The Greatest Trick The Right Has Pulled Is Convincing The World Antifa Exists

ANTIFA is screwed if the left is cutting ties with them. There may even be some targeted assassinations to put them out of business.

50 years ago ANTIFA went by the name "Ku Klux Klan." The same actors just change their name to hide the fact that they are the terrorist wing of the democrat party. The Maoist democrats may denounce their troops due to these riots, but the troops will still be there, under a new name.
Well that's a lie.

I'm not a democrat, I don't lie.
I know, you're a tRumpling. You lie all the time.

In two words..... Bovine Scat....
If a tRumpling said "bullshit" I'd know it was true.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.



Honestly, CNN, Dailykos, NY Times, Colbert, Kimmel - all the leftist hate sources are reading the same script out of Beijing. What's the difference? The Democrat Media Complex echoes Communist Chinese state run media.
ANTIFA is screwed if the left is cutting ties with them. There may even be some targeted assassinations to put them out of business.

50 years ago ANTIFA went by the name "Ku Klux Klan." The same actors just change their name to hide the fact that they are the terrorist wing of the democrat party. The Maoist democrats may denounce their troops due to these riots, but the troops will still be there, under a new name.
Well that's a lie.

I'm not a democrat, I don't lie.
I know, you're a tRumpling. You lie all the time.

In two words..... Bovine Scat....
If a tRumpling said "bullshit" I'd know it was true.

"Truth" to you is what your president Xi tells you. End of story.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
Independent actions by individuals.

There is no organization.
Then you would have no objection to having anyone that runs (or posts to) those sites investigated by the FBI, right???
Why? I mean, go ahead but you're wasting resources on nonsense when the real criminals are easy to spot.
Yup, they're the ones burning buildings, throwing bottles, and destroying things.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

Isn’t this Antifa?
No, that's some stupid conservative meme, probably brought to you by a Russian think tank via a troll farm.

You know, some of that Russian influence that doesn't exist.

View attachment 347053

The only Russian think tank is the one pulling the strings of the mayors, governors, and other influential figures, supporting ANTIFA because ANTIFA is most likely composed of their own children. That's why the police were told to stand down. So their little darlings didn't get arrested.

Now progressives wish to deny ANTIFA exists, defund the police, and replace them with "social workers".

I find it more likely that the "social workers" will be assigned to watch the police and be drawn from those "non-existent ANTIFA" ranks.



Ok, let's try this:

Who is the leader of antifa?

Where are their headquarters?

Mission statement?

Regional headquarters?

Lieutenants, sub commanders, regional commanders?

How is the organization structured?

Assets? Accounts? Leases? Charters?


Prove they exist.

Then when they are arrested, no matter who they are, sentence them to labor farms. That should not bother you. It won't bother me that's for sure.

You still haven't even point out a single one. How are you going to arrest them?

When somebody throws a rock through a store window during a riot, arrest them. When somebody assaults an elderly person in a wheelchair for wearing a MAGA hat, arrest them. When somebody takes a dump on a police car, arrest them. Flush, rinse and repeat. Do you get the picture, or do i need to go on? Identifying with an organization is not a crime, the things I pointed out are.
The people telling us Antifa doesn't exist are the same people that tell us the Nazis were Christians and anyone who supports Trump is a White Supremacist.
Just as there is no organization called White Supremacy there is no organization call Antifa because Antifa is short for anti-fascist of which there are many divergent groups that claim to be Antifa. For example the Black Panther Party and the White Panther Party, the American Communist Party and the International concentration camp committees.
If the left were half as smart as they claim trump supporters are, theyd be twice as smart as they are.

Metadata is a scary thing. If anyone has ever used a phone, computer, video game, or chat app, NSA knows who/where/when and can track every movement, time, contact.

If Project Veritas can infiltrate a cell, They already have antifa mapped for the most part.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

Isn’t this Antifa?
No, that's some stupid conservative meme, probably brought to you by a Russian think tank via a troll farm.

You know, some of that Russian influence that doesn't exist.

View attachment 347053

The only Russian think tank is the one pulling the strings of the mayors, governors, and other influential figures, supporting ANTIFA because ANTIFA is most likely composed of their own children. That's why the police were told to stand down. So their little darlings didn't get arrested.

Now progressives wish to deny ANTIFA exists, defund the police, and replace them with "social workers".

I find it more likely that the "social workers" will be assigned to watch the police and be drawn from those "non-existent ANTIFA" ranks.



Ok, let's try this:

Who is the leader of antifa?

Where are their headquarters?

Mission statement?

Regional headquarters?

Lieutenants, sub commanders, regional commanders?

How is the organization structured?

Assets? Accounts? Leases? Charters?


Prove they exist.

Then when they are arrested, no matter who they are, sentence them to labor farms. That should not bother you. It won't bother me that's for sure.

You still haven't even point out a single one. How are you going to arrest them?

