The gun control conundrum...but only for gun grabbers, the rest of us know the truth...

I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.

Mary, no one would even suggest that you are....but you have got to take off the blinders. Pre-packaged news by our corporate owned media has been going on a long time.....even before it was revealed that CNN faked being in Saudi Arabia during the start of Desert Storm in 1991. TV is the biggest propaganda tool they have and they use it with great gusto.
Really? My opinions are mine only, formed from life experiences. IF firearms were an overarching Positive influence, ( I am realistic as hell), then I would support them. They aren't. They tend to be a detriment, and those that support them, are the ones out of touch here. I am not surprised at the outrage people feel. I am angry too, at the high crime rate and violence. Be we have to be better than this gun mania stuff.

You have no idea what you are talking have no facts and no truth....the crime rate has been going down since the 1990s...which coincides with more Americans actually carrying guns for self your whole premise is wrong....

Wrong...that isn't the point and pretending you don't understand the point is typical of a left wing gun grabber....

The entire premise of the gun control argument in the United States and around the world is that if there are more guns in society the crime rate will increase...the murder rate will increase...

In the United States in the 1990s Florida started the movement and all the other states followed.......they allowed normal, law abiding people to carry guns for self defense......and as each state adopted concealed carry or open carry......the gun murder rate, and the violent crime rate did not increase, or go fact it went down....

So the anti gun belief that more guns creates more gun crime is wrong...completely wrong.....

And actual research shows that allowing Americans to carry guns for self defense does lower the crime rate.......actual research.....
I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.

Mary, no one would even suggest that you are....but you have got to take off the blinders. Pre-packaged news by our corporate owned media has been going on a long time.....even before it was revealed that CNN faked being in Saudi Arabia during the start of Desert Storm in 1991. TV is the biggest propaganda tool they have and they use it with great gusto.
Really? My opinions are mine only, formed from life experiences. IF firearms were an overarching Positive influence, ( I am realistic as hell), then I would support them. They aren't. They tend to be a detriment, and those that support them, are the ones out of touch here. I am not surprised at the outrage people feel. I am angry too, at the high crime rate and violence. Be we have to be better than this gun mania stuff.

You have no idea what you are talking have no facts and no truth....the crime rate has been going down since the 1990s...which coincides with more Americans actually carrying guns for self your whole premise is wrong....

Using your post to reboot the initial post of this thread.......please explain the following...which none of you anti gunners have even tried to do...

The Truth About Gun Control Studies - The Truth About Guns

To believe the health care journals you have to believe that a high level of gun ownership causes a moderate level of suicide in old white men, but has nothing to do with their low-level of homicide; while simultaneously believing that a low-level of gun ownership causes a high level of homicide in young black men, while having nothing to do with a relatively low-level of suicide for them.

And the truth, the fact and the reality....that we know but the gun grabbers have to pretend doesn't exist....

The evidence is clear: the number of guns in society has little effect on the number of homicides, suicides and firearms-related accidents. There’s no credible study that shows that “guns kill people” and there are some credible studies that indicate that more guns in America reduce crime by a statistically significant amount.

Oldlady.....please address this post.....the original post of this thread....
there are some credible studies that indicate that more guns in America reduce crime by a statistically significant amount.
Even though there is no rule that every post must address the original question in the OP, that post says the above. Which you emphasized in your post to me. My response is to your erroneous assertion that crime has been decreasing since the 90's because more people own guns. Turn on the news any night of the week and have it explained to you that the Anti-Crime legislation passed by the Clintons in the early 90's is AGREED UPON BY ALL to have been the determinative factor in reducing crime. You can insult me all you like, but that is the truth and you aren't fooling me.
there are some credible studies that indicate that more guns in America reduce crime by a statistically significant amount.
Even though there is no rule that every post must address the original question in the OP, that post says the above. Which you emphasized in your post to me. My response is to your erroneous assertion that crime has been decreasing since the 90's because more people own guns. Turn on the news any night of the week and have it explained to you that the Anti-Crime legislation passed by the Clintons in the early 90's is AGREED UPON BY ALL to have been the determinative factor in reducing crime. You can insult me all you like, but that is the truth and you aren't fooling me.

