The Guilty Party's Response Tells All


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
While what the Memo exposed was already known by those paying attention, the responses by those in the spotlight borders on comedy gold.

1. "....Pelosi refers to the document as “Nunes’ partisan spin memo” and expresses her disapproval with the president, declaring that “he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

“President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence,” part of the statement declares. “By not protecting intelligence sources and methods, he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

2. ....distorts highly classified intelligence in a cynical attempt to discredit our national intelligence and law enforcement agencies and the Special Counsel investigation,” and “releasing the memo is a desperate attempt to distract the American people from the truth about the Trump-Russia scandal.”

3.....Adam Schiff said in a tweet that, “The President’s decision to publicly release a misleading memo attacking DOJ & FBI is a transparent attempt to discredit these institutions and undermine Mueller’s probe. We'll fight to release our classified response."

4. ...Schumer and a number of other Democrats including Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein and others, signed a letter to the president that referred to the memo as “partisan and misleading.”

The letter condemns Trump for releasing the document “over the objections of your own Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director and the Department of Justice (DOJ),” asserting that the president’s action, “was a transparent attempt to discredit the hard-working men and women of law enforcement who are investigating Russia’s interference with our Presidential election and that nation’s ties to your campaign.”

5. ...Comey, chimed in on Twitter, similarly decrying the memo as “Dishonest and misleading.”

He said in his tweet: “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”
The Most Extreme Democratic Responses to the Nunes Memo


The image of a passel of stuck pigs comes to mind.
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While what the Memo exposed was already known by those paying attention, the responses by those in the spotlight borders on comedy gold.

1. "....Pelosi refers to the document as “Nunes’ partisan spin memo” and expresses her disapproval with the president, declaring that “he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

“President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence,” part of the statement declares. “By not protecting intelligence sources and methods, he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

2. ....distorts highly classified intelligence in a cynical attempt to discredit our national intelligence and law enforcement agencies and the Special Counsel investigation,” and “releasing the memo is a desperate attempt to distract the American people from the truth about the Trump-Russia scandal.”

3.....Adam Schiff said in a tweet that, “The President’s decision to publicly release a misleading memo attacking DOJ & FBI is a transparent attempt to discredit these institutions and undermine Mueller’s probe. We'll fight to release our classified response."

4. ...Schumer and a number of other Democrats including Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein and others, signed a letter to the president that referred to the memo as “partisan and misleading.”

The letter condemns Trump for releasing the document “over the objections of your own Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director and the Department of Justice (DOJ),” asserting that the president’s action, “was a transparent attempt to discredit the hard-working men and women of law enforcement who are investigating Russia’s interference with our Presidential election and that nation’s ties to your campaign.”

5. ...Comey, chimed in on Twitter, similarly decrying the memo as “Dishonest and misleading.”

He said in his tweet: “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”
The Most Extreme Democratic Responses to the Nunes Memo


The image of a passel of stuck pigs comes to mind.
You can tell that most rational liberals here realized that this looks really bad.....and they are deep down questioning what they have been led to believe.
The corrupt media will keep pounding on this hoping that enough people will refuse to listen to the revelations that are now finally public and beyond dispute an indictment on the Obama Administration and his DoJ.
Why have no charges been filed if it is so grave of an infraction of the law?
The fact remains the DOJ/FBI presented numerous applications to spy on an American citizen to the FISA court but never told the FISA court the applications were based on a Clinton/DNC opposition research 'dossier' which even Comey said was "unverified".
The DOJ/FBI LIED to and mislead the FISA court judge/s.
While what the Memo exposed was already known by those paying attention, the responses by those in the spotlight borders on comedy gold.

1. "....Pelosi refers to the document as “Nunes’ partisan spin memo” and expresses her disapproval with the president, declaring that “he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

“President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence,” part of the statement declares. “By not protecting intelligence sources and methods, he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

2. ....distorts highly classified intelligence in a cynical attempt to discredit our national intelligence and law enforcement agencies and the Special Counsel investigation,” and “releasing the memo is a desperate attempt to distract the American people from the truth about the Trump-Russia scandal.”

3.....Adam Schiff said in a tweet that, “The President’s decision to publicly release a misleading memo attacking DOJ & FBI is a transparent attempt to discredit these institutions and undermine Mueller’s probe. We'll fight to release our classified response."

4. ...Schumer and a number of other Democrats including Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein and others, signed a letter to the president that referred to the memo as “partisan and misleading.”

The letter condemns Trump for releasing the document “over the objections of your own Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director and the Department of Justice (DOJ),” asserting that the president’s action, “was a transparent attempt to discredit the hard-working men and women of law enforcement who are investigating Russia’s interference with our Presidential election and that nation’s ties to your campaign.”

