The gun control conundrum...but only for gun grabbers, the rest of us know the truth...

Gun control is a sickness...
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.
No one has a right to an automobile… Firearm ownership is all right.
I understand that. We NEED cars, We don't need guns. You get that?
Who are you to say who needs what!? Fuck liberals thinking that they can tell what other people need...
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Gun control is a sickness...
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.
No one has a right to an automobile… Firearm ownership is all right.
I understand that. We NEED cars, We don't need guns. You get that?
Control freaks like yourself can't help themselves...
This is an interesting point...

The Truth About Gun Control Studies - The Truth About Guns

To believe the health care journals you have to believe that a high level of gun ownership causes a moderate level of suicide in old white men, but has nothing to do with their low-level of homicide; while simultaneously believing that a low-level of gun ownership causes a high level of homicide in young black men, while having nothing to do with a relatively low-level of suicide for them.

And the truth, the fact and the reality....that we know but the gun grabbers have to pretend doesn't exist....

The evidence is clear: the number of guns in society has little effect on the number of homicides, suicides and firearms-related accidents. There’s no credible study that shows that “guns kill people” and there are some credible studies that indicate that more guns in America reduce crime by a statistically significant amount.

You see, "da gubermint" is fine with arming Mexican drug cartels and mercenary groups in the Middle East in order to fight proxy wars on their behalf but they are scared shit-less of Americans having a means to defend themselves even as USA.INC leaves the southern border un-secured while flying in muslim refugees by the plane loads each and every day. You are just being racist for being against the draconian measures that the Barrypuppet wants to pass down to us......he can kiss my hairy white ass.

poor loons.

i'm sorry you need to rely on guns because your genitalia is so insufficient.
Gun control is a sickness...
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.
No one has a right to an automobile… Firearm ownership is all right.
I understand that. We NEED cars, We don't need guns. You get that?
Who are you to say who what needs what!? Fuck liberals thinking that they can tell what other people need...


Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.
No one has a right to an automobile… Firearm ownership is all right.
I understand that. We NEED cars, We don't need guns. You get that?
Who are you to say who what needs what!? Fuck liberals thinking that they can tell what other people need...


Control freak
Gun control is a sickness...
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.
This is an interesting point...

The Truth About Gun Control Studies - The Truth About Guns

To believe the health care journals you have to believe that a high level of gun ownership causes a moderate level of suicide in old white men, but has nothing to do with their low-level of homicide; while simultaneously believing that a low-level of gun ownership causes a high level of homicide in young black men, while having nothing to do with a relatively low-level of suicide for them.

And the truth, the fact and the reality....that we know but the gun grabbers have to pretend doesn't exist....

The evidence is clear: the number of guns in society has little effect on the number of homicides, suicides and firearms-related accidents. There’s no credible study that shows that “guns kill people” and there are some credible studies that indicate that more guns in America reduce crime by a statistically significant amount.

You see, "da gubermint" is fine with arming Mexican drug cartels and mercenary groups in the Middle East in order to fight proxy wars on their behalf but they are scared shit-less of Americans having a means to defend themselves even as USA.INC leaves the southern border un-secured while flying in muslim refugees by the plane loads each and every day. You are just being racist for being against the draconian measures that the Barrypuppet wants to pass down to us......he can kiss my hairy white ass.

poor loons.

i'm sorry you need to rely on guns because your genitalia is so insufficient.[/QUOTE

Coming from Jillian aka "Miss Canyon ****"...that's not only funny but very ironic. The chasm that is your vagina is truly one that could never be bridged. The last time you used a vibrator, you took out an electrical grid....but I one needs to seek permission to defend one's self or his your world this corporate "gubermint" may be the "end all, be all" as you worship at it's feet...but those that have studied history know that a disarmed public is a very vulnerable public and if that public is vulnerable it will be more compliant to any draconian measures it's master decide to put upon them..llest they incur their wrath. Your stupid analogies are useless and worthless....just like trying to mount you without a two by four strapped to your lover's ass to keep him from being sucked in to your womb....hope this helps!!!
I think the second constitutional amendment needs to be amended to reflect the abuse and harm firearms are causing to this country. What GOOD they are doing is far outweighed by the damage they are doing, over all. If anyone here is truly interested in the well being of their fellow Americans, they will be realistic and understand that equation.
I think you don't know what you are talking about.
Hillary says guns don't keep you safe. Find the person in this pic who is NOT carrying a gun.
Excessive zeal for an exaggerated exercise of the second amendment has aided and abetted those who seek restrictions.
This is an interesting point...

The Truth About Gun Control Studies - The Truth About Guns

To believe the health care journals you have to believe that a high level of gun ownership causes a moderate level of suicide in old white men, but has nothing to do with their low-level of homicide; while simultaneously believing that a low-level of gun ownership causes a high level of homicide in young black men, while having nothing to do with a relatively low-level of suicide for them.

And the truth, the fact and the reality....that we know but the gun grabbers have to pretend doesn't exist....

The evidence is clear: the number of guns in society has little effect on the number of homicides, suicides and firearms-related accidents. There’s no credible study that shows that “guns kill people” and there are some credible studies that indicate that more guns in America reduce crime by a statistically significant amount.

