The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

True story. Of course no detailed description of how it’s unfair. And now Biden is rambling about stupid shit.

Or where it's unfair. They need to name cities, states, and regions. Our Country is too big to fit into a 'one size fits all' phony propagandist narrative of systemic racism.
Do I need to remind you what the title of this Racist Thread is?

The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

That is right up there with Limbaugh's "Magic Negro." Wouldn't it be a laugh is God is Black? Or in his case.....the other guy.

Fuck you. She’s half black. there’s nothing racist about calling her half black. And you certainly can’t explain why it is racist.

The insinuation is that being only half black disqualifies you from opining about black issues. Sorry - Kinda racist

That’s your take you retard?

Let’s say 100% black. She’s the second most powerful politician in America and she’s saying black people are oppressed. She’s using one example where there’s no proof of racism to state her claim. It’s absurd on many levels.

Denial of racism won't make it go away pal. And if you don't believe black people are oppressed - I won't be able to help.

Everyone is oppressed. Convincing the nation that this group or that group is more oppressed, is a recipe to oppress everyone.


Translation: if it’s uncomfortable, don’t talk about it!
Do I need to remind you what the title of this Racist Thread is?

The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

That is right up there with Limbaugh's "Magic Negro." Wouldn't it be a laugh is God is Black? Or in his case.....the other guy.

Fuck you. She’s half black. there’s nothing racist about calling her half black. And you certainly can’t explain why it is racist.

The insinuation is that being only half black disqualifies you from opining about black issues. Sorry - Kinda racist

That’s your take you retard?

Let’s say 100% black. She’s the second most powerful politician in America and she’s saying black people are oppressed. She’s using one example where there’s no proof of racism to state her claim. It’s absurd on many levels.

Denial of racism won't make it go away pal. And if you don't believe black people are oppressed - I won't be able to help.

Everyone is oppressed. Convincing the nation that this group or that group is more oppressed, is a recipe to oppress everyone.


Translation: if it’s uncomfortable, don’t talk about it!

100% it is uncomfortable to hear your bullshit. So save it. The truth is not uncomfortable to us, it’s uncomfortable to you
Do I need to remind you what the title of this Racist Thread is?

The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

That is right up there with Limbaugh's "Magic Negro." Wouldn't it be a laugh is God is Black? Or in his case.....the other guy.

Fuck you. She’s half black. there’s nothing racist about calling her half black. And you certainly can’t explain why it is racist.

The insinuation is that being only half black disqualifies you from opining about black issues. Sorry - Kinda racist

That’s your take you retard?

Let’s say 100% black. She’s the second most powerful politician in America and she’s saying black people are oppressed. She’s using one example where there’s no proof of racism to state her claim. It’s absurd on many levels.

Denial of racism won't make it go away pal. And if you don't believe black people are oppressed - I won't be able to help.

Everyone is oppressed. Convincing the nation that this group or that group is more oppressed, is a recipe to oppress everyone.


Translation: if it’s uncomfortable, don’t talk about it!

100% it is uncomfortable to hear your bullshit. So save it. The truth is not uncomfortable to us, it’s uncomfortable to you

So who is “us” exactly? These assholes and YOU?

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Do I need to remind you what the title of this Racist Thread is?

The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

That is right up there with Limbaugh's "Magic Negro." Wouldn't it be a laugh is God is Black? Or in his case.....the other guy.

Fuck you. She’s half black. there’s nothing racist about calling her half black. And you certainly can’t explain why it is racist.

The insinuation is that being only half black disqualifies you from opining about black issues. Sorry - Kinda racist

That’s your take you retard?

Let’s say 100% black. She’s the second most powerful politician in America and she’s saying black people are oppressed. She’s using one example where there’s no proof of racism to state her claim. It’s absurd on many levels.

Denial of racism won't make it go away pal. And if you don't believe black people are oppressed - I won't be able to help.

Everyone is oppressed. Convincing the nation that this group or that group is more oppressed, is a recipe to oppress everyone.


Translation: if it’s uncomfortable, don’t talk about it!

100% it is uncomfortable to hear your bullshit. So save it. The truth is not uncomfortable to us, it’s uncomfortable to you

So who is “us” exactly? These assholes and YOU?


Yeah I’m not a Trump supporter, idiot. Anyone with half a brain or more doesn’t believe the blacks are oppressed in America narrative. Even the people who say they do usually say so for political reasons. You’re a gullible fool if you believe it.
Do I need to remind you what the title of this Racist Thread is?

The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

That is right up there with Limbaugh's "Magic Negro." Wouldn't it be a laugh is God is Black? Or in his case.....the other guy.

Fuck you. She’s half black. there’s nothing racist about calling her half black. And you certainly can’t explain why it is racist.

The insinuation is that being only half black disqualifies you from opining about black issues. Sorry - Kinda racist

That’s your take you retard?

Let’s say 100% black. She’s the second most powerful politician in America and she’s saying black people are oppressed. She’s using one example where there’s no proof of racism to state her claim. It’s absurd on many levels.

