The Gruesome U.S. Beheadings Fox News Ignored

Make sure you hang yer head off the side of the bed so you don't drown in your own boozy vomit.:cheers2:
Hint: No Muslims Were Involved

The Gruesome U.S. Beheadings Fox News Ignored Blog Media Matters for America
On New Year's Eve, Christian Jose Gomez allegedly attacked his mother with an ax. Angry that she had been "nagging" him about moving some boxes up to the attic, Gomez beheaded Maria Suarez-Cassagne in the family's garage and tried to stuff her headless body into a garbage can, according to investigators. When he couldn't do that, he fled the home on his bike and was soon captured by local deputies in Oldsmar, Florida. Gomez calmly confessed to the crime and said he'd been planning it for days.

Note that Fox News ignored the Florida scene of grisly, domestic violence. Apparently, without a Muslim suspect under arrest for the beheading, Fox News wasn't interested. The cable channel didn't set aside hours to cover the horrific crime. There was no heated Fox News commentary, no panel discussions, no primetime news specials to comb over the evidence of the tragic beheading. Fox News didn't care about the shocking story of an isolated beheading in America.

Thirteen weeks ago however, Fox News couldn't stop talking about an isolated beheading in America. In late September 2014, Fox News became almost singularly obsessed with the gruesome workplace beheading in Moore, Oklahoma by a recent Muslim convert, Alton Nolen. Angered about being fired over racial comments at the Vaughan Foods processing plant, Nolen went home and retrieved a large kitchen knife. He returned to the workplace and began attacking his former co-workers. He beheaded one woman and injured another before he shot was by a company official. Nolen later confessed to the attack.

Wow...and according to the media beheadings are uniquely tied to Islam. Go figure.

From the Koran:

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter (Koran 5:33)

I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off. (8:12)

And yes beheading is uniquely tied to Islam. Jews don't practice it nor do Christians. Which brings us back to the OP and you being lied to. The reason they made that story front and center in their lie is because of the name of the alleged murderer, Christian Gomez. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize how they played anyone who wished to believe their tripe.

Sure they do. There aren't many Muslims in Mexico.

So in your eyes everyone who is not a Muslim is either a Jew or a Christian? Really? Is that what you really believe? Does that not make you either a Jew or a Christian? Assuming you are not Muslim. Have you ever heard of one of the beheading in Mexico having a person say they were avenging a Christian or Jewish prophet?

Where did you get that idea? There are a multitude of religions. Mexico however is almost entirely Catholic.

When a Muslim beheads someone - it's assumed it's because it's his religion. He doesn't necessarily SAY anything but if he's Muslim it's assumed. Case in point - the nutter who murdered an old lady in London by decapitation. The only thing he was heard saying was something about a damn cat as he was whacking away at the garden. No "Allah Akbar" there.

Dayam, Cooty ... you trotted out your "save the Muslims" routine again, lied about Fox News, and are still trying to make a case you lost many pages ago. Just admit you know nothing and let it go already.

12 dead in Paris terror attack 1 suspect surrenders Watch the video - Yahoo News
Sigh more lies from the lying defenders of the indefensible. Here is the Fox report:

Sheriff s office Florida man decapitates his mother on New Year s Eve Fox News

I am not sure what is even your goal in posting such crap? Is it to say that those who murdered the police officer in Paris while begging for his life did not say they had revenged the Prophet? Or is your point that somehow this maniac killing his mother, for whatever his reason, some how excuses using machine guns and RPGs to murder innocent citizens that merely post satirical cartoons? Or are you just a shit stirring juvenile who really doesn't have anything better to do?

Funny thing that. This is the third post on that exact same article. Fox News posts one non-Islamic beheading. Go team!

Actually...try to keep up dude. This has nothing to do with what occurred in France. This is strictly about reports of beheadings.
Actually, that was the ENTIRE PREMISE of your OP - a direct falsehood. You attacked FOX for not reporting a beheading because it was not connected to Muslim extremists and it turns out you were full of it. They did report it and you want to run from that fact.

Face it, the entire thread is predicated on a lie.

Yup. I was wrong. They reported ONE. Good for Fox - woohoo! One :) Didn't spend much time on it though.