You see, "da gubermint" is fine with arming Mexican drug cartels and mercenary groups in the Middle East in order to fight proxy wars on their behalf but they are scared shit-less of Americans having a means to defend themselves even as USA.INC leaves the southern border un-secured while flying in muslim refugees by the plane loads each and every day. You are just being racist for being against the draconian measures that the Barrypuppet wants to pass down to us......he can kiss my hairy white ass.

poor loons.

i'm sorry you need to rely on guns because your genitalia is so insufficient.
If one reads the constitution, one can clearly see that congress has no constitutional legislative authority to enact gun control legislation.

Until it does.

Guy, here's the thing, I don't really care what the Founding Slave Rapists thought about the issue 200 years ago.

Does it make sense today to let a guy who is so mentally ill he thinks he's The Joker buy a machine gun and a 100 round clip? (Yes, i know you guys get all upset when I use those characterizations, but let's go with it.)

Let's all agree The Joker with a Machine Gun is a terrible idea. Okay. Got it.

Now, once all sensible, not crazy people have agreed that is the standard. How do we keep the Joker from getting a gun. Background checks would be nice. The media was able to find out who James Holmes was within hours, and when they called his Mommy, she knew what was up.
How about having the gun sellers do the same?
Until it does.

Guy, here's the thing, I don't really care what the Founding Slave Rapists thought about the issue 200 years ago.

Right. Until the law is amended, congress has no legislative authority to enact gun control legislation.
Gun control is a sickness...
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.

Sorry.....guns are a right....Poll Taxes and Literacy tests are any fee or tax or test designed to stop people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right is also unConstitutional.

IN a country with over 357,000,000 guns in private hand in 2015....and only 505 accidental guns deaths...vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths....normal, law abiding American gun owners are amazingly, incredibly responsible in their ownership of firearms.........

Do you ever try to understand those numbers? Obviously not....
Gun control is a sickness...
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.
If one reads the constitution, one can clearly see that congress has no constitutional legislative authority to enact gun control legislation.

Until it does.

Guy, here's the thing, I don't really care what the Founding Slave Rapists thought about the issue 200 years ago.

Does it make sense today to let a guy who is so mentally ill he thinks he's The Joker buy a machine gun and a 100 round clip? (Yes, i know you guys get all upset when I use those characterizations, but let's go with it.)

Let's all agree The Joker with a Machine Gun is a terrible idea. Okay. Got it.

Now, once all sensible, not crazy people have agreed that is the standard. How do we keep the Joker from getting a gun. Background checks would be nice. The media was able to find out who James Holmes was within hours, and when they called his Mommy, she knew what was up.
How about having the gun sellers do the same?

357,000,000 million guns in private hands....

one guy with a gun.....

Do you understand how stupid your post is?

3,750,000 AR-15s in private hands.....

the colorado theater shooter, who picked a gun free zone, used one AR-15.....out of 3,750,000 million privately owned AR-15s which have never been used for one crime or mass shooting....

You are the nut.......

Background exactly do they work......since almost all of the mass shooters passed one or more before they killed people....and the ones who didn't or couldn't...stole their guns or bought them illegally....

Background checks are stupid....
I think the second constitutional amendment needs to be amended to reflect the abuse and harm firearms are causing to this country. What GOOD they are doing is far outweighed by the damage they are doing, over all. If anyone here is truly interested in the well being of their fellow Americans, they will be realistic and understand that equation.
Total you know that death by democide (death by government) is over 260 million people in the last 100 plus years and that they had been disarmed first? I know for a FACT that "da gubermint" has been staging mass shootings and passing them off as a real time event. Aurora, Sandy Hook, Charleston, the Virginia TV reporter shooting....horrifically piss poor hoaxes that do not pass the sniff test of anyone that is even slightly "awake". Looks to me that "da gubermint" has some plans in store for us that we just might not like...thus, they need to disarm the people. I am tired of the bullshit and I am tired of the lies. I am tired of stupid people and "gubermint" trolls that are hired to infiltrate social media and push their narratives and disrupt discussion. The last movie I watched where only "da gubermint" had guns was Schindler's List....didn't work out all that well for the Jews as I recall. I would much rather take my chance with coming across some deranged person having a bad day than I EVER would trusting a "gubermint" that has already proven 100 times over that it can't be trusted at all.
I DON'T KNOW ANY SUCH THING. Where do you people come up with this malarkey? We need guns to protect us from bad people with guns? Do you see there is self fulfilling cycle here? The logic is faulty. Let's end that cycle.
Good idea. Make sure the bad people don't have any guns, then the good people will give their's up. Uh, one problem. If the bad people don't have any guns, the good people have no need to give their's up. See how this works? Gun control measures generally take guns away from good people, not bad ones. THAT is the problem.
I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.

Mary, no one would even suggest that you are....but you have got to take off the blinders. Pre-packaged news by our corporate owned media has been going on a long time.....even before it was revealed that CNN faked being in Saudi Arabia during the start of Desert Storm in 1991. TV is the biggest propaganda tool they have and they use it with great gusto.
Really? My opinions are mine only, formed from life experiences. IF firearms were an overarching Positive influence, ( I am realistic as hell), then I would support them. They aren't. They tend to be a detriment, and those that support them, are the ones out of touch here. I am not surprised at the outrage people feel. I am angry too, at the high crime rate and violence. Be we have to be better than this gun mania stuff.

You have no idea what you are talking have no facts and no truth....the crime rate has been going down since the 1990s...which coincides with more Americans actually carrying guns for self your whole premise is wrong....

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