The gun control conundrum...but only for gun grabbers, the rest of us know the truth...

"gun grabbers"


There are no ‘gun grabbers,’ the notion is a ridiculous lie.

No one is seeking to ‘take’ anyone’s guns.

It’s not only a ridiculous lie, but it’s ignorant idiocy – ignorance of the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution.
You, sir (and I use the word "sir" lightly) are a liar....gun confiscation IS the goal of the left and the commies that hold positions in this corporate "gubermint" and they create false flags in order to tug at the heart strings of a very dumbed down public. Go peddle your shit somewhere else.
I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.
If you want to change the 2nd amendment to limit peoples ability to defend themselves you are a threat.
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"gun grabbers"


There are no ‘gun grabbers,’ the notion is a ridiculous lie.

No one is seeking to ‘take’ anyone’s guns.

It’s not only a ridiculous lie, but it’s ignorant idiocy – ignorance of the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution.

hilary clinton....twit.....the Presidential candidate for the party of racism..the democrats.
I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.
If you want change the 2nd amendment to limit peoples ability to defend themselves you are a threat.

And is they vote for democrats they will be voting to end the 2nd Amendment...
I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.

Mary, no one would even suggest that you are....but you have got to take off the blinders. Pre-packaged news by our corporate owned media has been going on a long time.....even before it was revealed that CNN faked being in Saudi Arabia during the start of Desert Storm in 1991. TV is the biggest propaganda tool they have and they use it with great gusto.
hilary clinton is a gun grabber...she made comments to the black racist, democrat National Action Network....owned by racist al "tawana brawley" sharpton....

Hillary Clinton: George Zimmerman Shouldn't Have Had a Gun - The Truth About Guns

I respect the rights of lawful gun owners to own guns, to use their guns…

Hillary said that right before showing everyone her huge “but,” which includes a veritable wish list of citizen disarmament fantasies documented by On the Issues. She has also endorsed adding a 25% federal sales tax on guns. Add to that her assertion that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.”

No one wants to take your guns? If everything Hillary wants is enacted, what difference does it make?

It’s simultaneously pathetic and funny that during her speech, about 28 minutes in, Hillary had to keep looking down at her notes for the names of people she wanted to acknowledge and especially for the name “National Action Network.” Her “[he] should have never had a gun” comment takes place around 55 minutes in.
I think the second constitutional amendment needs to be amended to reflect the abuse and harm firearms are causing to this country. What GOOD they are doing is far outweighed by the damage they are doing, over all. If anyone here is truly interested in the well being of their fellow Americans, they will be realistic and understand that equation.

You obviously have no clue about that you actually study this at all before you post....?

The 2013 there were over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands...

Gun murders in 2014.... 8,124, most committed by career criminals murdering other criminals.....70-80% of gun murder victims are people with prior criminal convictions...

Accidental gun deaths in 2013.... 505, in a country of over 320,000,000 milllion people with over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands....

Can you even begin to comprehend those numbers?

How many times a year are guns used for good.....Americans using guns to actually stop criminal attack and to save lives...

1,500,000 times...according to bill clinton....

and then you add in those 320,000,000 million guns being used responsibly for competition, hunting, collecting and for just shooting....

And the truth, the facts and the reality of guns in America show that your post is completely stupid.........

That doesn't even begin to address the fact that an armed society is a free society.......just ask the Germans who gave up their rights to guns in the 1920s....and by 1940 they were being put into gas chambers...

so the really will post more intelligently if you do......
You are either over thinking this or deliberately obfuscating. IF there were NO firearms in this country, there would be a lot less murders and assaults and far less needles deaths overall. If you doubt that, you are deluded or insane. Sorry.

Hitlery is a globalist....100 percent. She would willingly and gladly sell out what was left of our sovereignty without blinking an eye and sign an executive order banning ANY gun ownership of the people of this country....and liberals would scream and say that anyone that opposes it is a "hater" and potential terrorist. I have seen this type of scenario played out before and I am not interested in reruns....
I think the second constitutional amendment needs to be amended to reflect the abuse and harm firearms are causing to this country. What GOOD they are doing is far outweighed by the damage they are doing, over all. If anyone here is truly interested in the well being of their fellow Americans, they will be realistic and understand that equation.

You obviously have no clue about that you actually study this at all before you post....?

The 2013 there were over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands...

Gun murders in 2014.... 8,124, most committed by career criminals murdering other criminals.....70-80% of gun murder victims are people with prior criminal convictions...