OK, I did find the first one, now here is the second beheading that they talk about:

Graphic details released in near-beheading murder of college student

I don't believe I am going to go and do anymore searching. Your source lied to you, you can be forgiven if you give it up now. To continue means one thing.

Ok - then I agree Media Matters was wong in it's accusation - I stand corrected vis a vis Fox. :)
You stand corrected about FOX but still attempt to continue this as though there is another point you want to be making.

No one anywhere has stated that all beheadings are religious zealotry incidents but to be upset that the question is asked is outright silly. It is a FACT that religious extreemist groups use beheadings to make their point and that naturally brings up the point when there is a Muslim beheading people.

No one asks when the cartel does it - you already know why. BECAUSE WE ALREADY KNOW WHY. Random Muslim man beheads someone without an apparent reason? Then the natural question is weather or not he was a religious nut job that bought into all the rhetoric that the extremists are selling.

You seem to want to force this as a nefarious and hateful thing that people are doing (associating the beheadings with Islamic extremism) and it is not. The fault for that lies squarely on those that are beheading people for religious zealotry.
And right back into saying absolutely asinine things...
Here's another Nazi similarity. The anti-Muslim rhetoric eerily resembles the anti-semitic rhetoric of the 1930's and 40's. So do the politics.

What do I think is the motive of the beheading of Berg? Motive - an attempt by ISIS to gain world wide attention and recognition. The world past and present is full of people perverting religion in order to pursue their own extremist ideologies.
Not even close. There is virtually no similarity at all with this and Nazi Germany. You might as well state that the situations are similar because they both happened on planet earth.

Seriously, this is an asinine thing to say. Anti-Semitic rhetoric was not prefaced with attacks from extremest Semites killing thousands of innocent people in unprovoked terrorist acts. There were not active anti-Semitic terrorist cells trying to fly planes into buildings spurring the Nazi movement. We are not rounding Muslims up and sending them to the showers. Man, you are denigrating one of the worst tragedies to befall the modern world with such an asinine comparison. immediately thinks of the holocaust and hitler. immediately thinks of muslims.

It's just the way it is.
Hint: No Muslims Were Involved

The Gruesome U.S. Beheadings Fox News Ignored Blog Media Matters for America
On New Year's Eve, Christian Jose Gomez allegedly attacked his mother with an ax. Angry that she had been "nagging" him about moving some boxes up to the attic, Gomez beheaded Maria Suarez-Cassagne in the family's garage and tried to stuff her headless body into a garbage can, according to investigators. When he couldn't do that, he fled the home on his bike and was soon captured by local deputies in Oldsmar, Florida. Gomez calmly confessed to the crime and said he'd been planning it for days.

Note that Fox News ignored the Florida scene of grisly, domestic violence. Apparently, without a Muslim suspect under arrest for the beheading, Fox News wasn't interested. The cable channel didn't set aside hours to cover the horrific crime. There was no heated Fox News commentary, no panel discussions, no primetime news specials to comb over the evidence of the tragic beheading. Fox News didn't care about the shocking story of an isolated beheading in America.

Thirteen weeks ago however, Fox News couldn't stop talking about an isolated beheading in America. In late September 2014, Fox News became almost singularly obsessed with the gruesome workplace beheading in Moore, Oklahoma by a recent Muslim convert, Alton Nolen. Angered about being fired over racial comments at the Vaughan Foods processing plant, Nolen went home and retrieved a large kitchen knife. He returned to the workplace and began attacking his former co-workers. He beheaded one woman and injured another before he shot was by a company official. Nolen later confessed to the attack.

Wow...and according to the media beheadings are uniquely tied to Islam. Go figure.
what a fucking moron

what kind of degenerate low life uses some shit like this to score political points

Did he kill her b/c she wasn't a christian?

no, so the 2 have not a fucking thing in common

I wonder if more people have been beheaded by the Drug Cartels in Mexico then by Islamists?

I suspect more. But it doesn't get reported.

Nor are they posted on the internet as a recruiting tool and to instruct extreme followers to do the same.

Perspective is indeed a requirement.

