The Gruesome U.S. Beheadings Fox News Ignored


I wonder if more people have been beheaded by the Drug Cartels in Mexico then by Islamists?

I suspect more. But it doesn't get reported.

Nor are they posted on the internet as a recruiting tool and to instruct extreme followers to do the same.

Perspective is indeed a requirement.

Murder is one thing, although tragic in any form, but when committed with the intent to inflame others to commit the same, it is indeed more newsworthy.

I agree. But I see every time the person doing the beheading is a Muslim - no one looks further. It's labeled.
38 people are murdered every single day. Over 14,000 murders per year. I don't see you upset that any particular news media ignores the VAST majority of them. Nor do I see any actual relevant point that is supported by the fact that one single beheading not covered by FOX somehow supports your asinine assumptions about the reporting. What do you expect them to cover? There is no information needed - a psychopath murderer confessed and is in jail. Not a noteworthy piece of reporting.

But everytime a murder happens its totally reasonable to not expect a news org to cover it....

But Al Sharpton should be at all of them or ....something
Let me know when you have anything worthwhile to contribute, it's been a long time.
I just did. The Nazi stuff sounds exceedingly shallow. I really don't care enough to do anymore. You may as well make JoeB or Shotspeeder a mod by those standards.

Look at the rhetoric and replace Muslim with Jew - you will see it is little difference. That is the comparison because hate movements start with rhetoric, a readiness to believe in conspiracy theories and willingness to apply these things to an entire population. It's been ratcheting up for a while. Do I think something like the Nazi's would happen again? I don't think so. I hope not. The Holocaust remains alive in our memory for now but what happens when the last survivor dies? You already see people trying to claim it never really happened, there were no gas chambers, etc and they can be very persuasive to people who might be facing disenfranchisment, economic difficulties etc and need a ready scapegoat.
Let me know when you have anything worthwhile to contribute, it's been a long time.
I just did. The Nazi stuff sounds exceedingly shallow. I really don't care enough to do anymore. You may as well make JoeB or Shotspeeder a mod by those standards.

Look at the rhetoric and replace Muslim with Jew - you will see it is little difference. That is the comparison because hate movements start with rhetoric, a readiness to believe in conspiracy theories and willingness to apply these things to an entire population. It's been ratcheting up for a while. Do I think something like the Nazi's would happen again? I don't think so. I hope not. The Holocaust remains alive in our memory for now but what happens when the last survivor dies? You already see people trying to claim it never really happened, there were no gas chambers, etc and they can be very persuasive to people who might be facing disenfranchisment, economic difficulties etc and need a ready scapegoat.

What utter horseshit. The JEWS did not actually behead people. You see the difference? They were just accused of it, in order to justify butchering them.

Muslims also attribute heinous crimes to Jews, in order to justify their attacks on them. The difference is...the Muslims actually do target schools and children, and they really DO take innocents hostage, and butcher them.


You've been living in a protected shell for so long you no longer perceive reality.
Check this out, a write up of a guest spot Maher did on Kimmel:

"...the “tiny minority of extremists” isn’t so tiny when you consider the raw numbers."

"Maher went out there with a point to make rather than engage in the usual dreary late-night banter and partly because he’s violating a liberal taboo in noting that jihadi fanatics are sustained by a larger, decidedly illiberal culture. Criticizing the tiny minority on TV is okay provided that you emphasize their tiny-minority-ness. When, however, you try to connect up the actions of the worst offenders to the cultural fishbowl they swim in — a practice the left not only engages in but insists upon in every other context except Islamic fanaticism — then you’re over the line."

"Exit question: If the media believes the conventional wisdom it pushes that it’s only a “tiny minority” they need worry about, why are they so afraid to take a risk by publishing cartoons of Mohammed? Strictly speaking, there are a tiny minority of extremists within Christianity, Judaism, and every other faith as well. Take a big enough population and, to a statistical certainty, you’ll stumble across people who are more open to violence when their sacred cows are slaughtered. Yet only one group’s tiny minority so worries the media that they’ll black out key parts of a major international news story to avoid offending it."

If everybody else is an EQUAL threat and *just as bad* as Islam..then why is the press ONLY afraid to slam Islam? Why are reporters ONLY killed by Muslims?

Bill Maher to Jimmy Kimmel Hundreds of millions of Muslims support this Charlie Hebdo attack Hot Air
Check this out, a write up of a guest spot Maher did on Kimmel:

"...the “tiny minority of extremists” isn’t so tiny when you consider the raw numbers."

