often violent. The Maga Carta which was the basis for our Bill of Rights, did not come about because of King John's desire to grant rights to the people but rather to end a violent rebellion. To free the slaves it took over 50 years of protests and violence from abolitionists and a civil war. The labor movements in 19th and early 20th century were highlighted by violent strikes, riots and protest marches. They resulted in better wages, working conditions, abolishment of child labor, and the growth of the middle. Women's suffrage, civil rights, voting rights were all the result of decades of protests and violent actions. The huge war protests in the 60's were a significant factor in the ending of Vietnam war.

Contrary to public perception, critical social changes in our country did not come about because of farsighted government leaders. Protest by the people created the pressure to bring about legislation that created the social changes that have made America a great nation.
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So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.

I do not give a rats behind that they are not highly organized. Like ISIS they have, as I showed you, more than 200 groups around the nation.

For whatever reason, you believe that they should be defended. Why? They are 100% anti-America. Why are you defending them?

Antifa Torches One Police Car in Santa Monica – Takes Control of Second Car – Police Chased Away (VIDEO)





Protesting against racism is not Anti-American
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.

I do not give a rats behind that they are not highly organized. Like ISIS they have, as I showed you, more than 200 groups around the nation.

For whatever reason, you believe that they should be defended. Why? They are 100% anti-America. Why are you defending them?

Antifa Torches One Police Car in Santa Monica – Takes Control of Second Car – Police Chased Away (VIDEO)





Protesting against racism is not Anti-American
What racism are they protesting?
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.

I do not give a rats behind that they are not highly organized. Like ISIS they have, as I showed you, more than 200 groups around the nation.

For whatever reason, you believe that they should be defended. Why? They are 100% anti-America. Why are you defending them?

Antifa Torches One Police Car in Santa Monica – Takes Control of Second Car – Police Chased Away (VIDEO)





Protesting against racism is not Anti-American
What racism are they protesting?
Just a white cop choking a black man to death as he begged for breath with 3 white cops watching.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.

I do not give a rats behind that they are not highly organized. Like ISIS they have, as I showed you, more than 200 groups around the nation.

For whatever reason, you believe that they should be defended. Why? They are 100% anti-America. Why are you defending them?

Antifa Torches One Police Car in Santa Monica – Takes Control of Second Car – Police Chased Away (VIDEO)





Protesting against racism is not Anti-American
What racism are they protesting?
Just a white cop choking a black man to death as he begged for breath with 3 white cops watching.

2 of the 3 "white" cops to whom you refer to as watching, were actually Orientals.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.

I do not give a rats behind that they are not highly organized. Like ISIS they have, as I showed you, more than 200 groups around the nation.

For whatever reason, you believe that they should be defended. Why? They are 100% anti-America. Why are you defending them?

Antifa Torches One Police Car in Santa Monica – Takes Control of Second Car – Police Chased Away (VIDEO)





Protesting against racism is not Anti-American
What racism are they protesting?
Just a white cop choking a black man to death as he begged for breath with 3 white cops watching.
Wrong. Two look Asian to me. Cops kill more whites than blacks. There was nothing racist about it. You need to rewrite your narrative.
Last edited:
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.

I do not give a rats behind that they are not highly organized. Like ISIS they have, as I showed you, more than 200 groups around the nation.

For whatever reason, you believe that they should be defended. Why? They are 100% anti-America. Why are you defending them?

Antifa Torches One Police Car in Santa Monica – Takes Control of Second Car – Police Chased Away (VIDEO)





Protesting against racism is not Anti-American
What racism are they protesting?
Just a white cop choking a black man to death as he begged for breath with 3 white cops watching.

2 of the 3 "white" cops to whom you refer to as watching, were actually Orientals.
No, only one of the 4 officers were Asian, Tou Thao. You think Asians are immune to racism.


Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao face charges in the death of George Floyd.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.

I do not give a rats behind that they are not highly organized. Like ISIS they have, as I showed you, more than 200 groups around the nation.

For whatever reason, you believe that they should be defended. Why? They are 100% anti-America. Why are you defending them?

Antifa Torches One Police Car in Santa Monica – Takes Control of Second Car – Police Chased Away (VIDEO)





Protesting against racism is not Anti-American
What racism are they protesting?
Just a white cop choking a black man to death as he begged for breath with 3 white cops watching.

2 of the 3 "white" cops to whom you refer to as watching, were actually Orientals.
No, only one of the 4 officers were Asian, Tou Thao. You think Asians are immune to racism.

View attachment 347733

Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao face charges in the death of George Floyd.

I didn't say that Orientals aren't racist, just that they aren't white and I was correcting the statement that there were 3 white guys with Officer Chauvin.

BTW, Mr. Kueng might not be asian, but he isn't white.
Just a few weeks ago some of these cities were arresting dads for playing catch with their kids, now protesting and rioting is allowed.
prior to that they were handing out needles [charging a dollar here] to addicts while trying to outlaw party balloons and straws
The people telling us Antifa doesn't exist are the same people that tell us the Nazis were Christians and anyone who supports Trump is a White Supremacist.

Isn't it amazing that the scumbag Nazis who claim that ANTIFA doesn't exist are the same ones calling us "JUDEN?" (white supremacists)
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.

The structure is the same as ISIS, no uniforms, no formal chain of command.

What is your point? That they are a law-abiding, peaceful organization? If your point is that they are not a critical danger, then you are choosing ignorance and living in denial! You are dangerous!
My point is they are not an organized group. There is no national leadership and no stated national goals. They are an anti-fascist movement comprised of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their various objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. They subscribe to a wide range of ideologies including, anarchism, communism, democracy, libertarianism, ,marxism, social democracy and socialism. They include groups such as Black Lives Matter, a leftist anti-rascist group, Three Percenters", a far right anti government group, the ARA, Anti-racial action group, the Black Bloc Activist, Direct Action Alliance, ect ... There are many other groups that arise and fall with the issues they protest. The only commonality, I have found in Antifa groups is their opposition to fascism and authoritarianism which can take many forms.

I do not give a rats behind that they are not highly organized. Like ISIS they have, as I showed you, more than 200 groups around the nation.

For whatever reason, you believe that they should be defended. Why? They are 100% anti-America. Why are you defending them?

Antifa Torches One Police Car in Santa Monica – Takes Control of Second Car – Police Chased Away (VIDEO)





Protesting against racism is not Anti-American
What racism are they protesting?
Just a white cop choking a black man to death as he begged for breath with 3 white cops watching.

2 of the 3 "white" cops to whom you refer to as watching, were actually Orientals.
No, only one of the 4 officers were Asian, Tou Thao. You think Asians are immune to racism.

View attachment 347733

Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao face charges in the death of George Floyd.

I didn't say that Orientals aren't racist, just that they aren't white and I was correcting the statement that there were 3 white guys with Officer Chauvin.

BTW, Mr. Kueng might not be asian, but he isn't white.
Kueng is a German name, not that it really matters.
For some reason, that I can not fathom, Oriental is now considered offensive, if not racist when used to describe a person.

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