Accidental gun deaths in 2013.... 505, in a country of over 320,000,000 milllion people with over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands....

Can you even begin to comprehend those numbers?

How many times a year are guns used for good.....Americans using guns to actually stop criminal attack and to save lives...

1,500,000 times...according to bill clinton....

and then you add in those 320,000,000 million guns being used responsibly for competition, hunting, collecting and for just shooting....

And the truth, the facts and the reality of guns in America show that your post is completely stupid.........

That doesn't even begin to address the fact that an armed society is a free society.......just ask the Germans who gave up their rights to guns in the 1920s....and by 1940 they were being put into gas chambers...

so the really will post more intelligently if you do......
You are either over thinking this or deliberately obfuscating. IF there were NO firearms in this country, there would be a lot less murders and assaults and far less needles deaths overall. If you doubt that, you are deluded or insane. Sorry.

wrong...we have a criminal sub culture that commits murder..easily and doesn't matter if all normal people are disarmed, they will get guns....just like the drug cartels in Mexico get all the military weapons they a country with extreme gun control.

You have no clue about the reality of guns in this country or in other are a shallow person who is using emotion instead of reason.........
Mary...does this pass your sniff
I think the second constitutional amendment needs to be amended to reflect the abuse and harm firearms are causing to this country. What GOOD they are doing is far outweighed by the damage they are doing, over all. If anyone here is truly interested in the well being of their fellow Americans, they will be realistic and understand that equation.
Total you know that death by democide (death by government) is over 260 million people in the last 100 plus years and that they had been disarmed first? I know for a FACT that "da gubermint" has been staging mass shootings and passing them off as a real time event. Aurora, Sandy Hook, Charleston, the Virginia TV reporter shooting....horrifically piss poor hoaxes that do not pass the sniff test of anyone that is even slightly "awake". Looks to me that "da gubermint" has some plans in store for us that we just might not like...thus, they need to disarm the people. I am tired of the bullshit and I am tired of the lies. I am tired of stupid people and "gubermint" trolls that are hired to infiltrate social media and push their narratives and disrupt discussion. The last movie I watched where only "da gubermint" had guns was Schindler's List....didn't work out all that well for the Jews as I recall. I would much rather take my chance with coming across some deranged person having a bad day than I EVER would trusting a "gubermint" that has already proven 100 times over that it can't be trusted at all.
I DON'T KNOW ANY SUCH THING. Where do you people come up with this malarkey? We need guns to protect us from bad people with guns? Do you see there is self fulfilling cycle here? The logic is faulty. Let's end that cycle.
Does this pass your sniff test??? Just before he thinks he is about to be on camera he asks "Do I read from the card?"

Sandy Hook, in particular, is filled with so many anomalies if you look at it objectively.

Dude, you don't even know the half of it. I initially started looking into this to shut up the debunkers of this because I felt that some might actually be lefties trying to make 2nd amendment proponents look bad......but once I started finding all these incredible lies and shit that made no sense? I really started digging and I found over 60 things that make absolutely NO sense whatsoever and any one them could totally debunk what we were told. I will be honest...what I discovered scared the ever loving shit out of me because it leads me down places I would rather not go. Now? I am just totally pissed off and I have been making it my business to expose this criminal government not only on this site but others. I have become a friggin' pit bull about exposing the lies. The passion to alert people as to what has been done to them and us is what drives me.

The gov lies are getting hard for even the dim-witted among us to ignore. Lies and fraud have become SOP and are ubiquitous, food industry, big pharma, the banks, nutrition, ect...
I think the second constitutional amendment needs to be amended to reflect the abuse and harm firearms are causing to this country. What GOOD they are doing is far outweighed by the damage they are doing, over all. If anyone here is truly interested in the well being of their fellow Americans, they will be realistic and understand that equation.

You obviously have no clue about that you actually study this at all before you post....?

The 2013 there were over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands...

Gun murders in 2014.... 8,124, most committed by career criminals murdering other criminals.....70-80% of gun murder victims are people with prior criminal convictions...

Accidental gun deaths in 2013.... 505, in a country of over 320,000,000 milllion people with over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands....

Can you even begin to comprehend those numbers?

How many times a year are guns used for good.....Americans using guns to actually stop criminal attack and to save lives...

1,500,000 times...according to bill clinton....

and then you add in those 320,000,000 million guns being used responsibly for competition, hunting, collecting and for just shooting....

And the truth, the facts and the reality of guns in America show that your post is completely stupid.........

