The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

There is absolutely systemic racism in this country, that's just a fact. And ALL of it comes by the hands of the Demonicrat party.

Let's tell blacks how they're below standard and need our help.

Let's incite blacks to riot and destroy their own communities.

Let's legalize drugs because blacks really need it to cope.

Let's replace fathers with welfare.

Let's blame everyone other than yourself for dispositions.

Let's prevent cops from doing their jobs so blacks can do what they want to.

Let's concern ourselves with gosh you're special, and that's why you can do whatever you want in schools while you fuck up the education for everyone else.

Let's watch while the party of slavery only changed tactics so that the black community destroys themselves from within.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?

Maybe the jury feared for their life. They weren't sequestered for some very strange reason and they knew if they didn't convict what would happen, especially when Biden, Harris and Maxine Waters were all but saying that violence is ok if the "correct" verdict wasn't handed down.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................

This, right here -> "when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work", is what every leftist in this country really believes that clamors for power and control over everyone else. You will live your lives like they instruct, because they know better than you, they are superior to you, you will comply. They're full of themselves and believe they now have the upper hand so will now start showing that hand more and more, we can only pray that doing so it will be their downfall. 'Middle of the road' people better start to wake up and find their voice before it's too late.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Stating facts is not whining.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Stating facts is not whining.
They are not facts. So, your unproven alternative reality is just another whine. Suck it up, butter cup.
Her statements may have stemmed from fact we didn't hear of police putting a knee to Baker Mayfield's neck for 9 minutes after he resisted arrest.

And yet he was convicted of murder and it was overwhelmingly supported by both sides.

So since that isn't enough for you, what exactly were you looking for? A black elected President and Vice President?

Oh wait, we got that too.

So seriously, what are you looking for then what would assuage your white guilt?
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Stating facts is not whining.
They are not facts. So, your unproven alternative reality is just another whine. Suck it up, butter cup.
Have you proved Biden won? The ballots and machines would prove it, what is the problem?
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Bbbut TTTrump. Broken record and not relevant to the thread. Moron.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Stating facts is not whining.
To the party of Newspeak it is. Anything that disagrees with their brainwashing narrative is.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Stating facts is not whining.
They are not facts. So, your unproven alternative reality is just another whine. Suck it up, butter cup.
Have you proved Biden won? The ballots and machines would prove it, what is the problem?
It was good enough for the state election commissions of the states that certified their elections. I believe in reciprocity of certification among the various states, as mentioned in the constitution. It was upheld in the courts, state and federal after many many attempts by trump lawyers in the court system. I stand with our legal system. Trump's own vice president and presiding member of the Senate, refused to overthrow the result, as required by his constitutional responsibility was clear.
I'm satisfied.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Bbbut TTTrump. Broken record and not relevant to the thread. Moron.
Lastemember wanted to go down that road and off the cliff, now familiar to many on the extreme right. Tough for him. Tough for you. You guys should change direction or stop before you drive over the edge next time.
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Bbbut TTTrump. Broken record and not relevant to the thread. Moron.
Lastemember wanted to go down that road and off the cliff, now familiar to many on the extreme right. Tough for him. Tough for you. You guys should change direction or stop before you drive over the edge next time.

There is no "stopping" without excepting wacko nut-jobs like Biden/Harris. Why on earth would any sane, US-loving person vote for those folks? The answer is they wouldn't. Only ignorant and/or US haters would vote for people like that.
True story. Of course no detailed description of how it’s unfair. And now Biden is rambling about stupid shit.

Ahh the "Halfrican" thread rears its ugly head! :icon_rolleyes:
Well, as long as half blacks are unqualified to speak for blacks, let's see what Obama has to say!


“Today, a jury in Minneapolis did the right thing.

“For almost a year, George Floyd’s death under the knee of a police officer has reverberated around the world – inspiring murals and marches, sparking conversations in living rooms and new legislation. But a more basic question has always remained: would justice be done?

“In this case at least, we have our answer. But if we’re being honest with ourselves, we know that true justice is about much more than a single verdict in a single trial.

“True justice requires that we come to terms with the fact that Black Americans are treated differently, every day. It requires us to recognize that millions of our friends, family and fellow citizens live in fear that their next encounter with law enforcement could be their last. And it requires us to do the sometimes thankless, often difficult, but always necessary work of making the America we know more like the America we believe in.

“While today’s verdict may have been a necessary step on the road to progress, it was far from a sufficient one. We cannot rest. We will need to follow through with the concrete reforms that will reduce and ultimately eliminate racial bias in our criminal justice system. We will need to redouble efforts to expand economic opportunity for those communities that have been for too long marginalized.

“And as we continue to fight, we can draw strength from the millions of people – especially young people – who have marched and protested and spoken up over the last year, shining a light on inequality and calling for change. Justice is closer today not simply because of this verdict, but because of their work.

“Michelle and I send our prayers to the Floyd family, in the hopes that they may find peace. And we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all those who are committed to guaranteeing every American the full measure of justice that George and so many others have been denied.”
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Bbbut TTTrump. Broken record and not relevant to the thread. Moron.
Lastemember wanted to go down that road and off the cliff, now familiar to many on the extreme right. Tough for him. Tough for you. You guys should change direction or stop before you drive over the edge next time.
WTF are you blithering about? Certainly not the subject of this thread. Did you tip a little too much shine last night, ridge runner?
Do I need to remind you what the title of this Racist Thread is?