Denial of racism won't make it go away pal. And if you don't believe black people are oppressed - I won't be able to help.

Everyone is oppressed. Convincing the nation that this group or that group is more oppressed, is a recipe to oppress everyone.


Translation: if it’s uncomfortable, don’t talk about it!

100% it is uncomfortable to hear your bullshit. So save it. The truth is not uncomfortable to us, it’s uncomfortable to you

So who is “us” exactly? These assholes and YOU?


Yeah I’m not a Trump supporter, idiot. Anyone with half a brain or more doesn’t believe the blacks are oppressed in America narrative. Even the people who say they do usually say so for political reasons. You’re a gullible fool if you believe it.

Check: You’re a fence-sitting Deplorable ;)
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Lincoln was right, we should have put them on ships and sent them back to Africa.


I have read that Abraham Lincoln (before he became President) opined in a very calm and courteous way that the two ethnicities had cultures that were incompatible and that both would benefit from separation. He suggested that maybe one of them would be happier living on some islands in the Caribbean.

This is now 2021. The reported 14% of Americans under discussion ain't going anywhere.

In fact, it appears that Caucasian Americans are the ones who will be shrinking in numbers. Demographers predict that they will no longer be the majority by 2050.

I live in Los Angeles, where they now count for at most 30% of the population.
Do I need to remind you what the title of this Racist Thread is?

The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

That is right up there with Limbaugh's "Magic Negro." Wouldn't it be a laugh is God is Black? Or in his case.....the other guy.

Fuck you. She’s half black. there’s nothing racist about calling her half black. And you certainly can’t explain why it is racist.

The insinuation is that being only half black disqualifies you from opining about black issues. Sorry - Kinda racist

That’s your take you retard?

Let’s say 100% black. She’s the second most powerful politician in America and she’s saying black people are oppressed. She’s using one example where there’s no proof of racism to state her claim. It’s absurd on many levels.

Denial of racism won't make it go away pal. And if you don't believe black people are oppressed - I won't be able to help.

Everyone is oppressed. Convincing the nation that this group or that group is more oppressed, is a recipe to oppress everyone.


Translation: if it’s uncomfortable, don’t talk about it!
No, translation: Life is unfair for everyone, everyone has their burdens to bear.

The elites that run the show? They don't care about skin color, they really don't. The elites that run the show come from all backgrounds, nationalities, and skin colors.

Our own black elites? They get very little press or Hollywood coverage. And we have this erroneous assumption they are somehow different than the whites, the Jews, or the other ethnic groups in their behavior.

They aren't. Thus? The idea that there is some "systemic racism" when there isn't, and has been a large and growing group of black elite? This idea is patently preposterous.

A member of the black elite has a much, MUCH easier life than a poor white. . . and they have more privledge. These are just the facts buddy.

The only thing we have in this nation is IN-GROUP/OUT-GROUP conflicts. . . . which are perfectly natural if you study anthropology and sociology. There is not a got darn thing government can do to change nature.

Inside the World of the Black Elite: An Interview With Margo Jefferson

". . . Let’s talk about the status within that world. You refer to the black bourgeoisie as “the Third Race.”

That’s how we thought of ourselves. And that really starts before W.E.B. DuBois. It’s modern name was the Talented Tenth, the race leaders. The people who are educated, who are cultivated. This Victorian-into-modern sense of achievement. And of also: cultivation, education, dignity. All of these things were, in today’s parlance, respectability politics. They were to prove, to refute bigotry’s claims, and to prove, as a people, we deserved equal rights and were progressing and moving and could equal the best of white people. That’s the lineage.

Growing up in Chicago, how early on did you recognize the scope of your privilege?

For a child, for the black bourgeois, the scope—and I think this is true for any group that has been discriminated against, oppressed, and whose status is always contested—varies. Within an all-black world, it felt very, very secure. How is this manifested? By material things—your house, clothes, by manners, by the schools you go to, by what your parents say to you about how you’re supposed to carry yourself in the world. It always shifts when you move into various parts of the white world. Then you are contending with much shakier status. You start learning that your privilege can be challenged or disregarded at any minute. You’re learning those things almost simultaneously.

What’s the earliest example of your security being challenged in the white world?

The earliest one I am conscious of, in fact, is when I’m in elementary school. I come home and ask my mother questions; mind you, I’m at a school I feel very comfortable in; it was a progressive school, not a lot of incidents, and I had real friends. So I say to my mother, some other student has asked me if we’re rich and upper class. I was young, and thought, Oh, how nice. I thought this was flattering. My mother’s answers made finally clear to me that what was implied—and, of course, this child didn’t know that; it was coming from the parents—was that this little Negro girl and her mother, who seems to be driving a car as nice as mine and seems to speak standardized English, were asking what kind of status did we have. You know, what kind of status do they have? I suppose in their world they are upper class. She must have overheard a lot of speculation. It was basically saying: what oddities are these people given the inferior race they’re from. That, with my mother making clear to me, we were going to be negotiating between our own world, in which we were considered upper class, the larger American world, in which we’d be considered bourgeoisie, and the world dominated by racism—by white constructs of race—in which we would just be considered a mass of Negroes that they really didn’t have want to bother with and didn’t think well of. . . . "
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Didnt this lying sack of crap lie aniut listening to Pac and Snoop in the 1980s?