Cops are always the major factor in reducing we see with the Ferguson effect, when the police stop doing their jobs....crime and murder escalate. What you have again failed to acknowledge is the fact, the truth and the reality....

Normal people owning guns and carrying guns for self defense does not increase the gun murder rate or the gun crime rate or the violent crime rate......since the 1990s more and more Americans now own and carry guns...and the crime rate went down....

We can argue the effect concealed carry has on the decrease....but you cannot argue that normal people owning and carrying guns increases the gun crime or murder rate. That is the entire premise of the anti gun movement....and it is a false premise which is not based in the truth, the facts or the reality of guns in the United STates...
Gun control is a sickness...
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.

Sorry.....guns are a right....Poll Taxes and Literacy tests are any fee or tax or test designed to stop people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right is also unConstitutional.

IN a country with over 357,000,000 guns in private hand in 2015....and only 505 accidental guns deaths...vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths....normal, law abiding American gun owners are amazingly, incredibly responsible in their ownership of firearms.........

Do you ever try to understand those numbers? Obviously not....

Looks like accidental gun deaths went up dramatically in 2014 to 586. Ouch.
Gun control is a sickness...
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.

Sorry.....guns are a right....Poll Taxes and Literacy tests are any fee or tax or test designed to stop people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right is also unConstitutional.

IN a country with over 357,000,000 guns in private hand in 2015....and only 505 accidental guns deaths...vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths....normal, law abiding American gun owners are amazingly, incredibly responsible in their ownership of firearms.........

Do you ever try to understand those numbers? Obviously not....

Looks like accidental gun deaths went up dramatically in 2014 to 586. Ouch.

Yes....more gang members were carrying guns...thanks to the Ferguson effect.....

and yet......gun ownership is at 357,000,000 million guns in private hands

so we had 505 accidental gun deaths when we had 320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

37,000,000 new guns in private hands.....

81 new accidental gun deaths.......

making that 1 new accidental gun suicide for each 4,567,901 new guns in private hands.....

Do you see how dumb your post is?
Gun control is a sickness...
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.

Sorry.....guns are a right....Poll Taxes and Literacy tests are any fee or tax or test designed to stop people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right is also unConstitutional.

IN a country with over 357,000,000 guns in private hand in 2015....and only 505 accidental guns deaths...vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths....normal, law abiding American gun owners are amazingly, incredibly responsible in their ownership of firearms.........

Do you ever try to understand those numbers? Obviously not....

Looks like accidental gun deaths went up dramatically in 2014 to 586. Ouch.

Yes....more gang members were carrying guns...thanks to the Ferguson effect.....

and yet......gun ownership is at 357,000,000 million guns in private hands

so we had 505 accidental gun deaths when we had 320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

37,000,000 new guns in private hands.....

81 new accidental gun deaths.......

making that 1 new accidental gun suicide for each 4,567,901 new guns in private hands.....

Do you see how dumb your post is?

I see a lot of new deaths that shouldn't have happened and somebody who doesn't value life. By the way, who cares jo bob bought his 132nd gun. Ownership numbers are more appropriate, not the number of guns out there. How many accidental gun deaths in Germany each year for a good comparison?
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.

Sorry.....guns are a right....Poll Taxes and Literacy tests are any fee or tax or test designed to stop people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right is also unConstitutional.

IN a country with over 357,000,000 guns in private hand in 2015....and only 505 accidental guns deaths...vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths....normal, law abiding American gun owners are amazingly, incredibly responsible in their ownership of firearms.........

Do you ever try to understand those numbers? Obviously not....

Looks like accidental gun deaths went up dramatically in 2014 to 586. Ouch.

Yes....more gang members were carrying guns...thanks to the Ferguson effect.....

and yet......gun ownership is at 357,000,000 million guns in private hands

so we had 505 accidental gun deaths when we had 320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

37,000,000 new guns in private hands.....

81 new accidental gun deaths.......

making that 1 new accidental gun suicide for each 4,567,901 new guns in private hands.....

Do you see how dumb your post is?

I see a lot of new deaths that shouldn't have happened and somebody who doesn't value life. By the way, who cares jo bob bought his 132nd gun. Ownership numbers are more appropriate, not the number of guns out there. How many accidental gun deaths in Germany each year for a good comparison?
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.