When somebody throws a rock through a store window during a riot, arrest them. When somebody assaults an elderly person in a wheelchair for wearing a MAGA hat, arrest them. When somebody takes a dump on a police car, arrest them. Flush, rinse and repeat. Do you get the picture, or do i need to go on? Identifying with an organization is not a crime, the things I pointed out are.

Many people seem to forget that. Being a member of any organization regardless of their agenda or goals is not a crime in itself. It is what you do in that organization that may or may not be a crime. So if an organization is designated as a terrorist group, it just means that law enforcement has more leeway in doing an investigation.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

You are some sort of sick deranged freak if you don't know that Antifa is huge, organized, recruits off of campuses, and commits crimes and terrorizes across the nation. You sound like Baghdad Bob, denying the American invasion as the buildings crumbled around him.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

Isn’t this Antifa?
No, that's some stupid conservative meme, probably brought to you by a Russian think tank via a troll farm.

You know, some of that Russian influence that doesn't exist.

View attachment 347053

The only Russian think tank is the one pulling the strings of the mayors, governors, and other influential figures, supporting ANTIFA because ANTIFA is most likely composed of their own children. That's why the police were told to stand down. So their little darlings didn't get arrested.

Now progressives wish to deny ANTIFA exists, defund the police, and replace them with "social workers".

I find it more likely that the "social workers" will be assigned to watch the police and be drawn from those "non-existent ANTIFA" ranks.



Ok, let's try this:

Who is the leader of antifa?

Where are their headquarters?

Mission statement?

Regional headquarters?

Lieutenants, sub commanders, regional commanders?

How is the organization structured?

Assets? Accounts? Leases? Charters?


Prove they exist.

Then when they are arrested, no matter who they are, sentence them to labor farms. That should not bother you. It won't bother me that's for sure.

You still haven't even point out a single one. How are you going to arrest them?

Overwhelming force.
So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.
You should tell Keith Ellison's son that Antifa doesn't exist. Jeremiah Ellison has publicly stated that he supports Antifa.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.
You should tell Keith Ellison's son that Antifa doesn't exist. Jeremiah Ellison has publicly stated that he supports Antifa.

During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

You are some sort of sick deranged freak if you don't know that Antifa is huge, organized, recruits off of campuses, and commits crimes and terrorizes across the nation. You sound like Baghdad Bob, denying the American invasion as the buildings crumbled around him.
If they are so huge and well organized, where is their national headquarters?
Where do they meet?
What is their hierarchical structure?
Who is head of the national movement?
How does one joint the movement?

The fact is there are dozens of groups that are Antifa (Anti-facist), The Black Panthers, The White Panthers, The International Concentration Camp Committees, The Communist Party, The Lincoln Birthday Committee, ect... Essentially any organization that believes in fighting fascism is Antifa. The Trump administration frequently uses the term to describe any group or individual that demonstrates opposition to its policies.

I never believed the day would arrive when so many Americans would support the rise of fascism in America when half million Americans gave their lives fighting.

So I assume that all of those websites and Facebook pages (including the ones where they announce where they will be rioting) are the result of pixie dust and unicorn farts, right???
About a week ago when I first heard about Antifa, I did some research and found there was one site which laid claimed to Antifa. It was under construction and most of the links did not work. Today there are multiple groups claiming to be Antifa. Antifa is a pseudo name for anti-fascist. It exist in the same way that white supremacy or Neo Nazi groups exist. Antifa is a name for any number of anti-fascias groups. There is no such organization; that is there is no national headquarters, paid employees, nor any assets. If Trump continues to talk about it, I'm sure one of these groups will get it together and organize. Below is a fairly complete list of Antifa groups. As you can see antifa organizations include racist, anti-racist, religious, nationalist, and political groups with very different agendas and goals so it would be almost impossible to have a single organization represent them all.

The topic is specifically ANTIFA. NOT, a category list of antifascist organizations. Your attempt at deflection is disgusting. Yours is nothing more than as if someone asked for a list of the military. Thousands of military organizations exist for thousands of reasons. Now if I narrowed it down to the United States Army, the definition would be specific.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is a predominantly left-wing,[2][3][4][5] anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States[11][16] comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.[17][18][19][20] Antifa activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, involving property damage, physical violence and harassment against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.[25]

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[26] and anti-capitalist views,[27] subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism.[28][35] Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.[36]
Movement structure
Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure, comprising multiple autonomous groups and individuals.[22][41][45] The movement is loosely affiliated[20] as it has no chain of command, with antifa groups instead sharing "resources and information about far-right activity across regional and national borders through loosely knit networks and informal relationships of trust and solidarity".[46]

Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites.[47] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[48] Chauncey Devega of Salon described antifa as an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[49]

The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[50]

Identical to the structure of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
First you say Antifa is not a unified organization. Then you call it a movement. And then say it's structure is identical to ISIS and other organization. If it's just a movement, how can it have a structure and how can it be identical to other organizations? That's nuts.
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