The Guy Who Participated In Failed Russian Collusion Coup Say He Knew Nothing About FBI Raid In Trump

In a real banana republic 1/6 would have worked and Trump would be President-for-Life. :cool:
Unfortunately the Democrats, Hillary, Obama, and Biden are responsible for turning the US into this corrupt 3rd world banana republic.
Wrong. Numerous experts on multiple media today pointed out that the search warrant is only warranted when there is no other way to get the information any other way, and Trump and his team were already coordinating with the DOJ, already voluntarily coming, and had already turned over 15 boxes of material.

THAT means the raid was unnecessary.

Thanks for your opinion, but since you have not read the warrant you are just voicing an opinion.

Biden is now hiding in the WH, refusing to answer any questions about his administration conducting a political raid on former President and Biden political opponent Donald Trump.

For having a very 'valid' reason to conduct an historic, unprecedented heavily armed raid against a former President and current political opponent of Joe Biden, the WH, DOJ, and FBI are completely silent, refusing to offer that 'perfectly valid reason' to the American people.

Garland, Wray, and Biden's handlers must be having one helluva 'lets-get-our-story-straught' strategy meeting today...

Unfortunately the Democrats, Hillary, Obama, and Biden are responsible for turning the US into this corrupt 3rd world banana republic.
As I said, didn't happen. 1/6 was foiled. If it had succeeded, THEN we’d be a banana republic. Try reading for comprehension next time and it could save you from looking so foolish.
As I said, didn't happen. 1/6 was foiled. If it had succeeded, THEN we’d be a banana republic. Try reading for comprehension next time and it could save you from looking so foolish.
Stuff your false narratives and lies. No one's buying them, comrade.
As I said, didn't happen. 1/6 was foiled. If it had succeeded, THEN we’d be a banana republic. Try reading for comprehension next time and it could save you from looking so foolish.
Why even bother?

They believe January 6th was done by ANTIFA, the election was stolen and Ted Cruz father killed Kennedy, so ya know you are on the losing end of this mental midget discussion!
Stuff your false narratives and lies. No one's buying them, comrade.
The only false narrative I see is the notion that we’re a banana republic, when it’s obvious you’re just trying to fool the rubes.
Just more BS. I expected something a little more original. I think today’s events have addled your mind more than usual.
Facts are original - you should try them sometime, comrade.
A never-been-done-before, historic, unprecedented, unnecessary political raid on the former Presisent - the President the current President already attempted / participated in a coup attempt against, his current and potential political opponent, by the current President's same criminal agencies that attempted a political coup, violated the Constitution, Patriot Act, orher laws, defrauded the FISA Court, illegly spied on Americans ...

....and they had no obligation to run that through the current President they work for QST, all of which would impact his Presidency?!

Going by your insanity, Garland and Wray, the DOJ & FBI, without the approval or knowledge of their boss, the President, abused their authority and power to conduct an unnecessary armed raid of the home of a former President who was already cooperating with the DOJ and had already turned over 15 boxes if material.

If Biden does not reign in / punish Garland and Wray after this it will be apparent to the entire world that Biden has no control of his rogue, criminal agencies, that he has no clue what is going on.

(YOU snowflakes do realize right, that during every step if Hillary and Obama's failed Russian Collusion coup attempt Barry met with his staff and agency directors - Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Rice, etc... and they gave Barry updates. The FBI even warned, reportedly, Obama in advance (according to Page) Hillary was going to initiate the scandal to try to affect the election.

So all this attempted bullshit excuse making and bullshit about Biden not knowing this was going to happen is just that - bullshit.)
And the present-day people in those positions gave Obama updates today. ;)
As I said, didn't happen. 1/6 was foiled. If it had succeeded, THEN we’d be a banana republic. Try reading for comprehension next time and it could save you from looking so foolish.
1/6 was about Congress hearing grievances. How would Congress listening to complaints from people make the US a Banana Republic? I don't get where you're coming from.
Even the Republian senate confirmed Trump's collusion. Calling it a hoax is one of the dumber conspiracy theories that the Trumptards try to push.

Trumptards, try to understand that your gaslighting only works on your fellow Russian asslickers.
Idiot, you're lies are unraveling.
When asked if he had prior knowledge of the FBI on Trump's home, President Biden replied


When asked if he had prior knowledge of the FBI on Trump's home, President Biden replied
Why would anyone want the president involved? There’s no need for it and it only gives the appearance of politicization.
Why would anyone want the president involved? There’s no need for it and it only gives the appearance of politicization.
1. When you have a rogue DOJ & FBI conducting 1st-ever, historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily-armed raids on a former President and the political opponent of the current President it gives the appearance of it being completely political.

2. When you have a rogue DOJ & FBI conducting 1st-ever, historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily-armed raids on a former President and the political opponent of the current President it makes the current President look like he has no clue, no control over his agencies, and no control over his administration.

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