The half black Vice President giving a speech espousing that system is unfair to blacks

That is right up there with Limbaugh's "Magic Negro." Wouldn't it be a laugh is God is Black? Or in his case.....the other guy.

Fuck you. She’s half black. there’s nothing racist about calling her half black. And you certainly can’t explain why it is racist.

The insinuation is that being only half black disqualifies you from opining about black issues. Sorry - Kinda racist
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
On this board? With all the whining right wing lil b#tches on here? Come on, Man!
Not a single one recognizing the fentanyl overdose.
Including the expert witnesses, but I doubt they had your experience and mindset.
You only listened to the one you wanted to believe--he was contradicted.
Got to admit, his was some of the best testimony I heard and the defense couldn't do much with it. Looks like the jury agreed and their were the votes that counted. Maybe you could get the Kraken chick to request a recount. That always works out, right?
Maybe you could stop being so smug about this country destroyed by design. Give it a try.
Pull up your panties and blow your nose. The country ain't destroyed and certainly not by design. Remember Donny couldn't even overthrow by mob force assault on the capital, so his design is kaput. Guess we will have to stick with the constitution, representative democratic rule and elections, and today, ESPECIALLY, rule of law.
Stop being smug on this board, with you right wing, whining lil B#tches, when I keep telling you correctly how things should and are going to work, but you don't listen and just want to whine?
View attachment 482198
.................................Come on, Man!...............................
Stating fact is not lying. This country is being destroyed and you support the criminals and traitors doing it. Again, no whining, just stating fact.
Well state your facts, big boy. What criminal or traitor did I support? Name names. Lets look them up, see what they were guilty of. You're just butt hurt at the outcome of this trial, just as you are butt hurt at trump's election loss and failure to overturn the loss by hook or crook.
Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi and the CCP.
Biden, Harris and Pelosi never tried or convicted of anything and I never voted for Nancy, as she is not from Tennessee. You just don't like them, so whining again. CCP is probably referring to the Chinese Communist Party, but I have spoken out on here against communists of any stripe and have mention Chinese, Russian, and Venezoalin in specific. To this day I won't trade with any of the stores owned by our past governor because he bought his gas for all his state oulets from the communist Hugo Chavez, and Chavez has be dead for 8 years , so unfortunately for you, I am on the record. You're wrong. BLOW ME.
Either has Comey and three others who lied to Congress. They will never be tried because equal justice has been gone quite a while. That is why the fraud worked.
You guys tried to get Comey with trump in the white house, and his hand picked William Barr as Attorney General. I didn't vote for trump this time or last time and didn't vote for the Hill either, whom you guys also couldn't get while trump was in white house. You are part of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. What can I say. Not sure who this 3rd person is, but pretty sure I didn't vote or support them either. If you are talking about LT General Flynn, just because I did 20 years in the service, I didn't support him either. He lied, admitted he lied, pleaded guilty, signing a plea agreement promising along with his lawyers not not to contest, then contested anyway until he was finally pardoned by trump along with Stone and other friends convicted or confessed as felons for their crimes. You ought to give up on me, while you are only this far behind. If you lose enough times, you're just a lose and a sore loser at that.
Trump picked from a cesspool. That is what our already corrupted government gave him to choose from.
No. He chose and he chose poorly, though warned off of some, he sometime chose them just to go against the people that warned him. He has always been queer for cronies, capitalist and criminals, and some of his cronies were all three. Then man ran around with his eyes wide shut just to spite the sighted.
Trump could have been destroyed from people of the swamp that he had to take. Sessions screwed him over from the beginning. Trying to straddle the fence while being an outsider is not easy. We see how powerful D.C. is. He was slowed down by Speaker Ryan and Sen. McCain even screwed not just him but the people of our nation. Repubs dragged their feet the first two years. We are not even three months in with the Progs and their Socialist/Communist agendas are in full swing.
Poor trumpy. In all his years, he never knew any decent, competent people and I guess waited until last minute to pick and only scum was available. Hell of a manager, eh? Poor, poor trump.
No. He picked people like himself, people that would suck up to him and fired the few others that would not suck up to him, refusing to tell him he was right when he was actually wrong. Then he hired more suck ups and people to make excuses, help make up alternative realities and browbeat anybody that would speak to check and balance. This became the heart and soul of the republican cancel culture. It was bad for the country, bad for the party and why a successful effort was mounted to defeat him. Now you guys discount Biden, yet if any truth to your accusations, only points out how poor a candidate for re-election trump was, to be soundly beaten by Joe.
Trump was not beaten. Trump was defrauded. That is why the Democrats and election officials have not lifted a finger to prove the election was fair. Dominion too could have offered up their machines and source codes. It would have put the issue to rest. It is more than obvious why they have not. Massive fraud took place.
Would you like cheese with that whine? There you go, just another example of the whiney cry baby trump culture, crying because it could not force it's misshapen view on the majority. Poor little trumpies. :boo_hoo14:
Bbbut TTTrump. Broken record and not relevant to the thread. Moron.
Lastemember wanted to go down that road and off the cliff, now familiar to many on the extreme right. Tough for him. Tough for you. You guys should change direction or stop before you drive over the edge next time.

There is no "stopping" without excepting wacko nut-jobs like Biden/Harris. Why on earth would any sane, US-loving person vote for those folks? The answer is they wouldn't. Only ignorant and/or US haters would vote for people like that.
Not so. You are just giving your minority opinion again. Others look at trump the same way. Probably why he lost.

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