"The Green New Deal is a non-binding resolution of values. It does not have a price tag or CBO score & costs $0" So let's save the planet, my friends!

Well technically since it has a snowball's chance in hell of passing, it is, in fact, non-binding.... and there is little to nothing "green" about it. It is just another pork barrel proposal for a different group of swine
Wait, I’m not getting my solar powered airliners and electric bullet trains to Europe?

we must act before its too late, my friends!
Too late for ice cream? Too late for what, douche bag? In 2006 Al Gore said the world would burn up in 10 years, guess what? Oh yeah, did you see that it snowed in May? If anyone wants to save the world, then reduce your CO2. The quick way to do this?

Huh? :omg:

The planet has done fine way before any human stepped and ruined it. By adding more "Green New Deal" or - whatever the hell it's called now - won't do squat by "saving the planet". It's just more money being spent foolishly and it's non-essential.
Huh? :omg:

The planet has done fine way before any human stepped and ruined it. By adding more "Green New Deal" or - whatever the hell it's called now - won't do squat by "saving the planet". It's just more money being spent foolishly and it's non-essential.
when the facts change, i change my mind. what do you do, sir?

join me, we have a planet to save!
Huh? :omg:

The planet has done fine way before any human stepped and ruined it. By adding more "Green New Deal" or - whatever the hell it's called now - won't do squat by "saving the planet". It's just more money being spent foolishly and it's non-essential.
when the facts change, i change my mind. what do you do, sir?

join me, we have a planet to save!
Save the planet from whom? The way i see it, all the liberal elites go around the world in private jets, use Limos and live in Mansions having the highest carbon footprint, then they expect people like Basque here(in his stupid way) to give up all his energy needs, because he thinks he can save the world. The Carbon Credit Exchange, made a lot of liberal elites filthy rich, why arent you pissed at those lying mother fuckers?
there's a reason the fossil fuel industry spent 3 billion dollars from 2000 to 2020 to fight climate legislation, my friends

they want short term profit, sacrificing the long term health of the planet, folks
A WORLD ON FIRE threatens the viability of all corporations. that's why corporations should unanimously support the Green New Deal, my friends!
the problem is not the free market. the problem is a free unregulated market that is free to commit crimes against humanity for the sake of profit
we must act before its too late, my friends!


I’ve got less than 30 years left on the planet.

The Green New Deal will make my life and my job harder.

I live in New England. Global warming is my dream.

I don’t have any kids to worry about the future.

What the Hell is in it for ME?
A WORLD ON FIRE threatens the viability of all corporations. that's why corporations should unanimously support the Green New Deal, my friends!
If what you say is true, why do liberal politicians fly on private jets, hollyweird has movies with very fast cars, explosions with fire, and they also fly around on private jets? They live in Mansions that use as much energy as a small city. Shouldnt they lead by example? Or is it that they are so much better than you Basq so they can use up all the CO2, while you have to do without?

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