The gun control conundrum...but only for gun grabbers, the rest of us know the truth...


You realize he didn't disarm them right?

Wrong.......gun registration and the beginnings of disarmament happened in the 1920s........he used the gun registration lists to complete the disarmament...getting the last of the hunting rifles and shotguns from the Jews and political enemies as he rose to power.....

So it was before he was in power. Thanks.

He used the registration lists to get the last guns.....and to make sure the Jews and his enemies were are slow....
You mean 586. So more guns equals more innocent deaths. Thanks for clearing that up.

And more cars equal more accidental car deaths...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

More pools equal more drowning deaths....

Accidental drowning.....3,391

Accidental gun deaths....


I think the U.S. even has more gravity than the rest of the more deaths by falling..right?

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

For real perspective.....

Here are the stats on some common types of would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling would save more lives.....

guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about would push to ban the following...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in a country with 74.2 million children in 2010...

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)
Gun Suicide: 21,175
Non gun suicide: 19,974

Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....

So more guns equals more innocent deaths. Thanks.

Nope......gun control equals more innocent deaths......anywhere around the world you will see that disarmed people are the victims of mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing....the only thing keeping that from happening in Europe is that we have troops there.....and now, with muslim immigrants...that is going to change...

That funny cause we lead the world in accidental gun deaths.

And drowning pools in homes.....and car accidental death vast numbers more than gun deaths...

320,000,000 million guns in private hands in 2013...

505 accidental gun deaths....

The difference between those two numbers is obviously too great for your brain to comprehend......

The stupidity of comparing them is too much to comprehend.

You realize he didn't disarm them right?

Wrong.......gun registration and the beginnings of disarmament happened in the 1920s........he used the gun registration lists to complete the disarmament...getting the last of the hunting rifles and shotguns from the Jews and political enemies as he rose to power.....

So it was before he was in power. Thanks.

He used the registration lists to get the last guns.....and to make sure the Jews and his enemies were are slow....

Yes before he was in power.
And Mexico.....a disarmed population...and thousands murdered by the government with the cartels........more than our accidental gun deaths with our over 320,000,000 guns.....
And Mexico.....a disarmed population...and thousands murdered by the government with the cartels........more than our accidental gun deaths with our over 320,000,000 guns.....

Oh that's a lot of details. You compare us to Mexico? You must think very little of us.
And Mexico.....a disarmed population...and thousands murdered by the government with the cartels........more than our accidental gun deaths with our over 320,000,000 guns.....
A common misconception is that firearms are illegal in Mexico and that no person may possess them.[3] This belief originates due the general perception that only members of law enforcement, the armed forces, or those in armed security protection are authorized to have them. While it is true that Mexico possesses strict gun laws,[4] where most typesand calibers are reserved to military and law enforcement, the acquisition and ownership of certain firearms and ammunition remains a constitutional right to all Mexican citizens and foreign legal residents;[5] given the requirements and conditions to exercise such right are fulfilled in accordance to the law.[6]

How many guns you sell today? Sales slow? You spend a lot of time on here.
I don't sell a whole lot on real nice days, people were out shooting…

Guess you need to take the good with the bad.
This is true, but I've been able to sell at least a couple firearms every day for 7-1/2 plus years...

Has it picked up in more recent years or been pretty steady throughout?

How many guns you sell today? Sales slow? You spend a lot of time on here.
I don't sell a whole lot on real nice days, people were out shooting…

Guess you need to take the good with the bad.
This is true, but I've been able to sell at least a couple firearms every day for 7-1/2 plus years...

Has it picked up in more recent years or been pretty steady throughout?
Firearms always sell good, but with any gun control talk and Especially gun registration talk I can't keep them on the shelf…
How many guns you sell today? Sales slow? You spend a lot of time on here.
I don't sell a whole lot on real nice days, people were out shooting…

Guess you need to take the good with the bad.
This is true, but I've been able to sell at least a couple firearms every day for 7-1/2 plus years...

Has it picked up in more recent years or been pretty steady throughout?
Firearms always sell good, but with any gun control talk and Especially gun registration talk I can't keep them on the shelf…

Deep down you really must love Obama. You might consider Hillary.
I don't sell a whole lot on real nice days, people were out shooting…

Guess you need to take the good with the bad.
This is true, but I've been able to sell at least a couple firearms every day for 7-1/2 plus years...

Has it picked up in more recent years or been pretty steady throughout?
Firearms always sell good, but with any gun control talk and Especially gun registration talk I can't keep them on the shelf…

Deep down you really must love Obama. You might consider Hillary.
There is Air Force Base near where I live and a guard camp near here and a police academy, law-enforcement and military folk are by far my best customers and always repeat customers all buying multiple firearms. Anytime the progressives open their mouth about gun control/gun registration and all that silliness. Those folk show up in droves…
No doubt I don't mind the sales, but In principal there's no reason for any more laws
Guess you need to take the good with the bad.
This is true, but I've been able to sell at least a couple firearms every day for 7-1/2 plus years...

Has it picked up in more recent years or been pretty steady throughout?
Firearms always sell good, but with any gun control talk and Especially gun registration talk I can't keep them on the shelf…

Deep down you really must love Obama. You might consider Hillary.
There is Air Force Base near where I live and a guard camp near here and a police academy, law-enforcement and military folk are by far my best customers and always repeat customers all buying multiple firearms. Anytime the progressives open their mouth about gun control/gun registration and all that silliness. Those folk show up in droves…
No doubt I don't mind the sales, but In principal there's no reason for any more laws

Obama gave you sales and no laws.
And Mexico.....a disarmed population...and thousands murdered by the government with the cartels........more than our accidental gun deaths with our over 320,000,000 guns.....
A common misconception is that firearms are illegal in Mexico and that no person may possess them.[3] This belief originates due the general perception that only members of law enforcement, the armed forces, or those in armed security protection are authorized to have them. While it is true that Mexico possesses strict gun laws,[4] where most typesand calibers are reserved to military and law enforcement, the acquisition and ownership of certain firearms and ammunition remains a constitutional right to all Mexican citizens and foreign legal residents;[5] given the requirements and conditions to exercise such right are fulfilled in accordance to the law.[6]

WRong...just like New York here in the states, normal people cannot get guns....because the government controls that lie by the anti gun lobby is just that...a lie.

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