Murder is one thing, although tragic in any form, but when committed with the intent to inflame others to commit the same, it is indeed more newsworthy. immediately thinks of the holocaust and hitler. immediately thinks of muslims.

It's just the way it is.

What is crazy about this whole thread is that it is the want of Muslim extremists to be linked with beheadings. That is exactly why they post them on the web.

Is this even a debatable point?
Wow...and according to the media beheadings are uniquely tied to Islam. Go figure.

Can you show where they said that?

I don't get the thread, Fox follows news of potential terrorism. I didn't see any indication of that in your link.

Do you not get why Fox is interested in terrorism with modern events? Seriously, you don't know? You thought it was the "beheading" that made them interested? Seriously?
Hint: No Muslims Were Involved

The Gruesome U.S. Beheadings Fox News Ignored Blog Media Matters for America
On New Year's Eve, Christian Jose Gomez allegedly attacked his mother with an ax. Angry that she had been "nagging" him about moving some boxes up to the attic, Gomez beheaded Maria Suarez-Cassagne in the family's garage and tried to stuff her headless body into a garbage can, according to investigators. When he couldn't do that, he fled the home on his bike and was soon captured by local deputies in Oldsmar, Florida. Gomez calmly confessed to the crime and said he'd been planning it for days.

Note that Fox News ignored the Florida scene of grisly, domestic violence. Apparently, without a Muslim suspect under arrest for the beheading, Fox News wasn't interested. The cable channel didn't set aside hours to cover the horrific crime. There was no heated Fox News commentary, no panel discussions, no primetime news specials to comb over the evidence of the tragic beheading. Fox News didn't care about the shocking story of an isolated beheading in America.

Thirteen weeks ago however, Fox News couldn't stop talking about an isolated beheading in America. In late September 2014, Fox News became almost singularly obsessed with the gruesome workplace beheading in Moore, Oklahoma by a recent Muslim convert, Alton Nolen. Angered about being fired over racial comments at the Vaughan Foods processing plant, Nolen went home and retrieved a large kitchen knife. He returned to the workplace and began attacking his former co-workers. He beheaded one woman and injured another before he shot was by a company official. Nolen later confessed to the attack.

Wow...and according to the media beheadings are uniquely tied to Islam. Go figure.

Lizzie Bordon took an axe give her mother 40 wacks - Lizzie was a lone wolf wack job and so was Gomez - just another murder by a deranged wack job.

The Oklahoma beheading was tied into Islam which made it more news worthy - somebody on this forum has on their signature that "being a moderator makes you no less stupid" - I disagreed with that until seeing some of your recent posts .

Not that it really matters but I believe Lizzie Bordon was found innocent.


Is that what you're pleading ? ..... Oh you mean Lizzie ,no ... i just googled it she didn't do it - did you ?
And right back into saying absolutely asinine things...
Here's another Nazi similarity. The anti-Muslim rhetoric eerily resembles the anti-semitic rhetoric of the 1930's and 40's. So do the politics.

What do I think is the motive of the beheading of Berg? Motive - an attempt by ISIS to gain world wide attention and recognition. The world past and present is full of people perverting religion in order to pursue their own extremist ideologies.
Not even close. There is virtually no similarity at all with this and Nazi Germany. You might as well state that the situations are similar because they both happened on planet earth.

Seriously, this is an asinine thing to say. Anti-Semitic rhetoric was not prefaced with attacks from extremest Semites killing thousands of innocent people in unprovoked terrorist acts. There were not active anti-Semitic terrorist cells trying to fly planes into buildings spurring the Nazi movement. We are not rounding Muslims up and sending them to the showers. Man, you are denigrating one of the worst tragedies to befall the modern world with such an asinine comparison.

Speaking of asinine did you read the Nazi comparison I responded to? Guess not. It was asinine :)
And right back into saying absolutely asinine things...
Here's another Nazi similarity. The anti-Muslim rhetoric eerily resembles the anti-semitic rhetoric of the 1930's and 40's. So do the politics.

What do I think is the motive of the beheading of Berg? Motive - an attempt by ISIS to gain world wide attention and recognition. The world past and present is full of people perverting religion in order to pursue their own extremist ideologies.
Not even close. There is virtually no similarity at all with this and Nazi Germany. You might as well state that the situations are similar because they both happened on planet earth.