That doesn't even begin to address the fact that an armed society is a free society.......just ask the Germans who gave up their rights to guns in the 1920s....and by 1940 they were being put into gas chambers...

so the really will post more intelligently if you do......
You are either over thinking this or deliberately obfuscating. IF there were NO firearms in this country, there would be a lot less murders and assaults and far less needles deaths overall. If you doubt that, you are deluded or insane. Sorry.

How can you guarantee that no one will have a gun? We have laws against drugs and drug usage but still the addicts always find a think that those that want a gun wouldn't be able to get one??? Seriously???
Mary...does this pass your sniff
Total you know that death by democide (death by government) is over 260 million people in the last 100 plus years and that they had been disarmed first? I know for a FACT that "da gubermint" has been staging mass shootings and passing them off as a real time event. Aurora, Sandy Hook, Charleston, the Virginia TV reporter shooting....horrifically piss poor hoaxes that do not pass the sniff test of anyone that is even slightly "awake". Looks to me that "da gubermint" has some plans in store for us that we just might not like...thus, they need to disarm the people. I am tired of the bullshit and I am tired of the lies. I am tired of stupid people and "gubermint" trolls that are hired to infiltrate social media and push their narratives and disrupt discussion. The last movie I watched where only "da gubermint" had guns was Schindler's List....didn't work out all that well for the Jews as I recall. I would much rather take my chance with coming across some deranged person having a bad day than I EVER would trusting a "gubermint" that has already proven 100 times over that it can't be trusted at all.
I DON'T KNOW ANY SUCH THING. Where do you people come up with this malarkey? We need guns to protect us from bad people with guns? Do you see there is self fulfilling cycle here? The logic is faulty. Let's end that cycle.
Does this pass your sniff test??? Just before he thinks he is about to be on camera he asks "Do I read from the card?"

Sandy Hook, in particular, is filled with so many anomalies if you look at it objectively.

Dude, you don't even know the half of it. I initially started looking into this to shut up the debunkers of this because I felt that some might actually be lefties trying to make 2nd amendment proponents look bad......but once I started finding all these incredible lies and shit that made no sense? I really started digging and I found over 60 things that make absolutely NO sense whatsoever and any one them could totally debunk what we were told. I will be honest...what I discovered scared the ever loving shit out of me because it leads me down places I would rather not go. Now? I am just totally pissed off and I have been making it my business to expose this criminal government not only on this site but others. I have become a friggin' pit bull about exposing the lies. The passion to alert people as to what has been done to them and us is what drives me.

The gov lies are getting hard for even the dim-witted among us to ignore. Lies and fraud have become SOP and are ubiquitous, food industry, big pharma, the banks, nutrition, ect...

Bless grateful to come across another poster that is "awake"....good on ya.
I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.

Mary, no one would even suggest that you are....but you have got to take off the blinders. Pre-packaged news by our corporate owned media has been going on a long time.....even before it was revealed that CNN faked being in Saudi Arabia during the start of Desert Storm in 1991. TV is the biggest propaganda tool they have and they use it with great gusto.
Really? My opinions are mine only, formed from life experiences. IF firearms were an overarching Positive influence, ( I am realistic as hell), then I would support them. They aren't. They tend to be a detriment, and those that support them, are the ones out of touch here. I am not surprised at the outrage people feel. I am angry too, at the high crime rate and violence. Be we have to be better than this gun mania stuff.
It's easier to believe the facts. Guns take more lives than they save. Don't piss down my neck and say it's raining.

Wrong...don't talk out of your aren't Jim Carrey...and he wasn't funny when he did it....

Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton.

Guns are used to commit murder, in 2014...8,124 times.......most of those are criminals murdering other criminals....

Since the 1990s....more Americans now own and actually carry guns...13 million Americans carry guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate has gone down, not up......and our violent crime rate has gone down, not up.....

So please...stop talking out of your will post more intelligently if you do...
I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.

Mary, no one would even suggest that you are....but you have got to take off the blinders. Pre-packaged news by our corporate owned media has been going on a long time.....even before it was revealed that CNN faked being in Saudi Arabia during the start of Desert Storm in 1991. TV is the biggest propaganda tool they have and they use it with great gusto.
Really? My opinions are mine only, formed from life experiences. IF firearms were an overarching Positive influence, ( I am realistic as hell), then I would support them. They aren't. They tend to be a detriment, and those that support them, are the ones out of touch here. I am not surprised at the outrage people feel. I am angry too, at the high crime rate and violence. Be we have to be better than this gun mania stuff.