5. ...Comey, chimed in on Twitter, similarly decrying the memo as “Dishonest and misleading.”

He said in his tweet: “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”
The Most Extreme Democratic Responses to the Nunes Memo


The image of a passel of stuck pigs comes to mind.
You can tell that most rational liberals here realized that this looks really bad.....and they are deep down questioning what they have been led to believe.
The corrupt media will keep pounding on this hoping that enough people will refuse to listen to the revelations that are now finally public and beyond dispute an indictment on the Obama Administration and his DoJ.

You realize that Nunez never even looked at the FISA warrant, don't you? Trey Goudy and a couple of staffers were the only ones to even read it. Goudy decided to drop out of the next election when he realized he would be tied to that lying propaganda.
The fact remains the DOJ/FBI presented numerous applications to spy on an American citizen to the FISA court but never told the FISA court the applications were based on a Clinton/DNC opposition research 'dossier' which even Comey said was "unverified".
The DOJ/FBI LIED to and mislead the FISA court judge/s.
But since they are liberals doing it, their constituents will continue to adore the fascist government that Obumbler created. Their messiah can do no wrong, even the most "transparent" messiah<SARCASM>.
The fact remains the DOJ/FBI presented numerous applications to spy on an American citizen to the FISA court but never told the FISA court the applications were based on a Clinton/DNC opposition research 'dossier' which even Comey said was "unverified".
The DOJ/FBI LIED to and mislead the FISA court judge/s.

You got a credible link to prove that?
The fact remains the DOJ/FBI presented numerous applications to spy on an American citizen to the FISA court but never told the FISA court the applications were based on a Clinton/DNC opposition research 'dossier' which even Comey said was "unverified".
The DOJ/FBI LIED to and mislead the FISA court judge/s.

Those spurious FISA applications were signed by Comey, McCabe, Yates and Rosenstein.
While what the Memo exposed was already known by those paying attention, the responses by those in the spotlight borders on comedy gold.

1. "....Pelosi refers to the document as “Nunes’ partisan spin memo” and expresses her disapproval with the president, declaring that “he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

“President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence,” part of the statement declares. “By not protecting intelligence sources and methods, he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

2. ....distorts highly classified intelligence in a cynical attempt to discredit our national intelligence and law enforcement agencies and the Special Counsel investigation,” and “releasing the memo is a desperate attempt to distract the American people from the truth about the Trump-Russia scandal.”

3.....Adam Schiff said in a tweet that, “The President’s decision to publicly release a misleading memo attacking DOJ & FBI is a transparent attempt to discredit these institutions and undermine Mueller’s probe. We'll fight to release our classified response."

4. ...Schumer and a number of other Democrats including Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein and others, signed a letter to the president that referred to the memo as “partisan and misleading.”

The letter condemns Trump for releasing the document “over the objections of your own Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director and the Department of Justice (DOJ),” asserting that the president’s action, “was a transparent attempt to discredit the hard-working men and women of law enforcement who are investigating Russia’s interference with our Presidential election and that nation’s ties to your campaign.”

5. ...Comey, chimed in on Twitter, similarly decrying the memo as “Dishonest and misleading.”

He said in his tweet: “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”
The Most Extreme Democratic Responses to the Nunes Memo


The image of a passel of stuck pigs comes to mind.
You can tell that most rational liberals here realized that this looks really bad.....and they are deep down questioning what they have been led to believe.
The corrupt media will keep pounding on this hoping that enough people will refuse to listen to the revelations that are now finally public and beyond dispute an indictment on the Obama Administration and his DoJ.

You realize that Nunez never even looked at the FISA warrant, don't you? Trey Goudy and a couple of staffers were the only ones to even read it. Goudy decided to drop out of the next election when he realized he would be tied to that lying propaganda.
The FISA warrant is a sealed document that only a few have been authorized to a Top Secret viewing room.
Instead he is taking the word of those who have said they saw the actual document.
I don't like this fact any more than you.
I'm also sure that you leftists want to take advantage of this.
Must we go through months of legal action to prove that these people aren't lying again????
It just never seems to end.
We discover that the Obama Administration used the DoJ and the intelligence community to spy on Americans, a fact we already knew for years, but you folks refuse to admit it was happening.
Now we have the proof and you people insist that somebody here is lying......your willful-ignorance seems to know no bounds.
Your representatives on the left can lie about anything, push any fraud down your throats and you gladly accept it and even ask for seconds.
Then when you discover you've been lied to you turn around and accept yet another lie which then has be be debunked.
Who cares that a video never caused the attacks in Benghazi.
Who cares that it's now been proved that Obama did indeed spy on Trump.
Who cares that everything we've been saying all this year turned out to be true.
You still want desperately to believe it's all a lie and that Trump worked with the Russians to steal the election and robbed Hillary of her rightful place in the WH.
Everything depended on her being in the Oval Office so she could make sure that all of this never saw the light of day.
Now they've used the press to drum up enough hatred for Trump that you really don't care what the truth is anymore.
The fact remains the DOJ/FBI presented numerous applications to spy on an American citizen to the FISA court but never told the FISA court the applications were based on a Clinton/DNC opposition research 'dossier' which even Comey said was "unverified".
The DOJ/FBI LIED to and mislead the FISA court judge/s.