Seriously, this is an asinine thing to say. Anti-Semitic rhetoric was not prefaced with attacks from extremest Semites killing thousands of innocent people in unprovoked terrorist acts. There were not active anti-Semitic terrorist cells trying to fly planes into buildings spurring the Nazi movement. We are not rounding Muslims up and sending them to the showers. Man, you are denigrating one of the worst tragedies to befall the modern world with such an asinine comparison.

Did you READ what I said? I was talking about RHETORIC. How is the rhetoric that is ongoing against Muslims different than the rhetoric that was going on against Jews? It's not different.

The majority of Muslims are not violent extremists - that's a stat which is supported.
Rhetoric makes no differentiation between extremists and Muslims - it's designed to deliberately blur any line and is used to support such things as removing their civil rights by claiming Islam is not a religion, calling for deportations etc etc.

The words, imagery, adherence to conspiracy theory style propoganda are all eerily similar with one goal in mind - dehumanize a group of people. That's how it starts.

And again - if you are seriously concerned about "denigrating" one of the worst tragedies in the modern world (and I don't think you are) you would have jumped on the shoddy Nazi comparison that preceded my reply. The fact that you didn't speaks volumes on your sincerity.
And right back into saying absolutely asinine things...
Here's another Nazi similarity. The anti-Muslim rhetoric eerily resembles the anti-semitic rhetoric of the 1930's and 40's. So do the politics.

What do I think is the motive of the beheading of Berg? Motive - an attempt by ISIS to gain world wide attention and recognition. The world past and present is full of people perverting religion in order to pursue their own extremist ideologies.
Not even close. There is virtually no similarity at all with this and Nazi Germany. You might as well state that the situations are similar because they both happened on planet earth.

Seriously, this is an asinine thing to say. Anti-Semitic rhetoric was not prefaced with attacks from extremest Semites killing thousands of innocent people in unprovoked terrorist acts. There were not active anti-Semitic terrorist cells trying to fly planes into buildings spurring the Nazi movement. We are not rounding Muslims up and sending them to the showers. Man, you are denigrating one of the worst tragedies to befall the modern world with such an asinine comparison.

Speaking of asinine did you read the Nazi comparison I responded to? Guess not. It was asinine :)
Stop embarrassing yourself. A mod needs an iota of legitimacy.
Hint: No Muslims Were Involved

The Gruesome U.S. Beheadings Fox News Ignored Blog Media Matters for America
On New Year's Eve, Christian Jose Gomez allegedly attacked his mother with an ax. Angry that she had been "nagging" him about moving some boxes up to the attic, Gomez beheaded Maria Suarez-Cassagne in the family's garage and tried to stuff her headless body into a garbage can, according to investigators. When he couldn't do that, he fled the home on his bike and was soon captured by local deputies in Oldsmar, Florida. Gomez calmly confessed to the crime and said he'd been planning it for days.

Note that Fox News ignored the Florida scene of grisly, domestic violence. Apparently, without a Muslim suspect under arrest for the beheading, Fox News wasn't interested. The cable channel didn't set aside hours to cover the horrific crime. There was no heated Fox News commentary, no panel discussions, no primetime news specials to comb over the evidence of the tragic beheading. Fox News didn't care about the shocking story of an isolated beheading in America.

Thirteen weeks ago however, Fox News couldn't stop talking about an isolated beheading in America. In late September 2014, Fox News became almost singularly obsessed with the gruesome workplace beheading in Moore, Oklahoma by a recent Muslim convert, Alton Nolen. Angered about being fired over racial comments at the Vaughan Foods processing plant, Nolen went home and retrieved a large kitchen knife. He returned to the workplace and began attacking his former co-workers. He beheaded one woman and injured another before he shot was by a company official. Nolen later confessed to the attack.

Wow...and according to the media beheadings are uniquely tied to Islam. Go figure.
what a fucking moron

what kind of degenerate low life uses some shit like this to score political points

Did he kill her b/c she wasn't a christian?

no, so the 2 have not a fucking thing in common

Who's scoring political points - you?