Sorry.....guns are a right....Poll Taxes and Literacy tests are any fee or tax or test designed to stop people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right is also unConstitutional.

IN a country with over 357,000,000 guns in private hand in 2015....and only 505 accidental guns deaths...vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths....normal, law abiding American gun owners are amazingly, incredibly responsible in their ownership of firearms.........

Do you ever try to understand those numbers? Obviously not....

Looks like accidental gun deaths went up dramatically in 2014 to 586. Ouch.

Yes....more gang members were carrying guns...thanks to the Ferguson effect.....

and yet......gun ownership is at 357,000,000 million guns in private hands

so we had 505 accidental gun deaths when we had 320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

37,000,000 new guns in private hands.....

81 new accidental gun deaths.......

making that 1 new accidental gun suicide for each 4,567,901 new guns in private hands.....

Do you see how dumb your post is?

I see a lot of new deaths that shouldn't have happened and somebody who doesn't value life. By the way, who cares jo bob bought his 132nd gun. Ownership numbers are more appropriate, not the number of guns out there. How many accidental gun deaths in Germany each year for a good comparison?
View attachment 72338

Strange all the countries that have lots of gun control aren't ruled by a tyrant..
Until it does.

Guy, here's the thing, I don't really care what the Founding Slave Rapists thought about the issue 200 years ago.

Right. Until the law is amended, congress has no legislative authority to enact gun control legislation.

Not really, there's a lot of things they could do.

For instance, they can let the victims of gun violence sue gun manufacturers and dealers. That'll put the gun industry out of business pretty quickly.

Oh, yes, and Scalia is taking a dirt nap now, so guess what, "Well Regulated Militia". Get use to those three words.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.

Sorry.....guns are a right....Poll Taxes and Literacy tests are any fee or tax or test designed to stop people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right is also unConstitutional.

IN a country with over 357,000,000 guns in private hand in 2015....and only 505 accidental guns deaths...vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths....normal, law abiding American gun owners are amazingly, incredibly responsible in their ownership of firearms.........

Do you ever try to understand those numbers? Obviously not....

Looks like accidental gun deaths went up dramatically in 2014 to 586. Ouch.

Yes....more gang members were carrying guns...thanks to the Ferguson effect.....

and yet......gun ownership is at 357,000,000 million guns in private hands

so we had 505 accidental gun deaths when we had 320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

37,000,000 new guns in private hands.....

81 new accidental gun deaths.......

making that 1 new accidental gun suicide for each 4,567,901 new guns in private hands.....

Do you see how dumb your post is?

I see a lot of new deaths that shouldn't have happened and somebody who doesn't value life. By the way, who cares jo bob bought his 132nd gun. Ownership numbers are more appropriate, not the number of guns out there. How many accidental gun deaths in Germany each year for a good comparison?
View attachment 72338

Private Gun ownership was actually pretty widespread in Nazi Germany.
Background exactly do they work......since almost all of the mass shooters passed one or more before they killed people....and the ones who didn't or couldn't...stole their guns or bought them illegally....

Background checks are stupid....

Guy, no company would say, "Well, one out of a million of products will kill someone.Problem solved."

They'd be sued.

If the background checks aren't catching guys like the Joker then tney are inadequate. Hold some people accountable, and you'd be AMAZED how much the process will improve.
Another issue that gets less attention is how many people die from firearms accidentally. Again, the U.S. has much higher rates of unintentional death from firearms compared to other countries.

Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world
Gun violence is an nonissue in this country, we have much bigger fish to fry. Suicides are going to happen no matter what form is used, lumping them in with homicides is lying.
Background exactly do they work......since almost all of the mass shooters passed one or more before they killed people....and the ones who didn't or couldn't...stole their guns or bought them illegally....

Background checks are stupid....

Guy, no company would say, "Well, one out of a million of products will kill someone.Problem solved."

They'd be sued.

If the background checks aren't catching guys like the Joker then tney are inadequate. Hold some people accountable, and you'd be AMAZED how much the process will improve.
You need to quit making shit up, it looks bad on you. LOL
Another issue that gets less attention is how many people die from firearms accidentally. Again, the U.S. has much higher rates of unintentional death from firearms compared to other countries.

Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world
Gun violence is an nonissue in this country, we have much bigger fish to fry. Suicides are going to happen no matter what form is used, lumping them in with homicides is lying.

I was talking about accidents. We have a much higher accidental death rate than other countries. That makes it a problem.
Not really, there's a lot of things they could do.

For instance, they can let the victims of gun violence sue gun manufacturers and dealers. That'll put the gun industry out of business pretty quickly.

Oh, yes, and Scalia is taking a dirt nap now, so guess what, "Well Regulated Militia". Get use to those three words.

The words "well regulated militia" are irrelevant to my point. The legislative powers of congress are listed in art I, section 8. That section doesn't list any power to enact gun control legislation.
Sorry.....guns are a right....Poll Taxes and Literacy tests are any fee or tax or test designed to stop people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right is also unConstitutional.

IN a country with over 357,000,000 guns in private hand in 2015....and only 505 accidental guns deaths...vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths....normal, law abiding American gun owners are amazingly, incredibly responsible in their ownership of firearms.........

Do you ever try to understand those numbers? Obviously not....

Looks like accidental gun deaths went up dramatically in 2014 to 586. Ouch.

Yes....more gang members were carrying guns...thanks to the Ferguson effect.....

and yet......gun ownership is at 357,000,000 million guns in private hands

so we had 505 accidental gun deaths when we had 320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

37,000,000 new guns in private hands.....

81 new accidental gun deaths.......

making that 1 new accidental gun suicide for each 4,567,901 new guns in private hands.....

Do you see how dumb your post is?

I see a lot of new deaths that shouldn't have happened and somebody who doesn't value life. By the way, who cares jo bob bought his 132nd gun. Ownership numbers are more appropriate, not the number of guns out there. How many accidental gun deaths in Germany each year for a good comparison?
View attachment 72338

Strange all the countries that have lots of gun control aren't ruled by a tyrant..

China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, I see what you mean.........
Another issue that gets less attention is how many people die from firearms accidentally. Again, the U.S. has much higher rates of unintentional death from firearms compared to other countries.

Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world
Gun violence is an nonissue in this country, we have much bigger fish to fry. Suicides are going to happen no matter what form is used, lumping them in with homicides is lying.

I was talking about accidents. We have a much higher accidental death rate than other countries. That makes it a problem.

We have the most guns in the of course we have more accidents, the same way the country with the most cars will have the most car accidents....

we had 320,000,000 million guns in private hands in 2013......

505 accidental gun deaths....

Car deaths ...about 35,000......

drownings.....over 3,000.....
Leftism is a sickness that tells them individuals should bow to a government god, men can go into women's showers, there is no tax that is too high, etc etc.
Thanks for that reference, We need car control (stricter requirements for ALL drivers), elderly, drunks, health checks and written and drivers test (every year). And no giving out licenses to illegal aliens. (On that basis, no motor voter laws, either). I am like this with guns too. Let's be fair here. With guns or automobile ownership, comes great responsibility. Let's keep it that way.

Sorry.....guns are a right....Poll Taxes and Literacy tests are any fee or tax or test designed to stop people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right is also unConstitutional.

IN a country with over 357,000,000 guns in private hand in 2015....and only 505 accidental guns deaths...vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths....normal, law abiding American gun owners are amazingly, incredibly responsible in their ownership of firearms.........

Do you ever try to understand those numbers? Obviously not....

Looks like accidental gun deaths went up dramatically in 2014 to 586. Ouch.

Yes....more gang members were carrying guns...thanks to the Ferguson effect.....

and yet......gun ownership is at 357,000,000 million guns in private hands

so we had 505 accidental gun deaths when we had 320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

37,000,000 new guns in private hands.....

81 new accidental gun deaths.......

making that 1 new accidental gun suicide for each 4,567,901 new guns in private hands.....

Do you see how dumb your post is?

I see a lot of new deaths that shouldn't have happened and somebody who doesn't value life. By the way, who cares jo bob bought his 132nd gun. Ownership numbers are more appropriate, not the number of guns out there. How many accidental gun deaths in Germany each year for a good comparison? people buying guns...the biggest growth areas in gun purchases are women and minorities....

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