The Halderman Report Silences The Election Fraud Deniers

Yes. If I sue you because you beat your wife, it will be dismissed because I have no standing. I suffered nothing by your action.

Then what's the fucking point?
You can’t sue me for anything i allegedly did to my wife precisely because you don’t have standing. Congratulations on figuring out that glaringly obvious and undisputed notion of standing.

The alleged conduct might be justiciable (even if you’re not allowed to be the party doing the suing). But if the court lacks jurisdiction over the subject matter or over the parties, that’s another couple of reason a case may not be entertained in court. Another couple of reasons might be that the claim is brought prematurely OR too late. All of these are procedural. That only means that the case isn’t getting tossed on its alleged merits. It’s getting tossed for other reasons.

Minding really have the time or patience to teach you about how the law works. It suffices to realize that if a case or a whole bunch of cases get thrown out of court for procedural reasons, those cases aren’t here on the merits. The evidence isn’t even considered.

Sometimes a dismissal is actually needed. I could have a great case but it doesn’t do me any good to bring a slip and fall case in the wrong state or in a bankruptcy court. The greatness of my case won’t help me assist my client if I sue on your behalf in the wrong jurisdiction.
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Don’t ask me, ask the conspiracy nuts. They seem to “know” the election was manipulated. Of course only the ones they lost were manipulated.
How much did Fox have to fork over to Dominion for spreading lies about manipulating votes? I forgot
You can’t sue me for anything k allegedly did to my wife precisely because you don’t have standing. Congratulations on figuring out that glaringly obvious and undisputed notion of standing.

The alleged conduct might be justiciable (even if you’re not allowed to be the party doing the suing). But if the court lacks jurisdiction over the subject matter or over the parties, that’s another couple of reason a case may not be entertained in court. Another couple of reasons might be that the claim is brought prematurely OR too late. All of these are procedural. That only means that the case isn’t getting tossed on its alleged merits. It’s getting tossed for other reasons.

Minding really have the time or patience to teach you about how the law works. It suffices to realize that if a case or a whole bunch of cases get thrown out of court for procedural reasons, those cases aren’t here on the merits. The evidence isn’t even considered.

Sometimes a dismissal is actually needed. I could have a great case but it doesn’t do me any good to bring a slip and fall case in the wrong state or in a bankruptcy court. The greatness of my case won’t help me assist my client if I sue on your behalf in the wrong jurisdiction.
The other things you listed are a matter of incompetent representation. And we all know that Grifty Trump only has the best people, like Roodles. From what I recall his lawyers couldn't even get an amicus brief straight.
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My calculator says… hold on….. a butt load.
Yup. A whole lot. The reason crackpots like this Halderman don't get dragged into court is that you can't collect damages from those basement dwellers. So they are save to spread their bullshit to the great unwashed.
:itsok: The other things you listed are a matter of incompetent representation. And we all know that Grifty Trump only has the best people, like Roodles. From what I recall his lawyers couldn't even get an amicus brief straight.
No. Your abundant ignorance is highlighted yet again.
Please don't alter my posts again. I will report you
Stick it up your ass. I didn’t alter any quotes. And we both know it you flaming quiff.

Edit. Oh I see what you’re crying about. I added a head pat emoticon and it accidentally landed in the quote box. I was sending that one TO you. Stop being such a priss.
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That's routine considering the cases either had no standing from the get go or unraveled quickly due to unprofessional written amicus briefs.
You previously denied the very point you’re now condescending to “explain.”You twerp. :itsok:
Discovery was never allowed.
Evidence is presented to a judge during a hearing. Judge decides if evidence presented warrants a trial. If trial is warranted, discovery happens. Exactly what happened with the Dominion lawsuit.
60+ judges decided that the "evidence" Trump's D-Team presented....was bullshit. And promptly tossed their claims.

You don't get to make conspiracy theory laden accusations, present shitty evidence, and get granted a trial just say there was fraud. There wasn't.
I read it.

Not a single one of the conservatives in this thread, including you, has said what they think this report shows.

Is that a coincidence?

Or are you all morons who don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.
When your party tries it again next year, this nation is going to burn. If you think half the voting public is just going to continue to bend over for you scum, you have a huge ugly surprise inbound...

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