Here are some facts to consider.

People get beheaded and dismembered in crimes for the following reasons:
The killer wants to leave a terror message for a reason (Mexican drug cartels)
The killer has a religious reason (Muslim extremists)
The killer is trying to obscure identification
The killer is a psycho nut (for example Gomez).

Here's how people like you reason:
Man gets beheaded. The killer is a Muslim. It's for religion. Fucking Muslims.
Man gets beheaded. The killer is not a Muslim. He's a pscho. Fucking psychos.

Has it occurred to you that just because the killer was Muslim the beheading or dismemberment might have had nothing to do with religion but he was simply a psycho? When the killer is Muslim - that's all that is discussed. Ignored are years of mental health issues, criminal behavior etc etc. The only thing you hear is he is Muslim and it's a religious killing. Sheesh!
And right back into saying absolutely asinine things...
Here's another Nazi similarity. The anti-Muslim rhetoric eerily resembles the anti-semitic rhetoric of the 1930's and 40's. So do the politics.

What do I think is the motive of the beheading of Berg? Motive - an attempt by ISIS to gain world wide attention and recognition. The world past and present is full of people perverting religion in order to pursue their own extremist ideologies.
Not even close. There is virtually no similarity at all with this and Nazi Germany. You might as well state that the situations are similar because they both happened on planet earth.

Seriously, this is an asinine thing to say. Anti-Semitic rhetoric was not prefaced with attacks from extremest Semites killing thousands of innocent people in unprovoked terrorist acts. There were not active anti-Semitic terrorist cells trying to fly planes into buildings spurring the Nazi movement. We are not rounding Muslims up and sending them to the showers. Man, you are denigrating one of the worst tragedies to befall the modern world with such an asinine comparison.

Speaking of asinine did you read the Nazi comparison I responded to? Guess not. It was asinine :)
Stop embarrassing yourself. A mod needs an iota of legitimacy.

Let me know when you have anything worthwhile to contribute, it's been a long time.
Hint: No Muslims Were Involved

The Gruesome U.S. Beheadings Fox News Ignored Blog Media Matters for America
On New Year's Eve, Christian Jose Gomez allegedly attacked his mother with an ax. Angry that she had been "nagging" him about moving some boxes up to the attic, Gomez beheaded Maria Suarez-Cassagne in the family's garage and tried to stuff her headless body into a garbage can, according to investigators. When he couldn't do that, he fled the home on his bike and was soon captured by local deputies in Oldsmar, Florida. Gomez calmly confessed to the crime and said he'd been planning it for days.

Note that Fox News ignored the Florida scene of grisly, domestic violence. Apparently, without a Muslim suspect under arrest for the beheading, Fox News wasn't interested. The cable channel didn't set aside hours to cover the horrific crime. There was no heated Fox News commentary, no panel discussions, no primetime news specials to comb over the evidence of the tragic beheading. Fox News didn't care about the shocking story of an isolated beheading in America.

Thirteen weeks ago however, Fox News couldn't stop talking about an isolated beheading in America. In late September 2014, Fox News became almost singularly obsessed with the gruesome workplace beheading in Moore, Oklahoma by a recent Muslim convert, Alton Nolen. Angered about being fired over racial comments at the Vaughan Foods processing plant, Nolen went home and retrieved a large kitchen knife. He returned to the workplace and began attacking his former co-workers. He beheaded one woman and injured another before he shot was by a company official. Nolen later confessed to the attack.

Wow...and according to the media beheadings are uniquely tied to Islam. Go figure.

Lizzie Bordon took an axe give her mother 40 wacks - Lizzie was a lone wolf wack job and so was Gomez - just another murder by a deranged wack job.

The Oklahoma beheading was tied into Islam which made it more news worthy - somebody on this forum has on their signature that "being a moderator makes you no less stupid" - I disagreed with that until seeing some of your recent posts .

More conspiracy theory bs. Just because terrorists collaborate on the latest bomb making methods doesn't make a particular terrorist attack tied to other terror groups. Don't be stupid. McVeigh was a home grown rightwing extremist, you guys need to own that.

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