The Halderman Report Silences The Election Fraud Deniers

When your party tries it again next year, this nation is going to burn. If you think half the voting public is just going to continue to bend over for you scum, you have a huge ugly surprise inbound...
You morons still haven’t figured out how to differentiate between things that are true and things you want to be true.
96 pages and you don’t grasp one point of it. Not one.

It is also amusing how you seem to revere courts when it suits your temporary purpose. The courts also gave us Plessy v. Ferguson. Not so reverent there, are you?
Whatever you say Pot.
Whatever you say Pot.
I understand you have no possibility of a rational response to my post. So, no worries.

Maybe someday with the help of the almighty and beneficent God, you will recognize such moments as opportunities to correct your errors and thereby learn. Best of luck, my brother.
It’s pretty clear you guys really don’t have much use for facts.

Pesky little things they are.
I have no use for biased 'fact checks' from places like Reuters that fell for the Russia/Trump conspiracy along with most of the legacy media.
I have no use for biased 'fact checks' from places like Reuters that fell for the Russia/Trump conspiracy along with most of the legacy media.
To you, anyone who says anything you don’t want to hear is biased.

It is a permission structure to wall yourself off from reality and create your own false but safe space.
To you, anyone who says anything you don’t want to hear is biased.

It is a permission structure to wall yourself off from reality and create your own false but safe space.

The link states that it is false that 'not one court looked at evidence' and says 'judges dismissed more than 50 lawsuits.' There is something wrong with that statement, it leaves out the fact that those cases were tossed out for procedural reasons rather than merit. So your 'fact check' is more of disinformation. Also election laws were changed without the state legislatures.

Then, your 'fact check' goes on to say that 'independent experts, governors and state election officials from both parties say there was no evidence of widespread fraud.' If you can't see that is a load of stinking horseshit there is no hope for you.

Hey, wanna bet ALL your 'fact check' sites say the same thing? Probably copied and pasted. :abgg2q.jpg:
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Everyone knows that things weren't proper in Georgia in 2020(among several other states).

If we had a free press, a report like this would be a major story. But, we only have the MSM which is a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party and the deep state.

The most important report in 2023 is the Halderman report — which has finally been “unsealed” by our corrupt court system. Its 96 pages sound the death knell for the election fraud deniers in both political parties — and for electronic voting machines in general.
Page 4 is brutal.

Ah yes, the old “multiple routes by which attackers can install malicious software” ploy!
Page 5 is even more brutal.

Yup. I am convinced.

You guys should sit the next few elections out. Don't bother voting.
To you, anyone who says anything you don’t want to hear is biased.

It is a permission structure to wall yourself off from reality and create your own false but safe space.
Fact checkers are only for idiots.

Paid astroturfing by the DNC is not factual.
Fact checkers are only for idiots.

Paid astroturfing by the DNC is not factual.
You have been indoctrinated to discount any inconvenient facts.

Your propaganda can’t stand up to facts.
You have been indoctrinated to discount any inconvenient facts.

Your propaganda can’t stand up to facts.
Gee that's funny, I busted you lying fucktards JUST YESTERDAY.

It happens regularly. All the time. Because you asswipes can't stop lying.
Gee that's funny, I busted you lying fucktards JUST YESTERDAY.

It happens regularly. All the time. Because you asswipes can't stop lying.
That’s nice, kiddo. I’m sure your mom is proud.
You actually see today's courts as honorable? That suggests you are a virgin, somehow, naive as they come brother.
They have NEVER been honorable, you have a problem today because you are thinking they are targeting someone whom they shouldn't be.
That garbage you believe stinks to high heaven and the fraud will never go away because it happened. Deal with it and stop enabling the destruction of our elections with lies and intimidation.
Save it, there was no election fraud. Hell even Trump appointed Judges weren't listening to that bullshit.

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