Those spurious FISA applications were signed by Comey, McCabe, Yates and Rosenstein.
Yes I know.
The first FISA for Carter Page was in 2013.
Some fucking MSNBC moron 'expert' claimed yesterday when asked why Page was still walking free claimed it was because Page had been "talking to certain people" and that's why he's not in prison.
Oh the irony! In a couple of years the DOJ/FBI will 'settle' with Page and he'll be a multimillionaire while some corrupt DOJ/FBI leaders will be eating their daily cat food sandwiches in federal prison.
Why have no charges been filed if it is so grave of an infraction of the law?
Funny you should ask that.
If you've been paying attention......building a case takes time.
We've been subjected to a so-called investigation that has been building a case for over a year now. Mueller simply took it over from James Comey after he was fired.
This case against the DoJ and the FBI wasn't officially opened till a matter of days ago.
You expect indictments today but refuse to expect the same of the case against Trump.

The DOJ/FBI LIED to and mislead the FISA court judge/s.

Of course you KNOW this based on that legal scholar Nunes who didn't even READ the fucking FISA application.......But, I understand....Hannity told you WHAT to believe and idiots must comply, correct?
And Trey Gowdy reported it back, and put the memo together. This is another ridiculous talking point you guts are trying to score points with. You won’t, even with the most partisan hacks. People can see right through it, it is so transparent.
While what the Memo exposed was already known by those paying attention, the responses by those in the spotlight borders on comedy gold.

1. "....Pelosi refers to the document as “Nunes’ partisan spin memo” and expresses her disapproval with the president, declaring that “he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

“President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence,” part of the statement declares. “By not protecting intelligence sources and methods, he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

2. ....distorts highly classified intelligence in a cynical attempt to discredit our national intelligence and law enforcement agencies and the Special Counsel investigation,” and “releasing the memo is a desperate attempt to distract the American people from the truth about the Trump-Russia scandal.”

3.....Adam Schiff said in a tweet that, “The President’s decision to publicly release a misleading memo attacking DOJ & FBI is a transparent attempt to discredit these institutions and undermine Mueller’s probe. We'll fight to release our classified response."

4. ...Schumer and a number of other Democrats including Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein and others, signed a letter to the president that referred to the memo as “partisan and misleading.”

The letter condemns Trump for releasing the document “over the objections of your own Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director and the Department of Justice (DOJ),” asserting that the president’s action, “was a transparent attempt to discredit the hard-working men and women of law enforcement who are investigating Russia’s interference with our Presidential election and that nation’s ties to your campaign.”

5. ...Comey, chimed in on Twitter, similarly decrying the memo as “Dishonest and misleading.”

He said in his tweet: “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”
The Most Extreme Democratic Responses to the Nunes Memo


The image of a passel of stuck pigs comes to mind.
You can tell that most rational liberals here realized that this looks really bad.....and they are deep down questioning what they have been led to believe.
The corrupt media will keep pounding on this hoping that enough people will refuse to listen to the revelations that are now finally public and beyond dispute an indictment on the Obama Administration and his DoJ.

You realize that Nunez never even looked at the FISA warrant, don't you? Trey Goudy and a couple of staffers were the only ones to even read it. Goudy decided to drop out of the next election when he realized he would be tied to that lying propaganda.
While what the Memo exposed was already known by those paying attention, the responses by those in the spotlight borders on comedy gold.

1. "....Pelosi refers to the document as “Nunes’ partisan spin memo” and expresses her disapproval with the president, declaring that “he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

“President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence,” part of the statement declares. “By not protecting intelligence sources and methods, he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

2. ....distorts highly classified intelligence in a cynical attempt to discredit our national intelligence and law enforcement agencies and the Special Counsel investigation,” and “releasing the memo is a desperate attempt to distract the American people from the truth about the Trump-Russia scandal.”

3.....Adam Schiff said in a tweet that, “The President’s decision to publicly release a misleading memo attacking DOJ & FBI is a transparent attempt to discredit these institutions and undermine Mueller’s probe. We'll fight to release our classified response."

4. ...Schumer and a number of other Democrats including Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein and others, signed a letter to the president that referred to the memo as “partisan and misleading.”