"Maher went out there with a point to make rather than engage in the usual dreary late-night banter and partly because he’s violating a liberal taboo in noting that jihadi fanatics are sustained by a larger, decidedly illiberal culture. Criticizing the tiny minority on TV is okay provided that you emphasize their tiny-minority-ness. When, however, you try to connect up the actions of the worst offenders to the cultural fishbowl they swim in — a practice the left not only engages in but insists upon in every other context except Islamic fanaticism — then you’re over the line."

"Exit question: If the media believes the conventional wisdom it pushes that it’s only a “tiny minority” they need worry about, why are they so afraid to take a risk by publishing cartoons of Mohammed? Strictly speaking, there are a tiny minority of extremists within Christianity, Judaism, and every other faith as well. Take a big enough population and, to a statistical certainty, you’ll stumble across people who are more open to violence when their sacred cows are slaughtered. Yet only one group’s tiny minority so worries the media that they’ll black out key parts of a major international news story to avoid offending it."

If everybody else is an EQUAL threat and *just as bad* as Islam..then why is the press ONLY afraid to slam Islam? Why are reporters ONLY killed by Muslims?

Bill Maher to Jimmy Kimmel Hundreds of millions of Muslims support this Charlie Hebdo attack Hot Air

And, hate to break it to you but reporters are NOT only killed by Muslims: Journalists Killed in 2014 - Committee to Protect Journalists

Free speech and an independent media are under assault.
Let me know when you have anything worthwhile to contribute, it's been a long time.
I just did. The Nazi stuff sounds exceedingly shallow. I really don't care enough to do anymore. You may as well make JoeB or Shotspeeder a mod by those standards.

Look at the rhetoric and replace Muslim with Jew - you will see it is little difference. That is the comparison because hate movements start with rhetoric, a readiness to believe in conspiracy theories and willingness to apply these things to an entire population. It's been ratcheting up for a while. Do I think something like the Nazi's would happen again? I don't think so. I hope not. The Holocaust remains alive in our memory for now but what happens when the last survivor dies? You already see people trying to claim it never really happened, there were no gas chambers, etc and they can be very persuasive to people who might be facing disenfranchisment, economic difficulties etc and need a ready scapegoat.

What utter horseshit. The JEWS did not actually behead people. You see the difference? They were just accused of it, in order to justify butchering them.

Who said they did?

You missed the point entirely. Since the vast majority of Muslims are not engaged in decapitation - you're open to accusing them of it in order to justify butchering them.

Muslims also attribute heinous crimes to Jews, in order to justify their attacks on them. The difference is...the Muslims actually do target schools and children, and they really DO take innocents hostage, and butcher them.

They engage in the same conspiracy style bs against Jews that you do against Muslims. The difference - MOST Muslims don't do what you say but the rhetoric does not make a distinction.


You've been living in a protected shell for so long you no longer perceive reality.

Not at all.
Wow partisan hack job fail by a USMB MOD.

Oh don't be such a silly spoil sport. We mods are allowed to be partisan (or haven't you figured that out yet?).
Let me know when you have anything worthwhile to contribute, it's been a long time.
I just did. The Nazi stuff sounds exceedingly shallow. I really don't care enough to do anymore. You may as well make JoeB or Shotspeeder a mod by those standards.

Look at the rhetoric and replace Muslim with Jew - you will see it is little difference. That is the comparison because hate movements start with rhetoric, a readiness to believe in conspiracy theories and willingness to apply these things to an entire population. It's been ratcheting up for a while. Do I think something like the Nazi's would happen again? I don't think so. I hope not. The Holocaust remains alive in our memory for now but what happens when the last survivor dies? You already see people trying to claim it never really happened, there were no gas chambers, etc and they can be very persuasive to people who might be facing disenfranchisment, economic difficulties etc and need a ready scapegoat.

What utter horseshit. The JEWS did not actually behead people. You see the difference? They were just accused of it, in order to justify butchering them.

Who said they did?

You missed the point entirely. Since the vast majority of Muslims are not engaged in decapitation - you're open to accusing them of it in order to justify butchering them.

Muslims also attribute heinous crimes to Jews, in order to justify their attacks on them. The difference is...the Muslims actually do target schools and children, and they really DO take innocents hostage, and butcher them.

They engage in the same conspiracy style bs against Jews that you do against Muslims. The difference - MOST Muslims don't do what you say but the rhetoric does not make a distinction.


You've been living in a protected shell for so long you no longer perceive reality.

Not at all.

Thanks for making my point.

MILLIONS of Muslims SUPPORT the people who do the beheadings.