President Harris is a born whore and liar.
I don't remember Obama being called "half-black" by haters on here.

Not sure how to interpret this, but surely must be something in a negative way.
Do I need to remind you what the title of this Racist Thread is?

The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

That is right up there with Limbaugh's "Magic Negro." Wouldn't it be a laugh is God is Black? Or in his case.....the other guy.

Fuck you. She’s half black. there’s nothing racist about calling her half black. And you certainly can’t explain why it is racist.

The insinuation is that being only half black disqualifies you from opining about black issues. Sorry - Kinda racist

That’s your take you retard?

Let’s say 100% black. She’s the second most powerful politician in America and she’s saying black people are oppressed. She’s using one example where there’s no proof of racism to state her claim. It’s absurd on many levels.

Denial of racism won't make it go away pal. And if you don't believe black people are oppressed - I won't be able to help.

Everyone is oppressed. Convincing the nation that this group or that group is more oppressed, is a recipe to oppress everyone.


Translation: if it’s uncomfortable, don’t talk about it!
No, translation: Life is unfair for everyone, everyone has their burdens to bear.

The elites that run the show? They don't care about skin color, they really don't. The elites that run the show come from all backgrounds, nationalities, and skin colors.

Our own black elites? They get very little press or Hollywood coverage. And we have this erroneous assumption they are somehow different than the whites, the Jews, or the other ethnic groups in their behavior.

They aren't. Thus? The idea that there is some "systemic racism" when there isn't, and has been a large and growing group of black elite? This idea is patently preposterous.

A member of the black elite has a much, MUCH easier life than a poor white. . . and they have more privledge. These are just the facts buddy.

The only thing we have in this nation is IN-GROUP/OUT-GROUP conflicts. . . . which are perfectly natural if you study anthropology and sociology. There is not a got darn thing government can do to change nature.

Inside the World of the Black Elite: An Interview With Margo Jefferson

". . . Let’s talk about the status within that world. You refer to the black bourgeoisie as “the Third Race.”

That’s how we thought of ourselves. And that really starts before W.E.B. DuBois. It’s modern name was the Talented Tenth, the race leaders. The people who are educated, who are cultivated. This Victorian-into-modern sense of achievement. And of also: cultivation, education, dignity. All of these things were, in today’s parlance, respectability politics. They were to prove, to refute bigotry’s claims, and to prove, as a people, we deserved equal rights and were progressing and moving and could equal the best of white people. That’s the lineage.

Growing up in Chicago, how early on did you recognize the scope of your privilege?

For a child, for the black bourgeois, the scope—and I think this is true for any group that has been discriminated against, oppressed, and whose status is always contested—varies. Within an all-black world, it felt very, very secure. How is this manifested? By material things—your house, clothes, by manners, by the schools you go to, by what your parents say to you about how you’re supposed to carry yourself in the world. It always shifts when you move into various parts of the white world. Then you are contending with much shakier status. You start learning that your privilege can be challenged or disregarded at any minute. You’re learning those things almost simultaneously.

What’s the earliest example of your security being challenged in the white world?

The earliest one I am conscious of, in fact, is when I’m in elementary school. I come home and ask my mother questions; mind you, I’m at a school I feel very comfortable in; it was a progressive school, not a lot of incidents, and I had real friends. So I say to my mother, some other student has asked me if we’re rich and upper class. I was young, and thought, Oh, how nice. I thought this was flattering. My mother’s answers made finally clear to me that what was implied—and, of course, this child didn’t know that; it was coming from the parents—was that this little Negro girl and her mother, who seems to be driving a car as nice as mine and seems to speak standardized English, were asking what kind of status did we have. You know, what kind of status do they have? I suppose in their world they are upper class. She must have overheard a lot of speculation. It was basically saying: what oddities are these people given the inferior race they’re from. That, with my mother making clear to me, we were going to be negotiating between our own world, in which we were considered upper class, the larger American world, in which we’d be considered bourgeoisie, and the world dominated by racism—by white constructs of race—in which we would just be considered a mass of Negroes that they really didn’t have want to bother with and didn’t think well of. . . . "

I really don't think this is a race question. I grew up in a middle class, white, military family in NM. I remember a conversation with one of my seventh grade classmates in which he asked me, referring to my family's economic status. "Are you guys hard-up?" I never thought of myself in those terms, but there it was. My point is, although Ms. Jefferson had a similar experience, I wonder if it was racially motivated.
Harris has a lot of nerve complaining. She's easily the most unqualified VP we ever had and she got there BECAUSE she is Black. I'd say playing the race card worked out very well for her. Bitch on bitch.
Harris is only 1/4 blank and half Asian from India.

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