The letter condemns Trump for releasing the document “over the objections of your own Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director and the Department of Justice (DOJ),” asserting that the president’s action, “was a transparent attempt to discredit the hard-working men and women of law enforcement who are investigating Russia’s interference with our Presidential election and that nation’s ties to your campaign.”

5. ...Comey, chimed in on Twitter, similarly decrying the memo as “Dishonest and misleading.”

He said in his tweet: “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”
The Most Extreme Democratic Responses to the Nunes Memo


The image of a passel of stuck pigs comes to mind.
You can tell that most rational liberals here realized that this looks really bad.....and they are deep down questioning what they have been led to believe.
The corrupt media will keep pounding on this hoping that enough people will refuse to listen to the revelations that are now finally public and beyond dispute an indictment on the Obama Administration and his DoJ.

You realize that Nunez never even looked at the FISA warrant, don't you? Trey Goudy and a couple of staffers were the only ones to even read it. Goudy decided to drop out of the next election when he realized he would be tied to that lying propaganda.
The FISA warrant is a sealed document that only a few have been authorized to a Top Secret viewing room.
Instead he is taking the word of those who have said they saw the actual document.
I don't like this fact any more than you.
I'm also sure that you leftists want to take advantage of this.
Must we go through months of legal action to prove that these people aren't lying again????
It just never seems to end.
We discover that the Obama Administration used the DoJ and the intelligence community to spy on Americans, a fact we already knew for years, but you folks refuse to admit it was happening.
Now we have the proof and you people insist that somebody here is lying......your willful-ignorance seems to know no bounds.
Your representatives on the left can lie about anything, push any fraud down your throats and you gladly accept it and even ask for seconds.
Then when you discover you've been lied to you turn around and accept yet another lie which then has be be debunked.
Who cares that a video never caused the attacks in Benghazi.
Who cares that it's now been proved that Obama did indeed spy on Trump.
Who cares that everything we've been saying all this year turned out to be true.
You still want desperately to believe it's all a lie and that Trump worked with the Russians to steal the election and robbed Hillary of her rightful place in the WH.
Everything depended on her being in the Oval Office so she could make sure that all of this never saw the light of day.
Now they've used the press to drum up enough hatred for Trump that you really don't care what the truth is anymore.

You must spend how ever long it takes to prove your accusations. That propaganda piece released yesterday doesn't prove anything.
BAIER: Democrats are criticizing a lot, as you can imagine. I’m sure you’ve heard. But they’re jumping on one particular part of the memo in particular. Number four, the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

Even when the story blew up:

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after the FBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

"...a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump...."
Even when he already knew it was "non-credible
While what the Memo exposed was already known by those paying attention, the responses by those in the spotlight borders on comedy gold.

1. "....Pelosi refers to the document as “Nunes’ partisan spin memo” and expresses her disapproval with the president, declaring that “he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

“President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence,” part of the statement declares. “By not protecting intelligence sources and methods, he just sent his friend Putin a bouquet.”

2. ....distorts highly classified intelligence in a cynical attempt to discredit our national intelligence and law enforcement agencies and the Special Counsel investigation,” and “releasing the memo is a desperate attempt to distract the American people from the truth about the Trump-Russia scandal.”

3.....Adam Schiff said in a tweet that, “The President’s decision to publicly release a misleading memo attacking DOJ & FBI is a transparent attempt to discredit these institutions and undermine Mueller’s probe. We'll fight to release our classified response."

4. ...Schumer and a number of other Democrats including Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein and others, signed a letter to the president that referred to the memo as “partisan and misleading.”

The letter condemns Trump for releasing the document “over the objections of your own Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director and the Department of Justice (DOJ),” asserting that the president’s action, “was a transparent attempt to discredit the hard-working men and women of law enforcement who are investigating Russia’s interference with our Presidential election and that nation’s ties to your campaign.”

5. ...Comey, chimed in on Twitter, similarly decrying the memo as “Dishonest and misleading.”

He said in his tweet: “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”
The Most Extreme Democratic Responses to the Nunes Memo


The image of a passel of stuck pigs comes to mind.
Finestien and Schiff will simply release it as she did the other information Finestien felt need to be released... because she thinks its relevant.. Look for the NYT to publish the democrat memo soon as it will be leaked. Rules are for others... Not the democrats..
We KNOW by the one that saw it and put the memo together. Why do you think he sent a former prosecutor to see it, rather than his own self? Because he knew Gowdy would know what he was looking at as a former prosecutor. A brilliant move on Nunes part.
The DOJ/FBI LIED to and mislead the FISA court judge/s.

Of course you KNOW this based on that legal scholar Nunes who didn't even READ the fucking FISA application.......But, I understand....Hannity told you WHAT to believe and idiots must comply, correct?

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