It is NOT a tiny minority.
Wow partisan hack job fail by a USMB MOD.

Oh don't be such a silly spoil sport. We mods are allowed to be partisan (or haven't you figured that out yet?).
Never seen mod post a thread that reminded me of a Duddy, Franco HW or Rdean hack job before. I was a bit shocked. :ack-1:

Omg, stick's a time honored tradition amongst the left leaners.
Wow partisan hack job fail by a USMB MOD.

Oh don't be such a silly spoil sport. We mods are allowed to be partisan (or haven't you figured that out yet?).
Never seen mod post a thread that reminded me of a Duddy, Franco HW or Rdean hack job before. I was a bit shocked. :ack-1:

Omg, stick's a time honored tradition amongst the left leaners.

Ah, but's a profession amongst the Right.
Let me know when you have anything worthwhile to contribute, it's been a long time.
I just did. The Nazi stuff sounds exceedingly shallow. I really don't care enough to do anymore. You may as well make JoeB or Shotspeeder a mod by those standards.

Look at the rhetoric and replace Muslim with Jew - you will see it is little difference. That is the comparison because hate movements start with rhetoric, a readiness to believe in conspiracy theories and willingness to apply these things to an entire population. It's been ratcheting up for a while. Do I think something like the Nazi's would happen again? I don't think so. I hope not. The Holocaust remains alive in our memory for now but what happens when the last survivor dies? You already see people trying to claim it never really happened, there were no gas chambers, etc and they can be very persuasive to people who might be facing disenfranchisment, economic difficulties etc and need a ready scapegoat.

What utter horseshit. The JEWS did not actually behead people. You see the difference? They were just accused of it, in order to justify butchering them.

Who said they did?

You missed the point entirely. Since the vast majority of Muslims are not engaged in decapitation - you're open to accusing them of it in order to justify butchering them.

Muslims also attribute heinous crimes to Jews, in order to justify their attacks on them. The difference is...the Muslims actually do target schools and children, and they really DO take innocents hostage, and butcher them.

They engage in the same conspiracy style bs against Jews that you do against Muslims. The difference - MOST Muslims don't do what you say but the rhetoric does not make a distinction.


You've been living in a protected shell for so long you no longer perceive reality.

Not at all.

Thanks for making my point.

MILLIONS of Muslims SUPPORT the people who do the beheadings.

It is NOT a tiny minority

Wow partisan hack job fail by a USMB MOD.

Oh don't be such a silly spoil sport. We mods are allowed to be partisan (or haven't you figured that out yet?).
Never seen mod post a thread that reminded me of a Duddy, Franco HW or Rdean hack job before. I was a bit shocked. :ack-1:

Omg, stick's a time honored tradition amongst the left leaners.

Ah, but's a profession amongst the Right.[/QUO
I just did. The Nazi stuff sounds exceedingly shallow. I really don't care enough to do anymore. You may as well make JoeB or Shotspeeder a mod by those standards.

Look at the rhetoric and replace Muslim with Jew - you will see it is little difference. That is the comparison because hate movements start with rhetoric, a readiness to believe in conspiracy theories and willingness to apply these things to an entire population. It's been ratcheting up for a while. Do I think something like the Nazi's would happen again? I don't think so. I hope not. The Holocaust remains alive in our memory for now but what happens when the last survivor dies? You already see people trying to claim it never really happened, there were no gas chambers, etc and they can be very persuasive to people who might be facing disenfranchisment, economic difficulties etc and need a ready scapegoat.

What utter horseshit. The JEWS did not actually behead people. You see the difference? They were just accused of it, in order to justify butchering them.

Who said they did?

You missed the point entirely. Since the vast majority of Muslims are not engaged in decapitation - you're open to accusing them of it in order to justify butchering them.

Muslims also attribute heinous crimes to Jews, in order to justify their attacks on them. The difference is...the Muslims actually do target schools and children, and they really DO take innocents hostage, and butcher them.

They engage in the same conspiracy style bs against Jews that you do against Muslims. The difference - MOST Muslims don't do what you say but the rhetoric does not make a distinction.


You've been living in a protected shell for so long you no longer perceive reality.

Not at all.

Thanks for making my point.

MILLIONS of Muslims SUPPORT the people who do the beheadings.

It is NOT a tiny minority


Give me a freaking break.

Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK - Telegraph

Many British Muslims Put Islam First - CBS News

A Year After Iraq War Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Zestien procent moslimjongens vindt terrorisme aanvaardbaar-
(16% of young Muslims in Belgium state terrorism is "acceptable".)
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