You have no idea what you are talking have no facts and no truth....the crime rate has been going down since the 1990s...which coincides with more Americans actually carrying guns for self your whole premise is wrong....
I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.

Mary, no one would even suggest that you are....but you have got to take off the blinders. Pre-packaged news by our corporate owned media has been going on a long time.....even before it was revealed that CNN faked being in Saudi Arabia during the start of Desert Storm in 1991. TV is the biggest propaganda tool they have and they use it with great gusto.
Really? My opinions are mine only, formed from life experiences. IF firearms were an overarching Positive influence, ( I am realistic as hell), then I would support them. They aren't. They tend to be a detriment, and those that support them, are the ones out of touch here. I am not surprised at the outrage people feel. I am angry too, at the high crime rate and violence. Be we have to be better than this gun mania stuff.
You default to options facts be dammed...
It's easier to believe the facts. Guns take more lives than they save. Don't piss down my neck and say it's raining.

Wrong...don't talk out of your aren't Jim Carrey...and he wasn't funny when he did it....

Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton.

Guns are used to commit murder, in 2014...8,124 times.......most of those are criminals murdering other criminals....

Since the 1990s....more Americans now own and actually carry guns...13 million Americans carry guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate has gone down, not up......and our violent crime rate has gone down, not up.....

So please...stop talking out of your will post more intelligently if you do...
Really, when is the last time you used a firearm to do stop a bad guy?Shoot a rapist lately? Stop a car jacking? Crack a walnut? Who is talking bullspit now? I am not talking theoretical hypothetical, I mean REAL.
I am no threat to you guys, relax. And if you didn't have your firearms, you wouldn't be either.

Mary, no one would even suggest that you are....but you have got to take off the blinders. Pre-packaged news by our corporate owned media has been going on a long time.....even before it was revealed that CNN faked being in Saudi Arabia during the start of Desert Storm in 1991. TV is the biggest propaganda tool they have and they use it with great gusto.
Really? My opinions are mine only, formed from life experiences. IF firearms were an overarching Positive influence, ( I am realistic as hell), then I would support them. They aren't. They tend to be a detriment, and those that support them, are the ones out of touch here. I am not surprised at the outrage people feel. I am angry too, at the high crime rate and violence. Be we have to be better than this gun mania stuff.

In 1970, my mom held off a 18 year old rapist with a gun that my dad (that was a cop and working third shift at the time) had taught her how to use. This murderous creep lived right behind us. I still remember that night. I was awaken by my mom screaming at this stranger because he had jumped the back fence and busted the back door. She couldn't see him but I could see his shadow from a lamp she had in the hall. I called out to her because I wanted to come protect her but she kept her head and told me to stay in bed. Our room was right across from hers. She talked to this creep and let him know that she had no problem with shooting him.....eventually he slithered away. A month later a lady 4 houses down on the block this creep lived on was raped and murdered and he was arrested and convicted. He even confessed to breaking into our house. I guess it was a good thing she had a
It's easier to believe the facts. Guns take more lives than they save. Don't piss down my neck and say it's raining.

Wrong...don't talk out of your aren't Jim Carrey...and he wasn't funny when he did it....

Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton.

Guns are used to commit murder, in 2014...8,124 times.......most of those are criminals murdering other criminals....

Since the 1990s....more Americans now own and actually carry guns...13 million Americans carry guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate has gone down, not up......and our violent crime rate has gone down, not up.....

So please...stop talking out of your will post more intelligently if you do...
Really, when is the last time you used a firearm to do stop a bad guy?Shoot a rapist lately? Stop a car jacking? Crack a walnut? Who is talking bullspit now? I am not talking theoretical hypothetical, I mean REAL.

BTW, I bought my daughter a .22 hand gun and showed her how to use it before she went to college 300 miles away from me back in 2009...I guess you would condemn me for that, no? Well, I don't give a shit as to what your opinion is about that because when seconds matter, the police are just minutes away. Give it up, babe.....people that are awake as to what is really going on will never turn over a God given right...that is, if they are smart. We don't live in a world that is "evil free" or one that would be evil free if people simply turned their rights for protection to authorities that are armed whose job it is to protect the corporate interest of USA.INC.....not gonna happen.
I guns. I like bridges, cars, airplanes or buildings. Machines fascinate me. But I don't think we have to give some special status to any machine if they are a deficit to society. Cars kill more people than any other machine, they are a privilege to operate. Guns are designed to kill, and that's what they do. Cars kill by bad operators, not function. Cars, we need, guns we DO NOT.

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